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Nine months she labored,
Baring sweat, exhaustion and pain.
Some men may think it's easy,
But a mother's role isn't an easy game.

Her tears of joy, new baby born,
All laboring is now at an end.
To see her face for the first time,
I am your child my mother,
A lovely God sent friend.

As twelve months pasted, aging 1 to two, to three.
Growing up with love and kindness,
A wonderful boy mom said to me.
Getting older as years stays young,
As mother gets weaker, I got even strong.

One great lesson that I learnt growing up,
Is that God can hear all mother's prayers.
So every child who disobeys and lies,
Understand what mothers are for.
To stand besides you every day,
And pick you up when you fall.
Once a man and twice a child,
So now at this point and time, I want to make plans.
And keep my obligations to her as a faithful man as that stands.
I want to water her and let her grow.
But I wonder if it's water this plant desires.
What fertilizer to use to keep her stems firm, strong and make her beauty show,
But sometimes I really don't know.

What's every great man's plan for his woman,
Isn't it to make her the best her there can be?
And take her away from her troubles and miseries.
Seeing her smile and stress free,
With all that he can give to her no matter what it takes.
And make her happy every moment in life you can make.

Have children spend more time together and be a better father than mine.
Climb ladders to the top of our goals and achieve what we find.
Dig deep below the surface, see what's hidden,
Maybe we'll find some gold or treasure that's forbidden.

At the end of it all I just want to be by her side,
Through stormy days and the roughest tides.
And I'm ever faithful and loyal, never one day lied.
And if I loose her because of anything all I know is that I tried.
My Queen, yes you my majesty,
I'm your humble servant, and I'm here to help.
Your riches are your smile and personality.
And that's your most precious wealth.

My Queen, yes you my majesty,
Sitting, reminiscing about the love ur giving.
I know your loving and a very caring.
So soft so tender, so big and so uplifting.

My Queen, yes you my majesty,
If I told you a flower can bloom in a dark room, would u trust me.
Because your enthusiasm lights up the room.
And I feel shivers when you sit next to me.

My Queen, yes you my majesty,
I will love you forever and forever.
Stand with you in the dark and help the sun brighten your day,
And in my heart I'll allow you to stay.
Aaliyah my sister, always combing her hair.
Every time she comes from school she's talking about her peers.
Very straight forward and she doesn't care.
A simple harsh phrase from her mouth can make you disappear.

There is another thing,
She always loves to sing.
Whether it's at home,
Or when we're in the spring.

Eli my brother, he gets angry very fast.
Very short and small maybe the smallest in his class.
And he is very ignorant and doesn't like to listen,
And when he speaks out loud, his words shoot out like missiles.

He's not that fortitude,
Has a bad attitude.
Where ever we may go,
He'll always be mean to you.

Ishmael my brother, the second to last of them all.
Hes has a big heart although he's very small.
He may be quite quiet, but a little bit mischievous.
Although we don't live together, he's always good to us.

He has a beautiful smile,
Very loving and kind.
It doesn't matter who he meets,
He'll always be a brother of mine.

Nathaniel my youngest brother, even tho he's little he teaches me to stay together.
Yes the youngest and most annoying.
He's very cute and afraid of everything but nothing.

Small and afraid of the dark,
And it smells nasty when he farts.
It doesn't matter if he pees his bed, a lot,
I'll always love and cherish him in my heart.

And we will never stand apart,
Yes! my siblings and I.
Outside he smiles,
Inside he cry.
As humble as he is,
He still tries,
To make his dreams live but it dies.
And no one knows his hardest strives,
And no one will ever live his life.
So when you see him, he'll always smile.
To hide the pain and hurt inside,
And to help keep it from all of you'll eyes.
Because if you see it, there's nothing to like,
That's why his smile is only for a while.
So he smiles at you all the time,
Because he don't want you to see him cry.
And when they ask who's that child,
Its just me smiling, sitting by the side.
Friends will be friends,
Some may stay until the end.
But when they are gone,
Only one being will be there to keep you secured.

Never the less, he may be different to others,
For every one in every religion and culture.
But for me, my friend is God,
Because he's King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

He protect when I want protection,
He delivers when I need deliverance.
He give love stronger than any other human affection.
And only Him alone can grant salvation.

My BFF, my mater and my father,
Tho he was here in the beginning, he's here now and will be in the end.
He pick me up when I fall and push me to go further.
God and God alone will be my true friend.
Growing up around a God fearing family make you think twice about every thing even the ones you call friends.
My twin, my killer instinct and my sins,
Was once out when I was small,
Fearless, evil minded and my anger grew tall.
I had no understanding of what I was doing at the time,
So the life of murders and thieves were the mountains I climbed.

Have you ever killed a man?
I will not answer that question, no I will not.
My past is my past and not even my mother knows these dots.
So I'll keep it behind me and set my anger low,
Because when it raise too many bones break and too many blood will flow.

I want to stay humble and yet many things is trying to break him out,
My twin is to stay inside because I don't like to shout.
My heart is weak and my eyes may deceive me,
I pray to you God that through my anger please keep me.

Twin of thirst, twin of hunger and twin of pain,
Blood he thirsts, he hungers for bones and seeks joy in pain,
Slay one today, maybe another and even another again.
So he's staying inside, so very deep inside because I know the things he see,
And the things he went through as a child, turn him to the person he turned out to be.

I can feel the rush I can feel the pressure and my heart beats so loud,
So I constantly pray to God and keep my head and eyes in the clouds.
I'm afraid to let him out not now, at this age, not this hour,
Because bodies get cold and they'll bathe in their own blood shower.

Too many are getting tempted to touch,
So maybe I break a hand or a leg and put them in a crouch.
Don't watch what's mine, mine is mine unless it chose someone else,
If not I'll aim to shoot every living thing off your shelf.

