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61 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Setting up a goal
Future now a post
Wanting to be that
Without knowing what
To work towards an unknown
It remains till it becomes a known
How do you know a unknown
Will fetch you the throne
Basis for deciding a destination
Never visited before
Calling it as ambition
Justifying the action
How does one decide
To do what he does
Calls it life's purpose
Wouldn't he have been there in the first
Peer pressure a reason
Following the footsteps
Necessarily need not lead to the same doorstep
Carefully watch your step
Don't know the end result
What is it that drives
To be one step ahead
To be the best
Rather than just to survive
Chosen Target to achieve
Felt passionately naturally
Target it ceases to become
It has to be your own
Can happen at any point
Trial and error method not wrong
Clarity a overrated virtue
Irony that there can be clarity
Never been there already
Always wondered how
People know why
Laying foundation for their future
Not sure if the building is coming up anywhere closer
61 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Lack of emotional content
Is the very root of sadness
Loneliness the biggest cause
Nobody there to share your sorrow and Joys

Anger is the tool
Mind puts to full use
Stays on forever
Fooling us into believing
That we are angry with the other

There is no other
Anger is self inflicted pain
Blinding us for all there is to gain
Anger inflicted wounds forever remain

Anger a suicide mission
Drinking poison hoping for others detriment
Even while manifesting outside
It ends up hurting our inside

Content realizes the
Spiritual power within
Awareness its first lesson
Living in the moment in fusion

Feeling the emotions
Keeps you within
It remains one
Peace prevails

Anger remains within
Moves you away
Makes you alone
Rest of the life atone

Living in the moment
Caused by awareness
Awakens inner power
Anger and Sadness cannot enter

Cut it at its source
Before anger takes its course
To find out the source
Dont think but feel

Walk on from temper
Sadness its neighbor
Splits our nature
Transcend the only answer
61 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
My Epitaph will read
Here lies one helluva lucky fellow
For all the times he fell drowned and buried himself,partly due to his own doings and partly due to the unknown
Still managed to have his head above water breathing ,had food on his table and had friends who'd speak highly of him.
The cause and effect he never really understood.
I want to keep my boots up on my porch and gaze at the evening shade ,as it gives way to the bright lit moon and as the noisy streets blends slowly into the Silence of Darkness illuminated by the light from the Sky and the glittering stars
As the darkness and silence blends into one
I will be waiting for the man upstairs to tell me that my time is up.
The surrounding nature will take notice of a rocking chair that continues to move at the pace of the wind ,with no one in it
And realize There goes another one
61 · Jul 2021
KV Srikanth Jul 2021
A new day today
Yesterday just went away
Tomorrow a day away
Even Dusk is 12 hours away

What is in store
Depends on the seeds down
Which one will harvest
Happens at Gods behest

Predicting the unpredictable
The day will go your way
Reality will hold sway
Next moment still a moment away

Live the moment
With harmony and consent
Always be present
Anything else not your decision

Freedom is to be gained
Our greatest misconception
Freedom is already there
Self knowledge lays it threadbare

There is nothing to become
We simply already are
Only become aware
Aware and alert a combination rare

How free are we
Depends on the degree
External constraints and the lack of them
Decides the levels of your freedom

Condemn or approve
Please do not do
Stay alive to   your practice
Merely observe without malice
61 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Anyway to skip a day
A week without a Sunday
The Beatles wanted one more
Wish it were one less

Every second seems an hour
Lockdown  bring the pressure
Mind racing with thoughts
Day still looks like a time warp

Within the 4 walls
Outside patrolling squads
Most welcome day of the week
Not a soul on the street

Alone with the phone
Keep the mind in sanity zone
Government taking precautions
No change in the outcome of the situation

Social duty for all
To be in solitary
Way to stop the spread
Of the virus we dread

Downside declared as death
A fact not a matter of faith
Carrier a title in the chain
Most avoidable terrain

Never ending affair
Causing universal despair
Blame game fair and square
A cross all have to bear

Infected pays the price
Reason let the conscience decide
Guilt of spreading begets Malice
Mindless  conduct rendering breathless
61 · Mar 2021
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
Value given to Self
Valued except by Ourselves
In the eyes of others
Is known as PRIDE

Success as defined
By our own cognition
Unable to attain
For whatever reason
Valuation based on Estimation
Otherwise known as

Situation not Conducive
People not Receptive
Plans not bearing fruition
Leading to frustration
In the process loosing composure
Devil within known as ANGER

Lack of understanding
Uncomfortable with own being
Creating a non existent living
Mind and Heart detached
Inability to face reality
Living in a world of fantasy
Believing in make believe
Translation into words
Seldom fooling others
Only fooling the I
Meaning of LIE

Wanting to Possess
Wanting to only Possess
Not interested in the process
Focusing on end result
Always half empty
Termed as GREEDY

Inner peace
Destroyed by others Deeds
Focus on others
Lack of Maturity
Filled with Negativity

Resourceful absent
Lifestyle Persistent
Inability to balance
Creates imbalance
Calling on others
Fulfill your desires
Continuing the game
In one word SHAME

Clarity on Vacuum
Blurry on Blessing
Insensitive Cognition
Lacks Perception
Only Half Full

