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89 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Intensity of affection
As deep as the Ocean
In the line of fire
Look back and there is
A brother or a sister
Standing in line prior

All descendants of
A common ancestor
Sons and daughters
Of brothers and sisters

Childhood spent together
Memorable moments a treasure
Crisis and agony endured
Trouble for one face it as one

Difference of opinion
Occurance most common
Cracks in relationships
Common and relatable

Natural to differ
That's nature's order
Something is out of order
If everything is in order

Strain of the dispute
Taking its toll
Communication the first victim
Distance the result

Does not give pleasure
Only makes one wonder
If it is worth the pressure
Time to take measures

Tragedy or calamity
Brings all under
One roof to ponder
How to tackle the intruder

Family values though by the elders of the house
Foundation laid strong
Value systems where they should belong

Greatest learning in the house
Lessons learnt from each other
Mother father no different to each other
Sense of oneness no one can teach better

Coming together inspite
At odds with each other
Pushed to the corner
Face us together

Times have changed
Families have grown
Independent on their own
Comfortable in their zone

All had mentors
Uncle's and brothers
Who shared their knowledge
Made life easier to tackle

A lifeline and an anchor
Provided when needed
All get together
Gods answer to the prayers

Our family is special
Oneness its Core
Whatever might have transpired
Value systems remain unchanged

In times of difficulty
There is no other place I'll be
In times of making merry
No other place I'd record in my memory
Just to be together
No other place I'll let the clock remind me
Many regrets i have but not the place I grew to be what i was to be
All the money all the fame all the power
I'd still want to learn life
From those who taught me
What it is to be
A Good Human Being
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
The younger brother must pay for the pleasures of her elder brother
Said Jane Austen.
She overshot the mark by far.
13 considered an unlucky number .the number of years between me and my brother.
Heard from my mother about his visits to the hospital
By blood  a brother
Caring,  a father.
Shepherding a Godfather.

An alumni, his reputation
Got me admission
Into a school
Of great reputation.
Trips to school
Sitting on the back of his bullet
Oldest memories i can recall
Never have I felt safest.

Falling sick  became a   habit .
Month long stays at the infirmary.
An annual practice.
Jaundice  Typhoid and Tonsils
Flat feet and almost blind
Visits to the doctor a daily grind.
Nursing  and tending he  became  my shield
A lifetime's time  spent on rehabilitation
All this by the time i was only seven

There is no time like old times
He is he lens i see my past through
He was my superhero
Fought all my battles without a cape
Bullies teachers friends
Never let me feel the pain
Stood in front and fought them all
In a jiffy at my beck and call
Unforgettable lessons to them thought
Daily a dilemma
Relentless in nature
Defending became his  dogma.
In a tight spot
Riding shotgun and pounding the beat
Helped handle  hard hitting heat .
From brother to alter ego to friend and hero
I did not live in his shadow
I did in his glow

Movies he watched
Music he listened
Paved the path
Deep inside my heart
Formed an impression
Became a passion
Obsession became collection
Driving force of my  existence
It is he who funds it in abundance

Poles apart and polarised
Brutally honest and  unbiasedly truthful
Clashed with my half truths and slight stretches.
Evolved soon into deception , deceit  subterfuges
Past Consigned to oblivion ,emerged a battle of wits
Of which i had none and was at its end
Perception principle and policy
Even the nazis and jews seemed friendly

Critical of me in entirety
Tried with all sincerity
To get me on the path of honesty
Which i resisted defiantly

America a catalyst
Squabbles became a feud
My ambitions were high
Made everyone sigh
Presumed wrongly
I went ahead unabashedly
Lack of clarity
Detached from reality
Suicide more sensible option
Rather than to give a visa petition.
Blissfully unaware
Wishful thinking leads nowhere
Embassy ended my dream ,which
Deserved only to remain a dream

Frustration grew and rants followed
Shouting matches throughout echoed
Decibels enough to din an orchestra
Constant blaming became the final straw.

Led a life of decadence
My life result of subversion
Others realising their dream
Was an act of treason.

Bottled up anger
Lack of esteem
Feeling sorry
Life at crossroads
Dreams distant
Pushing the pedal
On the highway to hell.

Pursued me duly
Followed Epictetus
Enviable job handed on a platter.
Asking friends a favor
Did not seem to matter
Emerged a decent career.
Took care of the next decade plus one  year

Having a problem with his mentor
Did not make matters better
My version ruined his career
Fathers dreams destroyed
Mother's sacrifices laid to waste
False hopes and rainbow promises
Had him in hospital with a broken neck
Carefully built education scuttled
Six years wasted
Fruits of which till today tasted.
His only mistake
Cause he wouldnt forsake
His main flaw
A man of his intellect should have foresaw.
I did my best
To no avail ,Only bitterness prevailed

Never one to forego the past
Gratitude just a mask
A night of drunken rage
Rather unfortunate
Words spoken with hate
Kept us apart for a decade.

Uniqueness separates oneness
Still poles apart
Not as distant in the past
Contrast and contradictions
twelfth or never

I needed a father and a mother
Only to provide for me a   brother.
Not always eye to eye
Not always  heart to  heart
Final truth ,by being apart
I will not not one day last
88 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Worry a feeling or a thought
Or just happens inspite off
Link between past and future
Has no role in the present for sure

Ambition and Fear in a relay
Picking up the baton a delay
Time takes its time to deliver
Vacuum of waiting filled with ponder

Immeasurable out their awaited
Worry the Scale used to get graded
Destiny the back up to call it Ill fated
Unabated feeling to feel elated makes worry never dated

Getting rid of worry
Mans biggest worry
Gods and Philosopher s querry
The ferry to put  man out of his greatest quandrary
88 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Function of Dysfunction
Error in Judgement
Emotion or Intellect
Makes us Select
Lacking in disguise
We choose
Wrong people
To Celebrate

Getting it backwards
Priorities outward
Unfair rewarded
People wrongly invested

Close attention paid
People thought obnoxious
For no reason dislike
Tells the tale
Of our Spiritual State

Never to do
With other person
Judgement comes
From Within
Choose Wrongly
Blame it on Destiny

Despise the good
Honor the wrong
Lack of clarity
Cause of Anxiety

Cognitive analysis
Clear the biases
Empirical evidence
Shows Prudence
Application gives solution

Error in judgment
Once the reason
Fooled again
Have yourself
To blame

Laws of Attraction
Right Vibration
Sensible Synergy
Emmitted Energy

Doctrine of Depravity
Attracts Arrogance and Deceit
Misplaced trust
Blame yourself

Attract the right
Dependable with trust
Fool me once
shame on you
Fool me twice
No more wise

Let them in again
It no more benign
Choose Wrong Mate
Dont blame fate
88 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
At your wits end
Just dodged a bullet
Gates remain closed
Catch 22 situation

Grasping at the straws
Last resort exhausted
In dire straits cought in a vicious cycle
Misconstrued and

Fumbled regularly already
Darkness in the alley
Gave it your all
It wasn't meant to be that's all