My twin, my killer instinct and my sins,
Was once out when I was small,
Fearless, evil minded and my anger grew tall.
I had no understanding of what I was doing at the time,
So the life of murders and thieves were the mountains I climbed.
In a world of many weathers, my weathers are boring.
In a very deep sleep and I began snoring.
I lay my head on my fluffy pillow,
And all I could dream is the longing for snow.

In my country, it's windy and wet,
And sunny season roles in and we all get the rush of sweat.
Although it's never and excuse to fete, I bet.
Like dreadful flees in an old woman's hair net.

Now when it gets dark in places with high grass.
A never ending buzz from a friend that's night fast.
Who's very annoying and loves to have you below,
A cover, because they are mosquitoes.

Just two weathers, two plucked bird feathers.
That fall to the ground but not ignored by anyone.
Imagine spring time when the flowers bloom,
And autumn night when we'll stare at the moon.

And the falling of the leaves, down they go!
To prepare the natures instruments for the coming of snow.
But the best time of all is known as the summer,
Due to it's end and school reopen, that's just a huge bomber.

Any way of all things, I will always love my sports.
My favorite's football, because I just love scoring.
But I awoke from my sleep and an end to the snoring.
Back to a world with many weathers, but my weathers are boring
For the
For the
For the
For the
Man is
Man is
Giveth life
For the
There's no justice for the just,
No form of grace for humanity.
Not even a slight freedom of mental slavery for us.
Neither any practice of equality.

Not everyone has a good warm heart,
Therefore not everything will be appreciated.
And the revolution of biblical days has already start.
So how long would we wait for a good deed as demonstration.

Slavery made the black man hate the whites, confirmed no love.
And the white men believed that they were all Gods.
But God made men equal, no matter of color or race, we all bleed blood.
Reason why equality can't stand because men became frauds.

So no love for the beloved,
No justice for the just humanity.
No freedom like the wild elation of the white dove.
And neither any practice of equality.
No trust
No love
Times has change my heart's cold now,
My ex tired **** with my head, so much friends rolled out.
All because of the fame
No trust
No love

Am tired of game because am not EA,
so much people left who was to be there,
From me find a little from now you wah come back,
Because your man ******* up now you want comfort.
So many friends switch, left cause them no me not rich,
But only God know my secrets so no man can reveal it.

No trust
No love
Times has change my heart's cold now,
My ex tired **** with my head, so much friends rolled out.
All because of the fame
No trust
No love
One brick at a time,
Soon I'll have my wall.
  No cement needed,
But sweat, tears and blood.
I will place one brick as perfect as one brick can be placed,
Soon I'll have my wall.
I look back,
I remember the walls I was trying to build,
"She" broke them down.
So now I must look forward,
I must say she is happy now.
One brick at a time,
Soon I'll have my wall.

I don't need friends,
They're unreliable and not trustworthy.
Sustain me,
Revive me,
Hydrate me,
I am running out of fluid to build my wall.
One brick at a time,
Soon I'll have my wall.

I feel unwanted,
I feel unappreciated,
I feel unloved,
I feel unstable,
I feel unhappy,
A good companion is so hard to find.
One brick at a time,
Soon I'll have my wall.
The earth has the moon,
For the dark night.
The earth has the sun,
For the bright day,
Again I must say,
One brick everyday.
One brick at a time,
Soon I'll have my wall.
Hear, my children the instruction of a father,  and give attention to know understanding; for I give you good doctrine; do not forsake my law. - Proverbs:4:1-2.

Open your eyes young men, to understanding, knowledge and wisdom.
Open your eyes young men, and behold,  take heed to the Kingdom.
Open your eyes young men, be aware and awake,  start giving.
Open your eyes young men, to take a place in the land of the living.

Be careful towards the occupations of the evil ones,
And understand the powers and principalities of the fallen doves.
Act with wisdom and take to you their measures,
Because when you slip, your trash become their treasures.

PLEASE I say, seek God early in the day,
In the evening and before you rest your head to lay.
Keep your eyes open and balance spirit and carnal with it.
As it is in the carnal as it is in the spirit.

As young men put on your Holy amor and take up your mantle.
Because in the beginning He won the war and in the end God will win the battle.
Open your eyes young men; the revelation is coming to past,
So evolve in the spirit by praying and keeping fasts.

Yes, young men stay with me!!

"He who testifies to these things says, Surely I come quickly."
Some people say talking stuff out works to be honest not really when you have to sit every day with a tear in your heart, when every moment you have alone that's all that fills your mind, it makes you cold, it makes you unhappy it makes you furious and you cry. Then you tell yourself that yeah I believe in him/her and they'll change. Truth is that believing they'll change is 50/50 because every time we look at that person we just feel to break down and cry, like over and over, and you keep saying to yourselves  that how you say such things like "you love me" and this has me not trusting you, not believing you and accepting anything good that comes out of your mouth anymore. Then we smile it away, this ******* HURTS everyday.

Pain doesn't rhyme.

We try to hide it, and it's not that we want to let go, it's just that you placed so much trust in this one person, that you apposed your siblings, your parents, your friends and anyone else who speak bad about them. You gave them a place you never wanted to give anyone else, you shared things you never wanted to share, you cried in front of them, smiled, laughed and sometimes just ain't do ****. And it all just breaks apart after all this time why should I trust you again, will you change, are you lying or will you be honest, FULLY honest, what are your choices now, what will you do to regain. It's hard for either man or woman, it emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally breaks you in pieces.

Pain doesn't rhyme.

Even when you reach that point where everything is back on a level of faithfulness, commitment, loyalty and true love, that tear remains, that hurt remains, and your heart tells you fix it with that same person. So we will get to pass it someday. I'm getting pass it, some day.
Help me please, help mend the tear you create.
I ripped my heart out so I could stop feeling.
But it never stopped beating.
Now I have a heart in my hands and a hole
In my chest.
And a great stain of hurt all throughout.

