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72 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Measure of goodness
How one treats the weak
Same as he would a king
Shows character and a heart of spring

Set standards for Actions
Desired and approve
Moral order defining character
Love yourself and you'll love others

Value to others
In thoughts and deeds
Wishing Ill for none
Growth for everyone

No later date set
Start now right away
Open your heart
Will be sought after by god

Shadow in Sunshine
Friend in Crisis
Light in the darkness
Filled with kindness

Not your line
Thinking different from thine
Does not make a difference
Open your hearts just the same

None that you don't like
Is the state to be reached
May all be well in life
Your dislike doesn't warrant them hell

The interest earned
By filling the stomachs
Of those whose is empty
Is kept safe by God under lock and key

Do not be the cause
For anybody's scar
Attitude will get auctioned off
No bidder buying at all

Words Thoughts Actions and Feelings
All in sync with each
Radiating this symmetry to reach
Everlasting Peace
72 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Exertion to create
A creation
Either by talent or repetition
Skill and imagination
Overlaying in tandem
For profession or recreation
Has a destiny written
Before or after
I'm in no position
To answer the question
If the art carries the artist s fortune
Or doom as determined
The art is not at fault
Just as we are born
Knowing only life
It searches to  display
Pride not in itself
But its master
Inspite of the travails
Using his
Seeds of imagination
Birthed on canvas
Record or film
Even the creator
By virtue of his power
Could write its kismet
But needed its artisan
To use his wizardry
Who's life  too he can sequence
But lacked his creative essence
Creating a competition
To his occupation
Willing to sacrifice it
He lacks the nuance
Of the artistic brilliance
World and his creation
Need in abundance
Foregoing his monopoly
His imagination after all lacked beauty
A novice who needed
The virtuoso s genius
To make this world a better place
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
Status Update
Dawn or Dusk
First to check
No exception
Obsession Or Compulsion
Cancerous or benign
Status is mine
Mystery or Suspense
No history to prepence
Probe failed
Mystery it's not
2 playing the part
Duet in Stage
Audience none
Suspense none
Basic instinct
Very succinct
Subtle for Stalking
A hint in order
Bigger picture
Role playing
***** or innocent
Pawn in the game
Diabolical Paradoxical
Thrill of an affair
No trail left
Telepathic Romance
Unsaid emotions
Rules laid clear
Exchanges none
Motive unclear
******* with my head
Alibi none
Transparent in action
Just an addiction
Enjoying the attention
While it lasts
Have a blast
Meanings multiple
Fall for the wrong woman
Faulkner novel it's not
Sensuality Sexuality in the air
As being  stalked
Exit roads blocked
Reciprocal in nature
Guess the future
Status a mirror
Reflects my inner
Likes and dislikes
Inside and out
Silence Maddening
Awake and changing
To prove my theory right
Vibrations and Energy
One of Synergy
Playing games
Suspension of disbelief
Reads like a novel
How do I let it roll
Mind takes its toll
Guessing game
No chequered flag
Answer in time
Give it a name
WhatsApp Flame
71 · Oct 2022
Introduction again
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Lost my soul
In my fight
To live my life
Keep the Soul
The only goal
Forgot to remind
Me every night

I keep hearing
About me from others
No introduction needed
My reputation ahead headed
Innocence lost its battle
Complex convinced it
That it was foolish

Education Job Marriage
Each  a seperate ambition
Every trick learnt
Played at the table
To keep it stable
Only then considered able

Bottom line is wealth
Properties and bank balances
Respect not in self
But how we project ourselves
Playing the part of a dog
Might as well bark
Where do I stand
Goal posts shifted
Conveniently on purpose
Still missing the mark
Price paid as the highest bidder
For many questions still  no answer
71 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Let me tell you a secret
Most contradictory statement ever
Made by the immature
Only the mature can keep its honor

Information idea or incident
From opening the soul finds its origin
Does not have a destination
Guarding it requires determination

Foundation  is trust
Respecting it a must
Basic requirement being loyal
Passed on an act of betrayal

Not a stock to be traded
Valuing it an act of sin
Championship not to be won
Like a trophy paraded should be berated
Not an autograph to be exchanged
One person to another
Shows complete lack of character

Information is power
Adds value to holder
Not a struggle for one upmanship
Total lack of sportsmanship
Not a gift in times of rift
Gifting  even not an option

Not a movie to be previewed
Word of mouth not  reviewed
Not news to be sold
Should be treated on par with treason

Fear of being judged disclosed
Skeletons in the closet exposed
Reason for a decision stated
Action of the future confessed

Taking in a hushed tone
Calling one to come alone
Waiting for one to leave
Stopping  midway as one arrives
A secret Is at play
Your business or not
Stay away

Eager to know somehow
for gossiping
Digging deep  treasure seeking
Eavesdropping for information
Emotional blackmail
If all other fail

What you dont know
Cannot hurt
Revealing and Recieving
Not in its worth
Another mans misery
Not in your trajectory
Any such transaction
Only path  rejection

Heart is light
Each to his plight
Bow to the person
Who will rather die
Than share this information

Like Duty
No parity
Surety is integrity
Safety guarantee

Stays within
Dies with
No myth
Basic truth
71 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Sun signed out of the West
Buckling down for the East
Burning candles both sides
Presence and Absence
World decides its routine

Not even a breather
Putting its feet up
Never still
Shifts position
Intensity equation

Darkest before Dawn
Sheds light in the Sky
Signals a new day
Heralds hope with its Ray

A new day today
Rise and Shine
Ray of hope
New beginning
Bright and Fun
Allegories of the Sun

Potency and vigor
Qualifies time and hour
Ceaselessly moving
Rendezvous with the Ocean

Beams of   light
Does not discriminate
Like or hate
Value of time
It  knows best
Signs out east
Signals a day less

Justina folded eyes
Justice it holds the keys
Eyes closed black cloth
Without fear or favor
Scales in one hand
Sword in another

Justice impartial
Delivered separates
Duty by definition
Does with repetition

****** by justice
Sun does not prejudice
Equal to all
All are equal
Equanimity lies its beauty

Attachment or Abhorrence
Offering flowers or Pelting Stones
Equanimity is
Medicine for Calamity
Hallmark of Spirituality