Adds more misery
When others are doing it easily
What you cannot do once
People repeating it habitually

Do not waste
A thought on the other
They knew how to conquer
You don't and it don't matter

Until you see them
Their existence not aware
If you do see them
Socially be decent

Dice with death
Coming out of this strech
Sailing close to the wind
Reaching ashore is by itself a win

Beware the way
You want to react
To anything that
Takes your dreams away

Any reaction or perception
Is alright given the circumstances
Only one should be avoided
The one that can get most easily addicted

Self Pity and Self loathing
Focused on the  replaying syndrome
Fantasy and Reality juxtaposing
Feeling bad about the situation

Self pity a drug
Addictive with no respite
Absorbed in the rejection
Feeling sorry for self the concern

Focus only on yourself
Will marginalise you
Hoping things could have been better off
Future and past will be the same

Self pity is destruction
Of the Soul
Nothing more worse
Than feeling sorry for yourself

Tend to ignore
Others and their problems
Selfishness interludes till
It engulfs you

Alienated from others
So absorbed in oneself
Failing to  try
Or even for a recess

Ingratitude and Apathy
Denial playing victim
Expecting only Sympathy
If not received delving further deep

No one noticed
You are hurting
Obstacle to yourself
Negativity inflicted overflowing

Best way out
Treat it as a blessing
That nothing is happening
Blessed don't feel sorry

Use it to grow
Now you know
What not to do
Greatest lesson rejection can teach

It is the easy way out
Easy never got anyone anywhere
Take the hard road
Face it face to face and say Thank you

Withdrawal effect will
Last many years
Teetoatteler to self pity
Is by not taking yourself seriously
88 · Sep 2022
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Politics drives the sport
Skill and Sweat take the back seat
The players fill the seats
The committee's benefit from these deals
Tasted power through others talent
Threatened constantly as they have none
Seek to hold on
By destroying the careers
Of those who put them there
About whom they don't seem to care
Dealings and negotiations overtake
Ballot and draws
Power to misuse
Makes the player
Who had spectators
Standing in queues
Hang up  their shoes
Without getting their dues
88 · Sep 2022
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Hurt is a state
Already bring experienced
Frightened is the feeling
Of something bad lurking

Ideas images and concepts
Created without any evidence
Canvas keeps expanding as our imagery keeps inventing

The Mirage of a future
Reflecting the concrete of the past
Engulfs the present
The true compass of the truth

The mind weaves
Fear its main tool
To paint a picture
Contradictory to laws of nature

Irony lies in this
That which is yet to happen
We keep our gates open
Ready to recieve them

Anxious and Agitated
The masks we use
To ready ourselves
Lest our imagery becomes similar
To realities yet to be painted picture

The difference between
The then and the now
Best left not connected
Extrapolation the brush dipped in the paint of experience connects it thinking it is correct

Hurt can be healed
Time and again
Time has proved it
Just give it time

Panic as no figure
To present itself in the near
Looming large from a time zone not existing yet
Is Fears real power

As they exist
Realm of reality
Idealistic and Catastrophic
Has no place in it

Transcending the only way
To keep the unreal at bay
What is not Is hurting more
Than what actually is

Back seat drivers
With no one in the back
A look at the mirror
Gives the real picture
88 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
An ardent follower
Of Bruce Lee the philosopher
Fan of his movies
Watched them repeatedly
Movies are not classics
But a Religon
His life a lesson
To be learnt in the present
Be Water he said famously
Follow the thought deeply
Jeet Kune do his philosophy
Use it to navigate life successfully
Multi talented Polymath
Try and emulate as much as you can
Martial Artist Philosopher Actor Writer Director Producer Poet Teacher
So many facets and more
God of Anti Bullying
A saviour of the bullied
Weaker in any form
He is the go to form
Internalise and implement
His teachings and his life
Yours you will not regret
An answer for every question he has
Eternally popular generations later
Kids by the time they reach
The age if 8
Have heard of his name
Came for a purpose
Lived by example
Taught by gaining wisdom from his own seeking
Left an everlasting impact
Will exist till the universe ceases
A realised soul
Anyone who knows all this
88 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
A life that's totalled
Is all in figures
Followed by zero's
Balance he hasn't used
For his own good
Decides if he was useful

The greatest joke
God played on man
Was to allow him
To discover cash on hand

Worthiness was decided
Talent was judged
Skill was valued
Religions too participated

More the better
The thumb rule
Everyone with the same goal
Bring in economics to fool

Complicated by its nature
Man added his nature
Never happy with what he has
He played with ideas to increase the money in hand

A million things were added
Nothing was ever subtracted
Multiplying money the purpose
Division of society the result

Rich and Poor
Indexes were formed
Wants remaining constant
Rich had the better hand

Wants too increased
Desire for money proportionately
Division grew with disparity
Some had all and many had none

One more section cropped
Having some but not all
Stood between the rich and poor
Appropriately named middle class

Where did class come from
Assuming that one end us all class
Their unlucky brethren is no class
Money decided Class

Worth Want Class
Rich Poor Middle
Not a plan of God
He's included so to hell with it all

Under the sky
Value added immediately
Market forces they say
Decide the value themselves we hear

Money the only motive
Equity Land Interest
Different names given
Those who don't have don't understand is the way its planned

Distribution of wealth
Con game of the Universe
Shared only amongst themselves
Not amongst them then deemed worthless

A place for people
Now rated second
Wars waged in their name
People killed money remains

Humanity laughed at
Weakness to cover the indigent
Cover the tracks and remove the guilt
Fill the empty pockets with all the sin

Religions now wage war
Money needed to spread it beyond far
Waiting for the day to deliver
Where God is sold to the highest bidder
88 · Nov 2021
KV Srikanth Nov 2021
Worth of the words
Uttered to convey
Carrying the information
Interpretation not the speakers jurisdiction

Adding a perception
Weakness of communication
Silent about a portion⁸
Alters the narration

Irony lies in the fact
Truth is cheaper than a lie
Cost of truth is nothing
Lying costs everything

Truth precedes the person
Mapping out is reputation
Lies follow the person
Disembarks in the right station

Memory not a necessity
If truth conveyed sincerely
Body mind and soul
Never in more synchrony

Never is there
A good liar
Simple see through affair
Others know it fair and square

Straight as an Arrow
Never easy to follow
Blood Sweat and Tears
Not what this ethic requires

Weighing scale balanced
Esteem on one
Balanced by Truth
Tilting the scale provides proof

Evading the question
Thought as intelligent action
Reputation damaged forever
A trustworthy man never
87 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Nox in full splendour
Her beauty transforming
From being slender to the other
Boire n coup without a drop

No stoner neccasary
To admire her beauty
Seductress at work
Femme fatale misleading the ordinary folk

The Sun chose her
To radiate the light
Who observes the world
Drunken on her smile

Stars blazing the sky
Drowning under the moonlight
Asks the night to spread its darkness
Stars can be embraced adding taste