I ripped my heart out so I could stop feeling.
But it never stopped bleeding.
Now I have a pain that is left and a space not for healing.
And tears that drip off my face sealing.

I ripped my heart out so I could stop loving.
But it never stopped loving you.
Now I have a painful heart and a painful start.
Hoping that I get over you at last.
Life wasn't designed to grant peace of mind,
Yet mankind strive everyday to at least try to find,
Inclined to the evil side so their hearts are so unkind,
We need God to help unbind the chains on our young minds.

The grind is perfectly outlined,
To the point where you can literally see the lines,
Of the supremacy and deceit of the "High signed",
Well timed and I don't need to rhyme to unwind,
The twined ropes around the necks of the youths and their feeble minds.

Push forward and don't drop behind,
You must think out of the box, we need a mastermind, to mastermind the misinterpretation life's stranded vine,
We need to wipe our eyes from the lies to show we are no longer lame, no longer silent and no longer blind,
Combine the strength and power of love and loyalty to define,
What the rest of mankind is trying to find,
The pure of heart of one's self and the inner peace of one's mind.
To distinguish from the all colors, pink is my favorite.
Even though I am a boy, I'm not afraid to say it.
That yes pink is my favorite color,
And I would choose no other.
Achievements for all achievements for the best.
Goals achieved in life no longer a test.
Writing whole day and writing every night.
To get my poetry diploma, and after everything's just right.

A diploma for Math, for English and maybe for Art,
Not that easy to get but I'll add the extra 'smart'.
Because its important to me to achieve what means most.
Like murderers, their achievement is to take your ghost.

What a shame on those who have such a gift,
To rhyme, persuade, or make you laugh out loud.
But they chose to throw it away and follow the pitiless crowd.
So failure follows and regrets fill them all around.

Be free and be grateful of the of the lyrics God granted on to thee.
Fly high like and eagle and fly low like the bees.
Like Martin Luther King said,  
It don't matter if you run, walk or crawl, keep pushing ahead.
Lord I ask for strength,
Lord I ask for endurance,
And everyday in every way,
I'll get better and better with your help oh Lord.

Lord I ask for wisdom,
Knowledge and understanding.
Lord I ask for the power to be brave,
And everyday in every way,
I'll get better and better with your help oh Lord.

Lord I ask to pick me up when I fall,
And the willingness to do the same for another.
Lord I ask for your blessing from above,
And everyday in every way,
I'll get better and better with your help oh Lord. Amen.
Life is a game, a game that we can choose to play, to either live for tomorrow or to die for today.

It's not a PS 4 so more than four persons can play, and we all have comments which we all have to say.

To enroll in life's journey, some roads will be rough, so we can't sit doing ****, we have to be tough.

It's never hard, but it's how we choose to address, so prepare for the worst and work hard for the best.
A wise man will listen and increase learning,
A wise man of understanding will attain wise counsel.
Fools rebuke knowledge and instructions of earnings,
Foolishness is the understanding of their wide counsel.

Songs sang by Solomon and enjoyed by many,
Songs that have power and heavy uplifting.
Men no longer seek wise lessons, not so very,
Yet they gather to prey on the weak, means of ill-treating.

Who seeks her teachings and yearn her blessings?
Adorns her capacity of wisdom and the depth of her understanding.
What is much greater, that it stands out so loud,
She speaketh with compassion so blissful and so proud.

Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in the open squares,
For many to hear and multitudes to share.
A fool is a man that uses not his wisdom,
But a wise man knows use and applies it to his kingdom.
Who am I;
Am I a star, that shines above the earth.
Am I a leaf, that falls from a tree.
Am I a being, of being human or being it.
Just it, what's it, not any career can fit,
To who am I and what am I to do.

Who am I;
Am I a seed, that falls from a fruit.
Am I a fruit, that falls to be eaten.
Am I a slave, to do, what's to do, for who?
Just who, who's who, not anyone could say who's you,
To who am I and who is who for what to do?

I know who am I;
I am a child, who looks at night and doesn't fight.
I am a boy, who knows what to do and for who.
I am a task, who was past, will be my future and a present as a gift.
Yes a gift, what gift, who's gift, a God given gift.

To who am I, and a gift to rap, to raise the stacks of being white, yellow or red, no of being me and being black.
the last stanza in the poem is not a sense of racism please no one take it as a sense as racism it my moral being of explaining the topic of who am I.
Tap, tap, on roof tops.
Tic, tock, the clock tocks.
Inside, what a cold night,
Rain drops on roof tops.

Splish, splash, in wet spots.
Blip, bloop, bubbles pops.
Outside, puddles in parking lots,
Rain drops on roof tops.

Drip, drop, on wet a box.
Flip, flop, my slippers flop.
Outside, in rain jackets,
Rain drops on roof tops.

Quack, quack, go ducks.
Beep, beep, cars and trucks.
Outside, the traffic stops,
Rain drops on roof tops.

