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83 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Who wants to be
The joker in the pack
Contrary to what the name suggests
It actually fits everywhere
Can play the role assigned
Without any fanfare
What's in a name
If you can adapt
And be useful to yourself and others
Internalise the essence
Basic common sense
Let go of the tools
After they've been put to use
Bend and give way
Be the most powerful one in the fray
Easiest way is to integrate
Without any struggle
My not pushing the opposition
In the opposite direction
But by welcoming it and giving way
Making it rudderless
Take away the power from it
Use it to your cause
Don't worry about the branding at all
83 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Fifty years to the day
22nd March 1972
Premiered the movie
In Hongkong theatres
The second film of Bruce'Lee

Fist of Fury
Same team at the helm
The real test to his career
One film wonder or a full fledged career

The immortal story
Of Chen Zhen
And his quest for revenge
Huo Yuanjia his teacher

Poisoned by the Japanese
A legend in his lifetime and a legend after
Founder of the Jhinwoo school
Taught many westerners the truth

Turn of the century
Set in Shanghai City
Under Japanese occupation
I'll treatment of Chinese the narration

Taking revenge his mission
One by one the murderers his victim
Japanese Karate school behind the intrigue
The school in its entirety single handedly pursued

Raymond Chow of Golden Harvest
Placing his bets
Putting this genre to test
Do or die for him and the rest

Lo Wei again at the helm
Million dollar director his middle name
Joseph Koo s wonderful score
I use hands the song a chart topper

Chen Zhen real or mythical
No one knows for sure
Many versions of this tale
Have come before and after this film was made

Fortunately a success
All involved continued to progress
Bigger budgets were allotted
Artistic and financial freedom rewarded

Wishes to the team
On making this theme
Hopefully will continue to grow
If the new generations taste bestows
82 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Making decisions
That do not reach
The intended destinations
Involving in Acts
Self defeating and suicidal
State of vegetation
Where status quo is considered a fashion
A person who makes these calls
In more than one occasion
Is in dire need of guidance
Prudent future action
Is the vision lacking in his thinking

Happened to many
Waltzed down the chimney
To the fire
Burnt and weary
But not ready to
Accept that his actions are faulty

Pointing out the fault
Is no problem
The inflated ego gets burst
That's the quandrary
Insult of intelligence
Is the wrong perception
Trying again with no realisation
That the same act cannot
Produce another result
Leading to more insults

Many years in
The advising business
Both ends of it
Giving and receiving
Unless pointedly asked
Do not part
With knowledge on your behalf
Wasted words doesn't stop
Thoughts and emotions given as bonus
Experiences and analytical ability
The 2 power horses
Used as cylinders
To fire the process
Of change in the other

The target misses
Invariably as law of nature
Each his own
Best cliche in the history
No 3 better words formed
Out of the English vocabulary

Not worth the time
Of both yours and mine
None taken seriously
I ve seen it all already
In my position
Things are different
The pressures i face
Are face to face
Many such reasoning
Based on the conditioning
Running through the mind
Blocking any flow
Of a new process of contemplation

Best answer is silence
Remember you were not asked to begin with
Anything voluntarily offered
Has no value
Its available free
Remain aloof hope for his good

His time is when
He realises it then
Only from within
Until then...
82 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
On a bike Ignition on
Fitted with a sidecar
God seated there
Guiding us thereof
Spiritual force right next
We've got the best
Navigating the path
Wrong turn of thoughts
He tells us to stop
Forgiving us every sin apart
Throws light when darkness falls
Provides shade when the Sun hits Noon
In case of an accident
Falling down we  still turn up again
Hostile terrain
Rides from within
House made of Marbles
Holds your hand
So that you don't slip
Trust and faith
Used as investments
Makes sure you don't get lost
Whatever is right for you at any cost
Without his presence
Your bike wouldn't have come this far
82 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Music is in the air
A few decided to share
The sounds they heard playing
Gave it a name called composing

They were magicians
Knew all about instruments
Instructing the instruments to play
Gave it a name called Music

Rhythm Melody and Harmony
Texture Timbre and Dynamic Aspects to create the basics
Scattered pieces put together Gave it a name called Musicians

Stirring the Souls
All they require is a note
Making our hearts to move
They do it with a tune

Orchestration to give form
Final music in their heads
Playing in order already
Sharing their inner beauty

Providing the Score
To our lives
Each unique to each person
Musician s original profession

Every form of emotion
Played in the device
Of their choice
Reflection of  our feelings captured with poise

They speak through their chords
Greatest linguist amongst all
Expression their art
The most gifted lot

Verses and refrains
Points and Counterpoints
Sections and Instruments
The Musical oxygen

Life has its music
Only that we don't hear it
Too busy looking good
Ignoring the music making us ignorant fools

Life without the music
Silence is a tune
Silent movies had music
Music came  before talkies

Speaks no language
Communicates  to the illeterate
Doesn't judge worthiness
Gives it as delivarance

Alone with the self
As 2 with another
The 3 paths to salvation
The 4 Noble truths
The 5 elements
The 6 senses
None exists without the musicians take on it

Doubts about creations
Theist Athiest or Darwinian
Questioning the limitations
These can be set to music
Says the all encompassing Musician

Lullaby or  Dirge
Every stage of life is forged
Open your hearts
Feel  the chorus in all

The only world without borders
No visa or passport required
Has already achieved the impossible
Making humanity as one with his Music
82 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Choosing the right path
Morally also subjective
Each unique in thinking
Likewise their logic
Spiritually seeking answers
Philosophies in abundance
Works for one not for another
Religion and faith
Now a political debate
Ideology seperates and unifies
Even in unity there's ambiguity
Taste defined by lifestyle
Varies by a mile
Also depends on access
Seeks ratification in the process
Formula for success
Success defenition dicey
Parameters by society
Decided on parity
Doesn't give clarity
82 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Rubbernecking at the mirror
All jazzed up to step out
New clothes in place and sunglasses to add
Trying to look better in my own eyes

Images from my childhood
Emotions sticking and slipping
Like the wheels of a train
Move on their tracks

Squealing past in sequence
Reminded me of the indications
Horns Whistles Bells that were warning signs
Played loud clear i didn't listen

A surface for reflecting
Our images back to us
Owing fealty to me
Loyal in its depiction

Facet i did not know
Into my soul it could go
Cloning it to perfection
All my imperfections

Could see the image
Not the entity
Projecting my likeliness
Shadow cast over my darkness