Inherently qualified
Worship justified
Examples multiplied
Virtue in every way
Hope Faith Belief
Brings along it's way
Pushes darkness away

Far of Science says
Proves power of its Rays
Looks like a stones throw away
Far yet near
Benefits innate

Be like the Sun
Unfair to none
Beacon of Good
All you have to do
Is to look up
71 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021

Mother and Brothers
Siblings and Cousins
Joint family system
Household member
Eleven in Number

P & S
Scarce to find
Two of a kind
Amiable and Kind

Donned the roles
Sans make up or clapboard
Mother Wife and law
With every prefix in

Up before dawn
Hot water for bath
Switched on
Timing bang on

Coffee second duty
For all and sundry
Equal share to everybody
No to none

Food for all
By 8 o'clock
I ternary fluctuating
Permutations confusing
On the table
Ready to serve
Lesson in management
Deserved recognition

Obligated execution
Committed Passion
Equanimity in Affection
Rarity in quality

Candles burning
Both ends
Ready to drop
Not a wink
Shut eye catch some Z's
Not written
Both their destinies

Common in Creation
Unique in Emotion
Daily by the Dozen
Handled with Silence

Take the Heat
No mean Feat
Shared the burden
Never Shaken

24*7 Spent
In a kitchen
Others first
Self last
Duty with Precision
Seldom commotion

Midnight oil burnt
The worse for wear
On the floor
What was left
Food so cold
Tough row to ***

Beat Bushed
Under the Weather
Migraine to Split
Head into two
On pins and Needles
Shaken up Spaced out

Felt Blue
End of their tether
A bear with a sore head
Took a punch

Flowing River
They compare
Burning Sun
Justice Done

Friends and Family
House guests
Apart from the rest
Another term
For Hospitality
To be included
In the dictionary
Their names are apt
And Rhyme as well

An abode
For every hungry soul
Never rationed
Or proportioned

Complain Compare
Doesn't juxtapose
Equal and fair
2 in a Billion
Earth Mothers
By definition

Cognitive Emotional
The 3 types of Empathy
Available in totality
Felt them personally

Fable Fantasy
Parable Mythology
Dont have Women
Characters to compare
Not even on paper
Can you find
Lying if I am
I'll go blind

Luckiest I am
Benefited most
For Decades from Birth
Deeds from previous

Same place twice
Throw of the dice
Luck of the draw
Murphy's Law
Idioms for rarity
Evidence to the contrary

Emotion or Deed
Nothing in Return
Never Sought
Didn't care
What do you call these women
2 in a Billion
71 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Origins in the french language
A words that fits into every subject
Difficult in its understanding
Ubiquitous in expressing

The word random
Etimology in randon
Usage not random
Meaning do we fathom ?

A subject on its own
A theory explored by many
Headlined under statistics
Also in Metaphysics

Statistical meaning
Makes it interesting
Equal chance for happening
Each one involving

Complex the data
Solution in Formula
Solved the data
Another requires another formula

Without rhyme or reason
Any events causation
Theres no correlation
Tying together causation and correlation mankinds biggest problem

Unfamiliar and unspecified
Person or deed
Arbitrary without a corollary A  method in its madness innate quality

Applicable to thoughts
Where it default belongs
Traveling without destination
Not governed by the power of the conscience decision

Random existing naturally
Probability man made theory
Anything undefinable makes man uneasy
Oxymoronic activity the theory of probability

Probability makes it easy
Vistas opened for the theory
Wars won on this capability
Predictability in the unpredictability

The structure of Universe
Answers so diverse
Einstein had his calculation
Philosophers call it revelation

Stay in the present
Mantra for great achievement
Thought process not defined
Isnt that path also refined ?
71 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Recieved in times
Needed the most
Weighing scale tilted
Balance against your favour
Help and Sympathy
When didn't deserve any
Came your way
By people who
Cared for you
Digging holes and slipping in the wet sand
Time and again
Warned before hand
Took life for granted
Granted it was
Instead of being
Six feet under
They dug deeper
To life you from below
Their life was in flow
You the debris
Halting and clogged it slow
Two way street
Time to treat
And return the favor
Not to them
But to Any other
Be charitable in forgiving
Be magnanimous in giving
Ready to sink
Stop the other from drowning
Repeated offence more grace the essence
Were at the recipient at the podium
Time to stand down
And next victim passes by
Do to them
What was done to you
The greatest gift was given
When no one recalled any event
Impressed upon you
It was forgotten
Or you'd die of embarrassment
Charity in giving
Memory in lacking
World presented to you
When you wanted to start life again
Easiest thing is to copy
Simply follow the duty
Forget it after not before
Give it before not after
71 · Dec 2021
KV Srikanth Dec 2021
Set in the South
Cars chases in every route
Pedal to the metal
Revving noises drowning heavy metal
The Sheriff's department and the FBI
Gunning for the same guy
Train wrecks and action explosion
Every film lived upto your expectation
Handsome funny and Macho
A very rare combo
If you are in the cinemas
With the above events unfolding
Viewing it increased your pleasure manifold
Rest assured you are watching a vintage Burt Reynolds
71 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Ability to **** in hostility
Proves you can **** when neccasary
Powerful and Invincible
Don't go well Torture and ******

Individual or a Country
False sense of security
Innocents displaced and killed
Buying fear never respected

Insecurity costing lives
Cannot be a matter of pride
Women and children on the run
To teach someone else a lesson

Power measured by prosperity
Not the count of dead bodies
Feeling endangered in a society
An anethma to civility

Exploiting the weakness
Not a cause for celebration
Celebrating the weakness
A path to oneness

Ability to fight
To make the enemy bite the dust
Puissant folks getting together
Trap the weaker in a street corner

Capacity to lay waste
Letting go as a matter of taste
Real power lies in the grace
Saviour Faire conviction alone dictates

Dislike and hate
Will appear in haste
Love and like
Takes a lifetime

Making people look small
Always the need of the hour
Keeping them there forever
Core of human endeavour