Gliding by night
Growing in stature
Missing for a day
Astronomers don't have a say

Flirting with all
She's seen it all
Man hoping to ask her out
Over the moon about the moon

Sign of secrecy
Brings with her majestically
Time to dine and dance
Will she join

Seeing her from the terrace
Dreaming a copyright she's bestowed upon us
The nights owe her big-time to shine bright
Making it on time time and time

Insomnia a tool
Used to fool others to bed
Exotic moments collected
To be recalled with the other

I seldom sleep
At night hoping
Tonight's my night
Push comes to shove
I don't have the guts

Tilt of the head
Can see her glamour
Half the universe she spreads
Her time to leave one dreads

12 hour wait
To see her again
Does she know my name
Unfortunately It is Daytime
87 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Opposite of hate is love
Often told to us even now
Sounds correct apparently
But wrong intrinsically

Antonym is detachment
Hatred creates attachment
Is a very strong emotion
Explosion and Implosion

Hate is emotional poison
Wrap it around your arms
Spirit gets sprayed with pollution
Resulting in self destruction

Drinking poising hoping
The other person dies
Perhaps the greatest irony
Mascarading itself as logic

Heart of hate are blame and shame
Feeling wrong and victimized
Evokes anger which carries the seeds
Hatred first planted nurtured by venom that fills the soul

Greatest disease is self hate
Dislike for self Waiting with many baits
All to common traits
Lonely and Alone till death awaits

Kindness and Hatred
Inside the two wolves reside
Who wins the fight
The one you feed with might

A natural emotion
Allow it to pass on
Nurturing it by dwelling
Add more suffering to the suffering
87 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Take me back to the era
the 70's the greatest of all
pure unadulterated nostalgia
living in its memory by the day by the hour

Time machine if existed
would ensure it is re looped
Live in that time
it always stays present

Denim Shirts and checked pants
long hair and sideburns
boots to match and tee shirts worn
before or after never done

Music blaring from windows
houses and hostel windows
Grateful Dead  playing live
Deep Purple  to jive

Cassettes replacing the gramophone
every house a whistling tone
The Doors playing in the background
4 streets away hearing the sound

Movie posters on Roads
life size images
of Charles Bronson in tow
Clint Eastwood Robert  Redford and others movies in the same row.

Wimbledon telecasts
Borg and Connors in the Final
Two gladiators with opposing personalities
Battling out for the elusive trophy and carve their name in history

Take me back
ill never come back
returned back
enjoy the decade back to back
87 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Reached a dead end
A crowded place
Many there before you
Wondering what to do
Many more will follow you
Not aware like you were
And the many before
Looking at the rear view mirror
The moving traffic going by
Alternating the brakes and gears
Pushing their pedals to the floor
Confidence has got their back door
Wondering how we got there
In the first place
Moving away from the moving traffic
Take a few steps back
Introspection the fuel
Not part of any duel
Nothing is lost relax
Its not a racetrack
Not horses to be Jockeyed
No numbers on our backs
Use the time out
Think it out
Get back on track
Not to win anything back
Dead end thought its lesson
Now time to saddle back
87 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Triggered as always
By the unknown in many ways
Found peace in pets
In a million years I wouldn't have bet

State of Zen
Just by talking to them
Staying in the present
Their  life's biggest present

The cats mere presence
Increased their tolerance
Always benevolent
Now without judgement

A couple of varied interests
Indepth knowledge but no vested interest
Pets now their priority
Everything else secondary

A cat in the Apartment
14 floors from the basement
God making a statement
From then on most relevant

Their destiny tied together
There is no other answer
Why should Booch Wander
Simply following Nature's order

2 more added
With love adopted
Siblings of opposite genders
Injured badly by a sadistic offender

Girl named Meimei
Chinese for Sister
Panda her brother
Brother and Sister now together

Love for animals rights
A matter of Spiritual insight
Lumlum the fourth   that lost half  its sight
Its plight strengthened their ties

Parents to new born
That's how they  views their lot
A lot to learn by observing
They always go only to the deserving

Teacher shows up when student is ready
Cats showed up when life  was in quandrary
I can never share their  happiness
But I completely understand the passion

They have 8 more lives
Meditative they made  life
If the theory of rebirth is true
Theyll come back to them  for sure

Passion now turned to devotion
Loving them more than a fellow human
Day to day spent in the presence
Nothing short of a severe penance

One with the self
Self realized
Cats Aiding in the act
Their duty intact

Quest for company
Now an anomaly
The only reality
Peace and tranquility

Day to day transaction
No other option
Reason for existence
Not in the transaction