Images of events
Edited with a beginning middle and end
There was no end
Retrospective introspection waiting for the Curtain

No more about appearances
And all false pretenses
Cleaning process conducted
No lens no filter made it simpler

Broken mirror brings
It seven years of bad luck
It means a broken soul
Reflecting your future told

Mirror intact no bad luck
Soul searching triggered
Coming of age begun
Never too late to begin

The mirror reflects within
Cleansing process to begin
God comes without an invitation
Why did he leave ask him the question

Subject and Object
Mirror as a witness to mirror
Jury convened judgement delivered
Playing all the roles await Gods answer
82 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Is there a path
Do we need a path
Is path part of the way
Where does the way lead
Should we follow the path
Is there  only one path or many
Does way connect the paths
Does the way lead to the destination
Is there a destination
Should it be reached
Is the way the journey
Is destination also the journey
Does journey lead to destination
Can we travel alone
Do we need a guiding light
How do we know that the light is right
Is the way the only way
If there are many
Is the truth the same
Can there be many truths
If not is it a lie
What differentiates both
What is the search
Is search required
Are there fixed answers
Open ended guidelines
Left for interpretation
Is perception a prescription
Where is the search
In an illusion
Is the search the illusion .
Is illusion the journey
Is it an illusion
What is reality
Is reality an illusion
Is illusion a reality
Is there an answer
Is it a valid question
Is it what it is
Is birth the beginning
Does it make Death the ending
Is the search for meaning
Is it for a solution
Does solution lie in the meaning
Are answers already there
Is the search necessary
In order to realize that
The search is not necessary
Then are the beginning and end the same

Did time exist
Is time man made
Why is it calculated in years
Who determines the years
Did time exist before man
Does the answer solve the problem
What Is the problem
Is there a beginning
Is there an end
Who is asking these questions
Who is is being asked to
If both are the same
Does the answer lie in the question
Is the question required
If you find the answers
How are you better off
Is it to gain
Is it to get rid off
Why are we born
What happens after death
Is the gap called life
Live to seek
Seek to live
No questions asked
No answers got
Is this an option
Remove the question
Does the Answer remain
Within or without
82 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Living trying to satisfy
Other people's needs
Is a life well spent
Weaker than us
In all walks of life
Only if God had intended otherwise
Priority to their well being
Over our own safekeeping
Thoughts and Feelings
Empathetic towards the needs
Compassion sows the seeds
Grateful that the opportunity
To help the needy
Was given to us by the Almighty
Your number is up
Staring at death's alley
That you held someone's hand
God is holding your other hand

The safe deposit locker
That you take with you
As baggage to be calculated
The only currency that has value

The good that you
Did to others
Selfless service to mankind
Is the only thing gauged
Granting glory and immortality
82 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
I don't remember what I want to say
I say whatever I I don't know I am saying
I keep asking the he question who am i
And the people around me don't seem to remember me because they are blank to me.
I used to forget where I kept my keys
I now don't know where keys are used
Objects don't engage
They are irrelevant tu o my existence
Who were we and what are we doing
What are those two hands for ?
Why do people get angry with me if I don't  know them !
What is death and to whom does it come will i know then?
Does life have a meaning ? Or death have one ?
Only those who recognise life need to worry death .
82 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
It doesn't matter
What you wear
The money you earn
Never extended a life
Professional pride
Is your ego s ride
All depends on the tide
Takes you with it
Or takes you with it
What matters most
Is your thoughts rise high
The only place where
Mediocrity is a crime
Feel for the rest
Heart rate is manifest
By the compassion inate
Born into this world
The only way to evaluate
If human life were to bear a price
The highest bid
Will go to the man
Who at the plight of the rest
Alone in his company
None for an audience
Says a prayer and
Sheds a tear
81 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Moments make the day
Solitude or Isolate
Dusk brings closer
To meet your maker

Moments make the night
In the harmony of company
Dawn one dusk less
Already defined
Finite life

Dreadful in definition
war with your own skin
Constantly in Geometry
Peace in Symmetry

Moments make life
Fleeting  Glaring
Happy Gloomy
Lonely Conversly
War Peace
Strife Truce
Moments empty
Filled with these
Moments full
Filled with these

Contradiction in Similarity
That's life In its beauty
Teacher or Prescription
Lesson in definition
Living the moment
Cut the first turf
Pave the way
Nobel in Norway

Medley of Moments
Designated Experience
Vary to Many
Life's Graduation
Given without Convocation
Pay it forward
Lies the reward

Time Goes By
We go along
Alliance in Union
Discord in Division
Moments gone by
Time and I
Together swing by
Equal Partners
We are not
Travels till my destiny
Continues on it's own Journey
81 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Favorite movie star
Very civil all at par
Invisible ego plays below par
From the pages of an Elmore Leonard novel an all out war

Reason for conflict
Where none benefit
Cannot be confined in logic
Relationships broken very tragic

Discernment of the thought
Refinement in taste
Both questioned in haste
Scabbards thrown in all consuming rage

The first 3 moves of a Shindy
Mimics that of a Shogi
Predicted and stolen a march
Bruised esteem hanging for dear life

Below the belt attacks
No more fair or unfair
Trading insults at random
Depths delved never could fathom

Keeping the powder dry
Packing heat twisting the knife
Ace in the hole to go nuclear
Going for the jugular

Fallacy in desecrating the individual
Pulling out all stops and irrevenrential
No more his position or stance
Knees knocking together heart rate faster than horses at a race

Wanting someone eat out of you hand
Spilling your water only to slip on it
Freudian slip overshooting the mark
Hitting the target but missing the point

Movie Music or Sports
Political ideology or its flag bearer
Keep it in your heart else
Lifelong  bonds go on parole