Peace should prevail
The sufferings ending
Borders noe the barriers
Interactions now senior

Include a thought  everyday
It is the small things that add up
Let peace prosperity prevail
All happy inspite of their travails

Destruction no problem
Building a Himalayan solution
Insult no dearth of vocabulary
Memory functioning in full capacity

Dividing is easy
Leaves things messy
Let us all live in peace and prosperity
Please infuse Harmony
71 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Yesterday night
Two friends
Alone together
Got into their car
Pedaled it afar
To the graveyard
For a lively party
Their dead friends birthday
They reached an hour late
Bang on time
Stayed sober by drinking
Woke up late as eyes didn't close a wink
The climb down was tough
As they were starving on a full stomac
The deafening silence enroute
Even though it was a short distance
Made a rightful mistake
Of turning the wrong side

Going straight in reverse
The found their way
Was the rightful opposite way
Which they found immediately in a day

Bumped into a truck
On an empty highway
Reached their homes
Which was broken to
By thieves who took
Away their valuables
Spent the next 6 hours
Searching for their keys
They needed to enter
70 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
The chords of the piano
Reaching a crescendo
Reminds me of Maurice Jarre's theme
From Doctor Zhivago
Souls have merged
Thoughts and feelings submerged
In the Love filling the air
No need for despair
The trees and flowers
The one we are picking for each other
Both will pick the same
Nature of likes your theme
Adding it's splendor and esteem
Be together forever
Even death don't do you part
Never say goodbye cause you ain't apart
Backs to each other
Instruments increasing the tempo
Rhythm section providing the beats
Cue your hearts beating in synchrony
Creating a new symphony
If the bard had seen this image
He would have written a homage
Mozart would have scored the refrain
70 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Missing when gone
Never to return
One way street
Memories to tweet
Relishing every moment
Wounds of seperation more open
Precious when happened
Took it for granted
Pangs of seperation no different
Played it either way
The outcome remains the same
Detachment a pill
Part only of a saints drill
Emotional human's travails
Seperation readily avails
Its the reality that prevails
Reasoning cannot unveil
Rely on recall
Relive on call
You onto yourself
Enjoy the company alone
70 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
The temple of hate
Grants a boon called War
Cemeteries will find more symmetry
More lessons for future history
Feelings for lives in danger
Taken without any disclaimer
Making humans an endangered species
Is the only goal battle achieves
70 · Mar 2021
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
A game of Chess
Played inside
Brain taking a side
Heart playing Devils Advocate

A 3 pound *****
Centre of intelligence and interpretation
Cognizant of the two
Makes its move

Size of a fist
Donor of the pure
Patron in nature
Makes its Counter

Distance of a Ruler
Both fight for the Throne
Each in its zone
Both one human own

Thinking and Analyzing
Logical in its Conclusion
Cannot coexist with Emotion
The Hearts Weapon

Protect the King
The name of the Game
Kingsize Ego
Center of the Frame

Sub conscious mind
Product of thought process
Data mine for the brain
Train of thought
To be trained

Objective to a fault
Heart to halt
Process and Assess
Only faculty
Man on the right side
Of the fence
Ability to think
The Sixth Sense

Think and become
Dream to reality
Magic portion
Always in need
In thought becomes deed

King of Heart
Fall for the
Queen of Thought
Or not

Brain dead
Heart beat
Not beat
Still beating
Fighting death

Follow your heart
Another Magic dart
Wandering mind
Gives the address of
Where the heart resides

Belief and Faith
Hope and Prayer
Heart the Stimuli
Gray matter Sine die

Follow you heart
Take your thought
Feeling flows from Thinking
After removing thoughts
Negative and Stagnating

Brain Pedals
The heart cycle
Cognitive and Cardiac
Brothers in Arms

Board and its pieces
Black and White
Pieces move
Mirror image
Reflection of thought
Mirrored in the Heart
Feelings of the heart
Expressed in thought

Chess Board
Pieces all aboard
Heart and Brain
On the same side
No opponent present
On the other side
70 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Canvas skeched by God
Imagery so perfect
Imperfections not seen as flawed
Images change constantly
Permutations played beautifully
Yet not calculated statistically
Inability to foresee
Mans own defeciency
Picture painted always right
Projecting on to itself
Converse of  a mirror image
Left and Right not a reflection
When the painter and the painted
Remain the same
The painting carries no name
Fill in yours if in harmony
Search for if in dichotomy
Lay it all on the almighty
Ignore it completely
Hangs on the wall
Part of the imagery
Viewer part of the imagery
Viewed not externally
Painter and the painted
Now in complete synchrony
70 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Why didn't Gene Hackman
Do a movie with Jack Nicholson
Swirling  in a loop
I see their biographies lying around
Writing a Screenplay
With both staring
May not materialize
I don't care
Atleast there will be one
Only me in the audience
Made the film
Without the actors
Watching it alone with the actors
70 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Circling around LAX
My heart not taking any rest
Excited about the best
Thing to happen in my life

Visit the United States of America
Heard about it from 20000 miles afar
Seen it in the movies that played in India
Past 30 years that's the thought that caused sleep apnea

Dream remains a dream
Until this day unable to redeem
Seems so easy when it comes to others
I seem to be cought in a web of curse

Pursuing higher studies
In one of the universities
Bad judgment due to lack of clarity
But glad that I tried wholeheartedly

A fixation for decades
Self Actualization made it fade away
To be worthy true for any pursuit
Is that neccessary to go even as a tourist

Sense of competition
Driving force for Realisation
Of the dream into actuality
It existed only in my verbosity

Throwing out challenges
Completely hollow inside
No one takes you seriously
Cant blame them for that's the reality

Influenced only by movies
Come across a complete novice
Ability to go to America
Even did self enquiry to get the formula

First one to Express desire
False step till today I regret
Influenced friends and cousins to aspire
I'm the only one it still remains an aspiration

Kids and newborns
Have already visited
Not even born when it cought my fancy
Half a dozen visits already while for me it still remains a fantasy

Is it not in my Destiny
Am I not worthy
Is it a conspiracy
Are my mistakes so costly