Pray till you get
After Gotten Forget
Fulfill lifes needs
Through Money and Deeds
Goodwill monetized
Live life Kingsize
Memory for convenience
Lack of Conscience
Judas kiss
True self another layer
Unforgivable BETRAYAL

Overrating the I
Revolving around My
Sense of Doership
Give none their due
Ego fanned at Cue
None Equal
Illusionary Potrayal
Others Potential
Put down at Will
Quality Malignant
In one word ARROGANT

Always with make up
Behavior made up
Reflected Outside
Different Inside
Permanency of Potrayal
To self Disloyal
Not Self Worthy

Personal Pleasure
Seeking Advantage
Own Welfare
Devil may care
Exclusive ever
Inclusive never
Disregard the other
Avoidable fetish
Characterized SELFISH

Body language Revolting
Words Wounding
Bad host
Offer not a Chair
Duty Beware
Bad upbringing
Overrated sense of due
Classified as RUDE

Call him a Clown
Break him down
Contradict his views
Laugh at his mannerisms
Part of a crowd
Make fun aloud
Make him look silly
The doer a BULLY

In Ambition Similar
Path unclear
Achieve at any Cost
Destroy career
Does not matter
Dual thought process
Not contend with progress
Feels secure when
The others Regress
Any lengths gone
I alone but None
Date fixed to
Dance with the Devil
Despicable and EVIL
61 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Friends from childhood
Ignored and abandoned
Grew up concomitantly
Yet so differently

Days of hunger
Hanging around at a film theatre
Pocket picking only option
Do the deed with hope of escaping

Passing the purse
To his friend an accomplice
Tries to flee the scene
Before doing an act so obscene

Cought by the public
Mind and body static
The friend does not panic
Hides the wallet under the car wheels

Cought red handed
Turns the tables single handed
Lays the blame on his friend
And claims total innocence

The accomplice under the radar
Beaten up and questioned by the public at large
Questioned if he took it
Denies it vehemently

Forced to return the stolen wallet
Doesn't think even for a minute
Claims innocence of its whereabouts
Doesn't help in easing the people's doubts

Finally grilled if his friend did the act
Replies I have no idea about  the fact
Death at you doorstep never rat
Learnt from this young boy whose character is intact

Did you take it
Did your friend take it
I don't know
Where is the wallet
Which wallet
You ll be beaten to death
Go ahead
61 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Don't say goodbye
Cause we ain't apart
In my thoughts and heart
Memories and dreams filled with your thoughts
Carry you along
One day we will belong
61 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
A smile that lights the darkness
Price i would pay to see your lips part ways
Even the gods will not say
More magic than any miracle
That may happen
Shows the doors to heaven
Eyes brighten and the corners go their ways
Radiance pervades as your teeth show their grace
Your voice with its simpering
Even to the angels alluring
Breaking into a smile
Galaxy wonders
If  the constellations were real
Making hearts beat at a rate
Proportional to the smile on your face
One boon bestowed on the human race
Your smiling face
On the empty canvas of the universe
Your gesture radiates the answers
Authentic versions to travels
Across many generations
So beautiful your gesture
Monet wouldn't dare to paint your picture
If Helen had had your Snicker
Homer would have written another 24
61 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Success is a dead end
Failure teaches Curiosity
To make use of an opportunity
The success of failure lies in the maturity
The invaluable learning
That only humbling experiences can teach
Failure of Success without maturity
Lies in its inability to be of use to anybody
If not of value to society
Or sharing it with the needy
Is like playing the game of Monopoly Solitarily
61 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Waiting with the rest
Nervousness at it's best
Awaiting the test
Clueless about the result

Sir name called
Didn't know their protocol
Walked to the Counter feeling tall
Came out feeling small

Lasted a few  minutes
Fired questions on many topics
The tone of the questioning
I knew she wasn't interested in issuing

The shock of the rejection
Contrary to my expectation
Killed my motivation
Post graduation remained just a notion

It's a matter of time
Before I secure mine
Second chance provided
Will not get rejected

A week later
A different Visa officer
Had spoken to the earlier
Response very similar

Boxed into a corner
Crossroads my career
Knockout punch delivered
Didn't get up before the countdown ended

Doors closed for America
Twice rejected my Visa
Longest night of my life
Yet to see the rays of daylight

Half a decade later
Thought my chances were better
Tried again with vigour
Interview lasted a few seconds longer

Shivering and sweating
Had driven myself into a frenzy
Interviewed by a lady officer
Addressed her in the opposite gender

Questioning all familiar
Trained another visa officer
Made him stand near her
Made me an example of a looser

Waited for my reply
Turned to him and explained why
A candidate for rejection
Stood there like a clown

Rejected 4 times
America remains a dream
Chances to visit even as a tourist
Even the gods cannot do the trick

First to decide
To visit the United States
Family and friends
Everyone has visited my turn awaited