Tap, tap, on roof tops.
Tic, tock, the clock tocks.
Inside, what a cold night,
Rain drops on roof tops.
It's a rainy day,
Many games to play,
While some are outside,
It's inside I crave.
And I hope you know what inside I mean,
The inside that's clean,
Always wet and warm waiting for me to slip in.
It's like warm seas, just needing to take a dip,
While the rest of the body works, and tongue kissing no lips.
I'm so cold, I just want to cuddle and be held,
With a grip from her waist tighten hips,
Bodies so warm so we twist and turn,
And our hearts race and neck burns.
No sound but the rain drops,
That bounce off many roof tops,
And that bonce back,
With my hands around her back like back straps.
Craving is a joke,
And I ain't talking about some drinks and smoke,
But like that lay down, lay back and that neck choke.
Or even inside her, where its warm like in snow coats.
It's the feeling all about now. I can't stop thinking,
About tongue kissing, breast squeezing and her back sinking.
Straight shots and I don't mean drinking,
Like one foot short and long and I ain't talking about limping.
Only that moan hearing, *** clapping and **** stroking.
It's a rainy day,
So what you expect,
Only play fighting, rain bathing or even football playing,
Well what about *** gaining, back straining and our bodies paining,
When we're done and *** dripping like taps flowing.
It's just me craving.
And if we can't do all of that well we could still hug,
And bite each other like bed bugs,
And I'll still kiss you and squeeze your *******,
Although that's the most we might get to do but it's still love.
I'm just missing you, missing holding, hugging and kissing you.
But don't worry, I'll get over it,
Then maybe take a ****,
Thinking about you mostly then remember about this poem and say it's lit.
Then I'll lay in bed while the rain falls,
Because I'm too cold to go outside.
Then I'll knock out and dream about it all.
Just to big up my team, my favorite team.
Hala Madrid! they would shout and scream.
Winning the most La Liga titles, 33 they won.
And 12 champions cup tiles, I know they had fun.

The team that Barcelona hates the most,
And the most goals they scored on RM was 7-0, that range wasn't close.
But Real Madrid had the same history of beating them by seven.
Also when we made them a fool by beating them eleven.

I mean we're not the best,
But the best of the best.
And out of the rest we stand alone..
Because we're determined to bring a trophy home.

Don't worry, this year 2018 we're looking forward for more.
I hope they don't let me down because I'm positive and sure.
Imagine we won La Liga and champions cup this year again.
The world will no longer watch or talk about Real Madrid my team the same.
Feelings fade, memories replayed.
Drop dead in bed, dreams begin, so sweet I begin to sin,
Lust, agony, amazing love and abilities to fly,
Dreaming phases and in phases I can't die.
Standing in mid-air, light flare, eyes full of joy tears.
Never would I want to leave and I inhale the breeze then exhale and sneeze.
Amen! I scream so happy and prosperous in my dreams.
Never did I seem to unlikely have a Queen.
So beautiful so pure and clean as I imagine her on my team.
Standing on sand, the beach so clear and has a blue beautiful scene,

I guess it would be nice making her my wife, but it's my dreams, it's not real life.
Panic, demons interrupt, and I try to make them stop.
Get out, stay away, get the **** out of my head.
They laugh and reply saying they're not leaving until I'm dead.
So a battle to regain my strength, God and his Evil son at war,
Hearts bursting, earth filled with blood and bodies of many fallen angels with tears of claws,
She comes the she goes over the sun, rain and snow.
Tipping on her toes, because she doesn't want me to know.
Her love may not be mine, no not mine to keep, so I whisper to my pillow and wipe my tears in my sheets.
In pain no more smiles, the dream dies,
Exit in gun play, blood stains and marrow drains,

No one can help not ever her, not like she could anyway.
Heavy dents in a room called 666, with no air vents.
So many doors, hideous faces on the walls with an insane number of claws,
Like they're getting through, no maybe they're getting in,
In this dream at least, but why I feel it under my skin.
And I ravel, twist and I turn and moan because I'm not at ease.
Please oh Lord please I plea, rolling shaking in agony,
My Queen left, my dream crashed and now the demons is going to get me.
A sudden headache, so I hold my head and squeeze in my face.
I'm regaining strength, and subtracting void from my space.
Filling it with light, water and all elements to make my world where my Queen can come back, my dreams restart and the demons disappear at last.
Save her for me oh Lord,
And keep her only for me in one accord.
Please make her loving, funny and respectful,
Independent, loyal and projected,
Understanding, wise and objective.
Make her for me oh Lord and keep her safe,
Until I meet my true half, my heaven sent love and my lifetime mate.
Children! Children! don't waste another term,
Don't go to school to fool, but go to learn.
Go to understand life and make goals to earn.
Don't make your life be a waste of *****.

Remember to study and study very hard.
School time is not romme, it's not a straight hand of cards.
But the time to work and have the right attitude lad.
Always pack wisdom, knowledge and understanding in your book bag.

Stay out of trouble and bad company.
Because it's only pain and sorrows you're going to see.
Find good friends and a good name would come to thee.
Keep a good status and know who you want to be.

Last but not least, time can never be regained,
So every minute you have free don't spend it in vain.
Don't sit down and only study about games.
Because if you have crazy parents they would drive you insane.
On Pine Grave's Mill lives quiet Grace Jill.
History of surprise and chill.
Children disappearing on Pine Grave's silent hill.

Outside Jill would regard the mill,
Knowing that demons and weird creatures are by it still.
She would retain curiousity and take her pills,
Grace with a panice face, the pill keeps her chill.

Mummers of slenders deep in the forest of the hill,
Behind Pine Grave's Mill,
Search officers looked for days, weeks even months,
Still no evidence of tiny green bean Fill,
Who went missing on Pine Grave's hill.

Friday went Jill, she rebuked the pill and now she's running behind the mill,
No idea of what's lurking in the bushes of the hill,
Where the sun is afraid to set and under the moon where demons ****.
Curious little Grace, with fright on her face, creeping through the bushes suddenly she falls in a grave.
Eyes opened wide, Bill's rottened finger in the ground,
No where to run, jump or hide.

Jill turned around, something poked her in the waist,
As she rotated terror and cold sweat covered her face.
In sight she cries, with hands on her eyes,
Wrong view of tiny green bean Fill's skull in the dirt properly disguised.

