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KV Srikanth May 2021
Game of Tennis
Followed with Passion
Addiction or Abstenance
Inborn ingredient
Still a teenager
Unaware to decipher
****** into the genre
Of Obsessive Compulsive disorder

Borg and Connors
Superstars of the Sport
Fans of both
Supported them at the very core
Great Personalities with individuality
Each at the other end
Of the behavioral spectrum

Transformed the game
Purely on the popularity of their name
Remained a club Sport
Transformed into arenas
And increased the antenna
Game and person
Seen in unison
Dichotomy in reason
For fans not evident

Endorsements made them Ubiquitous
Every Magazine with their commercials synonymous
Personal life now on the front pages
Looking back today that hasn't one bit dated
Insights into their lives
Provided in detail
Imitation best form of flattery
Their OCD taken very seriously
They considered it reason for their Victory
Works for them will work for me naturally
Every detail loud and clear
Had both their approval
Fans in their minds clear
Anything copied makes you feel near

Borg had his list
So did Connors
Followed the list
In the beginning for fun
Didn't know that the foundation of a disorder had begun
Practicing in the same court
Wearing the same t shirt
Booking the same flight
Sitting on the same seat
Racquet pressure strung together
Lined up in a particular order
Picked from sheer obsessive behavior
Not shaving during the tournament
Hours of sleep determined
Time for a shower
No change to occur
Falling on his knees
Looking up at the sky
Thanking the almighty
with a sigh
Many more to list
I'll write another

Bounces before serving
Connors list beginning
Counting then till felt right
Umpire had to force with all his might
No of racquets no change
Hitting the strings before the game
Route taken from hotel ti stadium always the same
If even one of the above were to change
Willing to even forfeit the game
Shoe laces tied in a particular order
Order of things in the bag did matter
Pointing the racquet after a point
Fist pumping his signature
Was another measure of disorder
Many More to list
I'll write another

Followed these first with ease
Easiest trait to copy
But things turn ugly
Stuck with the OCD sans the trophies
In the Coaching business
Took gigantic proportions
Things to do before a tournament
Took longer than the actual event
Disease by defenition spreading
Personal life no more an exception
Already existing due to all the fan worshipping
Made worse by taking up the profession of training

Same route to work
Even socks chosen has a method
Time of departure never to endanger
List of things done in the same order
Even and Odd counting
Depends on the activity engaged in
Many more to list
I'll write another

Camel in the tent
Mind becoming hell bent
Following the list top priority
Everything else including thinking a rarity
Driving in top gear
Major issues in the rear
Only this matters
99 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
Birth of a new day
Erase yesterday
Gratitude prayer
Feel and Deliver
Nature will Answer
Looking into Future
Not in our radar
Be Present in the now
Thankful and bow
Hope the foundation
Law of Attraction
Will handle the Situation
All be well
For one and All
Purity of heart
Reflects thought
Vibrations and Energy
Positive with clarity
New born dawn
Bring with along
Joy and content
Peace and quiet
Regrets none
Dusted and done
Sunny days
Here to stay
God bless humanity
Growth and positivity
Dreams become reality
Make you happy
Pay it forward
Not for the reward
Best foot forward
Our calling card
Sympathy and empathy
A matter of choice
Thought word action soul
Straight line act divine
Hope is good
Glass half full
Fill the half
God has a plan
All in time
Live the day
Harmony with it
Sun sets, reset
Dusk will reboot
Shelter Clothing food
Lucky we are
Live by the truth
Or Seek it.
99 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Destiny took a turn
When i was four
Had vision problems
Could not see the black board

Forced to wear glasses
Bearing very high power
In the early seventies
Not very sophisticated

Thick and heavy
Layered and awkward
Wearing one to see
One in my bag for emergency

Became a target in school
For teachers and students alike
A victim to bully
No other target was easy

Called names like 4 eyes
They would take away my glasses
Not return it for houses
Almost blinded and struck by fear

The teachers were no less
Would catch their eye
With my conspicuous frame
A lane target my vision to blame

Savage in their treatment
Would get hit on my knuckles
As a form of punishment
Steel scale used as a weapon

Like a disease it spread
Neighbourhood was no less
Jokes would be made
Everyday put to shame

The frames weight
Would bring it down
Held by my nose bridge
I'd push it back to eye level

Did not realise
It looked silly and funny
Branded as a nut
Parents were summoned to school to call me a lunatic

The name stuck
Followed me forever
Playing Table Tennis my passion
One more place to be the victim

Same story different place
Match announced but never let me play
Held on to my glasses and racquet and made me beg
No respite for no fault of mine

