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66 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
At the Station
Filling water
Widowed mother
Clad in White

Steam Engine  
Blowing Smoke
Synchronized Whistling
A different tune
Pitch and Volume

Station Empty
Midday Heat
Eerie feeling
Mother standing
Nearby watching

Carriages overflowing
Passengers hanging
Window without
Grail or Shutters

Mother seated
Window seat
Here to there
Jump cut edit
Far away
In the heat
Water in hand
Lonely I stand

Platforms empty
Train on its journey
Alone in the Yard
Longing for her
Water and Fear
Hand and heart

Station Nameless
Rooms Deserted
Terminus unclear
Odyssey in Obscurity

Opera of insecurity
Played repeatedly
Time warp Train
Again and again

Eyes opened wide
Soaked in Sweat
Skipped a beat
Dream state a fright

Sequential dream
A Screenplay
Scene by Scene
Looped in Memory
Played multiple times
66 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Living through events
Interaction with people
Leaving an impression
Facts and events internalised

One of its kind
Unlike anything before
Daily occorunce in the universe
Similar to none

Experience to handle Uniqueness
Bottle doesn't fit the cap
How to handle events
That are one of a kind

Deja Vu is an
Anomaly of a memory
Sense of recollection
No place in the bandwagon

On the lines of
The best one can make use of
Nearest thing to experience
Needs to explored with extrapolation

Use of machines
Driving a vehicle
Playing a Sport
Handling a portfolio

Same thing different day
Closest one can get
Repair Accident and loss
Reject this theory across

Deal it day by day
Treat it as the first day
One  day till another day
Only day on that day

Keeps you aware
Handle with care
No baggage carried
Situation handled by merit

Predicting the consequence
Consequence other end of action
Action debuted today
Consequence predicting far away

First time for everything
Only time for everything
First time is the only time
Second time makes time static

Handling any affair
Answer in the question
Awareness the key
Emptiness the procedure
66 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Looking back
Decisions taken
Faulty ones
Don't make sense

Knew it beforehand
Taken the right stand
Turn of events favourable
Leading to intended solution

The word mistake
Would be removed
If beforehand we knew
Right or Wrong consequences

Impossible to predict
What is next after this
Event gives the incentive
Staircase wisdom now possible

Options of actions
The one not done
Seems most favoured
Feeling guilty end result

Putting pieces together
Mans greatest blunder
Not destined to happen
Nature intervened in logical conclusions

Errors and mistakes
Nothing to feel irate
In harmony with good and right
Combination makes ones might

Learn the lesson
Move on to the next
Same mistake again
Lessons not learnt

Duty to ourselves
Not repeat the blunders
Outcome not in our favour
Another error not the same
Have to ensure

Don't fail again
For the same reason
As the previous occasions
One less option to ponder

Guilt and heaviness
Replaced with Fulfilled and lightness
Done our best given the condition
Given the option
Do it again
66 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
State of flux
What do we want out of life
A good Education
A job befitting the study
A salary to keep ends tied
A woman to marry
In order to love
And raise a family
Wonderful kids growing under the care
If these points are connected
Is the graph perfect
Do these happen without hitches
Are we luck to have them
Or is the person lucky
Who doesn't posses any
But his life he's able to carry
Without much of a worry
He didn't know
Where to fix the points and
Join them later on
Or should he bleed of inferiority because none of the above worked out unapologetically
Where and how do we grade
Useful to ourselves and to others
Not creating nuisance to self and the rest
Both can be marked
As long as he ponders where he went wrong
65 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Intensive care unit
The last step in a ladder
Going to fold forever
A definite indicator

Time to say goodbye
To those who will join you later
Going away earlier
Order of preference not clear

A better day today
Sick people fighting fate
The doctors giving them hope
More days in the universe

Natural form of living
All but gone and clinging
Machines and medicines
to do the trick

Only pain and misery
Old and weary
Their plight raises a question
Crisis of conscience

Lying in the bed with
Faculties not functioning
Organs in a race to stop performing
Beyond the line is it worth continuing
Complete the rest of the sentence as Sick

Medicines and injections
Machines and methods
Adopted with difficulty
Adapted for longevity

Should I hope they survive
Should I want them to loose the drive
Living now no more living
Going through motions awaiting day of reckoning

Lying in the bed with
Faculties not functioning
Organs in a race to stop performing
Beyond the line is it worth continuing

Is it empathy at play
Or plain easy to say
Wait for God to have his way
He will anyway

Joy of living
Fear of dying
Fatigued with disappointments
Enthused with other passions

Breathing on borrowed time
Medicines used to fight time
Suffering the new best friend
Parting with each only while parting

Should they make à
Next set of people on their way
Next door children being birthed
Balance of Equation will play itself out
65 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Voluntary Action
Required no reason
Aware of its function
Never paid attention

An act as easy
Inhale and Exhale duly
An exercise to remain healthy
No reason or cause for worry

Peace and Prosperity
Seldom present globally
Pandemic presiding universally
Doomsday Prophets claim victory

Nuclear warheads
And Defence budgets
Countries readying to protect Borders
Apocalypse awaited
Through armed forces

Wars and Battles predicted
Entire population anhilated
Most prepared rewarded
Powerful nations listed