Living for others
Is real living
To life adds meaning
Soul cleaned and life defining
87 · Dec 2021
KV Srikanth Dec 2021
Rushed to the ward
To see my as a new born
14 years older than i
Till today my closest Ally
Admission to Kindergarten
To finding me an occupation
Bullets had to get past him
When they were aimed at me
As tough as they come
Had to be to protect an aimlessly drifting ***
Friend Philosopher Guide
Took the role with pride
Father and Mother
Put together
Your figure stood taller
The light during darkness
The shade offering solace
The open window when doors were closed
Bet on my future with all chips down
Music and movies
Taste defined by yours
Grew up in the 70 s
My taste makes people I did too
Thank you limits the gratitude
Thank you anyway
Till another word comes my way
By then I'll have more to thank by the way
87 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
I reflect upon my infancy living a life of fear and boredom
Had a brother who was a decade senior
Who was nothing short of a mentor
Fear drove me to the movies searching and yearning for stars
Who I found in abundance and what was absent in my soul was present in their role
Testosterone filled powder keg scenes blitzkrieg in front of me.
Mere Images they weren't
As real as reality was
The line dissolved as I vicariously fought the villains of my life
My mind wars were in full throttle
Me emerging the victor Unaware that imagination was making me the victim
Decades it took to draw the line again
Reality was reborn
And rickety split was leading a life of fear and boredom
Boredom took me in search of humans
None had humanity exploited my inadequacy again I went as perceptible was never obvious to me
Leading me on a circle of Savagery unleashed by the bullies
Fear and boredom outside adopted a demon called esteem inside
As it touched it's nadir
Living was given another name called hell
But none of this could I tell
Bruised ego is the soldier who replaces Sensitivity
The spiral road down has no end but has many stops
Picking the wrong passengers along the way
The boundaries are  dissolved between humane and inhumane
Diatribe rhetoric and tirades encompassed the being
Even the partisan benefactors saw no point in my living
Speaking the untruth is the first step on the Pathway to Hell
Other ignoble attributes are endowed upon effortlessly
Traveling on the path with fear boredom lies rants and the whole shebang I realised that I had been dumped unceremoniously
It's the river of no return that  I was sailing my boat on
What was I on
Could I continue living on that mode accelerating the demon inside at the speed of the Apollo
Mind Body intellect and soul was at a new low
Guilt was built with the concrete of dishonour blasphemy impiety and irreverence
Schizophrenic nature of piety religion and philosophy did not help
Reality remained blurred again
Only the Constants changed
Jeet Kune do translates as The art of the intercepting fist Founded by Bruce Lee Martial Artist Actor Writer Director Choreographer Producer Dancer Teacher and Philosopher
Addiction was replaced by Connection
Thinking was replaced by Feeling
Ranting was replaced by
Outward was replaced by Inward
Whatever led me to his path
The cause and effect I don't know
For his path is no path
I now know what I know
Reality had emerged
Tentpoles have submerged
I have Bruce to thank
Who says don't thank for I haven't thought you anything
Because there are no others to teach
There's only self
Which also ceases on enquiry
There are no others there’s no I
What is left is Right
Nothing is what it seems
Nobody is who they really are
Grumble moan and whine
Still surprised at paucity of  humanity benign
Realize he should for that is the  habitude
Paradigm followed blindly with the prototypes walking before him
Rehearsed and Crafted
Complicated he becomes
Complication is easy
Simplicity is tough
Were he to know
And if this were to grow
Extinct becomes of sorrow
In the dark about the light
Unable to conceive that
Honest expression is the hardest trait
Simplicity Fluidity and directness
The only path to oneness
Painful that they never meet
Feel from your heart and be driven by emotional competence,comprehend
Thinking and Rational leads often to a dead end
This world is not for honest men
But it cannot prevent men from being honest
And the gratification they derive from their conscientious conduct
And deprive them the luxury
of a good night s sleep
Impeccable invoking inspired infallibility is immune in inception
87 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Reluctant to undergo
Anymore of the world
The people and their ways
Predicable in some cases
Unpredictable but not surprising
In many of the cases
Keeping up the positive
Outlook to life
Is becoming more of a struggle nowdays
A sense of weariness
Boredom and experience
Feelings that occur
As a reaction
To people's behaviour
Been in here long enough
Experience adds up
Beating my age hollow
Been there done that
Been there seen that
Been there undergone that
Been there felt and thought that
Life has become University
Doling out Degrees
Same subjects more deeper
Till one gets  a Doctrate
Tried to block
Entered into my head
Cynisicm the first emotion
That comes out as a reaction
Recent transactions i had
Led me to believe
All i had learnt was correct
First time around
The savage ways of the world
I was unaware
Internalised it the hard way
Butchered all along the way
This time around
Nothing has changed
Except my head not in line
Under the slaughter machine
My World Weariness
Offering complete protection
People trying the same tricks
Remains at trying
World weariness does not
Stop them
At giving a shot again
To short change or shoo away
They forgot that the tutorial class i attended was marked by them
Didn't realise my marks didn't reflect my learning
Future associations taught me swell
These sharks come across like kids
Who I'm able to handle with my wits
Which were lacking when they did this
Not surprised has taken them totally by surprise
One great thing
That happened to me
After this transformation
Innocence a distant past
Cynical current and present
I understand the films
Chinatown and Night Moves better
Jake Gittes and Harry Moseby played by Jack Nicholson and Gene Hackman
Were probably inspired by the lives
Of people like us
And we look up to them
With a sense of satisfaction
We are living them in life
They lived us in character
Which they also borrowed from their lives
87 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Going with the flow
May take you away from your goal
The heart wants what it wants
Life gives what it gives

Life sings a tune
You just play along
lyrics don't fit the tune
Bad luck the song will not be born

How i respond
My hearts door ****
Balance sheet shows
My debts have been written off

Flexibility and Expression
Two paths to a destination
Combine them in harmony
Honesty without lament

Check the box
First is merit
Last is merit
Tick it and you're in

Unable to do
Let it go
Leave it will anyway
Trouble will be saved

Unique in every way
Remain that way
Duplicating is the veil
Image takes over the  real

Passion ousts work
Work ceases to be work
No hours seperately dedicated
Every minute is

Deducing life logically
Precedes living it fully
Make it easy coming to terms with the fact that
It is what it is
87 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
If life is an equation.
Why aren't the results coherent.
If life is random
Why do we try to fathom?
If life is pre ordained ,
Why do we procastinate?
Life is unfair says one.
It is never to none.
Table your mumbo jumbo.
Balance them with your prudence.
Life will make sense.
Decision has choice.
Action is one.
Alternative action is a non existent phenomena.
Life is a straight line.
Doesn't run in parallels
What if ? Is the most asked question.
The only puzzle for which there can be no resolve.
It seems as easy as grease on wheels.
To make s cow fly is infetestinal.
Finding answer for that is futile.
For you cannot act twice at the same point of departure.
86 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
All of us are kin
Color of the skin
First differences begin
Cancerous not benign

Nature of the act
Decides on the fact
Right and Wrong
Deeply entrenched and strong

Wrongful to society
Words of variety
Prefix added to amplify
Deeds done by everybody

Black market Black Mail
Black Day Blacklist
Prefix decides the fate
Any other other color  meaning wouldn't change

Country ' s policy
Color decides authority
Countries of prejudice
Have no sense of justice

Skin color
Nothing inferior
Judging based on color
Man made blunder

Ownership of another man
Price paid for possession of human
Slave trading an act of crime
Prevelant for a long time

Wars fought to establish
Skin color not to distinguish
Nobel won for trying to abolish
Humanity since stands embellished

White and Black
Not each others opposites
At harmony with each other
Together make a whole

Black and White signifies
Anything plain and simple
Used as an adage
Sends the wrong message
86 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
I cried for the first time
In my adult life
Weakness or Strength
I did try to find
Dawned the knowledge
That majority i met
Only thought me to let go
Whilst a few had tattooed themselves
In my heart
With a glue so hard
Unable to set them apart
Memories of their acts
Fruits still enjoyed today
Times of fun or learning lessons of  wisdom
The days filled with anectodes
Heard with rapt attention
Go on playing in my heart
Show never seems to stop
Hoping for an interval
To switch myself off
Never comes as the projector
Is my thoughts
Beaming the feelings across
Been strong too long
Tears welled up to say solong
Words don't express in full
A few drops of tears carry out the role
Expression of sadness
A form of defense
Felt shallow before
Not for this reason though
You may be watching or not
A matter of faith
I can promise you
That every heart you left behind aches
Still to come to terms of your absence
Crying themselves a river
Where's the boat to cross-over
Special to everyone
Made to feel as your favourite
How did you manage
To fool all of us into believing
That we were your closest mate
Everybody s life a value system
Thought by you to them
Your presence felt in words and action
Or in the pages of a book you had given
Greatness found you
As you ran away from it
The purity of your soul
Greatness found a refuge
Took your work seriously
But never yourself
Knew it was temporary
You were wrong here
It stayed with you permanently
God choses a few
Lucky to be around
To know what it is all about

Days have slowed
Nights have paused
Where do we go after we passed
Tell us from wherever you are
After you brought the farm
Ready to leave this all
To be in your company
Our bucket list consists of things you taught
Kicking the bucket now doesn't seem so bad afterall