Teachers Students Neighbours
Principal Vice Principal and others
No place to hide
Wherever i went always bore the brunt

Confidence took a beating
Started compulsive lying
Called out on every lie
Liar tag attached to the cuckoo already there

Abused made fun of beaten and targeted
Weakest link in any chain was guaranteed
Became the image that was projected
Helpless in solitary i used to cry

Tried to become likeable
Instead of being sensible
People pleasing would do the  miracle
Wrongly assumed the bigger became the battles

Trampled upon for no reason
Father's pet a new reason
Life at home was catching up
Only place left was filling up

Wanted to study in America
Not fit for decided my sister in law
She wanted to go before i had no idea
My I 20 was sent back saying no such person existed

Life at a dead end
Competition with me for no reason
Pushed life to the brink
Wanted me to fully sink

Father's favourite son
Went unpunished for every sin
The impression in people's thoughts
How wrong they were by far

First time for my father
Didn't know how to handle
Was as boxed in a corner as i was
I was getting the punches he was bleeding in his heart

Bully the word that sums it all
Bullied was all my life what i was
Me for being myself that is all
What was my fault ?

A victim of bullying
Shooed away by many human beings
All walks of life treated like a worm
Finally turned to Bruce Lee the God of Anti Bullying
99 · Sep 2022
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
My vocabulary fails me
When what i want to convey
Is a matter of the heart
Words conscice feelings
Tries to be intelligent
Masks my inabilities
Says what you want to hear
How do I convey the absolute truth
With no trickery of imagery involved
Silence is powerful but can
Also be misunderstood
Where do I search
On how to express
Or will  just know
Words and silence
Fail to convey
Search leads nowhere
Secret behind the secret
Of expressing the fullest
Remains a secret
The word defines that
Once known no more sacred
Sanctity kept away
In the sanctorium
To keep it revered
If penance is what it takes
I'm willing to give it as many takes
Let God hold the clapboard
And be the judge
And include in his judgement
My honest expression
The only way to transcend
Clouded human perception
99 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Winner or looser
Final result matters
Attained the goal set
All the right steps met
Inability to reach
Target out of reach
Winner or looser
Be the survivor
Both are hurdles
Complacency and Arrogance
Loaded in to the thought
Esteem and Confidence
Unloaded from the heart
All stumbling blocks
Double edged sword
Both sides hurt
Path to defined
Not to meander
Given more power
Winner or looser tag
Become the beholder
Climbing the mountain
Rolling down boulders
Avoiding both the dangers
Without causing a murmur
Become a survivor
Once on top
What is next
Another peak to climb
Or start all over again
Not yet reached
Failed the climb uphill
Does not mean Its downhill
Take it as it comes
The best that one can be
You are not me
I am not you
Everyone is unique
If want to be branded
Be the survivor
Whose route is unclear
Confused further by
Those who reached
Those still at the nadir
Glad to be in the middle
Trying to solve the riddle
Various paths available
Thought process to juggle
Up down or halfway
Does not matter
Lessons learnt from the travel
Forever grateful and thankful
98 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
High tides of grief
Drowning my heart slowly
Tuning off to the outside
Solitary confinement in a crowded place
Departed a dear one
Not knowing how to handle
My sorrow surprised me
Made me cry like I'd never been
Melancholy overflowing taking
The form of tears from the evening
Barrage of grief making me weep
A cousin equally in despair
Summoned me to the door
Walked slowly toward
His daughter in tow
Handed me a poster of CRY MACHO
Silver lining to that evening
An unexpected gift during mourning
Gladdened by his gesture
Started regaining my composure
Aware that i love Clint Eastwood
From a  very young age
Thoughtful of him to purchase
My excitement made me forget for a second
The poster and the warmth
Injected hope that the earth was a decent place
Had watched the film
Loved every frame like i did every Eastwood film to date
The quality and the size
Made me hold my head high with pride
That's always what  watching Eastwood made my inside
Spent the time till the creamation
With a little less burden
Thanks to Eastwood s latest cinematic affair
The innocence of his daughter
Who handed me the poster
Increased its value
1Sitting in my room i can see the Poster of CRY MACHO looking at me
Owning it makes me feel special coming from genuine emotion
A work of art representing the same work of art giving a glimpse into what's in store
The life-size poster of CRY MA
98 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Fogerty brothers
Join together
Rhythm Guitar the elder
Lyrics Voice and Lead the other