Times of distress
Breath easy to reduce stress
Breath easy now the stress
Cause of all distress

Not a shot fired
No knives drawn
Hand combat no impact
Expect the unexpected an ignored fact

Who would have thought
That what was never taught
Will now become a law
Punished if done with a flaw

Humanities greatest calamity
The easiest act makes people crazy
The world in a state of dizzy
Breath easy and end up at the cemetery

Tanks and Warheads
Seem like Kindergarten kids
Billion spent to stay ahead
Sneeze and take as many lives

Simple now complicated
Complicated now not rated
Act as simple as breathing
Effect on Mankind devastating

No warfare to engage
The only way to manage
To safeguard the human race
Is to simply cover half your face

Contradiction its weapon
Attacks the pulmonary system
Claimed its every victim
Only breather Is the symptom

Not in human form
Not designed by any norm
Nameless and faceless
Always active and never rests

An enemy everywhere
Residing nowhere
Traveling through thin air
No life to spare

Nothing to fight
Except ones own death
What causes the death
Not even a suspect

Unable to cage
Inability to gauge
The Pandemic's rage
Now on every research page

Loosing lives everyday
Watching it on the news night and day
What a way to spend away
Reduced to counting death rates everyday

So far only a name
Nothing else remains the same
Human intelligence put to shame
People's life not a game

Water and Oxygen a commodity for consumption
Now forced into mass production
Compass pointing present situation
There will be a Solution
But for the millions lost souls
Where will we get Absolution

Is it politics and economics
Pharmaceutical tactics
Money making motives
Putting lives at risk

No Answers found to combat
Till then follow and format
Solitary confinement
The delivered judgement

Self given punishment
No human interaction
Alone and lonely against this predicament
Neither alone or lonely
One of seven billion
65 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Beautiful as you laid sights
First time to your eyes
Twice and Thrice
Feelings threadbare laid as the price
Till she becomes a vice
Mere presence  a delight
Throw of the dice
The heart as a device
Invested thought strikes
She becomes yours to possess
No more beautiful to the eyes
65 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
Another brother to my brother.
Addressing him as I do.
Steam engine loaded with coal
The carriages about to roll
Year was 79.
I was all of 9.
Was acquainted with Chandy
Immediately realized was  life and soul .
An original at the core.
Older by years,
Could never make me his peer.
Charming And Friendly
Why would I be treated differently?
Video games or American Consulate
Was fortunate.
Impossible made Possible.
Intention as always noble.
40 years since
Never mentioned once
Showed the Class.
Dapper Astute and Suave
Watched with Awe.
Can one be all
If your Chandy it's not a Crystal ball.
Since Eighty One.
Decades passed one by one.
I am Fifty one.
Promise made to my brother undone.
Be like him.
Has remained a pipe dream.
An honor to be an acquaintance.
Passionate about movies
I place above the mentioned qualities
Proudest I am,
For what are the odds.
To know someone
Who looks like Burt Reynolds.
Gripe I have against everyone.
Even Chandy is no exception.
Whatever your reasons are.
Why aren't you a movie star?
Birthday doesn't make you special.
Everyday does.
Happy Birthday.
Wishing you more and more Candles to blow.
May the best day of your past
Be the worst day of your future.
My Mother sends her greetings.
God bless.
True Story
A million times I have asked my Brother
Why didn’t Chandy follow Sean and Roger
65 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Even in Death
he denotes Good
Asked his father
To forgive the sinners
Lead a life of Teaching
Love more than anything
Threatened by his presence
Wrongly assumed that
Crucifixion will end their problem
Who is to tell them
That he cares for them too
As much as he did the 13
He did not  differentiate
Between follower and a traitor
He saw all in one
He was one for all
When one understands
That discrimination is in their hearts
Without invitation The son would reside in their hearts
No one's enemy
But seen as by many
Still threatened by his presence
Who haven't learnt their lesson
Dont worry about any for
You are lucky as
He is still full of forgiveness
You don't have what it takes
To erase him from memory
Hate him with all you got
Still that son of Mary
Who laid his life at Calvary
Will accept you for who you are
You are human
He is God
After all
65 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
I had dreams
I had hopes
I had faith
On God People and Miracles
Dreams never made me sleep
Fearing the same dream
That made me wake up
Now makes me toss n turn
Beat a log in the race to sleep
Sleep now only a memory
Singing Alouette to pass the night
Hope and faith
When said to me
Feels like the joke of the century
World weary been there
Seen it all
Shamus in me belittling
The innocence of my past

People i lost
The way to their heart
Or their thought
Stuck midway trying to reach
No one's answering my call
Stuck alone in search of one
Hearts that were pure i knew
Changed hearts not what I want
All in the past
Now I laugh