Remains an illusion
For everyone else common
Unsolvable mystery
Decades in quandrary

Woke up from my sleep
Circling around LAX nothing
But a day dream
Wishful thinking years later
How do I answer the Visa officer

How is it easy
For everybody
But am impossibility
Only for me

Have asked many this question
None has the Solution
Many have offered  help
This happens only by self help
70 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Achievement by destruction
In the midst of ruins laying foundation
Death and destruction as equity
Blood and hate as collateral security
Bruised egos closely knit
Balm for ego in showing might
Humanity  the casuality
Humans bartered for harmony
Division in Construction
Despair in Growth
Bullets fired aimlessly
Nothing aimed with more clarity
The bullet doesn't ****
Blaming it still
Winning  never conquers
Conquerors never win
69 · Mar 2021
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
Womb of the mother
Our creator created
By the creator
Time to be spent
Already timed
Features designed
Destination Destiny
Dated and Autographed
Only edition
Only copy
None before during or after

Moving Forward
Needles of the Clock
Know when  to stop
Ticking from Birth
Moving Ahead
Every tick one tick
Less one breath

Needles of the Clock
Moving in Circles
Signifying the Soul
Cought in the cycle
Of Birth and Rebirth

Lack of Symmetry
Not apparent to many
Unique individual
Beginning of the journey
Varies for everybody
End coincides with nobody

Ticket to ride
Train of life
Different stations embarked
Same Train Same Destination
Different Coaches
End Approaches
Automatically disembarked

Limited time
In Time
After time
No time

Paths of journey
Repeated by many
Previous rides valued
Collected and deposited
Driver and Guard
Bound by Duty
Every Passenger
Treated with Objectivity

Varied in Unison
Cause for Confusion
Clarity and Solution
Only in Self Realisation
69 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Facing s situation
Not under our control
Next step of action
To be well thought out before taken

We call it problem
Unwelcome and harmful
To be dealt with
Has to be overcome

The problem with the problem
Is it takes over the mind
Gets thought process to focus all the attention on it
Woefully takes the form of Worry

The formless form
Uses its description to its advantage
Can't point at it
Takes more forms and diverts

Causes more damage
Than already is
Worry bring focused on
The problem is as it is

Not accepting a situation
Takes the form of a problem
Inability to come to terms
Causes the stress that comes

Acceptance pushes out worry
Mind now focussed fully
Dealing with the issue at hand
No distraction standing behind

Time and energy
Taken to worry
Diverted to address and
Solve the issue

You face the problem
You worry about it
Your thinking overcomes it
You get freed of it

The problem is not outside
The problem is you
If it is solved inside
There's none outside
69 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Difference of opinion
On a small issue
policy decision or
Matters in the public domain

Hate without reason
On wrong assumptions
Other compulsions
Yarn weaved to create the emotion

Abhorrence for injustice
The seeker of justice
Must learn to practice
End up as a novice

Forgiving the other
Option is better
Load carried lesser
Mind utilized better

Start an argument
Ignoring an option
Verbal abuse to mention
Faults of the other person

Dig deep into the causation
Emerges the correlation
Ego and pride hurt the reason
Cause of this whole phenomenon

Maintaining the balance
Straddling the silence
With bottled up violence
Rational in abscence

Loathing the being
A reflection of your doing
Positive energy evaporating
Outside world never changing

Hostility to another mortal
Mirrors your downward Spiral
Attempt to change others futile
Forever live in denial

Disregard for others
Splitting image of self
Respect yourself
But naturally respect the rest

Branding them enemy
Unforgiving and Apathy
Filled with despair
Too late to repair

Thinking becomes disoriented
Brain guided by hatred
Ego gets inflated
Soul no more sacred

Relationship gone for a toss
For absolutely nothing at all
Over the years build a wall
Alone and lonely a free fall

Characters that you despised
Continue to lead their life
Your anger makes no difference
Only you remain frustrated and with grievance

Best is to let go
Ignore the issue from the word go
Reversing the relationship a no go
Mind becomes a merry go round

Highest form of maturity
Dont show the enimity
Always show Social decency
From the heart never let them in your freqency

Thoughts facing the opponent
There is no opponent
The word I does not exist
Everything falls in place as it is
69 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Thinking of you
My heart skips
Images of your face
Forever before my eyes remain
100 million dollar smile
How did i put a price?
Days pass without a message
Surprisingly i feel relieved not sad
Hope the status quo remains
Missing you badly
At peace missing you
Irony in my thoughts
Over time i realise
it was clarity
As the gaps proved
My heart approved
Predicting an interval
In our daily conversations
Would not last forever
Ego boosted that i thought correct
Patted meself on my back
With my palm intact
Creating the required impact
Ratifying the feeling that I'm always right
So much that even the wrong feels right
Is a high higher than the high i get when we spoke day and night
69 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
friends meet up
At a hotel for a cup
One said i had a dream
That i was going fishing
Beautiful the ocean
And the bright blue sky
The other said i too had one
That i am going for dinner
With Gina Lollabrigida
The first guy got agitated and asked
Why did you not ask me to join
For which the friend
Without skipping a, beat said
Ofcourse i did
But you had gone fishing
69 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
The house always wins
Anti gambling hymn
Never bigger than the game
Whatever be your fame

Pandemic declaring war
Vaccines  to heal the scar
United on the defensive
But polarized on the offensive

A couple of shots
To stem the rot
Not so simple after all
Blame game next on call

Section of the population
Questioning the effects of the vaccination
Living in a free world
They have the right to be heard

Growing in strength in numbers
Resistance groups still outnumbered
Bottom line is Pharma company figures
Castigated by society willing to endure

Conspiracy theories by the dozen
From their point has logic and reason
My body my life their slogan
Fall in line or get accused of treason

Organizations and Governments
Pharma companies getting their endorsements
Bugles sounded Civil war emerging
Like minded groups on the battle front aligning

Follow the rules
Harmony will endure
Its about others
Back up there are the death figures

Have no right
In this universal fight
Holding on tight
Last option is might

Better safe than sorry
Cannot cause others to worry
Rally to finding an ally
Not at the cost of my body