7 albums
Lyrics and tune
Not dated till date
When lonely  your comfort mate

Cook and Clifford
Bass and Drums
Joined the band
When they were very young

Blues and Country
Vocal and Political
Rivers Bayous and Wars
They sang em all

Every song a classic
Orchestration simplistic
Consistent pattern of their music
Path of the band highly individualistic
Simplicity the key to brilliance
No one followed it more than Creedence

Creedence named after a friend
Clearwater a commercial for Olympia Beer
Revival the 4 band members oath of  renewal

Songs about the war
Fought at Vietnam
Got them name and fame
International Rock band they became

Played at Woodstock

Hall of famers
Influenced future players

Differences cropped
Regarding the direction
Of the bands path
John carried the band
Others wanted their hand

Uneasy truce
Kept them glued
Mardi Gras
Lacked the class

Sign off album
Failed audience expectation
Bad blood broke the band
Never to perform again

Record company
All about the money
Label fantasy
Brought them to reality

5 songs to hit number 2
Album placed 500 weeks on the charts
Added more to their records
Reached the position
Aspired by everyone
Biggest Band in the World
Alone at the top
Next step downfall

Albums of the century
Every Album included
Songs of the Century
Also picked by many

Most DJed band in history
Playing as Soundtrack
In Hollywood films compulsory
Playing across Colleges and Universities
Mystic in their music
Reason for their longevity

Self titled album
Sold Platinum
Bayou Country
With Proud Mary
Record stores went dry
Green River
Second in the same year
Critical and commercial success
Churning out hits now just a process
Willie and the poor boys
Did the trick with a Hatrick
No one more prolific
In music & lyric
Cosmo's Factory
Anti Vietnam war battle cry
Sales skyrocketing
Platinums no more limiting
Pendulum a few months later
Last performance together
All original no cover
Goodbye CCR forever
98 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Indoctrinated since birth
The do ' s and the don't's
Building character the aim
Ownership they can claim

Value systems in place
Personality grows in its own space
Meeting point between the two
Guilt starts taking a point of view

Ones own belief system
Builds itself unique and bloosom
In sync with god's kingdom
Another dichotomy added at random

Intrinsic nature the foundation
Inculcated persuasion added to the equation
Faith and Belief adding themselves as a function
The world functions on its own dictum

Layers of existence
Brought forward cognisance
Complicated as inheritance
Fuel to fire is the occurrence

Points waiting to be connected
Scale for that yet to be invented
Investigation the formula acquired
To realise that this journey is required

Unlearning the learning
Jettisoning the scrap
Lightening the mind
Fulfilling the heart

Seeking the essence
Seeking the journey
Seeking no destination
Points now connected
98 · Nov 2022
KV Srikanth Nov 2022
Dawn wearing a mask
Made of the weather
Ante and Post dissolved
Meridian dissolved in the rain
Wind throwing caution onto itself
Spectral sounds abandoned
Silence never sounded louder
Briefly the mizzle threw a spanner
Drizzle the architect for a deluge
The wind  presses its brakes
Zephyrus the most called upon
A favour with fervour
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
The Godfather
Story of a Gangster
Family ties explored
Wisdom in every word

One flew over the cuckoo's nest
Non conformist hero
Confronts a by the book nurse
Greatest acting seen on screen follows

The French Connection
Drug smuggling the foundation
Greatest car chase filmed
Best Actor Oscar deservely earned

DeathWish audience wish
Cleaning the Streets of NY
Muggers and thugs killed
Not a revenge story provex its skill

Smokey and the Bandit
In a time frame to transit
Beer from Texas Sheriff on trail
Pontiac Transam sets screen ablaze

***** Harry cop in fury
Inspired by a true story
Serial killer on the loose
Mystery Suspense Thriller together looped

Diamonds are Forever
Style and class to endure
Smuggling just a cover
Blofeld tries to seize power

Live and Let die
Drug trafficking to spy
Action scenes never outdone
Suave Cool Class and Style undone

Get Carter Gritty thriller
in search of brother
Against gangsters in Manchester
Revenge film of the first order

Bonnie and Clyde
dead bodies in the wayside
Robbing banks for fun
Classic film remains fun

The Cincinnati kid
On the poker table he'll fit
Compulsive gambler
Pushing the limit his nature

Westworld science fiction told
Set in a theme park
Robots coming to life
Inspiration for Science fiction

The Graduate
Young and old mate
Fights against fate
Great music yet to date

Brubaker prison warden
Reform his only mission
Against the establishment
Futility of his actions

Cool Hand Luke
Prison film a classic
Escape from jail
Cought in the trail

In the Heat of the Night
Redneck Sheriff and FBI agent
Racist backdrop never shown better
Join together to solve a ******