Miracles and God
I bet my entire  lot
Double or Nothing was the odds
That i gave God
God disappointed me or
Did i disappoint God
I'd have known in the past
Where innocent was not lost
Now i neither know God
Or where i am lost
Even he is not answering my call
But now that doesn't surprise me at all
65 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Conflict in the heart
Mind shifting gears
Heart and Mind at War
Pain that affects wholly and completely
Cannot be ignored
Tests your strength
A tenant who goes away
Seeking permanence by force
Time clears it away
Time teaches the way
Both can be true
Causing to feel blue
Teaches tolerance &  endurance
There for a reason
Can hurt and stay
Can hurt and change
Hurt is medicine
Leaves you stronger
When it leaves you
Rugged weary and beautiful
Living with pain
Gives life meaning
Numbing the process
Running away from it
Waiting at the finish line
Becomes the starting line
Tears the medicine
Balancing the pain
Tears dry away
Taking along the aches away
Pain the polish used to
Brush our souls to shine
Escaping from pain
Causes more pain than pain
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Appeal and Magical
Womans Lure
Curriculum at School
Values at home
Seldom include

Happens to all
Age no bar
Objectified at first
Finds its place
On a to do list

Neighbor Is a start
Teacher is not far
Set high the bar
Silver Screen
Provides it all

Neighbor Teacher Actor
All from afar
Emotions mixed
Guilt adds a twist

Category in a Sport
Age defined emotion
Heart demands action
With its brain a friction

Mystery and Mystique
Adds to the Allure
To know if true
One has to mature

Lucky if beautiful
Unlucky if not
Qualified by looks
Quantified by wealth
Strategy in play as well

Eyes of the beholder
Never more truer
Beauty skin deep
Philosophy to seek

Art to master
Good with women
Feelings not at play
Skill  paves way

Question the source
All in natural course
Clarity absent
Emotion present

Fantasy  or Reality
****** or nobility
Purity a necessity
Turmoil insanity

Quotes and Idioms
Dime a Dozen
Marriages made in heaven
Peace in fusion
Entire human race
Gods grace

Emotion Divine
Feelings Sublime
Process Spiritual
Lucky the individual

Logic and reasoning
Passion and desire
Abscence of Harmony
Melancholy in Sanctity

Foundation laid
At tender age
Seeking Intimacy
Fulfilled or frustrated
Cheerful or Crestfallen
The Heart wants
What it Wants
65 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Time to part
Matter of the heart
Near yet far
Destiny decided by past
Curved away for what
Played your part
Now time to depart
Didn't work out
Who might have thought
With a heavy heart
More burden stocked
Unable to restart
Not a car its the heart
65 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Waking up as the sun goes up
Toing and froing life in a limbo
Burning candles both ends
Waking up not a toaster
Doesn't come with a guarantee
Shadow of a moon over a pond
Now here now not
Uncertainty of the shadow
With one follows
Shadow a silhouette by itself
Uncertainty of a silhouette
Proves how unreal
The process one daily deals
And that Mirages tried to seal
Not carried when 6 feet under
Up in flames one with Amber
Not left behind either
Statue built of illusion
To carry the legacy
So one believes
Fabric of fiction
Fable of fantasy
Visualization of vision
Inflated values given
Greatest sin of man
Pass on to the next generation
The same unreal burden
Falmily trees become chain gangs
False understanding looming over
Playing the role of the warden
Not allowing one to escape from the prison of  phantasm
Built with  walls dating back
From time immemorial
65 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Life as an example
Sets the preamble
Real living is for others
Remembered for years
Philosophy so profound
Helps the self be found
A giving heart
Already on the path
Used hands as a ladder
Making life for others easier
The Souls purity
Among humans a rarity
No sacrifice big enough
The secret  to immortality
65 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Question of existence
Most asked question
Questioning the existence
Mans favorite past time

An in between position
A matter if convenience
Prescience or abscence of reverence
Neither present in the person

Different religions add to the confusion
Each having their own interpretation
Give a well packaged presentation
Accepted without asking any questions

If there is a creation
There has to be a Creator
Created and creation are the same
Teaches another contradictory to the former

Good deeds and bad deeds
Form the balance sheet
Does not require any analysis
Place in heaven or hell decided after you've become posthumous

The mind and body
Wrongly identified
Self enquiry needed
To realize otherwise

Karma theory
Enforced fully
Soul finding another body
Capacity decided by the karma theory

Routes to attain
The great lords grace
Cut past to the chase
Paraphrase from texts the easiest way

There is a god in heaven
God is everywhere not in any location
God is in everything
You are god possessing everything

None of this is real
Its fictional fuel
Refusal and ready for a duel
Following of any completely futile

Neutral without angle
Riddle and a puzzle
Answers to these multiple
Not to delve deep keep it simple

Different in ideology
Each a different philosophy
In conjunction apart from morality
Faith and hope only commonality

Messiahs and Saints
For every religion
There for every generation
Spreading their existence the only reason
Showing the path to Realization

Waiting for a miracle
Lifes biggest debacle
Miracle only a minisclue
Part of faith's multitude

Destiny a step brother of theology
Used as a cushion in times of complexity
God in his capacity has already
Decided the path of the journey

Law of Nature or the Order
Terms used to describe the maker
A force superior
Creates and removes the barriers

Spiritual Atheist Deist & Ietsist
More branches straddling between the theist and atheist
Leftist and Communist form another list
Religion every generations zeitgeist

State of Zen
There for every human
Practiced in succession
Contradictory to Zen

Zen is being
Eating while hungry
Drinking while thirsty
Answer for zen remains locked in Silence