The real deal Big time Class Act
The name of your autobiography that you wrote
Each of us knowing a chapter
That you shared to make lives better
86 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Woke up today
Thank God for that
Had a good night's sleep
Indebted for allowing that
Had my cup of coffee
More than contended

A roof over my head
How many can claim that
Eternally grateful for the kindness
Food on the table
Whenever the stomach requested
Provided in full
Obliged to you
Whatever has happened
Is the best outcome you have granted
Relationships in symphony
Synchrony you help validate
Deeply appreciative for ceding
Contended fulfilled clear
That's my life today
Humbled by the generosity
Nothing to ask
Everything given without any pre condition
There for me to experience
Live life the only expectation
The mind in between
Sows seeds of questions
Help me understand
That a gift is to be celebrated
And shared
Not taken with an attitude of i don't care
Noticed that the universe
Had performed its functions well
As the world outside
Was bustling with activity
Overwhelmed in the least
A big thank you
For giving me the life
With the best help to tend

A life to lead only awareness to
To be
Thank you Thank you Thank you
86 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Sun signed out of the West
Buckling down for the East
Burning candles both sides
Presence and Absence
World decides its routine

Not even a breather
Putting its feet up
Never still
Shifts position
Intensity equation

Darkest before Dawn
Sheds light in the Sky
Signals a new day
Heralds hope with its Ray

A new day today
Rise and Shine
Ray of hope
New beginning
Bright and Fun
Allegories of the Sun

Potency and vigour
Qualifies time and hour
Ceaselessly moving
Rendezvous with the Ocean

Beams of  light
Does not discriminate
Like or hate
Value of time
It knows best
Signs out east
Signals a day less

Justina folded eyes
Justice it holds the keys
Eyes closed black cloth
Without fear or favor
Scales in one hand
Sword in another

Justice impartial
Delivered separates
Duty by definition
Does with repetition

****** by justice
Sun does not prejudice
Equal to all
All are equal
Equanimity lies its beauty

Attachment or Abhorrence
Offering flowers or Pelting Stones
Equanimity is
Medicine for Calamity
Hallmark of Spirituality

Inherently qualified
Worship justified
Examples multiplied
Virtue in every way
Hope Faith Belief
Brings along it's way
Pushes darkness away

Far of Science says
Proves power of its Rays
Looks like a stones throw away
Far yet near
Benefits innate

Be like the Sun
Unfair to none
Beacon of Good
All you have to do
Is to look up
86 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Unable to finish
Task in hand
Perfectly fine
Got dealt a bad hand
Others do it better
Really doesn't matter
Unable to earn respect
Don't feel upset
Its the others perspect
Let them be the
Masters of the subject
Getting snubbed for nothing
By the people who know everything
Ignore the insult
Do not confront
Asked to apologise
For what don't realise
Do it naturally
Move away gradually
Image of a clown
To others tunes dancing around
Image built in concrete
Passed onto others indiscreet
Never take it to heart
Be the circus act
Do not worry about the impact
Reason lacking guile and tact
Lowest in a percentile graph
Laugh along as others laugh
Not worthy to be remembered
Oblivion is not a bad word
Create your own world
Insulated from abuse hurled
Shooed away lacking personality
Try not to take it personally
All these qualities are enviable
Society might find it expendable
Let go and move on
Take pride in being what you are
The others must change
You stay who you are
Take the name of Misfits
Wear this on your shoulder
Express yourself better
Not in sync with society
No need to be filled with anxiety
Let the world behave
By the definition it creates
You just be
Don't try to change
To go to the other side of the fence
A total misfit
Fine with it
Bruce Lee calls himself one
Leading from the front
Part of a group
Bruce Lee authorised troup
What more do you want
Misfits together you belong
86 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Polarised political stances
Broadly as Right and Left
Conservatives and Liberals
Opposite ends of the Spectrum

Caste based divisions
And religious conversions
Causing widespread violence
All time low the tolerance

Earlier regimes blamed
Country loosing its identity
Voters manipulated with Currency
All in the name of democracy

Cultural Social and Political
Philosophies are merged
Organized Religon and Electoral decision
Also known as Right Wing Association

Social and Economic equality
Socialism and Communism given equity
Civil liberties and individual rights
Agendas of the Liberals known as the Left

Accused of burying tradition
Markets not deciding valuation
Governmental influence expansion
Religious tolerance and favor of immigration

Core value system
Ends of the swings of the pendulum
Right to birth or not
Another great dividing block

Economic Education Environmental
Taxation Weapons Immigration
Health  Abortion & Discrimination
Market and Government Religious tolerance

Every political issue
Divided to pursue
Agenda closest to heart
Best of both not a choice

Both the beliefs
Unifying or Divisive
Side of the fence
You are sitting depends

People influenced and passions triggered
Both playing a part demonising the other
People as divided as the ideology
Considering the middle road a travesty

Tiger and an Tusker
Facing of each other
Who wins the fight
Does it matter
That ship has sailed can't get  lower

End result evident
People Countries and the World divided
Neither willing for a peace deal
Meeting point points towards
A war field

Political agnostic
Branded an escapist
Being Apolitical not an option
Its never your decision

Take a side
Ride the Tide
Face the Tide
Halfway must collide

Avoid the tide branded a coward
Waiting for it to subside
Not going to happen
Everywhere there is a divide
86 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
A year gone by
Nothing ever the same
Not a day goes by
When your memory not recalled by
Legends leave a vacuum
Never can be filled
Routine helps  keep sanity
Your presence gave vanity
Pursuing ones goals
You are the playbook
Realising them wish
You lived longer to tell
Table tennis and life not the same
Your absence felt every second
Your presence in my feelings
And guiding my thoughts
Makes living a lot easy
Having seen you play for 7 years
Practice or match
First row seats to witness
God greatest  gift
Thank you for everything
Greatest player to play the game
If Kamlesh Mehta calls you King
What more praise is there to sing
Your presence i feel
Anywhere i be
I pay my respects to you
Everyday on the table
Before playing the first ball
Thank you for everything
Called me hour brother many times
Today my life is great
Not written in my fate
Your wishes have brought me here
You would have been most happy to hear
My new job which i hold dear
Good souls helping me out
Giving opportunities which makes me full
Will do justice every ball played
Isn't that what you thought me for a decade
Pray for your happiness
Wherever you are
May you find peace
Like you found fame
85 · Oct 2022
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Guns have their uses
Should be fired
When women are physically abused
Any act that's perverse is being performed

Apart from protecting
injury and trauma
To women and children
Guns best remain
In their holsters

A society compromising
On a Woman's Right
None to fight their plight
Instant justice needed
None better than a trigger

Slogans prove democracy
Right to use it
Should not remain a fantasy
Must be allowed universally

A form of protest
Against policy makers
Cross with their logic
Not believing in their beliefs

Nothing expresses better
Than a Slogan
That never tires in
Issues  being highlighted

Clever ones convey
The anger and apathy
To a society that demands
Change and Sympathy

A war declared
To prevent a war
Against the powers that be
Who held a placard to get there