Asked my father
No one wiser
He had no answer
Hopes closed forever

Not one day has passed
Without thinking of the visa
Remains my biggest lacking
Everyone but I seem to go
Why not me I keep wondeting
60 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Different thought process
On an issue of importance
Or for convenience
Forming an opinion
Fact and reason
Not necessarily present
A matter of taste
Each going either way
Appealing and attractive
Worshipping the narrative
A matter of the heart
Thought process takes no part
Logic or Taste
Thought or Emotion
Mind or Heart
Or sometimes both at work
Expressing oneself once
Is more than enough
A forceful reenforcement
Changes the equation
Dissent dispute altercation
Relationship ends in a dead end
Best available solution
Not to be in contention
Convincing the person
Not an occupation
Respect the opinion
Stop the conversation
Peace of mind
Bigger than a seeming victory
On any bone of contention
60 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Last supper
Apostles in order
One a betrayer
God the Forseer

Washed the feet
Apostles each
Objected the act
Act of faith

Swallowed the bread
Along went the Devil
Birth a curse
No crime worse
Judas Iscariot
His name

Denied by Peter
As predicted earlier
Not once but thrice
Only to later cry

Arrested and Crucified
Greatest sacrifice ever made
Tortured beyond belief
Son of God and a thief

Hes not god
Because of birth
Not the chosen one
Due to crucifixion

He is god for one reason
In agony and pain
Prayed to his father
Forgive the sinner
For he isn't aware
That he is the doer

No sacrifice enough
To gain immortality
Benefit of entire humanity
Founded Christianity

His life is his message
Follow his footsteps with courage
His door always open
His house and his heart

Love and Peace
Core of his teaching
Follow his preaching
Duty of every human being

Crucified and buried
Friday the day
Even in death celebrated
Christened Good Friday
Rose again
Sunday the day
Life celebrated
3 days later
Easter Sunday

In the face
Of nature's fury
Human unrest
For our souls to rest
On the Cross
Jesus of Nazareth
60 · Jul 2021
KV Srikanth Jul 2021
Pompous in Victory
Depressed in Defeat
Extreme in Emotions
Either results not bad

Play the game
Establish your name
Along comes fame
Getting carried away the bane

Play the game
Fullest of ability
****** in loosing
No harm in falling

Play the game
Focus the process
Don't decide the outcome
Best attitude in producing the optimum

Apart from practising
Daily basis learning
Eye on improving
Hopefully change the ending

Skill sets different
Available options varying
Comparison with competition
Most avoidable provision

Set own standards
Ratification doesn't matter
Surrender to the game
Reap rewards in the bargain

Take into consideration
Each a unique combination
Output limited due to limitations
Doesn't change the situation

The game gives returns
On integrity that's shown
Your time will come
To fulfill what you want to become

Not the expected results
Years spent in achieving a status
Never consider as time wasted
Harvest delayed never denied
60 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Definition of integrity
Treated everyone equally
Possessed every quality
Boon to the student community

First lessons in Punctuality
Never taken lightly
Ingrained in us permanently
Made us better citizens in Society

Ironed shirt and polished shoes
Set the standard and the rules
An example for everyone at school
Never once lost his cool

Baritone voice unmistakable
Knowledge of the language impeccable
Personality and Conduct impressionable
His very presence and demeanor respectable

Treated everyone equally
Showed no signs of partiality
Took his profession seriously
An epitome of integrity

Manners his priority
Would impart it politely
How to conduct yourself with dignity
No one thought it more appropriately

As the subjects got tougher
He became our teacher
Taught English prose and Grammar
Marked everyone including his son without fear or favor

The Schools Assistant Head Master
Entire school had found a mentor
Straddled Education and behavior
Blessing in disguise for every teenager

Calm and Collected
Revered and Respected
Man of benevolence
Epitome of Goodness

Personification of Patience
Listened to every grievance
Kindness his very essence
A blessing even to reminiscence

Seldom a word Spoken
If not required
Every utterance thoughtful
Silence to be understood

Generations to benefit
From his wisdom and wit
Deemed everyone fit
Never threw a rage of fit

I bow to him
Not a day goes by
Without remembering him
Wish he were still with us
I'm sure his spirit is guiding us

A leader among teachers
President s award winner
The award gets the honor
Bestowed upon this Scholar

Respect must be paid
For the relentless efforts he made
In our thoughts and prayers Every single day
The legend Mr A Selvadorai
60 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Fragile like glass
Derail a bit too fast
Relationships that don't last
Reason evident on the cards
A nature to express
Dislike  straight to the face
Dominating personality
Tilting the scales
Inferiority complex multiplies its fate
Arguments tangential makes a date
Equality is a delusion
In it searching for the solution
Fooling oneself beyond reason
It is skewed is the acceptance

Dignity and class
Consistency and empathy
The glue keeping
It from falling apart
Selfish reasons play a role
Denying it making oneself a fool

Breaking the chord
An easy affair
Took years to build
Ready to say farewell
A moment of reflection
On the good that was done
Slow downs the process of a hasty conclusion

Simmering differences kept
Under pressure for a time
Exact time chosen to stop pretend
Explode simultaneously at both ends

Respect the other
Don't cross the line
From a bore to a villain
Swings the perception
Aware of the qualities
Not indulging in whataboutery
Being blind to the faults
Is the only way to see the whole thing last
59 · Jul 2021
KV Srikanth Jul 2021
Friends from childhood
Ignored and abandoned
Grew up concomitantly
Yet so differently

Days of hunger
Hanging around at a film theatre
Pocket picking only option
Do the deed with hope of escaping

Passing the purse
To his friend an accomplice
Tries to flee the scene
Before doing an act so obscene