Spiritual insight required
For any progress
Egoless state of being
Helps understanding
That when the time comes  it will hitself
64 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
An unreal reality
Picture perfect scenery
Quest for company
Tragic and illusionary
Sequential and Dreamy
Wake up and smell the coffee

Seeking the origin
The path travelled within
Water of the roads
Reflecting the lamps glow
Guiding light on a dark night
Drop the ego and  walk alone

Water on the roads
Reflecting the moon
Two souls hand in hand
Hearts reflecting the souls
Moonlight from the sky and its image below
Show the path to the one soul which was two before
64 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Some people live life
Rest only hide from it
Heart on the sleeve
Facing the heat
Relishing every moment
Counting it as a blessing
Cought in the downpour
Walking through the desert
They threw the dice
Number that comes up
Decides their fate
Living life is a blind date
Work out any which way
Bail out of the date
Life still happens anyway
Afraid to climb the mountains
Standing below wondering about slipping
Doesn't change anything
Facing the fear lot less painful
Than Running away from it
Swinging on the pendulum
On both ends of the spectrum
What happens in between
Is the life that's destined
Dealt with cards wanting to fold
The folded card still gets its due
64 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Sports is never about
Win loose or Draw
It is the commitment
To part of a half that takes part in it all

It is a bedrock that is layed
Heart Soul and Mind cemented
One track mind determined
Power of the will executed

It teaches you the value of effort
Gets you out of the level of comfort
Winning the title is only the dessert
Victory lies in the integrity exhibited

It teaches you respect
The coach who taught
And the coach who wants you beat
The game that makes you sweat
And those who are better at

It nurtures your will
So strong that victory or defeat
Next morning before sunrise
You're back doing your drill

It encourages to dream
Dream of greatness and glory
There is glory in defeat too
You screen your dream
With the entire world as your audience

Wearing heart on the sleeve
Passion a contagious disease
Like it so much
Then its no more work

Burden on becoming Mature
Lies No more with Age
Sport takes the highway
Appropriate behaviour a lot earlier

It instills camaraderie
Only next to the Army
A feeling of oneness amongst many
Is the greatest gift in Triumph or Fall

Conquest brings confidence
Forfeit teaches humility
Winning & Loosing part of any game
Both qualities inculcated simultaneously

Living the sport
Amongst friends and opponents
Congenial rapport built
In harmony with compatible minds

Loosing your identity
With run of the mill mediocrity
Missing out on regular life
Vacations and Barbecues
Sacrifice advance books Podium space

Winning loosing Sports Paradigm
Never teaches the meaning of quitting
Nobody who gave it all
Regret could never waltz

Congrous with the adversary
Willing to **** during game time
Take in like family after
Only Sport gives the opportunity to prove right this theory
An envy which will remain one

Hand shake after a match
Either side of the countdown
You see God in the stands
Regretting that he isn't a Sportsman
64 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Stage of my life
Universally described as middle age
Life's real stage
I can't ever guage

The bard called life a stage
He meant it another way
Replaced his writing and its staging
With the creator and his creation

Stage of my life
Performing on a stage
Range of my skill
World calls it the success pill

If the world is a stage
And im acting out my play
World ranking  my ability
There in lies the duality

The curtain falls
Out of the stage
Still in the stage
Curtain opens again

With the curtains down
The make up still on
Headed towards the green room
A change in role for another day

A role within a role
Never changes your core
Always in character
Created by the creator

Roles change as play changes
Stages of life can tell the differences
Yet to understand the nuances
Hoping the next will give you success

Matinee evening or night
Dress circle or the Upper Circle
Performer Audience or the playwright
Roles reverse as easy as the waves recede

Standing at the backstage
Witnessing the set pieces change
Continuity chain already in domain
Life s role no choice to refrain

Raging battles in exchange
Not to be shortchanged
Getting up on stage
Not to be upstaged

Wings used for masking
Already an actor in a garb
Actor within the actor
In the pit plays along the conductor

Coming through trap doors
Encountering multitude of characters
Walking past the proscenium arch
Standing on the apron for applause

Found ****** or Arena
Whatever the enacting stage
Decided on merit the life's stage
No flashback to make it stay

Time to fold as audience fade
Matinee idol once but no one buys the facade
Lights are off in the dark
Past the arc
Stage set  to stop your clock

Been there done it all
Last Curtain call
Could really be the last Curtain call
Curtains up you are only a recall
64 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Weakest link in a chain
Decides it's endurance of pain
Targeted again and again
None of it will remain

Personality and character
Decides if you are the weaker
Easy target picked by the stronger
Tear you to pieces available no longer

Insulted and Ignored
Snubbed and ridiculed
Pardoned as a favor
Called upon to continue later

Asked to leave with ease
Not considered an entity to please
Swatted away across the seven seas
Self respect lynched now on your knees

Opinions ideologies and tastes mocked
Value judgements on your skill passed
Not even offered a chair to be seated
Derided with no good intended

Not unique to any
Experienced by so many
Treated as a joke and found you funny
Turn your very presence into a mockery

Survival of the fittest
Daily put to test
You the practice target
Not very hard to get