Phrases tailored to attract
Attention onto themselves
The issues to be addressed
Gatherings at their own behest

Highest pride lies
When the other shouts at
The top of his voice against
Something that you have spent
Defending a lifetime

A tolerant society
All views taken equally
The ballot wins finally
Peaceful War cries shape the tally
85 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Vast lands of Emptiness
The sound of the winds
Given a tune heard before
Words made to fit like a pro
Lyricist and Composer at one go
The Ocean reflecting the sky
Illusions of blue everywhere
Silence makes you hear
Heart  providing the rhythm
Not yet acquired Sea Legs
Legs a slave to the brain wave
Unlike the heart which contemplates
Dancing to the beat
Of the waves kissing the Keel
Composer again without pressing any of the keys
Land and Water as it were
Their 9 to 5 under nature's care
Intrinsic qualities illustrated
Propitious to all
Putting the Ritz  equally
The Land and the Sea
Emptiness not in them
Reflection mirrored outside
At peace with yourself
Inside out mirrored inside
Waves and Dunes merging with each
Thoughts and feelings becoming their shadows
Honkytonk man picking his guitar
As slowly the Drifter ceases to be
At land or Sea
85 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
For the good
For the bad
No one knows
Philosophers say could have been worse
Rationalists use staircase wisdom
To tie the knots
Those in between
Lacking faith of lack of
Hoping to find the answer
That never was
Was the right question asked
85 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
No words accurate
To describe the death rate
Human lives at stake
Even breathing a grave mistake

Quarantine the patient
14 day isolation
Only available Solution
Even if jab taken

Rules dont apply
To Doctors on duty
They too have a family
For them now secondary

The Nurses on call
Give it their all
Service to humanity
Epitome of sanctity

Frontline worker
Knocking on deaths door
Care their very core
Clarity in every pore

Nameless and faceless
Sacrifice their bonafide
Price of their servitude
Mankind not big enough to measure its magnitude

Worship and Celebrate
Their quality innate
Put themselves behind all
To treat a Pandemic on front of all

Work done by them
Expecting nothing in return
Environment of calamity
Doing their calling calmly

Immortal status achieved
For only one reason
Future generations must know of their contribution
By Example they showed
Stopping death at its door

Spouse and children
Of no relevance
Safety of fellow humans
Engulfs their hearts and minds

Fear and uncertainty
Existing universally
Balancing it wonderfully
Rest living peacefully

Bow our heads
Heart soul and rest
Words or actions
Cannot define our indebtedness

The study of theology
Questions solved permanently
Fictional or reality
He bows his head willingly
In you he sees Divinity
85 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Mastery gained by learning
A philosophy or Ideology
To your understanding
Most in tune with your personality
Getting recognised by society

Read teachings and explanations
Or learnt it step by step
Hearing discourses
A lifetime commitment
To learning what lies within

Everyone had a conviction
They have adapted themselves to
Feel very strongly about the lessons

Has helped in their progression
The change it has
Caused in you
That you credit your doctrine
Is not decided by the opinion
Of anyone outside of self

How much has it altered
Is decided not by
Proving that your learning
Is better than the rest
Its popularity versus another
Comparing the Masters who espoused them

Catalyst of reform
Is judged by none of the above forms
There is no norm
Each has the right to a place to belong

Integrity to yourself
How much you implement
Areas you cannot help
Combination of action and faith

How honest you are
In your gains and flaws
The status quo's you wanted to change
But so far could not

Seeking ratification from
Others whoever it is
Will lead to heart aches
Something so dear but they may have another take

Best way to know
If there is a flow
Is not in giving back
Insults or wisecracks

Thrown of balance
How quickly you recover
Emotions played with
Anger replaced by composure

Clarity in the fact
It is not victory or defeat
It is honest expression
Without hurting any sentiment

When insulted or cornered
Untie the knot and release the boat
A fight to prove superiority
You have already lost the fight

No philosophy or master
Asks you to be a fool
People will throw darts
Be unapologetic about your chosen path

Hurt  and react
Emotions and Thoughts
How quickly you
Are able to move to the next task
Forgetting this happened at all

Walking on ahead
Leaving this behind
Not even aware of its source
You are flowing in the right course
85 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Grateful that thankfully
Our parents who thought similarly
Enrolled us at the Don Bosco Egmore
We couldn't have asked for more

Decision by parents
Boon for students
Bonded as friends
Past and Present

Convent education
For future preparation
Tough by definition
Oneness in orientation

Bonding  in the past
Till today last
Proof is in the heart
Till now never part

Together 14 years
Nostalgia still brings tears
Friendship always mutual
From the inside and natural

30 years later
Still together
Thankful to each other
For time spent together

Divided by section
Never lost connection
Many a difference of opinion
Moving away never an option

Friends in need
And a  friend in deed
School sowed the seed
No exception
A miracle indeed

Problems take sway
Solution a call away
Nothing so tough
Mere presence of the boys
More than enough

Fairweather friends
They are not
All full of heart
Lucky to be a part

Farewell party
Mere formality
Share your vulnerability
Vulnerability becomes history

Fun and support
Straddling both
Every soul pure
From Don Bosco Egmore

From personal experience
Have asked many a friend
Any form of help required
At your doorstep delivered

Class of 87
Ever in unison
United as one
Each one to everyone
Soulmates till kingdom come

Thank you said
A feeling expressed
Heartfelt and honest
Every interaction purest

Virtuous and precious
Never refused help
Experience universal
Soul mirroring behavior

Decades passed but still
Purity and quality
Heart remains this
Happy to be doing this
Virtues in Arduis
85 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
When the heart skips a beat
On seeing the smile
The coalesce strikes a rhythm
To which the soul dances at random

Beauty is the expression
Of the inner person
Without apology or attention
To make an impression

Pretty is to be born
Beauty is to be cultivated
Endowed with purity
Where it reflects the other's face

Ability to see
It in others
Is the greatest quality
Of the effervescent  

The artistry of the walk
The delicate way it comes across
The grace that carries it all
Charm that captures the heart

The face reflects the heart
Elegance is the visiting card
Style is what you are
Alluring mystically to all

Not in the vision of other
Their judgement never mattered
Carrying the self with class
Engulfs every heart

Glamour is with flaws
Attractive inspite it all
The flaws carry symmetry
Unfortunately misses the eye

Pleasing to the eye
Aesthetic to the heart
Locking with the soul
Beauty and behold

Cannot be defined
Timeless and divine
Always a ray of sunshine
Everyone wants to say
Its Mine

Adds power to the woman
Every woman has it in them
Some are not seen by those blinded
Not appreciated but beauty never goes wasted

Beauty is being
Talks through silence
If silence is understood
Every woman is beautiful

How can one be
And the other not
Inherent quality of women
Their very existence is a boon to creation