Shouting at the top
Against something
That you would spend
A lifetime defending
If cause not so deep to
Die with your boots on
Hear the other opinion and simply Walk On
81 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
A fulfilled life
Is a path well travelled
The ditches fell into
As a part of the process
Stinking of the Gutter
But a lot wiser
Not feel humiliated
But a sense of pride
Fell into it inadvertently
Least a lesson and
Never fell again
For the same reason
Mountains to climb
A few successfully
A few withdrew
Took a detour
Not felt like a failure
Just a fish out of water
Chose the next best thing to do
Felt good about the travel
Ticketless it ain't
Self respect didn't allow that
Gained some failed some
Cocktail of experience
Not to get a sense of high
But to remain stable in the head
Full in the heart
What more can one ask for
Memories doesn't make you sour
Future lush green or barren
Not even in thought
Living in the present
Crossing the road
From past to future
Taking a turn no more to return
Looking at the mirror
To get its permission
When the rear view mirror
Doesn't reflect the road
But the integrity of your soul
Needs don't die with death
One final request beats inside
You need 4 to
Carry you from the floor
Visiting card to show
When whatever awaits
At the next door
Got your Four
More were ready to carry
To the gates of
Your next journey
A life well lead
Fulfilled with respect
A few regrets
Not human otherwise
If regrets none
Buy a one way ticket
As no more trips
Back here
Signed off forever
With no signature required
81 · Sep 2022
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
A feeling so deep
Has no logic to it
Expressing the affection
Sometimes without reason
Thought process has intelligence
Intellect weighs the pros and cons
Love has none
Only a  clean heart
That does no math
Sharing it with
Someone or something
Greatest pleasure of giving
Is actual real living
Must have it in us
To begin with
Can't share what we don't have
Like patience love is
A proactive act
Gets accumulated in us
As we filter out the negatives
We ourselves destroy the false image
Architects being our experiences
Honest expression of ourselves
Is what remains after
That is the garden of Eden
Where love overflows
Filling us of our share
Share the rest to show that we care
Gratitude and empathy
Sympathy in Symphony
Pressing the right chords
Hoping for the best
Happy that we are blessed
Naturally being a mirror
That the same is felt by the rest
Valuation of our lives
We do almost daily
But forget in that process
What we possess daily
The most precious treasure
Is not in being its sole proprietor
But  in being generous
Making it our equity
Even if it makes our hearts heavy
The lack of lacking
Makes love flow freely
The river of no return
But every droplet cleansing out soul
81 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Living in the Past
Memory of it last
Time passing fast
Perception often Contrast

No man an island
Entire life Spanned
Ego so grand
Easily misunderstand

Midst of misery
Alone we Stand
Helping hand
God's Hand

Memory Of Act
Return it back
Pay it forward
Expect no Reward

Neglect the gesture
Lack of character
Come back later
Haunt you further

Gratitude forgotten
Objectivity Justification
Soul Sold
In future History hold

Conscience Corrupted
Actions Equated
Known included
Unknown excluded

Attained Mission
Value none
Biggest loser
Forgot Giver

Not Against law
Character flaw
No judge
To judge
Both arguments
From same side

Eye to eye
With the lie
Haunt you
Till you die

Worth measured
Indebtedness valued
Reflects Price
Of your life

Lacking obligation
Guidance not requited
Badge of shame
Hangs in your frame

Character on the line
Thankfulness the Mettle
Forego and forget
Make a date to
Dance with the Devil
81 · Sep 2021
KV Srikanth Sep 2021
Borders of a Country
Defined for its security
An individual s boundry
Respect it with integrity

Personal and Emotional
A wall built to protect
Entering into the space
Brings shame and disgrace

Keeping it private
The nature innate
Probing to debate
Friendship check mate

Mind your business
The best ever tag line
Will be just fine
If adhered to it everytime

Sharing of interest
Mirage of illusions
Most dangerous subject
Makes the other detest

On top of your radar
Remember the order
Not at all to enter
Either with question or answer
81 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Brothers and sisters
Braving the hostility
War in your backyard
You didn't ask for
Biting the bullet
With all your courage
What can I say for your loss
Sorry won't take me far
I pray from deep within my heart
Enough if being used as pawns
I bow to your armed forces
Taking on all the might
That takes a lot more courage
Alone taking on the opponents barrage
I can't share your grief
But i understand it totally
81 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Budget almost none
Shot in the Bangkok sun
Shadows seen
Second take a luxury
Not afforded produced in penury
Drug smuggling with a front
Ice factory workers bearing the brunt
Cousins killed and hero seeking revenge
Nothing new in the storyline
Plot twists seen time and again
Cantonese the language spoken
Which even half of China did not understand
Locations to a minimum
Ice factory and it's office
Workers quarters and the Boss palace
Claustrophobic environment
A river side only exception
A motion picture filmed in the conditions
A newcomer cast
Wanting his career to last
Wants to create a new genre
Lacking all the pomp and splendor
Hong Kong cinema
Costume dramas
Sword fights and flying above trees
The only fare that audience pay to see
A child artist
Done 20 films in the past
Now the god of martial arts
Trying to get his philosophy across
Breathtaking stunts
Done for real
No compromise
Even though it's for the reel
Faster than light a physical marvel
Fists and Legs
Kicks and jumps
Never seen before
Left the audience wanting more
Always wondered in my heart
What makes Bruce Lee stand apart
Half a century since he died
6 year old kids know of him first
Is it the Fights?
Is it the Philosophy?
Is it the speed?
Is it the innocence?
Many have come later
Classics by many a maker
Same or different genre
Never close to the appeal of this Seer
God of Anti Bullying
Fights for the underdog
Takes a stance for the weak
Gives enormous strength to the weak
Many of this
Many a hero has done
What makes him special
I don't have the exact answer
Key to immortality
Handed to Bruce Lee
Chosen to be
Remembered till the universe is to be
81 · Dec 2021
KV Srikanth Dec 2021
Been there done that
Seen the sunshine and
Ray of hope divine
Seen the darkness
No future to behold
Addiction and abstainance
Both done like a penance
Forgiven and thought many a lesson
Learnt em well
Ain't it swell
Time to move on
Looking back not an option
Anymore even for correction
Live in the present
Be grateful and guided by the omnipresent
A new day today
A pleasant moment now
That's all I know
Sunshine or snow
Bend the body and ego
And be in flow
New targets to behold
Do the best like done before
Walk Slow Talk slow
Don't say much
Smile as manners requires
Laughing out loud a jokers prerequisite
81 · Mar 2021
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
Tool to talk
Convey and Stop
Tone tells the emotion
Words mirror Class

Speak your heart
Censor the part
That will drive you apart
Because of your talk

Words spoken
Forever remain
Kind and compassionate
You win over hearts

Out of fear
Talking order
What the other
Wants to hear
Fakeness of thought
Others easily tell apart

Socially decent
Self made commitment
Worthy aim to pursue
Words give the Preview

Tone of Speech
Modulated to reach
Message conveyed
Loud and Clear

Only when asked
Arising out of need
Fulfilling a deed
Required to speak

Talk Slow
Talk Low
Dont say much
A sense of style
Sets apart by a mile

Loud and clear
Not to adhere
Soft and friendly
Already won
People over
Single handedly