Defenition of s weakling
This is the sampling
Will there be poetic justice
Will they get their comeupance
64 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
What is yours
Will meet you midway
As long as you
Don't stand in its way
Or stand in your own way
Having no way as way
Way without way showing the way
64 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Hearing voices in the head
So real the real seems unreal
Inability to tell the difference
Sanity Insanity juxtaposing at random
Advanced science cannot fathom
Switch off the volume
Even if it means my casket on a funeral pyre
Choice between being deaf or brain dead
I'll gladly choose the later
64 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Born with wisdom
Birth setting of the timer
Dream starts its travel
Which our lacking masks as real
Giving reality to fantasy
Ambition to an illusion
And vision to a delusion
Pipe dream to the dream
Cluttered with thoughts
Various battles fought
Victory a daze
Defeat a haze
Acted upon with haste
Result only a bad taste
Based on these rate
Or else blame fate
God is great
After all he did create
Hoping you will negate
And finally able to relate
To the dream state
As the dream state
Using wisdom which is innate
To throw light and illuminate
When its time to recreate
God ensures the role you play in his play is your last play
64 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Brutal honesty in thought
Strength to implement in deed
Shortest distance between points
Numbs the crisis of the damage it wants

No stratergy in truth
Everything else an excuse or a ruse
Truth breaks through the ruse
The bell rings again to infuse

Only crisis to deal
Now doubles up with a cover up
A multilayered process
Self defeating because of its lack of prowess

Prevails ultimately with certainty
But truth used as a strategy
Entails the power to stop the decline
Everything turns out fine even if not helps being in harmony
63 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
The movie plays
Actors become the characters they play
We remain we
Aware Its an illusion

Our reality doesn't change
But fictional reality inspires us
This emotion makes Superstars out of actors
The reason that the house gets sold out

We worship the hero
Knowing that Its acting
Nothing about it real
Acting the word says it all

The happy and sad events
We know is unique to this movie
Our problems remain the same
And do not change

Movie making is no secret
Universities and books teach you that talent
They've made it hoping you'd like it
Planned out move to circumvent reality

Identification with the star of the film
Is their objective from the beginning you took
It was an actor before he became a Superstar
Performance of unreal things
Makes him the superstar

The Mirage projected
We assimilate inside
Believe it for a period
Come out with an altered subconscious

Reality and fantasy
The brain acting selectively
Fantasy becomes reality
Reality not taken so seriously

Akin to having a drink
A high that happens
Everything seems better than what is
There's no hangover is the positive

Transported to places
Riding in a horse along in a western
Flying Wingman in a war picture
Falken for love with a beautiful woman in a Romance
Laughing hearts out in a comedy

Lights on Screen blank
Merged both realties
Wanting to see it again
Is exactly what the makers want it

Out of the cinemas
Feeling good about life
How long does the feeling last
Depends on how many drinks you've had
63 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Mind that dwells
Can't it
Mind that builds
Can't it sculpt
Mind that accumulates
Can't it segregate
Mind that associates
Can't it seperate
Mind that evolves
Can't it dissolve
Mind that rewinds
Can't it just unwind
Mind that extrapolates
Can't it stay present
Mind that's filled without fear
Can't it change gear
Mind that thinks
Can't it feel
63 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
You stole my heart
Till death do us part
We had vowed at the altar
Never say goodbye cause we ain't apart
How could have you stolen my heart

Destiny set us apart
Made you to depart
God did his part
Hit me like a close range dart

Waiting for me
Up in the sky
No regret that I'm unable to fly
When will I learn how to die

Time our enemy
As I keep watching the clock
Every tick its tact
63 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Any thought or act
Will come back
Invest in goodness
Gratitude the gestation
If Returns not interested
Interest rates given by Almighty
Not fathomable by any Society
63 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
The ringing of the bell
From the telephone
That is not in your home
From where the echo comes
Searching for it
Which doesn't exist
Eager to recieve and answer
Messages posted and delivered within your head
63 · Dec 2021
KV Srikanth Dec 2021
Day differs from Day
Passing it away
The toughest game to play
Time as the opponent ticking away

Lonely and seeking
Seeking what is the question
Seeking only when lonely
Alone or lonely the first question

Rocking the chair
Rocked by life
Despair and Content
Dichotomy with consent

Smoke from the ciggerate
Makes the clock move faster
In reality making life shorter
With reference to what is where I differ

Detailed recalling to
Far fetched day dreaming
Mind full of thoughts of flowing
Pastime made out of past reflecting

Thoughts merge within
Bringing clarity so it seems
Smoke filled air looming
Indication perhaps of what's coming

Predicting knowing the odds
99 to 1 in favor of the gods
Old habits die hard
Perhaps more births to learn the path
63 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Pleasant past
Rewarded Appropriately
Karma knocked
Lessons learnt
Wisdom gained
Nothing outside
Acceptance inside
Happy with your own hide

Today in the now
Challenges in a row
Chaotic in nature
Wear it on your heart
Listen to its beat
Illuminates the path
Weans away the Sour Note
Remains the Note
Synchronize and Harmonize
Freedom the instrument

Future only in thought
In time a mere fallacy
Instrument you tuned
Worthy to succeed
Ambition to Reality
Converted in the Symphony
The instrument you tuned to harmony