Beauty is woman
Woman is beauty
Cause of our existence
Carrying ours to future generations
85 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
Past  Mirage
Future fluid
Present Is
Life not an exam
Preparation irrational
Predictions Notional
Broken Rhythm
Order of the Universe
Expectation humiliation
Awareness Intelligent
Fear Deterrent
Sorrow ends when
Hunger starts
From unknown
To unknown
Life an interval
Screen a Dream
Experience cumulative
Application  understanding
Forever Nothing.
85 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Her smile is poetry
No strokes on a brush can do justice
Framed from a camera roll
Is injustice
Its immortality lies in the imagination it creates
Recording it for posteirity
Limits its authenticity
84 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Interpersonal interactions
Immediate impressions
Inbuilt intelligence
Imminent incongrunce

Intellect influence
Instant interpretation
Ideological indifference
Ironic intolerance

Imaginary identification
Illustrates impatience
Illusionary intentions
Impulsive indictment

Inevitable injury
Innocence inserted
Inflated I
Initiated impasse

Iternary investigated
Interrupted invaded
Initial interest
Internally incarcerated

Illwill instigated
Insulted irritated
Ignored individual
Improperly interpreted
84 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
We search our souls,
When we find a lacking .
Luckiest is one who finds a mate.
First thing in life,
Others can wait.
Before us we see in the movies, houses and classrooms.
Acquaintance that blossoms ,
Watered by the desire of companionship.
Progressing on the steps of associate ,ally and friend.
On the foundation laid by
Chemistry and Camaraderie,
Cemented finally as a buddy.
Search and find,
Make and Bind,
Defined and Designed.
Roads taken commonly.
None are right.
This is not an art or combat.
A soul mate is never found.
Union that's Spiritual .
By defenition boundless.
Rare by the numbers.
Lucky are the finders.
Male Bonding  it is christened.
Blessing I would reason.
Chinaman's chance to happen.
Grace in plenty to be in unison.
Chance depends on circumstances.
Choice depends on attitude.
It is neither chance or choice.
It all comes from your inner voice.
Emotion and Reason,
One from the heart and one from the Thought.
Balancing on a see saw,
Burdened side down,
Masks the Mirage.
Unique in its defenition.
Unaware of its inception
Not formatted by decision.
Is it happenstance?
Sanctity more than place of worship.
Is the core of friendship.
Beware the stranger,
Who only remained a guest,
Who you invited at your own behest.
Treated he,you as an entertainer.
After the show stopped,
Realise he always was a stranger.
Better left undefined.
Divinity it is if defined.
Blessed few shall attain.
A friend who remains.
Treats even God as a bargain.
Waking up in the night, blinded by darkness.
Music we  revere but cannot see its form.
Truth inside our heart doesn't manifest outside.
Search and it shall not be found.
Handed you a line.
Made you irrelevant.
Blemish greater he cannot cause.
Than trading on one's heart.
84 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
What do you do
When there's nothing to do
Ask yourself the question
Is it because of you

It always is
True to yourself
Interrogate the self
It reveals itself

Next on the tick box
Choices as answers
You know the answer
You still need s choice to make you ponder

Are you alone
Are you lonely
Alone and lonely
Alone not lonely
None of the above

Data Analysis question
All seem alike
Know it at the source
Or you are playing the wrong course

Unlike during the test
Time unlimited
Test to prove to the outside
This has everything to do on the inside

Option available need not be the answer
That option is there in the question
Tick the last box
Then this whole enquiry needless

If answer in the paper
An honest truth seeker
Answer will present itself
You just have to be present

Alone a Philosophers abode
Lonely a humans inferior quality
Alone not lonely a Saints pedestal
Alone and lonely have a lot of work to do on yourself

Is it just a feeling
Or reality presenting for you to see
Dream like Mirage can mislead
Playing for the wrong side in the field

Enquiry answers the query
A one man jury sees things in totality
Purity the quality the jurors inquiry
Judgement delivered with equanimity and honesty

Playing this game compulsory
For spiritual advancement answers necessary
Question and Answer everything secondary
Actualizing yourself and not the your image is Primary

Actualized once the question ceases
Along with it the choices
Judge and jury are the same the mind realizes
Knowledge of this after the search started
Start and end the same when realized you are a Zen Master
84 · Mar 2021
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
Unfulfilled dreams
No one an exception
Every human has some
Things they wanted to do
But never done

Reasons plenty
Usually blamed on Destiny
Convert to reality
Create the opportunity

Life led and lessons learnt
Burdens carried faced the brunt
Problems faced upfront
None left to surmount

Idea of expectancy
Lifes longevity
Some clarity
Based on fraility

Doctors prescribe
More or less correct
Time left on earth
Breaths till last breath

Time and tide
Wait for none
You no exception
Ready for the action

Things not materialized
Thought process conceptualized
From infancy till now
Dont get Into the how

Unrrealised gist
Prepare a list
To do before death
No one knows after that

Follow with zest
Complete tasks ahead
Fulfill before death
Before body under wreath

Lighten the soul
Before its journey behold
Last days on planet
Complete them rather
Than forego it

Kick the bucket metaphor
Your soul had left bedside
Nothing left beside
Things not done and unsaid

Follow your heart
Led by your thought
Fulfill the wish
The soul incomplete with
Prepare your Bucket List
84 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Declared dead
Reference to life
Lived in this planet
No more to the rest
Burnt or Cremated
Six feet under or
Smokes of a fire
Burning the dead
For the first time
Since birth
Refered to as The Body
Name given Education learnt Position held Money saved
Etiquette used as prefix
In Relation to the family
All forgotten suddenly
Holds no value or sanctity
Body replaced by day
Recalled for remembrance
Reduced to that date
Out of sight
Out of mind
Human experience so far
Out of body
Burnt to ashes
Buried under concrete
Potrait decorates the walls
Lest we humans forget
84 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Smell the roses
See the sunrise
Early morning rain dampening the roads
But nature's occasional addition heightening our souls
Glad to be awake
Let the day roll by
Many things at stake
Don't be surprised if
Tomorrow's list they do not make
Ambition priority people
Changes with age
When the handles meet at 12
Thank God for making the day swell
A meal and a nap
Evening shade ready to map
Leg up and crossed
View through your boots
Mother nature brings to end
One more day less to tend
Paradoxical the day ends
Only to return
Not as the same
Youthful it remains
What a shame
If one can't enjoy the game
Same day differs everyday
Takes away one more day
The toll you pay
For passing the day away
Sway with life s ballet
Array and disarray
Thers no replay
Pay your dues and wait for the day
Only remember you have no say
84 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
The painter imagination
Would make mother nature jealous
The joy that inhibits her heart
Expresses itself as art
Nature will not steal her glory
By making this a reality
83 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Religon and caste
Conversations across
A refugee in our
Sub conscious mind
Finds itself a form of expression
Division of man
Made permanent
Lineage taking credence
When nothing should
Lucky are the pets
No division amongst them
Fortunately man has
Not been able to create one
In harmony with each
How many ever there may be
Birthed has no role
Neither a wardrobe
Names don't trigger
Thoughts about race or gender
Addressed to as such
They respond as much
Expressing themselves
Not made up for role play
Simple in their living
Thinking stops with being simple
Under the sky Under the heaven
We are but one family
Style seperate man
Don't believe in style
Universe tries to pretend
That as the major goal to tend
Animal kingdom evolution
Above humans in the podium
Willing they are to share the spot
But we humans want it all
By toppling them off
A game they don't understand
We presume from our grandstand
Laughing within themselves
Shallow human behaviour
Larger in Number
Divided by another
At war with each other
Over things that don't matter
83 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Trying to become
A big star
In the movies
Not everyone is lucky
Aspiring actors many
Tried and failed plenty
Trying to earn a penny