Herd immunity
One more theory
Who will ratify its authenticity
At a dead end in a blind alley

How much longer
Now the talk of booster
Corporations to collect the *****
Not at the cost of my body

Who is right
Whats going on
When did we get divided
When all of us were affected

Origin of the virus
Which caused this crisis
Pious and righteous
Was caused to sell the antivirus

Take the required medicines
Let's find peace within
Mankind's future never looked so thin
No better day than today let's begin

Two sides of a coin
No right or wrong
No winner or loser here
Who s name will the trophy bear

Polarized society
Total ambiguity
Political ideology
Pandemic ploy

If might is right
So be it
David vs Goliath
Says it need not be it
69 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Comes with time
Goes away in time
No reason why
I feel the fear

No act done
Thoughts maybe some
To warrant despair
Anxiety alarm in the air

Cerebral switch on
Logical reasoning upon
Hoping to respond
Seems to be beyond

Inner search next
Step taken in the quest
Life's biggest test
Scare and angst there with zest

Fear of success
Fear of failure
Fear of the known
Fear of the unknown

Aware of the emotion
Available best solution
Reality or a notion
Figuring it out becomes full time occupation

Occupies the mind space
Diversion tricks failed
There for a fixed period
Changes everytime visited

Resisting the biggest mistake
Counterattack turns out a waste
Not resisting the best therapy
Weakens the fear and goes away quickly
69 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
I had dreams
I had hopes
I had faith
On God People and Miracles
Dreams never made me sleep
Fearing the same dream
That made me wake up
Now makes me toss n turn
Beat a log in the race to sleep
Sleep now only a memory
Singing Alouette to pass the night
Hope and faith
When said to me
Feels like the joke of the century
World weary been there
Seen it all
Shamus in me belittling
The innocence of my past

People i lost
The way to their heart
Or their thought
Stuck midway trying to reach
No one's answering my call
Stuck alone in search of one
Hearts that were pure i knew
Changed hearts not what I want
All in the past
Now I laugh

Miracles and God
I bet my entire  lot
Double or Nothing was the odds
That i gave God
God disappointed me or
Did i disappoint God
I'd have known in the past
Where innocent was not lost
Now i neither know God
Or where i am lost
Even he is not answering my call
But now that doesn't surprise me at all
69 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Denied a chance
Treated with askance
Wanted an entrance
Only to enhance
Skill and talent
Treated like an adult
For no mistake committed
For life will never forget
Being an uninvited guest
For no fault insulted
For life scarred
Can turn any path
Hurt and withdrawn
Turn into wrath
There's no escape clause
68 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Cannot be purchased or Sold
But can be saved and wasted
Time does time
It knows when
Yours is up
Till then it is a friend
Telling us if we are early or late
Asleep or Awake
It gives us company
It makes you feel lonely
And offers its company
Lest you feel you have a friend
Gives us a dimension
Of everything done
We plan based on it
We accept or reject
On what it takes
Is with you
Giving its undivided attention
On sleepless nights
Telling us to wait till sunshine
Does Its duty
Without being asked
Doesn't fast forward itself
Greatest challenge it has issued
To anyone capable of rewinding it
Theoretically its possible
They keep saying
Time travel is fantasy
Attatched to the harsh reality
Go back in time
When time by itself
Cannot go back in time
Universe Depending on its accuracy
If it were to take a break
To visit an earlier actuality
Devoid of its presence
Will end in catastrophy
Dual existence in timelines
Calculations made by advance science
Time alone heals
World's greatest Psychiatrist
Reduces the trauma caused by pain and hurt
We pass through it gradually
Find ourselves healed eventually
Time warp retro good old days
Indicate its been a pleasant ride
Or else we won't miss the days
Might have been because of people or events
But we always say
We had a good time
Its only a witness
It takes the blame when things go Cross
Events occurring causing us immense sense of loss
Events don't get the blame
Time takes upon itself
As it knows it is the medicine as well
And gets credit for the good as well
Good Bad Ugly and Finally
Time carries us with it constantly
Memory of being lively or ordinary or melancholy
Nothing lasts forever
This too shall pass
Are great philosophies
Time as Its protagonist
Timeless in time
Time is timeless
Time and time again
Time waits for no one
Time is a creation of man
Time is a concept
Conceptual discovery
Carries life and death
Decisions with precision
Expands itself from Seconds which can be further broken down
To decades centuries eras and ages
Its all the same Time
Time doesn't have a twin
To share its burden
Expands and Contracts
For the purpose of human calculations
Fully aware that beyond
The Calculator and a Physics paper
Mankind is Its puppet
Having  no other indicator
68 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Traveling on the road
Never traveled before
No one after
Creation so Unique
There is no set technique

Flexibility Is the key
Keeps mind empty
Walk with expectations
Sure blow to emotions

Mind edgy
Heart heavy
Pathways empty
Nothing to carry

Walk the journey
No choice but to
Running away from the journey
Turns out to be the journey
What an irony
Life is what happens
When we are busy planning it

End not in sight
No one to guide
Those past the end
Did not any message send

Road with beginning
Road with end
Without either
Always in the middle
Answer for these
Makes life a struggle

One Birth to Rebirth
Nowhere to the Grave
Womb to Nowhere
Nowhere to Nowhere
Where from and Where to
Are we aware of One side or two
None of the two too
68 · Mar 2021
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
Philosophy has answers
Questions about life
Not answered by life
Nightlife apart from life
Alive and Dead
Heat of the Moon
Felt in the room
Awaiting the Sun
Rays Cold filled with hope

Dust settles on time
Time punchual with Dusk
Clock keeps its date
With the night
Day after Day

Time to Settle
Thoughts Unsettled
End of the day Tired
Dawn of Dusk Wired

Simple Answer Sleep
Body Mind to Rest
In a state so Deep
Break from reality
Mind runs a story
Running like a stream
Packaged as a Dream

Dream as a term
During the day
Signifies a entity
Far and Away

Quoted in Future tense
At present doesn't make sense
Odds of happening
In the word lies the meaning