Now becomes past
Play the record sans
Rewind or forward or pause
Listen to your song
Answers within  all along
63 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
A theatre Marquee
Name of the Star above the title
Black letters on a white board arranged with the rating
The seats according to prizes listed
Red letters with the  word Full
Attesting that theres no room
Green letters signalling the availability
Nothing brought more pleasure
In standing outside a movie theater
Gazing at the Poster
Staring at the life size cut outs of its star
Wish life started and ended in between the walls of these movie halls
63 · Dec 2021
KV Srikanth Dec 2021
Lucky Strike
My favourite bike
I put my money in
The one and only Kevin
Lucky number 3 and 4
When he rides there's nothing before
Crossing the chequered flag
Is all we are waiting for
Competitive and Sportive
Gentleman and Champion
Suzuki his companion
Even MIG s come far behind
Loved his rivalries
Respected his rivals
Greatest Ambassador of MotoGp
My favourite year is always 93
Lucky Strike Jet Pilot
Texas Tornado and a
Very Special Man
Hope to meet him
His wish my command
63 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
What will you bet
Odds given to test
A Gamblers favorite duet
For any fact unchecked

Not confined to anything
Everything open for betting
Favoured or Against the setting
Adrenaline pumping his heart beating

Addiction without substance
Outcome decision decides competence
Caution thrown along with consequence
Thrill in the middle the dopamine

Heightened desire to predict
Reward circuit of the brain genetic
Lack of control over the results ironic
Becoming finally their own critic

Adds style to personality
Shows confidence artificially
Living on the edge fatally
Comes across very attractively

Excitement Fear Elation and depression
All without a substance in possession
Friends and Family fearful of the repetition
99 to 1 the odds that they'll quit.
The odds I'll give for every quid
Only even quality Is the odds
House always wins never thought
Debt and dishonour left at last
Post script in recovering them all is lost
63 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Is there a god
Is he sitting in heaven
Is he all pervading force
Is he the nature itself
Is he inside us
Why cannot he be all
Why can't he sit in heaven
Guiding us with his spirit
Watching us delivering on merit
Be the supernatural force
That makes sure to enforce
The balance in this universe
Why can't he be inside of us
For us to realise that he's everywhere
Why limit a limitless god
Why define a god who can't be defined
Why give him a place
When all that's is is his
Why divide him
When he is one
Taking many forms
Being the One
He does not want to
Disturb your senses
Making you doubt him
Not realising that the doubt is also him and he is beyond any doubt
You are only doubting yourself
Not a matter of faith or hope
But the plain simple truth
For all to know
How many more indications will he show
When he need not
Bow to our wishes
Vice versa the world is perfect
63 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Everyday is a different day
Alive and fortune to say
Reason for existence
Never a constant
Situations are divergent
Unconnected contrasting
People are different adaptions
From their own core foundation
Stars form their own constellation
We can only admire their imagination
Only addition is the baggage
We have picked up
Thoughts and Feelings the currency paid
By our Hearts and minds proportional to what they weigh
For the excess baggage they carry
And dumped upon them daily
The word experience comes in handy
Makes us world weary
Ideally should make us lighter
Make the travel easier
From experience comes wisdom
Which makes our lives shine brighter
Misjudged the looper spun by law of nature
Lost the path and going in circles
We are our own architect of all the obstacles
The Universe refreshes itself
When the needles meet at 12
We burden ourselves with 24 more on us
63 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
Heard the name
not met the man
Knew the other thirty nine
Not presented with an occasion
Home or Station
Year book only hook
4 lines gave an idea
Became in awe
As everyone saw
Unanimous verdict
Sheer genius
Word was ubiquitous
Delivered without prejudice
An often misused word
This time  seemed to hold
Held in great esteem
By my brother
Did ofcourse matter
Curious I became
To meet his mate
Never did
Thought it fate
Introduced finally
Interacted socially
Description was a reality
Indeed was of high quality
Took a cue
From my nephew
Personality Coach
Another facet to behold
I want to meet Manohar
My lacking had to be addressed
My brother helped getting acquainted
Felt warmth and trust
Hit it off in the first
Felt at home
Became a second home
Wanted to accomplish
My goal
Bared my heart and soul
Addressed one by one
Always on the point
Fast on the grasp
Tough In his analysis
Got me out of paralysis
Sessions were lessons
Profound to the core
Took it upon as his onus
Cheese sticks and coffee a bonus
Bike rides became exciting
Speaks volumes of the training
Thinking Perception  Perspective Attitude
Changed multitude
Eye opening sessions
Happened by the dozen
Grateful to have a brother
Who went to Xavier
Became friends with Manohar
Became my Mentor
Changed my life forever
62 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Mother and Brothers
Siblings and Cousins
Joint family system
Household member
Eleven in Number

P & S
Scarce to find
Two of a kind
Amiable and Kind

Donned the roles
Sans make up or clapboard
Mother Wife and law
With every prefix in

Up before dawn
Hot water for bath
Switched on
Timing bang on

Coffee second duty
For all and sundry
Equal share to everybody
No to none

Food for all
By 8 o'clock
I ternary fluctuating
Permutations confusing
On the table
Ready to serve
Lesson in management
Deserved recognition

Obligated execution
Committed Passion
Equanimity in Affection
Rarity in quality

Candles burning
Both ends
Ready to drop
Not a wink
Shut eye catch some Z's
Not written
Both their destinies