Cought by the public
Mind and body static
The friend does not panic
Hides the wallet under the car wheels

Cought red handed
Turns the tables single handed
Lays the blame on his friend
And claims total innocence

The accomplice under the radar
Beaten up and questioned by the public at large
Questioned if he took it
Denies it vehemently

Forced to return the stolen wallet
Doesn't think even for a minute
Claims innocence of its whereabouts
Doesn't help in easing the people's doubts

Finally grilled if his friend did the act
Replies I have no idea about  the fact
Death at you doorstep never rat
Learnt from this young boy whose character is intact

Did you take it
Did your friend take it
I don't know
Where is the wallet
Which wallet
You ll be beaten to death
Go ahead
59 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
A traveller without a destination
Wandering triggered by imagination
Sleep the break coming with hesitation
Even in sleep Dream continuing the relay not
stopping at any station

Quest on for rest
Trying its best
Making every request
Solution none to suggest

Weary wanderer fighting hard
Wanting to stop heavily scarred
Emotional content not yet got
Full Speed ahead hoping atlest the heart stops
59 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Made the approach
Trusting the coach
Teaching the game
From its inception
The teachers devotion
For the game passion
Sets the process rolling
Day by day improving

Progress made
Coaches efforts
Match play next step
First step of mix up

Victory not a feat
Defeat should not repeat
More expected
Results disappointed

A year in the sport
A sea change seen
Attitude for all
Become a know it all

Kids start complaining
Parents encouraging
In every issue interfering
Know how acquired suddenly claiming

Exchanging information
With parents from
Another institution
Instilled wrong notion
About the Coaches intention

Bad mouthing coaches
Degrading their skill
Spreading this talk
Behind the back

Cause of defeat
Squarely on the Academy
Single out a coach
Make him a scapegoat

With purpose and ire
Spread like wild fire
Intention to smear
On the line
The coaches career

Acumen acquired
Coach not required
Now a winner
Coach made to
Look like a joker

Next level play
In another academy lay
Leave the very school
Lacking knowledge tools
A bunch of fools

Kids like this plenty
Forget their journey
Now a burden to carry
Never felt sorry

Ends up finally
Kids leave the Academy
Every aspect unhappy
Coach and facility
Washing in public
***** laundry

Coaching professionally
Done with integrity
True to duty
Need not worry

Walk on
Next aspirant
Seek your attention
Give him guidance
Shower him with affection
Stay true to the profession
Try to make him a champion
Without fear or favor
Benefits not consider
To create a player
The job akin
To the Supreme Maker
59 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
A pupil and his master
Walking along the banks of a river
The master observed the fish in the water
Complimented on their happy nature
You're no fish to know the reality
You are not me
To know that I don't know
Replied the master

Only possession a horse
Galloped one day away and far
Bad luck said the townsfolk
Maybe answered this gentle soul

Horse came back
Three more in tow
Now you have four
Nothing more to fear for
Said the townsfolk
Maybe replied this gentle soul

Son tried his hand
Horse riding a life long fan
Broke his leg after a fall
Didn't have the the wherewithal
Sorry about your sons fate
Old enough not to play games
Townsfolk gathered
Time not right said it with might
Maybe replied this gently

War is announced
Army marches unannounced
As many to fight the enemy
Recruiting able boys
Townspeople had no choice
Broken leg declared unfit boy escapes draft
Lucky you said the folks
Maybe replied the farmer gently

Pupil and master
Cross a river
Woman drowning finding it hard to recover
Master Carries her on his shoulder
Leaves her on the banks of the river
Walking into the forests
The pupil protests
Touching a woman out of order
I left her at the other side of the river
Why are you still carrying her
Said the master

Students at a monastery
Unable to gain mastery
Teachers methods unsatisfactory
Questioned his ability
Life in 2 words asks the senior
Everything changes replied the Master

King visits a Master
Teach me the art of Zen
Issues an order
Hours later
King in rage
Not a word did the monk utter
Teacher left his chair
King said this is unfair
Been here a day
You had not a word to say
You came here to learn zen
Unfortunately you didn't pay attention
59 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
For every scar
I wrote a song
Sang it along
Alone and forlorn
Sombre the mood
Created the meloncholy tune
Verses created by emotions
Ignorance played the chords
Fear hit the notes
Symphony created by Thoughts
Mind conducting the orchestra
World's largest stage called life
Not a single audience in sight
Memory helping in recall
Tells the same story
But not a broken record
Hoping one day to play it all
Not to reach the top of any chart
A lesson for those who come after
The background score will prevent them
When they are about to falter
Life's lessons in a record
Future generations can learn a lot
58 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Disposition and Perception
Born with and acquired along with
Making of one's true character
The core of the mind and heart empire

Task at hand
A decision to be taken⁶
There's the easy and the right
Take the right face it now
Take the easy sleepless forever

Whatever be the pressure
Even a Second thought Is a misfire
Naturally  go towards  tougher
It will rest easier

Conscience the device
That connects body mind and soul
Reflects to the outside
Questions and Answers by itself

Scruples and Principles
Sense of right and wrong
Conscience judges the behaviour
Represents you to yourself

Wrong deed done
Thought process corrupted
Character valued less
By ourselves no more by  others