Ability to convey
Clarity what to say
Goes a long way
Words at play

Anger dominating thoughts
Control over words lost
Think twice before you speak
Or put the other I'll at ease

Harsh and blunt
Liked by none
Words from lexicon
Quality decided upon

Profanity espouses mediocrity
Sans signals simplicity
Used before women
Embarrassing situation
Severe Association

Indicates character
Others remember
Reveals nature
Judged forever

Soft spoken
Words chosen
Any situation
Gentleman with acumen
Hard earned reputation

Spewing venom
Rude and impolite
Quality of upbringing
Reflects on family
Relationships ending
Even before starting
Jargons hostile
Efforts futile

Visiting card
Given In advance
Anatomy of personality
Percieved immediately
Stamped permanently
Decided correctly
Place in Society
Choice of Vocabulary
Wise choose wisely
81 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Laggard at going halfway
A step to be square with
Hostility obviating the course
In stew on a swing refusing to halt

Out with the old and
In with the new
Belligerence has done its miles
Time to discard it in favor of
Tying the laces towards reconciliation

Amour propre in a golden cage
Selfdom ruling its own kingdom
Clean as a hounds tooth
Besserwesser doesn't want to hear

Bugle sounds echoing
Hurt egos loaded their six
Faster at the draw doesn't matter
This goes on till you empty the calibre

Enemy without form
A wounded sense of pride
Cover up by operation on
Faceless warriors battle rages on

Only flaw in creation
Greatest nemesis created
Hubris in humans unexpected
Recall operations initiated

Nothing as certain as death and taxes
He made death certain
His way of recall
Made a warped one after all
81 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Respect for oneself
Sense of self
Worth no dearth
Harmony with the world

Lack of esteem
Complex supreme
Seldom content
If nurtured  malignant

Ego defines being
A conscious human
Carries negative connotation
Wrong interpretation

Honor and dignity
Persons sanctity
Built or Born with
Character's bandwidth

Bully and whimsical
Behavior Egotistical
Respect seldom
For self or non

Inflated opinion of oneself
Conceited and centered sense of self
Deep inner lacking
Pinnacle of self loathing

Conceited and whimsical
Bully and Egotistical
Respect for others seldom present
Mirroring the Souls Reflection

Ego defines reality
Egotistical unreality
Line very subtle
Sinking in pride's puddle

Act of Insult
Treat with disrespect
Throw in some slight
To get desired result

Notice of presence
Not taken to offend
Disregard intentionally
Decency not even formality

Ignore to insult
Powderkeg arsenal
Purposeful  communication
Intention not to pay attention

Worthy of insult
Deemed your worth
Ignore the insult
Reverse the result

No price can buy
Sense of pride
No threat can decide
What you are made of inside
Head held high
Till you die
Finite life
Live till you die
81 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Violence inherent
Quality of Silence
Tests Endurance
Of real Emotions

Causes interpretations
Never stands evidence
Delivered judgements
Polarized due to providence

Present in Abscence
Abscence in Presence
Logical even in Paradox
Healing and Toxic unorthodox

Silence of the mind
Lifetime of blessing
Imposed on words
Disguised and ambiguous

Real and fake
What one makes
Often misunderstood
What the other takes

Ignore and respect
Silence at ones behest
Both roles perfect
Functional Duality
Questions our Morality
Interpretations infinity

First word learnt
At home and class
Reaches target
Perspective forget

Brings with it Quiet
Along with self respect
Double edged sword
Cuts without a word

Blows the ear
Loud and clear
Silence with it words
Unspoken but heard

Sounds and Words
Spoken and heard
Fights with Silence
Looses patience

Silence brings Silence
Sounds noises as pillions
For it to bring meaning
Add an honest emotion
81 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Pain and loss
Matters of the heart
Feeling of intimacy
Attachment wrapping itself strongly
Creating a bond life long
Trips to the heart
Pilgrimage for those who sought
Open and large with a place for all
Barren and Forlorn
Woefully at the wrong end
Pilgrims galloping away
Like a race horse
Even betting on them wouldn't stop
Hit the pitstop where Pelagic birds stop
Moana drowns our tears
Which saved us from
Drowning from sorrow
Anchoring by fastening
Our feelings
Haywire and intertwined
Can't find the Origin
Not even a delusional one
So scarce it has become
Black cat in a coal cellar
Seem dime a Dozen
81 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Simple and straight
Basics sans weight
Complexity deviates lines
Burden heavier than time

Essence and purpose
On a clear course
Additions add remorse
Simply find the source

Inputs added chaotic
Pieces of the puzzle quixotic
Brain functions neurotic
Break this habit