Clock ticks slower
Deal made with the Stars
Brightest aspect of the night
Glittering a visual marvel
Truth of life unravels
Sense of I
Temporarily blind
Mere sight of the galaxy
Perspective of human entity

Stridulation sounds
Wings clapping
Made by the Cricket
Screams Whistles Barks and Shrieks
The sounds of the Owl
Ducts and pipes
Expanding and contracting
Define the night
Blind to the eye the
Silence filled with noice

Nights plugged
Amplifier in
Decibels increased
Searching for the sound
Endbound never found
Physical form to music
Easier to find logic

Finding Sleep
Inner peace
Up to the brim
Shuteye not a problem

Awake and Alone
Waiting for the Sun
Long dark wait
Slow Motion of Night

Darkness of the hours
Brings forth the fears
Inflated and Corrupted
Thought process interferes
Mind playing Poker
Alone with the loner

Beds filled with calm
Facing life face to face
Sleep their balm
Tire of the day
Balanced at night
Law of nature
What a sight
Deep sense of jealousy
People who notice not the night peacefully

Disillusioned with illusions
Tired of being awake
Created noises fading away
Real voices holding sway
Days divides the night
Twelve hours in hand
Till Sun leaves the land
Merging into the sea
Done its duty duty free
Spend the day
Just like yesterday
Day dreaming about
Sleeping at Night
68 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Crossing finish line
Life at its end
Thought at that time
Where do I begin

His life and his safety
Or my insecurity
Sad about his state
Or with reference to me

Money in future
Matter to ponder
Him not in the scene
How will I fulfill my dreams

Love for him
Or need for him
Miss him period
Or miss him for a period

Replaced my father
All duties in order
My mother silent Spectator
Did his due more than required

Got me into school
College and a job to do
Helped my enterprise
Sharing his office space

Grateful forever
Such an elder brother
Never seen another
Made him my lifes  special  feature

Many aspects of life
Made it his quest
To see me fulfilled
Happy and tranquil

Did so from birth
Till date no dearth
Expectations fulfilled
For nothing I did

Put him on a pedestal
He was my role model
Emulating him my goal
From the bottom of my soul

Across the dark side
Is making me sweat
Missing him from the heart
I'm unable to tell apart
Left stranded on this side
Scared rest of my life

Selfishness aside
Everything brush aside
His presence a better bargain
Abscence all will go in vain

Commercial or Emotional
Beneficial or detrimental
Safe or Sorry
Reality or Worry

Differences many
Regarded him as a bully
Took me to the cleaners
Everytime I made a blunder

Uncensored words
Treating me like a ****
Questioned my emotions
Lack of genuineness

Put me down
Not worth a dime
Ambitions down the pipeline
Being born a crime

Every behavior mocked
Opposed and joked
Gestures ridiculed
Just to prove that he could

Cause of misery
Education and wedlock
Second fiddle to spouse
Not a good quality to espouse

Directly affected
By his wife and her methods
Joined the brigade
My faults to parade

Like him or dislike him
Always the split
Severe internal struggle
Pendulum in the middle

Weigh the both
Traders we are not
Value to emotion
Not a human notion

Fight for his stature
When insulted for his nature
Act mature or immature
Never know even in the future

Entire gamut covered
The good the bad and the ugly
Weighing machine cannot weigh
Had only 2 to sway

He lies in the hospital
My feeling not clear
His life I hold dear
Do I hold him near ?

50 years life led
Straight and complex
Feelings mixed
Or am I fooling  myself???

Worshipped him
Feared him
Hated him
Fought him
Ignored him
Forgave him
68 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Respect for self
Lies in the belief
You deserve the best
Settling for nothing else

Action is the way
To be in the fray
Just a turn away
From where your ambitions lay

Always respect yourself
Carefully treat the self
Are the necessary steps
Dwell on it till death

Haughty or harmless
Egoistic or modest
You get treated by the rest
In reflected self respect

Intrinsic nature unnoticed
Qualities largely ignored
Personality to the fore
Judgements others hold

Sense of fullness
Happy about life
Grateful for the gifts
Thankful for the insults

Consistency in conduct
Not the solution
Hacking the inessintial
Life's most essential

Tolerance for disrespect
Nothing to circumspect
Best answer is silence
Just a mirror to its presence
68 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
A small drizzle
Emphasizing that it' is
The remnants of a heavy downpour that had lashed
The road

Water going down
The slopes getting together
To merge with each other
As it is Its character

Walking down the *****
Trying hard to contain the legs
Loosing balance as it lunges
Till it finds its level

A woman walking along
Dressed in white
Shirt and a pair of jeans
No other soul in sight

Saw her on the descend
Handled it like a ramp
Gliding to a waltz
If a Rolls Royce had walked

Gazed at her
Drizzle treating her equally
Not partial to her although
She adds to the rains beauty

Drizzle showed its stripes
Deluge using it as a pawn
Rainstorm in its true form
Looking for cover my last thought

Her walk in the middle
Looked like the rain fell in love
Followed her where she had to go
Realising that she too walked slow

No hurry to beat the rain
Every time she crossed het hand
Across her mane
Divine forms both met on a slippery lane

The scene from a film
Antonioni would have filmed
He'd have one job less
The frame he would have found was already perfect

Just captured it
Filmed for eternity
Wouldn't want her beauty
Wasted on a memory

My thoughts would
have run wild
Not this time
Didn't want to waste time

Why think about her
A romanticised future
When she is here
Just enjoy how she adds to nature

Wanted to grasp
Into my heart
Every step of her walk
Rain splashing on the road giving room for her toes

The rain continued
To tango with her
Trying to keep pace
To her beauty and grace

Whispering in her ears
Humming she couldn't hear
A medley it composed
Downpour set to a tune

I watched knowing
Something special was happening
Picturesque like a Van Gogh
He wouldn't have cut his ear off

I stood still
As she walked up the *****
As easy as a snap Zeus had clicked
Framed on a wall in Mount Olympus

Reached the top
Knew it was the last
A sight to behold
Wrongly presumed though

She wasn't humming
The humming birds were flapping their wings
Sending signals her trust to gain
To not trust the rain

She stood for a second
Turned back with a smile
100 million bucks won't win
It for you
If Sotheby's were to auction