Equity and Justice
Mercy and Kindness
Only way to remain
When the conscience asks questions

Small window of chance
To regain the pride
Can't undo the done
Repentance second best option

Against your core
Not feeling neccasary
Or coming for the ****
Face to face realise not so uphill

Running away has no destination
Restless mind permanently branding
Get back on the saddle and get back to town
The train arrives at High Noon
58 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Moon setting the tone
For what is to come
As the night prepares
Not its debut performance
But the stories differ
Some play the role played before
Some have left the floor after  the show before
Few have come before it reopens the door

Its darkness pervades
Light the exception
Has no role to play
A few hours into the day
58 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Consistentcy is the key
To gain respectability
Overcoming the process
Where thoughts digress
Is the hardest
Can be attained by practice
The wavering mind
Judging every single nod
The decree brings instability
Final verdict untrustworthy
Mirroring the behaviour
The greatest error
Being one with yourself
Expression comes natural
Cannot be somebody else
Tried and tested results
Every roadblock their behaviour builds
And every ditch their attitude gives
Manoeuvering every move
Acording to their groove
Cuts the brake s off
High speed crash of personality on the cards
Flexible and moving along
Without loosing the original nature that belongs
If not better off when interaction cut off
Inability to handle
Anyone who's intrinsically cross
Must know the course
Or else don't Tee off
Congruent and come through
Avoid and be true
Protect the uniqueness
Consists of consistency
Clarity of thought
Feeling every moment
You'll become the best respondent
58 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Staying positive hoping
The outcome will be welcome
Being negative without faith
The outcome if going to be filled with problems
State of mind either way
Will the final result change
Better frame of mind
For us to be in
Vibe spreading has value
One better than the other  is construed
Best is to stay neutral
Not for not against
Thus remaining non judgemental
The results them don't bother us
As both sides we are prepared for any result
57 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Waking up today
Grateful for everything
That happened till yesterday
From my heart I say

The good and the bad
Makes me who I am
I consider myself blessed
In this lifes contest

Misdeeds requiring admonition
Forgiven and forgotten
Wrong paths chosen but destination reached that of protection

Monetary security incompatible
Money earned not relatable
Shortage of money
An experience never understandable

Providing me food
When in need
A roof above my head
Along with a sense of pride

Friends taking interest
Forgoing my trespasses
Treating as an equal
Kind and modest

Alcohol and the rest
Should have made me rest
Permanently and would have  been the best
For family friends and the rest

Giving me chances
To understand my mistakes
Start analyzing my life
Inception from incompetence laid to rest

Another shot at living life not at odds
Learning and transcending the faults
The seeker within awakening the soul
New path towards a new goal

A new career path
From nowhere got
Last chance it was
To redeem my lot

Not repeat the same
Twice is a shame
Strive for name and fame
Best shot given in the new game

Thank you again
Grateful forever
All that I got
And that awaits

Feeling of compassion
Shown in my direction
Without any judgment
I'm the luckiest man
57 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Beauty and the beholder
In sync with each other
Skin deep a perception
Not really another dimension

Reality to one
Not necessarily to the other
But reality' s nature
Is nature's reality

Questioning the reality
To make a mockery
Is to hurt emotionally
**** the soul permanently

Unless a seeker
Reality not deeper
Outside in nature
Also part  of law of nature

Difference of opinion
Dividing line in emotion
Superficial in logical
Forgiveness is magical

Decision on information
Intelligent brain function
Bring in the feeling
Change in requirement

Reality changes
Universal progress
To change with change
Is the change less state
57 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Permanence is temporary
Nothing stays the way it came
We age and go up in flames
Some of our loved ones best us to the game

We loose a father a teacher or a friend
Whom we unconditionally loved Till the end
We feel for their loss
Space they occupied gone for a toss

Vacuum created makes us feel shallow
Have to undergo the sorrow
Feeling can never be borrowed
No interest rate yet To locate

Lasting for a limited period
Often confused with lasting
Any therapy again temporary
Only the meaning can be found in the dictionary

Only thing permanent
Is our looking for the solution
All along within us
Beam of the thoughts torch focused anywhere except

Searching in the dark
Naturally missing the mark
Awareness of lacking awareness
Train of Mourning in a never ending tunnel

Light is not at the other end
Its at the end of our ignorance
The tunnel to is transitory
If knowledge lights sorrows leave you  free
57 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Its not the lead
That puts you to rest
Its not the trigger
That sends you in the direction of death
Its not the slinger
Deciding that you should meet the maker
The Gun The Bullet The shooter
All can't miss together
If the  breaths and beats reach their number
More time here
The sharp end of a knife
Stuck deep inside
But design decided despite
Knife resigns knowing its fighting against time
57 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Things are tough
Be thankful they aren't tougher
Alive to narrate it
Proof that it's not any rougher

Not enough money
Pennies from heaven real not funny
Health requiring prescription
Needing permanent attention

Think of sub human conditions
Death due to malnutrition
Another Thank you for health
Now thanked along with Wealth

Abandoned at birth
Starving to death
State of New borns
You ain't one
Your initials stand proof for all

Rough patches in relationships
Heart going through hardships
Communication breakdown
Body mind soul in lockdown