Perfection of purpose
Relevant alone on the surface
Evolution or intutive the process
Permanent harmony with the results
81 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
Survival of the fittest
Misunderstood as the strongest
Flexibility is the key
Says Master Lee
Optimism Positivity
Fuel for the heart
Past and Negativity
***** for the brain
Do not get stuck
Opines Chuck
Worry adds and remains
Curbs growth
Simplicity is brilliance
Feel the resonance
Transplant the sub conciousness
Gratitude Compassion Love
Required steroids
Kills Toxic Destructive Thought
Vibration and Energy
Honor and respectability
Channel and feel
Easiest Mantra to heal
81 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
The only child to his Parents.
Father an Engineer,Mother a Teacher.
Godfather was his Grandfather.
Resolve he was born with.
Give it your best try.
Was his battle Cry.
Second to none.
Never to be outdone.
Groomed for Stardom.
Destined for Greatness.
Potential he did fulfill,
Blind to the bird but not to it's eye.
Made his opponents eat humble pie.
Straddling Table Tennis and Education
He did it with Passion
Born in a house of Paddlers
He took to the game like fish to water.
Loose he did to a veteran player.
Affected his esteem at every layer.
Formal training was the direction.
Which he commenced with conviction.
Interned with the mighty
Name was Senapathy
Mentored him in the game.
Which was to bring him name and fame.
Nobody knew then,
That he would become a player to reckon.
Showed potential as a teenager.
Prodigy he was not.
Only Sacrifice would suffice,
Parted with Parents and Friends alike.
Lived and breathed the game.
Penchant for winning pushed him beyond the frame.
Victories were far and few.
Never let his purpose skew.
Respecting his teacher, he set an example
Coach was God
Was his principle.
Perseverance paid
And he played for State
In his younger age.
Junior category was a fight.
He did with all his might.
India number seven.
Vault of heaven,
Was yet to open.
Toured Korea and Japan,
Attended many a Coaching Camp.
Learnt all he can.
Trained with vigour,
Things began to auger.
Quantum jump, Radical Change ,Giant strides.
Give it any name ,his style was a sight.
Meteoric was his rise.
Nothing could stop him
Winning just a game
Won his  opponents praise.
Relentless in his pursuit for perfection.
Education was not left behind.
Value systems being the same.
Strived  to be in the hall of fame.
He never did Play Hooky.
Integrity toward his subject of study.
The Gold Medal seemed Worthy.
Topping his class became a habit.
From Kindergarten to Law.
His Answer papers
No one could find a flaw.
Being first is Special
Coming 2nd is the same as finishing last
Either you are the best
Or you are with the rest
He still says with zest
First of the Finest
His fame reached wide and far.
Became the games first Superstar.
Stadiums were Sold Out,
To Watch him Play
Night or Day.
Opponents fell like ninepins
Keeping count became difficult of his wins.
Men wanted to be like him.
Women wanted to be with him.
Everyone wanted a piece of him.
All he took lightly on his shoulders with a grin.
Palaghat ,Indore and Durgapur
History was rewritten by Telent pure
Ballistic went the crowd
As was bestowed upon him the ultimate Crown
3 different Bats and 6 different rubbers.
Odds of Winning,
Punters  will tell you the numbers.
A feat unmatched it remains.
******* on the
table it explains
Traveling like an arrow from an ace archer.
He had his aim much farther.
Asian ranking in his fold
There were not enough challenges to put him on hold.
Life is what happens when we are busy making plans.
What is meant to be will find its way.
A person often meets his destiny on the path he took to avoid it.
All these adages came true.
As a bolt from the blue.
Shooting fish in a barrel
Knee Surgery.
Was botched leaving him
Knocking on Death's door.
Brain Dead ,Pink Froth and Coma he endured
Juxtaposing Winning Glory and celebrated
Culpable liable they were of negligence.
Guilty once found ,
their careers in jeopardy.
Doctors became Actors.
Carried out the Sting.
Deceptive and delusive
Crystal clear became their motive.
Fighting for his life .
Disowned by the Hospital.
Face like a wet weekend,
Down in the mouth.
He was wheeled out,
Knocked sideways.
An act of slight.
Made him take up the fight.
Their insolence was the trigger.
For things to become bigger.
Opposition however mightier.
He readied for battle on the philosophy of Be Water.
Benchmark he was in all his endeavours.
Destroyed in him was everything .
Spirit was intact.
Calamity opened the doors for creating history
Medical negligence suit he filed.
Leading the way once again.
Never to back down from a fight.
He took upon their might
Long drawn battle ensued.
David and Goliath played over again.
Too big they were to oppose opined  all.
Too big they were to miss would cause their fall.
Money Power and Manipulation were their  deck of cards.
Truth was the Ace he had in his heart.
Fruition of his thoughts, he never failed.
Threaten ,Disrupt,Delay weapons they used.
Countered them with grit and tenacity infused.
The Giant assumed the storm unleashed he cannot withstand.
Only if they had known he was the storm beforehand.
Judgement Day was Justice Day .
Late it was but not Denied.
Not new to him.
For all the battles and wars he'd fought.
He was always the dark horse who beat the odds.
Setting a precedent always his vogue.
Stood on the Soapbox.
An addiction he never could detox.
80 · Mar 2021
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
Quality placed above
Generosity and Empathy
Ourselves and Others
Live with Honesty

Happy within your skin
Mind body and Deed
On a straight line
Benefits accrued in time

In order to please
Words with ease
Spoken in contradiction
Giving wrong Impression

Wide of the mark
Enunciate and Articulate
Birthed by imagination
Creating a situation
Contrary to reality

Fear of the other
Facing their anger
An important trigger
To give an answer
In tune with their tenet
In course of time forget

Not told in full
Continue to fool
Creativity in flow
Half as happened
The other imagined
Conveyed with contradiction

Thoughts jumbled
Words bungled
Events rambled
Honesty lost enroute
Tracing backwards
To the root
Impossible to find the truth

Consistenty in dishonesty
Oneness in Activity
Untruth to everybody
End result a split personality

Memory a necessity
Covering up possibility
Impossible with accuracy
To recreate activity

Feeling right in a wrong
Duality cemented strong
Medicine not discovered
For the truth to be uncovered

Silence as Answer
Given much better
Not required to remember
Better off than a liar

Discovered at last
Others new first
The lie never worked
Price paid lost trust

Web of deceit
Spun around
The Souls Seat
Most ignoble feat
Act and repeat

Instinct or imbibed
Unhappy with self
Escape from the Actual
Becomes habitual
Without realizing
Second nature Conning

Catches up sooner
For self not the rest
Lie fooled no one
Liar fooled the liar
Truth be told
Suicide of Character
Life not lived
Only acted in front
Of a mirror
Actor and Audience
Both the same
Fooling each other
Forever and ever
80 · Sep 2022
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Search for answers
From questions arising within
Questioning the given
Seeking its meaning
Feeling or recognising
A Cosmic divine
To impart wisdom
Personal contact with God
A path chosen by seeking
Not following a set pattern
Not denying any belief
Or accepting them for relief
The search is neccasary
To realise that the search is not necessary
Where do the answers lie
In the experience or in the devotion
In our pursuit of in the turmoil
Is it within or without
Inside or outside
does the answer lie in the question
Or is there no question at all
Vanishing the moment you ask it
Knowing the Answer
Triggers the questions
Where did we begin
That we are looking for the end
Did we begin at the end after all
How does the journey start
At the end
80 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Traveling on the train
Window seat the only aim
The sound of the wheels on the tracks
Interrupted by the melody of the Horn fading in and out
Non existent echo echoing for a few seconds more
Concentration back to the background score
Of the wheels on the rails
Stations and buildings
Mountains and nothingness
Passing them just observing
Screeching halt or another train on par
Different notes in sink with the existing tune
Trip taken between troubles
One left at home
Another waiting alone
Interlude offering multitude
Solutions to problems unfold
Chimes of the station clock
Blaring of the buzzer
Whistle from the guard
Train begins its gallop
Wobbly in its travel
Meditative as it unravels
Untying the brains shackles
Fragile before travel
Now back on the saddle
Nothing has changed
Mystery don't bother to unravel
Deep turns as the tracks curve
Head stuck out to see the engine swerves
Quick count of the carriages follows
Images painted forever our minds become Picassos
Rails build ties
Every wanderer on his way
To its tune his body sways
The lullaby closing the eyes
Dreams ready to begin its play
80 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Images and illusions
Uses as masks
Hiding true objectives
Present in most but relative