Sad evening on Pine Grave's Mill,
History of suspense and chill.
Mother and father of quiet Grace Jill,
Lost their daughter in the woods of the silent hill.
OFTEN WE awake from slumber and don't give praise,
Nor say a prayer for being granted mercy and being raised.
Yet some of us just lay on our beds and gaze,
Because we're tire and it's another sleepy day.
But what about those who die in their sleep,
Leaving behind family, friends and even the cool places still to meet.
They DON'T enjoy the pleasure of resting no longer,
So for those who can just say thank God you're alive a day longer.
Sleepy days would never disappear,
But you will so better be aware.
This poem wasn't to tell you to PRAY when you go to sleep OR awake,
It was to tell you that even the gift of sleeping and resting is to APPRECIATE.
WHAT would you do if you don't awake,
GOD can't help you, and you can't pray in faith.
What you CAN DO is prevent this by living right,
So sleep FOR tomorrow and pray, and God will protect US.

Often we don't pray or appreciate what God can do for us.
I rather be alone,
My heart hit rock bottom,
Now it's cold.
I feel young, strong, dumb, useless, numb.
I feel permanently damaged,
But temporarily healed.
No big deal I feel the solitude.
I love the solitude, I am the solitude,
Less likes, more views,
Less stay, more leave,
No need, no need.
Am weird I know,
My heart's big, it glows,
But my inner self is broken
It won't show,
Sometimes I just cry to let my tears flow and let the pain go.
But it won't,
It never will,
It only kills me slow,
Like brittle bones, tough stones hit,
Leaving tears that fall like snow.
I need love, I need loyalty,
But all I get is heart break and dishonesty.
Have me doubting myself,
My strength, my health,
Like am I enough,
Am I worth it,
Am I even important,
What am I even here for,
I love making others smile but apparently the better joy of some is when I cry.
I rather be alone.
The multitude of many moods.
Or maybe someday that perfect person will come,
She may leave like the rest,
But I don't think I care anymore,
I'm getting used to depression and distress.
Why do I feel alone yet amongst many, why is my eyes filled and my cup's empty,
Why are good people abuse
I don't know,
Can't say,
But hey this is my solitude.
There are a lot of illustrations,
For facts of pure frustration.
Man, yes modern man,
Stand without hand in hand,
So the understanding of cooperation is lost.

Pain is now our new joy,
Tears our new spoil,
And hearts our new toy.
Fix your minds on greater wisdom.
Set you souls on the greater kingdom,
For man has no riches.

Meditate on those of Stern acts to procrastinate,
Pay attention to whom must demonstrate,
For them mankind underestimate.
When men don't understand, they fear,
And classify as unidentified, so man's naked eyes don't fully comply.

Steady hearts, mending parts,
No man must break us apart,
Therefore strength is our prize possession,
Fall and fail but always get up again,
Mental strain and physical pain,
Yet the understanding of spiritual gain is lost.
Soul reaper, night creeper, dark angels and spirit teasers.
With no hearts or hearts of ice that will not accept you as a teacher.
But beware of their lust; their lies that can make you cry,
Because only the light can shine to show your path in the night.

Soul reaper, heart stealer, evil doers and demon pleasers.
Who stay up late, with no hope but faith, that lurking out your gate.
To come in at night and take a life, leaving a family in fright with hate.

Soul reaper, evil redeemer, satan the saviour of all broken dreamers.
Why now, why here, why them at this time and hour.
Yes, death is assured to every being, but why other's are earlier.

Soul reaper, night creeper, dark angels and spirit teasers.
With no hearts or hearts of ice that will not accept you as a teacher.
But beware of their lust of lies that can make you cry,
Because only the light can shine to show your path in the night.
Two shots to the chest,
And a fellow is laid to rest.
Another killer strikes again,
Another mother cries in pain.

Blood all over the fellow's face,
Laying dead, another ****** case.
But he awakes in a strange formed space,
In darkness where he can't feel or see his standing place.

Suddenly appears a light that shone so bright.
And he stayed still in fright to keep out of sight.
The fear he felt that point in time,
And the light said, don't look at me or you'll surely die.

And there the light gave him a second chance,
To walk again and to take another glance.
Of the world, and soon he had left that space,
And he awoke from hos slumber with blood and tears on his face.

He died and now he lives again, but he will never forget,
The empty space, of a living clue with a dead trace.
Based on people who died and in an amazing way awoke to life in significance that God gave them another chance. So this is about maybe how they would feel at the time being dead, or in that space.
Pink heart, blue heart, black heart's spades.
Love more, love less, love that's fake.
Shy straight arrow shot through the heart,
Don't think there's more I can take.
Heart became black, spades, so I dumped it in the lake.

**** love then, **** love later, but I want love not sorrow
Failure yesterday, failure today, what to expect tomorrow.
Black heart with a stick inside,
And inside a space that's ****** up and shallow.

Spades hearts, spades feelings, spades, spades, spades.
Grim reaper spades like poisoned sharpened blades.
Killing feelings, desperations, and destines.
Leaving bleeding hearts of spades to decay.

Pink heart, blue heart, black heart's spades.
Love more, love less, love that's fake.
Shy straight arrow shot through the heart,
Don't think there's more I can take.
Heart became black, spades, so I dumped it in the lake.

Shout if you have to.
No abuse is accepted to me or to you,
And we are all strong so don't take abuse and be silent,
Break the silence and put a stop to violence.


Say it out loud.
Because when they abuse you, after they act like the innocent and proud.
With no remorse and no mercy in their hearts,
So expose them and put them to part.


Don't sit and accept it,
Remember abuse won't stop unless you stop it.
Be brave, be strong and bold,
They abuse you and tell you do as you're told.
So destroy their fun and make them be scolded.


Why do you keep quiet?
Because he or she provides for you,
And get you things and tell you, you don't have to.
Well guess what; NO MAN is great as GOD,
And God provides in times of need, men are just frauds.