Friendship in tatters
Size of the Ego matters
Not in police custody
Let alone being in solitary

Thank you for my family
Stood behind solidly
Deserted and alone
Thank God you are not alone

Return to normalcy certain
Nature your maturity testing to ascertain
Thank you for putting me through
In Loneliness i sought company in Thank You
57 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Sliding into the position
Lying mouth open and bare
Into my dentists well laid out chair
Nervous wreck in utter despair
What am I afraid of
If i have internalised death
Is it a fearful disease
Outcome of my habits i indulged with ease
Is it the guilt that i wrongly assumed
That I'm exempt from anything I consume
Not for me it won't
May be will be proved wrong
Am i scared of the " I told you so"
Deserve it because I  continued to do so
Mind a racing track
Questions raised and Answered
Thoughts overtaking each other
All on a collusion course
Giving meaning to the
Doctors every expression and
The only way to overcome the fear
Undergo the experience that gives the fear
57 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Stone cold night
Jacket Sporting
Strolling physically
Sprinting Mentally

Nicotine urge
Smoking a Cigar
Vapors up in the air
Swimming the skies
Postcard photograph
Analyzing my career graph

Boulders on the path
Ditches to avoid
Puddles to cross
Dogs barking across
Headlights beaming
Eyelids reacting

Traffic Congestion
Emotional Wilderness
Bringing back the mind
From its travel in time
Trying to stay in the now
Figuring out how

Spotted a Stranger
Walking the same pace
Distanced by space
Soon came face to face

The pathways cleared
Street seemed even
Noise ceased
Vision restored
People disappeared
As the Stranger Appeared

He in my way
And I in his
Blocking the other
Mirrored my movements
Getting past sole thought
Seemed like a time warp

Stuck in a circle
Us in the middle
Wished him
As manners warrant
Reciprocal gestures
Lent my hand
Firm shake
Silent surrounding
Set me wondering

Greeted him politely
Treated him respectfully
Spoke with him kindly
There seemed no Hurry

Could be
Coming From
Possibility Infinity
Capable of accomplishment
Could become friend
Give my Dreams a language
Deep Sleep occurence
Wide Awake recurrence

I could possess
Attributes of the Stranger
Dream In Daylight
Heart on the Right side

I could walk around
The problems that surround
Till I met the person
Opposite in direction

Was he in my path
Was I in his
If I was him
Would have I treated me thus

Rooted on the ground
Wide as the horizon
Fact hard to accept
Simple and direct

Stalling my movement
His presence on the way
Outside has no say
In every which way

Inside instigates
Slows progress
Inside is I
Who stood in my own way

Stranger  outsider
Seemed familiar
Realized  similar
Dawned Insider
Thought Alter
Felt Finally
None other

Mutually blocking
The Stranger and i
I was the Stranger
Stranger  was i
56 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Missing my mentor
Who gave me all
taken away by god
Too early my thought

Having conversations with him
Narrating the  jokes that he enjoyed
A  style that i employed
Every time he would have a whole hearted laugh

Continuing the same
In his absence
Me playing both  the roles
Inside my heart and acting out .

Talking with colleagues on a project
He ends up as the  main  subject
Regaling with laughter his encounters
Hours  spent on his many conquests'

Wish he was here
So that i don't have to play two roles.
Wish he was here
So that he did not exist in memory alone
Wish he was here
So that i could talk to him some more
Wish  he was here
So that i could apologize for my mistake
Wish he was here
So that i could thank him more
Wish he was here
So that i don't have to think of him .
Wish he was here
So that he was not a recall
Wish he was here
So that i never learnt the meaning of grief
Wish he was here
So that i can live in peace
Wish he was here
So that he was here
56 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
My father was a Jewish carpenter
Everytime I see that quote I simmer
My thoughts and my heart open the gates
Of my eyes which brings tears
Heaven is not where you reside
Wherever you reside is heaven
On the Cross for all to see
Do you need my RSVP
Your Last supper immortalized
By a great painter
Will I be the 14th
Ill die to live to tell humanity
That I had dinner and dessert
With the son of Mary
Who taken upon himself to carry
My sins and everyone else.'s
Overwhelmed by the invitation
Even if it is a poem
It is nothing but salvation
56 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Serenity that the night
Brings with it
Enjoying the solitude
Alone but not lonely
Surprised at it
Crack of dawn
The sky being lit
Making darkness fighting a loosing battle
Taking along with it
The tranquil it brings with it
Is my imagination going haywire
Trying to make sense
Out of a fantasy
Nights lived through many
Sleep not protecting me from it
Travelled the nights awake
Doesn't make much difference from the day
Perception a leftover of the emotion
May bring in a new variable tomorrow
Treating the night differently
The night remains the same
Darkness playing the dual role of joy and sorrow simultaneously
Waiting for the genesis
A new day to begin with
First light at the break if day
Break a leg i wish myself
Eventful or routine
Is routine eventful
How will it play out
Night will bring the results
Of the how the day panned out
A million thoughts
Playing the crossword
Trying to complete
Using life as the clues
56 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
If you're sinking
How does the depth matter
If you trust your self
How does destiny matter
A price tag for everything
What is the value of human life
Once dead cremated or buried
What happens next ?
56 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Circular in a clock
Linear in reality
Same time different day
Different time different day