Walked down the hill
Rain the birds and rest
Standing still missing a beat
Flapped harder to fly the rain stopped leaving to dry

Michelangelo Antonioni directed  called on by the Cosmos
Captured by Luciano Tavoli
Decorated by Van Gogh
Score by Nino Rota

No spoken word
Not a silent film
The words lie in the beauty
Captured by the silence
That was absent

Seeking her she is lost
Rain and the birds knew it all
I evidenced it  to narrate to all
How do I put it in words for i am at a loss
68 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Seen it in the movies
Action genres motif
Six shooters fired
At those who deserved

A quick draw
Fun to watch
Faster on the draw
Earned audience applause

Winchester 73 in the Westerns
Walther PPK in the James Bond Adventures
The 44 Magnum in the Eastwood actioners
Colt 45 part of Randolph Scott's attire

Gave me fun and entertainment
Knew it was not real
Still gave the excitement
Used artistically in posters

Smoke coming out of the barrels
Tag lines using the Bullets
Target through the telescope
Made you want to buy the tickets and go

One liners with pistols
Pointed at strangers
High point of the pictures
Never fails to make you feel better

Surround sound echoing the firing
Making it real and exciting
Methods of putting it back in the Holster
We can only imagine and wonder
68 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
Looking ahead
Looking behind
Road ahead
Memories behind
Aware and Prefe3sent
Wallow and Past
Adapt on the highwa y
Rigid on the dead end
Sub concious clean
Optimism and Faith
Sub conscious *****
Low esteem and self pity
68 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Rebirth is repaying
Karma the currency
God the banker
When will it end we wonder

Self Realization the answer
Know yourself to ponder
Nothing else to wonder
Become one with the creator

Good and bad
Two sides of the same coin
They never meet
Until entered in the balance sheet

Discard the veil
Fake gives way
Real becomes clear
That nothing is real

The gods will answer
Only one prayer
Seeking relief from Rebirth
This however will be granted
To those who only desire
Is to keep away from other desires

Debt to the Creator
Law of Nature
Unlock the seeker
Rebirth automatically surrenders

Gratitude the first step
Forgiveness towards the other self
Compassion universal
Takes you one step closer

Removal of desires
Searching greener pastures
Momentary and transient
Pleasure seeking impermanent

Sense of doing
Achieving or failure
Taken very personal
Steps taken backward

Life teaches lessons
Answers lie in life
Learning outside life
Come back to live life
68 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Constant change evident
Change constant possible
Constant change impossible to predict
Change constant statistical nightmare
Thinking linear always surprised
Logical conclusion not always delivered

Predicting and planning
No axis to revolve around
Nothing to follow
Go with the flow

Double whammy served
Intellect often snubbed
Bruised ego remains
Following a fixed routine

Only the now
Truth to behold
Past null and void
Future never real

Living in the present
No decision taken
Life into a description
A new permutation not foreseen

Unpredictable in its core
Predictable anything may show
Wake up next day
Only the present is here to stay
68 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Hurting someone  purposely
Injury caused previously
At the Recieving end
Wanting to tie loose ends

A matter of memory
Exact opposite of Harmony
Filled with enimity
In line with its enormity

Got away with their deed
Harming intent their seed
Impetus to cause insult
Resolute in their conduct

Unapologetic demeanor
Justifying their behavior
Their motive your failure
As a result of the orders order

Success in their pursuit
Kicking the ladder under your boot
Shake you at your very root
Whole life have to reboot

Predictable in its unpredictability
Lawful lawlessness
Impermanent in seemingly permanency
Order in Chaos judgment delivered finally

Wanting to get back
Hurt them on their track
Insult added with interest
Their fall the required result

Natural feeling of revenge
Time to settle the grievance
Use all the weapons
They repent their actions

Matter of pride
Chance to deride
Proving the self right
Time decides might

Feeling replaces thinking
Heart the deciding *****
Futility of such actions
Void of knee **** reactions

Hurting the other
Makes you no better
If you had to suffer
Was decided by the maker

Learn from the insult
Giving it back doesn't change the result
Patience is progress
Brings forth your strengths

Mind looks inward
Vengeance a step backwards
Action not growth oriented
Even a thought not worth invested

Forgive them forever
For yourself not the other
Not your business to deliver
Or to see if its delivered

Change in a person
Brought by action
Nothing more delusional
Than to make it personal

Learnt his lesson
Karma knows its mission
Our own conclusions
Lack of Transcendence

Settling the score
Remove from the core
Forever remaining sore
Spiraling down asking for more

Let them be
No choice than to be
Our nature is not to be this or be that
It is just to be

On the contrary
Wish them to be happy
Their nature is to sting
Our nature is being Zen

Revenge is a dish best not served
67 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Dependance a curse
Living without for better or worse
Looking out for a source
Pricked by the thorn but get to smell the rose
As it is life led
Better off with as anything bereft
Not a task where effort helps
Its like feeling safer with two belts
67 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Riding the Rodeo
Not falling of the saddle
Bumpy ride ahead
You knew the battle
Falling off nature's order
Why did you fall
All that matters
Next time a better try
Don't fall for the same reason
Fall again learn again
Wrangling the horse
You think you've mastered
Rodeo throws in s bull
Cannot sit still
Rules of the game
Remain the same
Its not the horse or the bull
That cannot stay still
Its you on the inside
Giving yourself the bumpy ride
Stay still and try the drill
Nothing changes outside
But now you don't fall of the saddle
67 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Faith in God
Keeps us on the right path
Doesn't mean that what us due
Will rearrange itself in a queue

Life is unfair
Experiences undergone concludes
What should be ours is not
What we don't deserve is tied itself in a knot

Petty cash book
Of life led till now
Conscience makes the entry
Where we stand proves that we cannot call God for an enquiry

Both are true
It is unfair
It is rational
A combination that we don't know the compounds yet

A relationship soured
Good for all
Not deserving of a place in the heart
We learn to untie the boat and move apart

A series of unfortunate events
May happen at the exact wrong time
An occurance causing trauma
Can make us realise the value of good times and life without drama