Common in Creation
Unique in Emotion
Daily by the Dozen
Handled with Silence

Take the Heat
No mean Feat
Shared the burden
Never Shaken

24*7 Spent
In a kitchen
Others first
Self last
Duty with Precision
Seldom commotion

Midnight oil burnt
The worse for wear
On the floor
What was left
Food so cold
Tough row to ***

Beat Bushed
Under the Weather
Migraine to Split
Head into two
On pins and Needles
Shaken up Spaced out

Felt Blue
End of their tether
A bear with a sore head
Took a punch

Flowing River
They compare
Burning Sun
Justice Done

Friends and Family
House guests
Apart from the rest
Another term
For Hospitality
To be included
In the dictionary
Their names are apt
And Rhyme as well

An abode
For every hungry soul
Never rationed
Or proportioned

Complain Compare
Doesn't juxtapose
Equal and fair
2 in a Billion
Earth Mothers
By definition

Cognitive Emotional
The 3 types of Empathy
Available in totality
Felt them personally

Fable Fantasy
Parable Mythology
Dont have Women
Characters to compare
Not even on paper
Can you find
Lying if I am
I'll go blind

Luckiest I am
Benefited most
For Decades from Birth
Deeds from previous

Same place twice
Throw of the dice
Luck of the draw
Murphy's Law
Idioms for rarity
Evidence to the contrary

Emotion or Deed
Nothing in Return
Never Sought
Didn't care
What do you call these women
2 in a Billion
62 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Water to be heated
Used fire and a funnel
To turn up the heat
Barrels of cold water
Taken after every shower

Grinder and mixie
Even in imagination not to be
Block of stone
Weighing  a million pounds
Used as base over a grinding stone

Concept of a fridge
Did not exist
Water in mud pots
Kept them from being hot
Innovative methods adopted
To stop food from getting spoilt

Only channel telecast
Duration limited to after sunset
Televisions not in color
Sundays awaited to watch what was broadcast

Radio broadcast in AM
No stations in FM
Sports commentaries its staple
Movie songs at set timings for the people

Joint family system
10 members in a house minimum
Only one washroom available
Air conditioned rooms seemed like a fable
Sleeping on a mattress with mosquito menace
Or lying on the terrace with temperatures like a furnace

Apart from this
Always a visitor
Never made to feel like an outsider
Part of the household treated like a family member

Telephone in the house
Made you famous
Recieving calls for neighbors
Registering and installing would take years

Cycles used in turns
Elders get the first chance
By the time you get yours
Atleast a week would pass
Mode of transport for decades
Riding one a matter of great pride

Washing of clothes
Every backyard had a Stone
Cleaning of utensils
Done with hands clean and simple

Buses plying with overload
People hanging on footboards
School bag and lunch bag in tow
Hop on to it the next will carry more

Rich or poor didn't matter
Every household life didn't alter
Not many choices in the offer
In case of rains power failure regular

Theaters showing movies
There by the dozen
Playing different languages
Giving the viewers choices

Types of cars
Only 3 were made
Anything else on the road
Was a miracle to behold
Two different types
Limited in bikes
One better than the other
Races to pick the winner

Star hotels in the city
Maximum was three
Not yet fully ready
Visiting them a once in a lifetime opportunity

Daily mornings waited
For the newspapers with bated breath
Number of publishers very limited
English or vernacular selected
Sports events to be updated
2 days late but never minded

This was the life
Led by most of us
Southern most part of India
Life led  for decades with no paraphernalia

No one complained
Nothing was explained
Lived with what we had
Content and never compared
62 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Born into this world
Can't escape from it
Serve your sentence
Doors open automatically
Can't stay even if you want to
Rules and regulations abound
Perfection & Performance rewarded
Mistakes & Lapses punished
Report card for every deed
The man upstairs will read
No parole offered
Leaving early not an option
Sentence gives experience
Learnt many a lesson
Lasting this lifetime
Years of sentence
Only known to the
Keys to the gates
They open and you know
Time has been served
For what crime are you here
If you know the answer
You ll stay clear forever
Serial offender comes back
Till he seeks the reason
For this repetitive affair
Purpose of sentence
Learn from the experience
Become one with the jury
Life sentence called birth
The parole is death
62 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Heart pounding faster
Or skipping a beat
Forcing to retreat
Overcoming it a feat

Willing to forego
Defaulted rent to be paid
An uninvited guest
Manipulating the rest

Threat of imminent
Pain and danger
Lurking in the corner
State of emotion called fear

A paralysing state
Leaves a bad taste
Driving force behind
Decision making alligned

Alarm called anxiety
State of dismay and worry
Fret stress and distress
Mind paralysed with no hope in sight

Born with Scare
Foundation of values
Defined by the terror
Fear the river that runs through personality and character

Real or unreal
Does not matter
Ability to tell the difference
Now a tall order

Cowardice the capital
Of the state of fear
Inability to pursue
Timidity the injury to endure

Fear tests my strength
Cripples me trying to attempt
Breaking my spirit from within
Creating illusions from nothing

People and issues
Alone and the dark
A frenzied mob
Fear for the sake of fear

Mistakes made add up
Pushes down to the nadir
Ray of hope under the veil
Searching for the veil life's only deal