What the clock reflects
Glory or regret
Not by victory or failure
How you used it to full measure

Clock corrects itself
Time management lessons
Time keeper learns from time
Value of time from time to time

Time wasted is time lost
Time is fixed not negotiable
Time bygone edits the time
No more part of timeline

Timeless is created
By those who respect time
Time used to create
Sacrificed food and sleep to gain time

Respected by time
Immortal in time
Disrespect the time
Wastrel title given on hand

Unlimited by nature
Time lasts forever
Time is not fixed for time
Rationed for us use it fine

Time tells you the time
Doesn't interfere with time
Personification of punchuality
Time keeping up time theres no duality

Spend the time and
Save the day
Waste the time
Loose the day
56 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Happiness does not
Have an address
Sorrow searches for one
Finds many rather easily
Unfortunately there's place for only one
Invited to stay without rent
Pay interest by handing over peace
Vacating to give it on a lease
Sorrow looms larger
Than the problem that created it
Makes you focus on it
Rather than solving the issue that birthed it
The more the attention it seeks and gets
The stronger it becomes
Happiness and Satisfaction
Gone long and far
No more visible to the heart
And seems impossible to attain in thought
56 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Mind that dwells
Can't it forget
Mind that builds
Can't it sculpt
Mind that accumulates
Can't it segregate
Mind that associates
Can't it seperate
Mind that evolves
Can't it dissolve
Mind that rewinds
Can't it just unwind
Mind that extrapolates
Can't it stay present
Mind that's filled without fear
Can't it change gear
Mind that thinks
Can't it feel
55 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Questions in the head
Mind giving answers
Just a balance in progress
Each his  own witness

Takes time to realize
Minds echo doesn't materialize
Thinking not minimized
Brain trained
Answers customized

Guilty about quest
If it's for material progress
Spiritual progress
Guiltless process

Time warp on thoughts
Endless ocean of questions
Dead end for Solutions
Whole shebang no conclusion

Times of grief
God the chief
A daily brief
A cure called relief
Hinges on the word belief

Web of unreality
Dual role playing
certainty and uncertainty
Slowly turns to Spirituality

Mind to clear
Questions so dear
Answers far yet  so near
A compulsory factor
Is the  need for a Master

Quest for self knowledge
Mind wandering outside
All answers inside
Determined for an Answer
Follow the Master

Journey Prepaid
No rent paid
Time on earth
Status quo
Till death beckons

Self finds self
Like a maglite
In a movie hall
Our Master
Throws light

Without  the teacher
There is no driver
Reason for your birth
No more plans to
Visit mother earth
Answers to all
Provided by one

A Spiritual Master
Money not his aim
Spreading the knowledge
Where he leads his carriage

Get in the last one
Before he picks another one
Ride the carriage
Full of knowledge
55 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
In Silence lies the meaning
Be it a question we are seeking
Or an answer we are giving
It has more words than spoken words

The sound from the soundless
A balm for the affected
Peace and quiet it beckons
By itself it reckons

Verbal silence a discipline
Or nature from within
Quietitude of the mind
Lifetime battle in the hand

Stillness has reasoning
More than the points debating
Dancing mind takes a stance
To the noise produced from the voice

Silence has one tune
Have to sway to its croon
Sway within the notes
Kept to a bare minimum

Reflects a satisfied self
Not worried about heaven or hell
Gets respect from the rest
Self and rest removed the restless
54 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Silence is intriguing
Silence has glamour
The less you speak
The more you convey

It lies in the pauses betwixt words
In between notes in Music
The answer given for prayers at a shrine
When lonely the best companion

Silence is an attitude
Marble stones to build character
Loconic is stylish
Iconic in status

Placidity of nature
Stillness in breath
Quiescent in thoughts
Saturnine in death

Represents the Soul
Like it cannot be pointed out
The biggest weapon of a seeker
Reticence in his armour

Does not need censorship
Guardian of good relationships
Respects the emotion of others
Retains forever the authorship of the self

Double edged sword
Shows respect by its presence
Lack of it by refusing to consent
Distance and time don't seperate people but hush of the early dawn does

Has a price to it
When displayed worshipped
Very difficult to attain
Many examples in course of time

Speaks louder then words.
Best answer to insults
Quickest route to success
Doesn't need a recess

Has all the answers
Always carries meaning
The burden of a heavy heart
Borne by it sans a drop

Method of teaching
Conveys every meaning
Amplified with stillness
Meditative with wisdom

A thoughtless mind
Seeking the divine
Heartful of emotion
Finds their address in Silence
54 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Darkness keeps its date
Sunlight completely erased City lights  bright
Nightime security
Street lights stands alone with all its beauty

The vibrations of the night
Does  give you a fright
Night makes you a different man
A lot more time in your hands

Silence of the night
Darkness in sight
Not logical
Street light does it
Making it magical

Moon and his friend
Moon spreading its glow
Street Lights adding to it from below
Perched on a post inherent in its flow

Romancing the night
Its light shining bright
Pavement dwellers delight
Lone traveller paths  highlight

Poor mans best friend
Unable to continue education
Homeless without a roof
Row of lights stand proof
Sharing its soul
Future failure proof

Do their duty
Equanimity their quality
Differentiates nobody
Shines on all equally