Image and Real
Dividing line
Very sublime
Doing fine

Image projected outside
Against self inside
Reality and Creativity battle
Self actualization only way to settle

From the real
Projected the fake
Schizophrenic nature at stake
Correct before it's too late

Mirrored outside totally false
Image actualized the task
Mirror broken image shattered
Motives exposed illusions

Express yourself honestly
Oneness in personality
Delving deeper into the self
Find out more about yourself

True to self
Expressing inner self
Gains self respect
Nothing to detect

True to image
Character gets damaged
People easily read the message
Never too late to carry out the change

Point of Spiritual insight
It will hit itself
By itself
Only the self
80 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Taken away by fate
That was written to end this day
Nature had its way
Sequence of events to have its prey

Boy with great talent
Achievements to meet the high standards
Of impeccable manners
Level headed and calm demeanor

Winning his second nature
Made it a habit to persevere
Every category grew in stature
Won matches along with hearts every year

Loved by all
Players Parents and Coaches
His trophies carry his memories
Forced to rely on memory
Because of this tragedy

No way to convey
Our Hearts go out
His family and friends
A boy who transcended clubs

May be was sent
With a purpose to tend
No other answers i have
To a tragedy of this size

Cannot share the grief
To give his parents relief
Understand it very deep
The sorrow that has seeped

Does God love
Him more than us
He wanted him beside
Couldn't find a better child

Life without him
All have to endure
What is to cure
There's no answer

The game is
No more the same
Long live his fame
Carry along his name
80 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Jack Nicholson as lead
You don't cast him
His name even rumoured
Sells a few times its budget in every territory internationally

No one  directs him
You don't micro manage
Pablo Picasso
Give him suggestions on color

You can't hire him
You don't buy a Rolls Royce
And check its mileage
There is no quoted price
He takes what he wants

You don't give him awards
To ratify his talent
Fish don't need the Olympics
To prove their ability in water

You don't teach him class
Mozart need not hear other compositions for inspiration
The cars the wardrobe the partners the shades and the islands
Are for him simply common
His current habits are fashion statements
Doesn't even make them
But people follow them

You don't advice him on films to choose
Rejected The Godfather and the The Sting
To do The Last Detail and The King of Marvin Gardens
Small films till he is attatched
Won best actor at the CANNES
Film festival
Made 5 times its budget
Box office register ringing or awards accumulating
There's only one place this happens
The independent republic of Jack Nicholson

Highest paid actor per film
World's most recognised face
Worlds most identified voice
Sexiest man alive
Most girls in the world wanting to marry
Best dressed man on the planet
Every conquest scaled
Topped every poll
Without even participating
The crowns knows the head
That's worthy of wearing it
Adds value to the crown
Not the king
For he's already ruling the hearts of his fans

Cover of the TIME magazine
Newsweek and Life
Face sells everything
Doesn't make a fuss
Hears from others
Stays balanced forever
80 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Talk slow  Talk Low
Walk slow Don't rush anything
Never say much
Never howl or shriek with laughter
Just a smile rarely
Becoming a clown .
Under the guise
Of sense of humour
Suspended forever
Never insult another
Express yourself honestly
Copying a personality
Confusion stalling confidence
Words that come
Should reflect the feelings
Refine yourself inside
Don't have to censor yourself outside
Opinions and judgements
Back to the gutter
Aware and in the moment
Merges your soul and class together
80 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Why is that
Every fear
That  i fear
A feeling of threat
Danger and harm
Has a funny way
Of coming true
Anticipation of unpleasant
Due to valid reason
Or a gut triggered emotion
Never escaped even one
Hunted me down every time

Lacking the guts
To face the fuss
A coward i was
Step aside because
Timid and weak
In my heart

Brought it forward
I was the same
As long as i remember
First few years didn't help either

Waves of anxiety
Top gear to my heart beating faster
Trembling of the legs
Stuttering of the mouth

Anger deep inside
Inability to express
Buckling in distress
Act of cowardice

Everything under the sun
Being hurt physically
Mind played with psychologically
Made fun of publicly
Bullied with savagery

Feared these forever
How they existed
I  am not sure
Spent my life looking for a cure

Wanted to be popular
Dug myself a grave 6 feet under
Trying to please everybody
Could see through me easily

A major school event
Had a problem with a fellow student
Boycotted the event
Realised nobody missed even my name

Bullied by the Vice Principal
Was also a table tennis coach
I too was a player
He treated me like a joker

Jokes at my expense
Was a daily occurence
School sport or neighborhood
Played by others like a fool

Feared a teacher
Hoping she not be my tutor
Murphy law at play
She made me regret everyday

Wanted to change
My so far image
Tried hard in college
Only to minimal effect

Studying in America
A childhood dream
Feared the visa interview
Greeted a lady officer as " Sir " out of pure fear

Rejected time and again
Angst never could contain
Wrong impression given
Get ready to face rejection

Feared of not having friends
Was ok on that end
Still struggling on that front
A good friend yet to gain

Fear of loneliness
Covering my heart with darkness
Almost reached there
Fear has taken aim at that

Wanted to avoid
Lead a life devoid
Of Bullying  and despair
One. Thing to be proud I'm rare

Afraid that I'd be.
Without a family
So it was to be
Alone and lonely

Wanted to be on par
With family and friends.
Whenever with them
Can feel the difference

Working in the markets
Got blamed for an error i did not falter
Took a year to.
Come out in the clear

The divorce proceedings
In an ugly hearing
Esteem all time low
Can't go further below

Why did i fear
What was the trigger
The mess between my ears
Took   decades to recover

This is a recall
Of events in the past
Following Bruce Lee and his philosophy
Given me the courage to face fear face to face
80 · Sep 2022
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Looking life ahead
Twists and turns
Taking you back
Where it all started
Lost in the maze
Hope and faith
Illuminating the path
Or so you thought
All you did was wander
Only the shadow
Never left you apart
Quagmire of darkness
Cast its sheath far and wide
Dimming the glow
That the light wants to throw
Unravel from within
For the maze an illusion
Inner quest illuminates
The labyrinth illustrates
The void that resides
Every layer peeled inside
The roads become straight and clear
Transcend the transcript
Blank pages filling it
Mirroring the empty Ness
To be written
Or already written
Page by Page
In great detail
Fill a blank page
With emptiness essays
Nothing from nothing
Is the fullness of life
Explained in detail
By the empty sheets
For you to discover beneath
80 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Human life the currency
Paid as a price
Peace the quest
For human life's security
Greatest of irony
Laid to rest
In order to possess
Peace for the rest
79 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Image Actualization
Agenda of projection
Acts of deviation
Covered with manipulation