No other choice
Still hear their inner voice
Seen ordinary guys turn into celebrities
Green room their only known territory
End up as movie extras
Known as background artist
Tough life waiting to be called
Every extra thinks he's the next superstar
Irony in the fact
Evidence in their favour

Their dreams destroyed
Settled into their new avataar
Part of show biz
Last choice in their list

Part of  crowd scenes
Indistinguishable face no one noticed
A fellow extra the neighbour befriended
Who' also was rejected

Trying to become
A big star
In the movies
Not everyone is lucky
Aspiring actors many
Tried and failed plenty
Trying to earn a penny

No other choice
Still hear their inner voice
Seen ordinary guys turn into celebrities
Green room their only known territory
End up as movie extras
Known as background artist
Tough life waiting to be called
Every extra thinks he's the next superstar
Irony in the fact
Evidence in their favour

Their dreams destroyed
Settled into their new avataar
Part of show biz
Last choice in their list

Part of  crowd scenes
Indistinguishable face no one noticed
A fellow extra the neighbour befriended
Who' also was rejected

Weather and conditions
Not taken into consideration
In costume for entire call sheet
No choice but to make peace

Part of the scenery
They add the authenticity
Movie making efforts collaborative
They add to the narrative

No reason to be treated badly
Dreams did not come true
Written in their destiny
Statistically impossible must have chosen carefully

A profession with dignity
Uncredited or bit parts
Terms as these don't to justice
Things didn't work out as promised

Imagine a movie
Done away with them fully
Watching a movie makes you realise
That you are watching a movie

No greater blunder
Than to make the audience aware
To draw them into the story
Rests on the burden these extras carry

In front of the camera
Everyone is an actor
Behind the camera
Everyone is a crew member

Know their value
Added to keep it true
Name not in the titles
If not for them there is no Title
83 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
I don't feel
Pangs of separation
We never said goodbye
Cause we ain't apart

I don't miss her
She lives in my heart
I don't talk to her
She is in my thoughts

She is in me
I know for sure
By the way she responds
Even for my glance

I will never
Make her mine
Destiny decided otherwise
Not in my hands

Destiny can win
Only if i forget
If my mind goes blank
She is the blank

Void in me
Her absence caused
Deserving i should be
How can I fight with god

A lesson learnt
Everything seems precious
Till the day
You own it

Letting go of her
I did not
Had to live life
Plans i was not part of

Precious she remains
Daily living travails
Her being here
One more miracle i expected

In love and in life
Not in sync with each other
Life is love
Only if you're living it
83 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Fifty years to the day
22nd March 1972
Premiered the movie
In Hongkong theatres
The second film of Bruce'Lee

Fist of Fury
Same team at the helm
The real test to his career
One film wonder or a full fledged career

The immortal story
Of Chen Zhen
And his quest for revenge
Huo Yuanjia his teacher

Poisoned by the Japanese
A legend in his lifetime and a legend after
Founder of the Jhinwoo school
Taught many westerners the truth

Turn of the century
Set in Shanghai City
Under Japanese occupation
I'll treatment of Chinese the narration

Taking revenge his mission
One by one the murderers his victim
Japanese Karate school behind the intrigue
The school in its entirety single handedly pursued

Raymond Chow of Golden Harvest
Placing his bets
Putting this genre to test
Do or die for him and the rest

Lo Wei again at the helm
Million dollar director his middle name
Joseph Koo s wonderful score
I use hands the song a chart topper

Chen Zhen real or mythical
No one knows for sure
Many versions of this tale
Have come before and after this film was made

Fortunately a success
All involved continued to progress
Bigger budgets were allotted
Artistic and financial freedom rewarded

Wishes to the team
On making this theme
Hopefully will continue to grow
If the new generations taste bestows
83 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Pleasant past
Rewarded Appropriately
Karma knocked
Lessons learnt
Wisdom gained
Nothing outside
Acceptance inside
Happy with your own hide

Today in the now
Challenges in a row
Chaotic in nature
Wear it on your heart
Listen to its beat
Illuminates the path
Weans away the Sour Note
Remains the Note
Synchronize and Harmonize
Freedom the instrument

Future only in thought
In time a mere fallacy
Instrument you tuned
Worthy to succeed
Ambition to Reality
Converted in the Symphony
The instrument you tuned to harmony

Now becomes past
Play the record sans
Rewind or forward or pause
Listen to your song
Answers within all along
83 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Completes the theme
Pages to remember
Delivered proper
Audience understanding clear
One step near of becoming an Actor

Lessons at workshops
Drama schools and universities
Intern at Playhouses
Understudy for the Leads
Years in the wings
Waiting for the doors to open
In real time life ticks on
Food for the family
Purely on the ability
To do work of quality
In regularity
The probability
Known only by the Almighty

How the camera captures
Not in the hands of the actors
Cameras own decision making process
It disowns the player
then no use of acting prowess
One more layer
For a successful acting career

Self Realisation
Easier in comparison
Success in the show business
Holy grail with Christs grace
Easier to trace
Than the name and fame that begets an Actors face

I achieved overnight
After 30 years of struggle
To become an actor
83 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
A subject that
Sent shivers down the spine
Not sure for others
But definitely mine

Tuition classes attended
Only goal intended
Extra hours in the table
Would make me able

Fabian Sebastian
A mathematician
Teacher by profession
Friendly disposition

Early morning
Started with the training
Sun on the Horizon
Subject mind bending

Step by step
Those days used to the best
Periodically weekly test
Taken with the zest

Classes higher
Subject tougher
Logical and Complex
Oxymoron in nature

Endless wait
Subject never ending phase
Cannot runaway from yourself
Same rule applied to Math

Addition and Subtraction
Problem till age seven
Multiplication and Division
Added to the problem

Numerator and Denominator
Only made it tougher
Profit and loss
Always at a loss

Theorem and Ryder
Too much to remember
Missed it in Class 5
Never catch up in life

Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry
Together in class 10
Complexities in it lay
Nightmare during the day

Weight of Math
Balances the other 9
Halfway through the well
Academic year living hell

Matrix and indices
Reconciling process
Analytical ability not for us
Looking for a chance
To jump off the bus

Already feeling inferior
Only brought laughter
Half the class aiming to master
Their only aim
Centum on this paper

Math like Karma
Finds your address
One of its arsenal
Manifests as an original

Survival to excellence
Math the very essence
Lacking in application
Devotion to the savior
Hopefully gets you ashore
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