The end of the road
Is what we are told
Poison dipped darts
Aimed for our hearts
Things falling apart
Laying the way for
A More better future
On the cards

What we think is good
Need not be good
Backwards holds water
Total scheme of affairs
Played by the man upstairs
Can understand only one move
Mans greatest challenge
Figuring out the entire game
Its not over till its over
Maker by defenition will deliver in your favor

Lessons are seldom
Learnt when things
Are sailing with the wind
Bringing you to light
Cast the dye
A painful process
Without a recess
Enjoy the ride
Rest of which while alive
Back on track
Life now stable
Gallop with rhythm
Tall in the saddle

Not the answer
We are looking for
An hypothesis forming the core
Till a better is proved as right
At hand is deemed correct
67 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Grateful Dead + Drugs > God
Said a poster
Outside the venue
With the Dead playing Live
Read another banner saying
I need a miracle
Call it the Live Dead Oxymoron
If the Miracle did happen
Who made it happen
The equation says it all
Or so i thought
Till I saw the paradox
The Dead the Drugs or God
67 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Diverging and opposing
Views with the other
Can be a Value or Taste
Leave it be or rue the day

Reasoning and logic
A case being built
To justify ones fit
To declare the other a misfit

Sharing your thoughts
Which give you joy
Wrong to assume
The same effect it'll draw

Banter moved aside
Argument creeps in
No more about you
Or selling your point of view

Turns into poison
Killing the others reason
Insulting his learning
Insulating yours from humiliation

Game you play
Is played back at you
No more about you
But the sharing you first started to do

Belittling process on
Verbal assault painful
Racetrack with 2 way traffic
Someone will get killed basic logic

Best option not to share
If shared be aware
From being a harmless bore to
A Hostile and threatening fare

Biggest mistake is assuming
Your learning will help the others seeking
Each his own path
Will remain so if you don't cross

Every point in favor
Is told to you backwards
Back and forth same tricks
Crossed swords going for the ****

Relationships at risk
Time already killed
Nothing to be gained
Better off understanding before it all begins

Association and bond
Go for a toss
Everyone at a loss
Rebuilding now a task

Do not try to convince
Hear out fully and exit
Ensure the favor is returned equally
You quality of life will suffer permanently
67 · Nov 2021
KV Srikanth Nov 2021
Wet roads
sky remaining dark
Woman of your choice
By luck or chance
A walk on the wayside
Side and beside
Holding hands
Hearts talk
Never ending road
Not a soul in sight
Silence our umbrella
Rain drop hitting the road
Providing the background score
No destination in mind
Walking slow insides glow
Weather not indicating
Time of the day
Time has stopped
Hearts beating fast
Fingers clasped harder
Getting wet no choice
Not a bother in the  mind
Recording it in memory
For a future day rewind
67 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Don't get lost
In the tough path
Knowing who you are
Identity crisis may last
Are you the successful person
Who sets targets achieves his goals
Are you feeling inferior because your goals were wrong
And plans didn't work
Defined by the clothes you wear
Are you the popular one or the one no-one misses at all
Are you with friends and family
Or alone and lonely
Two sides of a coin
Choices to be answered
By questions raised daily
Cultivate natural behaviour
Trust your instincts
Be sure of not aping others
Deep down at the core
You will one day know
Who you are
Your real identity
Answer coming from inside
Never be wrong or right
It will be
So just be
66 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
At the Station
Filling water
Widowed mother
Clad in White

Steam Engine  
Blowing Smoke
Synchronized Whistling
A different tune
Pitch and Volume

Station Empty
Midday Heat
Eerie feeling
Mother standing
Nearby watching

Carriages overflowing
Passengers hanging
Window without
Grail or Shutters

Mother seated
Window seat
Here to there
Jump cut edit
Far away
In the heat
Water in hand
Lonely I stand

Platforms empty
Train on its journey
Alone in the Yard
Longing for her
Water and Fear
Hand and heart

Station Nameless
Rooms Deserted
Terminus unclear
Odyssey in Obscurity

Opera of insecurity
Played repeatedly
Time warp Train
Again and again

Eyes opened wide
Soaked in Sweat
Skipped a beat
Dream state a fright

Sequential dream
A Screenplay
Scene by Scene
Looped in Memory
Played multiple times
66 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Looking back
Decisions taken
Faulty ones
Don't make sense

Knew it beforehand
Taken the right stand
Turn of events favourable
Leading to intended solution

The word mistake
Would be removed
If beforehand we knew
Right or Wrong consequences

Impossible to predict
What is next after this
Event gives the incentive
Staircase wisdom now possible

Options of actions
The one not done
Seems most favoured
Feeling guilty end result

Putting pieces together
Mans greatest blunder
Not destined to happen
Nature intervened in logical conclusions

Errors and mistakes
Nothing to feel irate
In harmony with good and right
Combination makes ones might

Learn the lesson
Move on to the next
Same mistake again
Lessons not learnt

Duty to ourselves
Not repeat the blunders
Outcome not in our favour
Another error not the same
Have to ensure

Don't fail again
For the same reason
As the previous occasions
One less option to ponder

Guilt and heaviness
Replaced with Fulfilled and lightness
Done our best given the condition
Given the option
Do it again
66 · Apr 2021
Q & A
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Questions & Answers
Identified with Examinations
Ratified with gradations
Culminating in Graduation

Turned towards life
Becomes about Realisation
Ratification and Gradation
Discarded at its origination

Synchrony of the mind
One with body & soul
Knowledge that helps you mold
Harmony with the World

Truth to be told
No answers to behold
In the question lies the answer
Graduation the quest of the seeker

One with the maker
Journey of the traveller
Route guide within
Shadow unlike living & breathing

Shadow a reflection
Yourself in a close position
No purpose to serve
Useful only for proverbs

Illuminate the inside
Doubts move aside
Images created by self
Defeats the purpose itself

Light of knowledge
Removes darkness of *******
Cycle of birth & death
Permanently beaten to death

Fear of death and future
Removed permanently
Achieved highest state of maturity
Transcended the questions
Landed on the answer
Which raises the question
What is the question?
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