Your lifestyle mocked
Dressing sense joked
Expenses told
Hiding in the name of truth

Honesty questioned
Integrity doubted
Ridiculed repeatedly
Image built for covering their personality

Image of honesty
Hidden under rudeness
I speak only the truth
Remember only wherever it suits

Image Actualization
Agenda of projection
Acts of deviation
Covered with manipulation

Lectures on honesty
All flowing freely
Spoken of self glowingly
Total lack of modesty

Witness to acts
Sabotaging the facts
Silent when time to react
Make up on continuing to act

Such a clown
Will spiral down
Not aware of his fall
Image Actualization his downfall
79 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Looking to duplicate
Personalities alternate
Entire life dedicate
Personality to integrate

Intellect and achievement
Rated high and respected
Succeeded where you failed
On a higher pedestal placed

Leads to a disorder
You become your own reporter
Narrating events like a news reader
Reality is you want them to underwrite your behavior

Seeking ratification
Under the assumption
Of their ability to function
Cause of all the confusion

This is the very foundation
Where acts and thoughts become dependent
On their ratification
Thinking it's the final Solution

Dependency is a disease
Where you are at ease
Responsibility lies with these
Who make your decision making process a breeze

Every major or minor decision
Calling for their attention
Forcing them into a conclusion
Strengthening the equation

Emotional dependence
Two sides of the same weapon
You can never fathom
Life without their wisdom

Without your knowledge
Comes the whole package
Lived life under their tutelage
Own life unable to manage

When not on the same page
You earn their displeasure and rage
When and where did all this oringinate
The day you started becoming their baggage

Updating and hoping
They approve your actions
Laying out future desires
Expecting like minded answers

Asking for advice
Yearning for guidance
Learning a life'llesson
Can be forgiven

Stage of conclusion
Because of your dependence
End up a nuisance
Affecting their existence
Your presence no more a pleasant experience

Unpardonable the act
To keep your life in track
Using ploys to attract
Their time spent in you intact

An addiction by definition
Without any consideration
Operating under the notion
Your lifes quest their only option

Time and Privacy respected
Best way to stay endeared
Time and privacy hindered
Perfect reason to be cornered

Their time taken for granted
The mistake committed
Too late to realise
Your mistake already transcended

A baggage not worth to carry
Your life they need not worry
Get your life in order
Either way it doesn't matter

As with any addiction
Answer lies in detoxification
Celebrate your uniqueness
Learn to live with the consequence

Looking to be funded
Seems like life has ended
Financial dependence paves
For Relationships decadance

Even bread and butter
If unable to muster
Seeking outside a blunder
Die it doesn't matter

Hobbies and collections
Seasonal and flippant
Want to possess them
Bad luck live without them
79 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
I'm thankful forever
To whatever happens to
I myself

When things go Cross
Not in tune with my heart
Grateful for nature being graceful
Could have been worse
Could have been better
I don't know the answer
But i know for sure
It is the best outcome
Nature doesn't make a wrong choice

The same is my emotion
When things go with the motion
Time and tide is in favor
God has answered my prayer
Could have been better
Could have been worse
I don't know the answer
Nature doesn't make a wrong choice

I bite the bullet
Or I am on a roll
Gratitude is my only call.
Thank you are the only words

Biting the bullet i thought
I was in a roll i didn't know
I was on the line i assumed
Full if joys of Spring was reality fine tuned

Good or bad
Who am I to decide
One event triggers the pack
Permutations and Combinations in check
Only an all knowing Master can fathom
I cannot know by random

Every experience i underwent
Greeted only with salutation
Flowing with the situation
Not meeting any with condemnation

Erases the line
Good times and Bad times
What remains is only time
Is the even Time?
79 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Heart on the right side
Inquisitive to your self
The things that matter
How many did i falter?

Fair in  evaluation
Translate to action
Hurt the other
Guilt not the answer

Intentions always noble
Ability to handle
Good bad and the ugly
with  poise and equanimity

Living for others
Is true living
Pay it forward
Or Return the favor

Process of Forgiving
Others deeds and self
Lagging behind holding grudges
Sure way to hinder progress

Wishing others well
Feelings from the heart swell
Selfless in joy
Comeradely in difficulty.

Class sets apart
With behaviour and heart
Good and large
On the correct path

Avoiding any conflict
Ability to restrict
Being in pursuit
Goodness only to Salute

The only thought process
To give shine  to the better
Self  inquire about the other
Repeating mistakes never

Words used to convey
Polite and respectful always
Loosing balance and temper
Not an option must remember

Not a luxury
Baggage of necessity
Interaction causing this tragedy
Governed by the ego mighty

A good man
Name to earn
Heart pronounces it
Conduct confirms it
79 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
World Professional Karate Champion
Chuck Norris' partner and friend
Did 3 films with Bruce Lee
The character of OHara
Named after Bruce' s friend Mitsui Uheyara
Left a lasting impression
In our hearts and minds
The scar on the face and a demanour lacking grace
Wonderfully he potrayed
A great Fighter and Teacher
Will be remembered forever
He left us leaving a void
But can still see him in the cinema halls
Will be missed by all his fans
Those born today will know of him soon
The movies gave him the immortality boon
79 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Blinded by race
Color Religon
Is something very common
Met many during my lifetime
Their heart is camouflaged
By the broken mirror they have
Voluntarily placed as the smokescreen
images show up that are split
By their thoughts and feelings
Which are corrupted by the seeds sown centuries ago
Bearing harvest today in the form of a divided society  
Now the soil is fertile
Right up the alley
Of those who want to dissect

A boy of Seven
Visually impaired at birth
Unable to see the world
Understanding of the images
Based on what his father told

Initially felt compassion
And empathy at his
Congenital condition
Observing for a longer period
Seeing him at peace with himself
Clapping hands in rhythm to the music played live
Didn't seem to miss anything
He didn't possess for him to forego

Parents limpid with
His lacking vision
That extra care
To protect him any further impairment also absent
Visually challenged for no fault of his
A sense lesser than his fellow
Didn't seem to affect
Carried on with his defect

