Even though I can't help you all, I know God will.
He has been there for me when I needed Him the most.
His love will fix your broken spirit; it takes time I know.
You might be waiting a long time before He steps in and helps.
You may wander and fall, but God is there.
Reach out for Him, feel His love and warmth.
He is there I promise, He is there for everyone.
Sick, old, young, blind, deaf. it doesn't matter, He is there for you.
He loves you.
I thought I would try something new, I needed to write something like this. John Stevens, inspired this one by showing me one of his poems.
I have struggled with believing in God, I have struggled and I didn't think God was there for me. I'm not exactly sure if he really is. But I hope everyone enjoys this piece and I hope who ever has lost there faith, finds a way to become close to there faith again. Please tell me what you think and I hope everyone is having a good day.