Prescense adds beauty
To the roads and the city
Rainy night it adds glory
Presents a picture perfect story

Removes the sorrow
Hope's for a better morrow
Street light stands like the Sphinx
Living under it soon to break your jinx
54 · Mar 2021
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
Woman in Life
A matter of Pride
****** divide
Only in the head

Seeking a career
Striving like anyother
But only harder
Capabilities in order

Ability to think
Comprehend and perceive
If the women were to recieve
Marks for their ability to conceive
Final result one
Simply cant believe

Termed Weaker ***
Called fairer ***
Both used facetously
Gender inequality
Living on the fallacy

Muscle size compared
Womens place declared
Strength put to test
Made to feel less

Narrow vision
Mental condition
Complete regression
Humiliate by aggression

Female a gender
Mistaken for ***
Weaker or Stronger
Comes into play
Biased and Opinionated
Thought originated
Without any debate
Already concluded

Thinking hazy
Conclusion fuzzy
Woman as an entity
Place in Society
Lacking objectivity
In its entirety
Thinking lies futility

Womans right to compete
Not for others to concede
Right by birth
Talent no dearth

Gender equality
In name only
Woman of quality
Credit to sexuality

Women live longer
Logical they are healthier
Study harder
Progress farther

Middle headed humanity
In reality a calamity
Women viewed in totality
Parity and inferiority

Conditioned by Society
Personal prejudice aplenty
Corrupted vision to see
A Woman as a Woman

To be pursued
In order to be persuaded
Law of nature provided
Preyed and Prosecuted
Paraded and Prostituted

Intellectual and equal
Responsible and capable
Leadership of the world
Not beyond A womans fold
Courage during calamity
Problem processing faculty
Calm and collectively
At ease with their personality

Biological differences
Harmonial changes
Childbearing and nursing
Endurance and pressure
Proven handled better

A world without poverty
Cause with Nobility
Gender equality
Always a reality
Remove the ambiguity
Remains Clarity

Woman has freedom
Nothing to fight for
World were a better place
Woman are to die for

Oldest cliche used
Remember your mother
Is a woman
Perfect reminder
To put our act together
Respecting an honor
Integrated in behavior
Objectify a Woman
God save the demon

Division in religion
Difference in Origin
Hostility in Countries
Inequality amongst individuals
Environment nightmare

No more no less
Very essence Spiritual
A Woman is a woman
Required and requested
Nothing from beginning

Woman of substance
Bow in their presence
Treat them equally
A truth with Finality
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53 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
There is no victory
There is no defeat
No one is better than you
You are inferior to nobody
All are equal
Skills may vary
Some score great marks
Others fail the same test
What does it tell
To try something else
Fail again try again
Failing not the problem
Not trying is taking poison
Carving on the stone
Here is a guy
Who tried hard as hell
Nothing more to tell
Life's purpose met
53 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
Content with means
Elegance than luxury
Worthy more than respectable
Refined instead of fashion
Wealthy not rich
Think quietly
Act frankly
Talk gently
Bear cheerfully
Face all bravely
Hurry never
Opportunity closer
Spiritual growth
Take care of future
53 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Sailing away to seas away
Thoughts swaying on whether to stay
Home with security and care
Loved ones with woes to share

In search of a future
Bright as the morning sun
Also mixed in pleasure and fun
Far off horizons waiting to enlighten

Travel and education
Two knots of the cradle
Lullabies of wisdom
Imparted  with momentum

Landing on the shores
Waves hitting the deck
Still missing the folks
Optimism the guard making sure you don't fall

In search of something
You already had from  the beginning
Why take the journey
Search needed in order to realise that the search is not needed

Looking back waves recede
As if to tell you to proceed
Fail and again and take the rap
Never learnt if still with mom and dad

Enter the process
Has no exit to offer
Process the answer
Learning even when falter

Experiences stored in memory
Will tell your life's story
Decides the human being you are
Life is always played on par

Your night is their day
That's the way nature made
Writing your life's first draft
Never say goodbye cause you ain't apart
53 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
If God already knows
What is good for us
Then why pray to god
If everything is an action reaction equation
How does prayer help the situation
If everything is predetermined
The whole task of Prayer is undermined
In the long run we are dead anyway
Why not look the other way
If skill  determines what we get
How is prayer going to be of any help
53 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
As the day dawns
Knocking on our doors
From the skies
One day lesser
Left in our lives
We still welcome it
With hope and faith
Recieved it with respect
Logically we should detest
If we value life
Of ours and our near and dear
Countdown being announced
No hand made Swiss clock
But by the one above all
Who is never slow or fast
Because he decides the time after all
53 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
True for the rest
Mind says otherwise
Crazy in the head
Unfairly society says
Mind plays games
Goes with the territory
Thin line between insanity
Not reached there
Consider oneself lucky
Off the bend
Unable to mend
Race car on the highway of delusion
Brakes not working there's no turning
Logically explained like anything else
The Doctors play out this exercise
A speciality in medicine it's become
That's how far close we have come
Reality and illusion blurring
A Dream  while awake
Doesn't seem  to end
Even when asleep
Mind at war with itself
Mental suicide in progress
Ravaged by conflicting thought process
Living with oneself also becomes dual
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