Longer i watched
Lesson i was taught
My own experiences
Peeling like a skin on burns
Were opening their doors
To learn a few lessons more
Simple to correct
I had got it backwards
Defect was none in him
He is infact perfect
Defect in the eyes of the beholder
Whose Soul is trial under fire
One sense less
Was i
Who bereft of my soul
Lost due to the deceit of the world
Manipulated my way through
Thinking i had made it too

I may never see him again
Did i see him today?
He never saw me today
But he will remember me forever
He saw through his lack of sight but had vision
I have sight but lack the rest

Started by feeling
Sorry for his lacking
Ended up with self pity
Laughing at my own
Free Spirited deserves the world
Opinionated and all clustered
Deserves to be told
78 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
At home and alone
Dreamer inside forlorn
Dreams remain dreams
Dreamer still dreams
Unrealised dreams stinging
Newer ones replacing
The problem for the dreamer
Lies in the dreaming
78 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Equal to all
Partial to none
Right in the middle
Before decision done
Emotion has no role
Justice not a dole
It is the right of the wronged
Where a wrong is set right
By balancing the scale
Not tilting sideways
All things equal
None or all
To all concerned
Nothing done special
Meritocracy the defining authority
Moral code of conduct ensures
Deserving get their due
Denied by the lack of it
Scales of justice
Scales not in balance
Weighing the merits against each other
Sword to embody power
Snake at her feet
Depicting  cruelty
Blindfolded to signify
She is wise
Final verdict delivered
Justice .oves forward
May the right
Man win
Sells only in front of her
78 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Last day of life
Lived in this universe
Hopefully by then
I'd have regrets none
Grateful for the experiences
Made me understand the nuances
That's what living is about
Took me long enough to figure it out
I will be nervous for sure
Knowing that death is near
Examples of bravery
That is read dearly
I'd replay it my head
Trying to wean of my cowardice
The philosophy id internalised
I would try to bring it alive
Great thinkers views of death
Hopefully would give my mind some peace and quiet
Not knowing what awaits
The other side of life
Would probably convince myself
Better there than the travails of life
Another day to pass
Will certainly not be my outlook
I'd rather not know that end is near
Only increases the bottled up fear
Accommodative to my loved ones
I'd be both gone and missing them
The day would pass by quickly
I'll make it longer with my memory
Life is a dream
I'm not the body or the  mind
It treats everyone the same
It's the end to a new beginning
All these ideologies
I have read in detail
Can I practice this
And see if it entails what it promises to entail
The only thing
Id be excited about
The answer I've been seeking
I'm now near its whereabouts
Matter of time
Before i know the answers
To the myth of reality
Which is going to present itself in all its glory
The last thing i would want
Comes as a shock
Time to leave as told
I would be praying for a miracle to unfold
78 · Mar 2021
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
There's beggary in the love
That can be reckoned
Replied Anthony when asked by Cleopatra If it be love indeed tell me how much

Your eyes reflect the soul
Both yours and the mine
Most beautiful pair
Glad they are with her
Light up when she smiles
Light up when she cries
Small in size piercing light
Engulfing the heart
Looking at it gives me pride
Lucky enough to look at it

Forehead that of a Goddess
Of a dimension only you posses
Hairline plucked back
Raven haired charmer
Sends out the message
Your heart leads
Capturing others
A place where
People will willingly incarcerate

Pins her beautiful nose
That pinned my soul to her
Long and sharp
Musicians Harp
The Philtrum by defenition
Has no apparent function
You are an exception
The mole placed
Right in the centre
Sets a billion hearts on fire
A rarity that
Your beauty was meant
For glory

Smile that looks
Like a hundred million bucks
See her smile
Seems like a mile
Skips a heartbeat
When the lips part
Not to speak
Memory of her smile
Lasts a lifetime
With happiness
Goes hand in hand
Lips a
Magicians wand
Key that fits my  heart
Makes my day
Day after day
Bright as the Sun
Lights the Night
Is it Patented?

Mysteious and Alluring
Passion Artristry
Behaviour Refined
Passion Contagious
Charisma Elegant
Artistry in the
Way you carry
Elegance by your
Very presence
Embodiment of refinement

Women like you
Define  a Woman
If I'd taken a step
Every time my heart skipped
I'll be holding the stars
Do I gift the stars to you
Or you to the stars
Together you fill the Galaxy
What a sight it would be ?

You exist is the
Very Essence
Of my existence
You not a goal
To be attained by persistence
Get you like a man
Or let go like man
In letting go
Lies the greatest love
Grief and Sorrow
I'll withstand
Hoping you ll be mine tomorrow
Tomorrow never comes
So I still get to have the faith
That one day will be the day
I hoped will be tomorrow
78 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
What is as it is
Simple plain truth
Anything that deviates
Invented and creates
An impression to the contrary
Is a lie
No truth to be Mended
A story told out of imagination
Giving a wrong impression
Non existing in reality
Is a lie

A lie is told
Reasons can be manifold
Not in synchrony with
Ones own harmony
Out of fear  
Of reaction from another
Spiral down to situation
Unpleasant in their definition
To protect another
Cause the truth is bitter
A creature of habit
Reason not necessarily a fit
Distorted self image
Believer in his own lies
Manipulative using lies
To control emotional ties
Social embarrassment in store
Another reason to say the untrue

Biggest error in behaviour
Thinking they sold their lies
To the highest bidder
Not aware prospectively
Their lies were read analytically
Once trust lost
Not a redeemable mortgage card
Forever a suspect
No word taken seriously
Sensing rejection and neglect
Still can't change their conduct

A different reality
They seek daily
Final step in delusion
Life led in seclusion
Not trusted by anyone
Still live in illusion
Most avoidable trait
Time to go straight
Truth about your lies
Telling yourself first
Changes the lies
Told as truths otherwise
78 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Alive and well
What's more to tell
A job in hand and monthly pay
Would not have happened if you didn't have a say
On my table there is bread
You also put a roof over my head
A lifestyle to lead
You sowed the seed
Mistakes and blunders fill my past
Forgiveness shows the size of your heart
Estranged relations due to then behavioral conditions
Now seems like a dream due to your benevolence
Grateful for all I have
Grateful for all I don't have
Grateful for all that I'm going to have
Obliged and indebted
For my habits I should have been cremated
Guides and teachers throwing light
Darkness in my life has lost its might
Thankful this morning
For you made it happen
A prayer to grant me the heart
To make this prayer a very part
May I never forget being appreciative
You are the cause of my very life's entire narrative
Thank you
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