**** the silence, make it burn and suffer,
Make the oppressor oppress no more make them pay the price,
They abuse with smiles and enjoy it with vice.
So end their mark before someone else falls in their trap like mice.


Please, remember you have a future!!
Remember that others out there will help keep you safe,
Remember that when abuse is done with you,
There others in your home who'll soon stand in your shoe.
And if not in your home then some where in this world, there's a ****** shirt,
Either a little boy or girl will grow up with so much pain and hurt.


Break the silence and break the violence,
Break the wicked hearts of men and break their streak,
Break them by the simple words from your mouth, yes make them weak.

Speak up against all domestic abuse and violence, break the pain the emotional and physical hurt and the silence.

Some feel that they can cope with abuse, to protect others or their siblings, to keep the oppressor with them because he or she provides, God will provide always

A word from the wise is a golden prize.
Where a foolish man slept, is where a foolish man lies.
For God is a spirit and prophesies the truth.
And we are his children from different races and roots.
He taught man to love, but men's hearts are cold.
Fear not who can **** the body,
But who can **** both body and soul.

Man sees vanity of pleasure, while God see love in the heart.
Disobedience, lies and impurity will keep God and man apart.
While the man of the world looks for wealth and power,
A Godly man seeks salvation and stores his riches where it cannot wither.

And to all women, true beauty is never seen,
But it's how you're on the inside, makes you a queen.
Never mind the bribes, talks and kisses.
Because men are like snakes and don't all snakes hisses?
Look for a man who stands with God.
And talk his talk and walk his walk.
Because a man who loves you for you is true.
Be spiritually minded and be aware of carnality too.
Please! Be honest, comes on state your difference,
Are you the type to say, I'm different or I'm a different person?
In your eyes, are you the man who doesn't beat but cheats,?
Or don't cheat but beats, or maybe beats and cheats.
Say you don't do both but at night you hide under with your phone with another person on the line.
Below the sheets.
I don't know you tell me and be honest.

What you have to hide, all those locks and not even me can't get the keys,
I'm not the type to snoop around but I'll know in time to come.
Like where those gifts, those stuff, and that hickey came from.
Oh yes, I saw it, oh ****, your reply, then you cry like the ****!!
You have the ******* hickey not me why u crying.
I know why, because you got caught cheap, and you're guilty and got none to say.

Stand up, open your eyes and stop fooling yourselves.
You hide your guilt when you do guilty ****.
But cry your ******* faces off when you fall in your own pit.
Yes!! The pit, of shame, disgust and regret,
Because it's like you often don't give a **** or.
Just liberally forget.
And you loose your mind, sit day and night and you fret,
But before you played innocent and did your **** behind my back.
Well, I'm here crying, but you don't care.
You ****** out your hole, hope you enjoyed your snack.

Look at yourself, you dumb, stupid or foolish.
Or deep inside you ******* mixed with all.
You rather a few moments of pleasure.
To throw away a life time of true love for
Some one thats all.
You're crazy, not focused and mentally ****** up,
To refuse a life with a worthwhile person,
Just to get you hormones topped up.
But say what that's your cut.

And you said you loved him or her, you'll never leave.
You're loyal, you're honest and all the above.
Then shove those words below the rug and forgot about love.
For what, he was charming and nice, she said.
Or she was wild and understanding, he said,
For a few minutes, hours maybe to lay in bed,
Get freaky, spread those legs and then go back to the ones you claim to Love?!

With thoughts in your head??
Thinking your wrong, your weak, no your dead.
Well, if you had the ******* willingness to
Smile, laugh and enjoy yourself knowing your boyfriend or girlfriend at home
Lonely as **** and with love in their hearts and missing you well instead.
Don't bother explaining, it's never a mistake but a choice and to me you look like you were well fed.
You're not different you're just as well as the Same!!

Now sit in shame and blame your games.
Sit and make yourself a better you.
And when you change hope karma, don't ******* in the ***.
And you get *******.
For real, ppl out here taking love for granted, but let's remember; loyalty isn't a choice but a responsibility, the same with love, honesty and respect. Cheating is a choice, it's like knowing you need food but you rather starve your soul for a few little snacks, pity, then you go looking for that food, when you find someone else eating it. You cry because you don't only see what you lost, but how precious it is and how much it's worth.
A word from the wise
Static is my lyrics, under water call it aquatic,
Automatic never panic forever ready I bring the traffic.
Traumatic is how I have "em" with my flow it's acrobatic,
So cold, climatic, with the bounce, hydraulic.
I'm not dramatic but I got it like a fanatic,
Have the Devil in my basement and the Lord in my attic.
Plasmatic, ray-guns shoot, like my words it's so systematic.
Diplomatic with the degree to add static unfortunately so drastic,
Call me mathematics, because like algebra I'm so problematic.
Fantastic, no Mr. Fantastic, stretchy I'm elastic, I got that melt away like I'm hot plastic.
You mess with me, you get the flu now the situation symptomatic,
Lyrics like bullets, I got a lot, painted my picture,
Do you see it,
Static is my lyrics under water call it aquatic,
Automatic never panic forever steady, now I stop the traffic.
I can't take it no more; I'm tired of being victimized,
I want to disappear because I'm fed up of life and being criticize.
Every day I memorize the strategies for the way to end my life.


I'm exhausted of trying, fighting, loving and be loyal to so much people.
Because as beautiful a smile and as loving the words, they'll prove to be evil.
Or just has evil intentions, but who's inventions, should have been my prevention.


Maybe, maybe not... yet
Sit inside wondering how to not fret and let go of regret.
Yet, I'm in the world where bullies don't care and I'm their little pet.
Well kept, and their lives all set, well **** life and how's death.