Guilt and lies
Feed the fear like Nuclear
Making it tougher
Than it already is

Dreams and desires
Lay by the wayside
Inability to conquer
Plunging into depths deeper

Mind bending substances
Drinking and drugs for example
Feeds the terror hungry for more
Sanity hanging in balance knocking on psychosis

Not a psychiatric condition
Just plain old world state of mind
Shadow to the coward
Freezed at every turn statues built in remembrance
62 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Could not say
Goodbye to the day
Wishing good night an option
Only when you can get some shuteye
The day said Until Later
Didn't wait till i bid adieu
The shadow it left behind
We all call it the Night
Darkness its theme
Silence its voice
Nature' giving you consent
Rest and pleasure sanctioned
First thing in the morning
Used widely by everybody
First thing in the night
Haven't heard that till last night
Liberty to cross the line
Endorsement given by the Night
Brings with it tranquility
Triggers the minds loquacity
Aurora flashing Amber to the daylight returning
Coming in with all the chaos
Time to shut it out and start to focus
Daytime gives you identity
Invading your identity as the moon floats in
Man made rules or nature's gift
If its nature's rules means you don't have a clue
Different music played
One for the night and and changing the side
What if the same played
Either way?
62 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Race decided by lineage
Seeds sown  centuries ago
Different societal norms prevelant
Deep rooted emotions passed through generations

Creates many lines
Superior Inferior Mediocre
Based on DNA
Judged on these parameters

Paradox in search of answers
Qualities acquired can add layers
Race Cast Creed decided already
No act to acquire these neccasary

Rating man within mankind
Putting in a pedestal or kicking him off
Not his acquired sensibities
But a different eras identity politics

A man should never be judged
If at all one does
Its the goodness within himself &   Respect given outside of the self

Generous to a fault
Honesty fills his talk
Living life for others
Trust his better half

A man who possesses
The above as his character
Is not superior or inferior
But a needle pointing to understand human behaviour

Humanity lacking human beings
Lying their tool for bargaining
Divisive of people based on immeasurable
Is Society's most dangerous criminal

If you want to divide
Divide the prosperity
If you want to multiply
Multiply the generosity by paying it forward
If you want to add
Add value systems to society
If you want to subtract
Please delete this race caste creed permanently

We are all one
Borders are only for geography lessons
History should be remembered and forgotten
A twin edged sword

Life life in harmony
With every member of society
When you are alone and needy
You'll understand the value of your own hypocrisy
62 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Another day went away
Awaiting a good tomorrow
And a better day after
The days are the same
Our thoughts play the game
Ranking in order of  change
For good or bad we decide
Whole picture have no Idea
Deciding the quality of a film
By the commercials screened before it begins
A silent observer to the day
Not linear our life's screenplay
Awareness that we don't know
Is the secret to know what you know
62 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Rain in the ocean
Moon in the forest
what does it do at best
food when hungry
Friendship in distress
Is what brings out your best
62 · Jul 2021
KV Srikanth Jul 2021
Providing a Stage for the Actor
Who unleashes his alter ego playing the character
Make up on his face a mask
Juxtaposing real and unreal a difficult task
If world is the theatre staging plays
Tickets not needed to watch this drama
Theater seems more real atleast the make up is on
Actor facing the dichotomy is infact not acting when curtain is up
62 · Jul 2021
KV Srikanth Jul 2021
4th of July
free worlds independence day
stars and stripes
respect and pride
makes the hair stand straight
very mention gives the opponents fright
50 states one nation
the names very mention
gives the identity
along with the sanctity
salute the flag
worship the sand
pray to the rivers
make the country great
along with people of character
citizenship is tough
earn it
most valuable possession  on earth
a passport bearing your name
whatever be the era
62 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Boarded the same train
Striking out at different stations
Disembarking on their destinations
These are Saints famous quotations

Guard waves the flag
Whistle blows and train moves
Wheels rolling on the tracks pulling carriages one by one

Waiting for none
Father mother son
Safely till terminus
Source or end not its business

This is the Anectode
Told as an antidote
Paradigm of reality
Remain balanced emotionally

Harsh in its execution
To its duty alone devotion
Needles move to declare
Time to leave fair and square

Loosing loved ones
Easily said than done
Unless heart made of stone
Rest of an living life live  alone

Missing the ones
Not left as bygones
Core of any philosophy
The message it carries

Permanence in temporary
Reality in reality
Realising the reality
Temporal is temporary

Real and unreal
Permanent and temporary
Dream and reality
Rebirth and Salvation

Clueless at arrival
Clueless in queue
Clueless as traveller
Clueless in departure

How does it matter
Near and dear exit earlier
Everyone is exciting for sure
No exception no answer

Pulling the chain
Trains holy grail
Hangs as temptation
No points for engaging in that action

Be the driver
Engaging in his endevour
Uniform and recruited as soldier
He too exits but till then deliver
61 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Success is a dead end
Failure teaches Curiosity
To make use of an opportunity
The success of failure lies in the maturity
The invaluable learning
That only humbling experiences can teach
Failure of Success without maturity
Lies in its inability to be of use to anybody
If not of value to society
Or sharing it with the needy
Is like playing the game of Monopoly Solitarily
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