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Nina McNally Apr 2013
All I ever wanted in
Life was that
One True Love and
Now here it is 1 year later and with
Each day

That goes by feels like the first
One! I'm so happy I found you and I'm not
Going anywhere -- I'm here to stay.
Everyone around us, even strangers,
Tells us that we are prefect
Here together.
Each day, my love for you grows bigger!
Right here next to you is where I want to be       forever!
Inspired by the LOVE of my life!
Title from Fall Out Boy.
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Nina McNally Feb 2013
On this wonderful night, watching TV
Under the stars, and laying with my baby, I
Think about my life and how wonderful it is

Only right now I am in between jobs, but I know something will come and
Now more than ever I know I am with

The right guy! He is the one I will spend the rest of my life with.
He's the one that I will marry one day!
Everyday that I wake up next to him is

The most wonderful thing in the world.
Only now we lay in bed, me-
Writing, and him- playing a game. But someday in the
Near future we will be Mr. and Mrs. Flanders! ❤
Writing for the love of my life!
Song title by fun.
McNally, Inc.
Nina McNally Feb 2013
Anyone out there tonight who feels
Lonely, I'm here. I'm listening.
People never listen to you or not there for you, well I'm
Here and you can speak you're mind,
And I will listen, I will be you're friend.

Don't worry, everything will work
Out, I know, I've been in your shoes, it
G**ets better, it truly does. Keep you head up and get out there and take on your troubles and the world! Stay Positive!
Writing for anyone who has ever felt/feels lonely. There's always someone out there to talk to. I am here.
McNally, Inc.
Title from Fall Out Boy
Nina McNally Feb 2013
L** ight them up! That's what Fall Out Boy said
In their new song,
Getting a fresh start,
Holding no regrets, but "My Songs Know What You Did In
The Dark, so light em up on fire!"

Everything on fire, as Fall Out Boy is anew.
Memories are just memories,

Understanding that they are starting fresh.
People loving the new song!
Inspired by Fall Out Boy and their new song, new sound!
McNally, Inc.
Nina McNally Jan 2013
poetry, what is poetry?
it is just writings of
people's thoughts in poem,
for others to read.
dear, dear that is poetry.
copyright; 2006
McNally, Inc.
One of my first ever poems. I wrote it in my freshman English class journal.- From When Times Get Tough....Write Poetry
Nina McNally Jan 2013
Welcome world, welcome to the land of
CYY; Where you can be
Yourself; Where you can sing,
Yell, scream, or dance along to your favorite songs!

9* million people who are CYY,
4 ways to listen; Radio, Phone App, Online,
. or on iHeartRadio.
3 ways to request a song; call, text, or
F*illing out on CYY's website. So welcome to our
M*usic family, where each day we grow bigger with more CYY freaks!
Copyright; 2013
McNally, Inc.
I wrote this for my local radio station for a contest to see Passion Pit.
(2 of 2 poems I wrote; see Passion Pit)
Note: WCYY's website is, you can get their app and iHeartRadio's app in the app store for itunes or andriods, and if you are in Maine you can tune in at 94.3fm.
Nina McNally Jan 2013
P** eople all
Around the world,
Singing along to the radio;
Screaming along with WCYY!
I love how they play newer music mixed with the classics.
Only on 94.3fm you can hear
Neon Trees to Green Day to Metallica to

Passion Pit to The Lumineers and
Imagine Dragons! CYY is the station
That one needs for life. I am CYY!
Copyright; 2013
McNally, Inc.
I wrote this for my local radio station for a contest to see Passion Pit.
(1 of 2 poems I wrote; see WCYY 94.3FM)
P.S. It's been awhile since I posted a poem. I've been busy with work and now I am in between jobs.. It's hard. But I will get though it. <3 P.M.A.
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