Yup it's my time, time to go,... Bye...You won't care anyways.
While God gets less every minute the devil, get six times the amount every day.
Then they say, then they sit, then they hang, drown, cut their throat or slit their wrist.
Knowing they just took the risk, where they would no longer exist,
But what the hell, of course that's where they're going, a statement in head,
At least there are no pain, no bullies, no cheaters, no wrong doers when your dead.

Suicide yup already did!!
Sundays she screams "Praise the Lord" for keeping me,
For bringing me through the week
From the fight she fought so meek.
Sundays she screams "Lord and father please",
To take her through another week,
To be devoured by Ceaser's sharpened teeth,
Pain and stress meets her at her peak.
Tears, sweat and blood running down her cheeks,
Yet she smiles and you don't hear the frustration when she speaks.
I call her mother and Queen,
Because she's the strength that live in me,
That make me want to be the best me that I could ever be.
Sundays she screams to the top of her voice,
With any song of her choice,
Singing the pain that reflected on her chest,
Dancing away her time to rest.
Still feeling the mortal pain that rocks her flesh,
Sundays she screams "Father Lord look over me" and the trials she's about to meet, pushing her feet
Ready for the new heat, ready for the streets,
To rebuke the devils peace and again her children's feast until Sunday she screams.
From the seafront to the portal,
I am surrounded by mountains.
From the portal to the housings,
I am surrounded by mountains.
From the housing to the Parade square,
I am surrounded by mountains.
From the Parade square to the mesh hall,
I am surrounded by mountains.
From the mesh hall to the laundry room,
I am surrounded by mountains.
From the laundry room to the barracks,
I am surrounded by mountains.
From the Barracks to the medic room,
I am surrounded by mountains.
From the medic room to the regimental police boot,
I am surrounded by mountains.
From the regimental police boot where all the RPs salute,
I am surrounded by mountains.
The entire military base and personnel's within it,
We are surrounded by mountains.
What do you want hmm,?
Please tell me.
Go ahead and ******* take it.
Take all of it and when your satisfied come back for more.
You bet I'll have more for sure.
More of that love, that kindness, and open heart.
You just use me and take it.
But you don't know yours rip me apart.
So enjoy, enjoy every last ******* bit.
Bite in deep, squeeze and grip.
Take my loyalty for granted, well what you are waiting for.
Go on, hurry up, stir it up like a ******* curry ***.
And when you finish, take a BIG bite.
Hope you ain't burn you tongue because I know it's hot.

What do you want hmm,
Please tell me.
Go ahead and ******* take it.
What is it, your clothes I have maybe your jewelry or your ******* payslip?
Just face it, your nothing but pure ****.
You don't even show actions for the words you say.
So why ******* waste it.
Who are you trying to fool, who me "I laughed",
Nope can't be, Just know your fooling, playing, destroying and giving a bad name to yourself,
Better be careful of the next card you pull or the next book you take off the shelf.
I ain't mad, I ain't angry or ******, so don't take those words like "****" Too hard.
Because you might misinterpret what I say and anger yourself too bad.
So what do you want hmm,
Please tell me.
Go right ahead and ******* take it.
He is only 18 and his name is Tariq Walker,
Growing up around the herbs, they call it marijuana.
5 foot 5 or maybe 5 foot 8, and he has fell in love with the Marry Jane.
And when he smoke the herbs he on top of his game.

High all day, and everyday he ain't the same.
Eyes ****** red and he doesn't feel the strain.
Mr. Tariq Walker, is always sky walking,
Too high to sit still in class and always smile talking.

But on the other side he's a very smart kid.
Who understand his work and knows the right thing.
but the main distraction that set him off track,
Is only the marijuana because he doesn't want to try crack.

I never said to be a stalker,
But keep an eye on the walker.
Because when he smokes the herbs,
Remember he'll be seeing birds.
This poem is based on a very good friend of mine who's addicted to marijuana and he told me to write a poem about it.
Standing in the sand, smelling salty waters,
Of the Caribbean seas, through the cold vibrant breeze.
Watching all the tall, happy, swaying coco nut trees,
And when you sniffle a little of the bake and shark it makes you want to sneeze.

Then take a walk in our rivers and cook up a curry *** or stew,
With fish coo coo and a little calla-loo.
and you take a bite and you taste buds and glands spring water of the delicious flavors that makes you say mhmmm.    

Afterwards you can visit the reefs and see the dancing colors of the under water reefs,
Of the Caribbean seas, where I'm from and would always love to be.

But tho forget, it's Carnival time so come in your costumes and with your coolers because you're coming out to fete,
And tho forget, when you step out on "D" road of jouvert morning until night listen to the Soca music,
And let it rap you up and run through your ears with melodies that will make you want to bep.

Oh yes the Caribbean dream, where every man's a king and every woman's a queen.
I am the new kid, with new skills.
And a new way, and a new kind of something.
To pass on, to give away.
So pay close attention to the things I say.

Please don't bully me,
Because I am small.
With a big heart and a loud call.
And my mom said to me that I can learn it all.

I don't want to be your enemy,
So why can't we be friends,
Not to befriend, so let in sink in.
And spread the new talk and a new trend.

I am a new kid, with new moves.
And a cool cap with a cool shoes.
I'm not boasting, yes were're still the same.
Because I bleed blood and so as you too.

So her me out, don't beat me up,
Because when or if you fall,
I'll be there to pick you up.

Yes! the new kid, with a fist punch.
To put it in the air with everyone,
When we all go out for lunch.
To shout out to the bullies,
We're the new kids, with a new crunch.
Days passed and days to come, these days.
Who do we hail give thanks and who do we praise?
Who's God, who's men's God, what are we evolving into.
Lack of trust, lack of loyalty, lack of faithfulness.
Only in these days.

My poems are my journal, my pain, my grieve, my misunderstanding and understanding.
My ups and my downs, the smart of me and the part that acts the clown.
Also about the pain of others and poems that I wrote for the girl I loved.
I have bad dreams about her, like will she leave again, or will she die, sometimes I dream that she doesn't love me and she just playing with me, sometimes I dream she's not as I see her and that she has a lot hidden.
In my dreams where I cry all night, that's my prison. And I can't control them, these dreams they just fill my head and tears overwhelms my eyes.
And I try.
I fight until I can control it.
And I held her like never before, because I'm afraid of loosing her. I'm afraid she just looses feelings for me and tells me goodbye again.

These days, **** these days, where men know what they want.
So they prey on the innocent and victimize the weak.
And they find themselves in peoples business and look for what they seek.
To take away something that someone mostly cherishes for themselves to keep.
Then they abuse it and we cry, because we never had that planned in mind.
In these days where gay people walk our streets so free.
And Straight people now criticize and fight for them.
So funny,
So now a gay man has the right to fight for his abomination in courts.
When before it was legislated God gave them the bible to judge uprightly.

But in these days we are no longer sure if the bible is even true.
Because history taught us that the capture the black man in Jesus' name, and enslaved them in Jesus' name, and beat them, worked them without pay in Jesus' name, then when the black men revolt, they we're haunted, punished, some killed, and their women ***** in Jesus' name.
Well, I say to you that I don't believe in this man they call Jesus at all.

In these days, where blood spill, and the government doesn't care,
So they implement more laws to keep us under fear.
To tear us apart as one and for us to forget our ancestors and their culture. Diverting the truth and perverting the minds of the young ones,
And their forces like the Police is apart of their dark truth.
And they pick their forbidden fruit.
And give it to the innocent man and set them off the route.

These days, where people make friends just to benefit for themselves,
And some people are so foolish they accept these devils in their life.
Who may have either bought themselves into their lives,
And they keep buying and buying until they get what they want.
To destroy them and leaving them in destress,
In pain, in regret and in a mess.
But no man shall get cursed once God have blessed.

These days, good people face abuse and hurt.
Like the boy wearing the skirt and the girl wearing the shirt.
We put out all, and in everything we do it with love, we care, we fight hard until we can't fight no more,
We love so deep that I connect us within, we forgive and remember but yet we forgive and forget.
We are taken advantage, abused, hurt, cheated on, lied to, laughed at and most of us are sometimes killed for what??
Being good, trying to be different,
Trying to be God made and heaven sent.
And somehow we find it in our hearts to give another chance,
What would you do if you got a second chance with anything?
I know everyone will be, act and talk different.
You would embrace that second chance like it's your last.
You avoided mistakes and avoided all the **** in the past and not run straight back to it.
Because you were given, a second chance, why make the same mistake twice.

We suffer, we work hard for everything we do, we give even when we know that's all we have.
But when we need no one, is there, yup no one, not one single ******* person in these days.
In the beginning there were no Sun and no Moon,
Thus through God they both were to be soon.
On the lovely day the Sun was made for,
and in the night the Moon would explore.

But it came to the Sun's awareness that he was not alone,
So he spoke with a loud voice" Who else is at home".
the Moon said "It is I the light of the night",
Now they both were certain that they both was right.

Day and night past and they talked and talked,
Hoping one day, they would together walk.
literally by each other's side for real,
Not knowing that it's an absurd way to feel.

The Sun felt for the Moon,
Soon they both tried to meet, and it had to be soon.
But when they met, their domains were upside down,
Causing chaos in the world all around.

God came and said that this cannot be,
You must stay separated or it will create destructivity.
Stand where I put thee and is there you shall stay,
The Sun and the Moon was cursed to never cross paths again.

The result of this God sent an eclipse to bind their seal,
That no matter what they do, they will never meet.
Love is apart now foot never rest at stool,
This is my story of the Sun and the Moon.
The walls around my kingdom,
Every pillar must be made with knowledge and wisdom.
My bricks of honor will be laid as perfect as a brick can be laid,
The hand servants of loyalty are worked and accordingly paid.

The walls around my kingdom,
Must be aligned like of good faith,
Properly plastered with understanding as it's main gate.
High as hope and wide as respect can stretch its wings,
Covering the kingdom and within it every little things.

The walls around my kingdom,
Structure like of humbleness and foundation of love,
On the forward of every pillar, heads of spirituality stands above.
Tho my walls should stand firm and strong no fraud,
If the walls around my kingdom don't stand for it's purpose,
May it be destroyed by the hands of God.
I remember siting in the kitchen,
After washing dishes.
My mom went out and my dad went fishing.
Only me at home so my lyrics had me lifted.

I know I got to go to college, so I have to pay tuition.
That's a part of my goals in life, yes that's my mission.
A partition to listen,
And it doesn't matter what people think because that's my decision.

It's like listening to the news and the **** they'll be telling me.
About some young, dumb, broke kid who got charged for a felony.
Like really and truly and really,
The things in life that doesn't fit so easily.

Maybe a shovel to dig or a piece of a puzzle.
And if life bites too hard the put it in a muzzle.
Because I hope it help to build up your strength,
Or make sure the race that you're running has a good length.

And if you're scared of fear, you better be aware,
Of the thins that play late in the night then disappear.
To be fair, don't get a heartache of the space in the dark place.
And if you get a heartache, take pills for it or take a bow to accept the case, of displacing,
To write the wrongs and the correction of your mistakes.

So don't forget about the mysteries of the clues.
Like the time you never got wet and some how you got the flu.
Maybe from the dew or the zoo from the suspicious kangaroos.
Who never looked at no one else but loved to look at you.

And finally the time to be thinking out loud or thinking in quietly.
Therefore, substitute the lies for the truth and the honesty.
But remember the time lies saved you from the enemy.
This won't be hard for me, but I'm asking to keep love and respect for the way you think of poetry.
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