The Samurai
Ruthless killer for hire
Best in the genre
Actors lived the characters

Fear over the city
A killer with no pity
Cop got on his trail
Stunts will stun even today

Investigation of a citizen above suspicion
****** mystery to solve
Cat and mouse game played
Special film takes the viewer on a journey

Patton war hero
Complex Character deeply explored
Every scene close to reality
Slice of World War History

Sholay greatest Indian film ever made
Crooks hired to catch a dacoit
Male bonding comes beyond the screen
All genres in one s lesson in filmmaking

Enter the Dragon
Drugs and Women trafficking in an island
Action scenes never before seen
Philosophy another dimension woven in every scene

Point Blank Deserted by his wife
left for dead
Revenge on his mind
Paranoia film the best of its kind
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Appeal and Magical
Womans Lure
Curriculum at School
Values at home
Seldom include

Happens to all
Age no bar
Objectified at first
Finds its place
On a to do list

Neighbor Is a start
Teacher is not far
Set high the bar
Silver Screen
Provides it all

Neighbor Teacher Actor
All from afar
Emotions mixed
Guilt adds a twist

Category in a Sport
Age defined emotion
Heart demands action
With its brain a friction

Mystery and Mystique
Adds to the Allure
To know if true
One has to mature

Lucky if beautiful
Unlucky if not
Qualified by looks
Quantified by wealth
Strategy in play as well

Eyes of the beholder
Never more truer
Beauty skin deep
Philosophy to seek

Art to master
Good with women


Feelings not at play
Skill  paves way

Question the source
All in natural course
Clarity absent
Emotion present

Fantasy  or Reality
****** or nobility
Purity a necessity
Turmoil insanity

Quotes and Idioms
Dime a Dozen
Marriages made in heaven
Peace in fusion
Entire human race
Gods grace

Emotion Divine
Feelings Sublime
Process Spiritual
Lucky the individual

Logic and reasoning
Passion and desire
Absence of Harmony
Melancholy in Sanctity

Foundation laid
At tender age
Seeking Intimacy
Fulfilled or frustrated
Cheerful or Crestfallen
The Heart wants
What it Wants
96 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
At the age of 10
Was the time when
He for the first time
Openly  mentioned
That becoming an actor
Was his only intention

Lied about his age
To join the Marine Corps
Stationed Different places
5 years with the defence forces

Joined the Pasadena playhouse
To learn his passion
Attended acting lessons
Met future greats Duvall and Hoffman

Was disliked by
Fellow classmates
Deemed unworthy of acting
Mocked and ridiculed for his style of expression

Voted the least likely
To succeed in the movies
Failed the exams
Got the lowest ever score in the playhouse history

Asked to leave
Found refuge in New York City
Doing odd jobs to keep life steady
Off Broadway plays to pave his way

First movie part
Was Mad Dog Call
Had no dialogue
Shared screen space with Telly Savalas

As in Broadway
He didn't start at the top
Bottom is very ugly place
He quipped famously about the acting race

Got more bit parts
Route 66 a series and the DuPont show
A hot Broadway show with Sandy Dennis
Opened up doors for his first major role in Lilith

Warren Beatty cast him
As his brother in Bonnie and Clyde as Buck Barrow
Giving him the biggest break to undo  
The brake stopping his growth

Had solid Supporting roles
With Lancaster Peck and Redford
Each a stepping stone
For what was to come

The dawn of the 70s
Saw him breakthrough into leading roles
I never sang for my father
His first Oscar nominated leading role

A fortuious moment
When he signed French Connection
Collaboration with William Friedkin
Made him the biggest Star in the Hollywood Constellation

Won the Academy Award
Topped the Box office Charts
Created A new breed
Actor / Superstar

Breaking box office records
With disaster films like
The Poseidon Adventure
Simultaneously winning
Palm D Orr for films like Scarecrow and The Conversation

Played  Lex Luthor in Superman
A superhero film a novelty then  Top billing playing the Villain V Unheard off at that time

Turned down meaty roles
Offered by great auteurs
Jaws One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest to name a couple
Such was his faith in his talent and skill

The 80 s were equally significant
Critical and Box office success ensued
Rode the decade with all the Success
Oscar Nominated for Mississippi Burning & Hoosiers named the greatest Sports film

Started the 90 s
With Narrow Margin
Followed it up with Unforgiven
Played the villain took home the 2nd  Academy Recognition

Prolific in the 4th decade
His  calling  in the movies
Worked with young talent
All claimed to be his die hard fans

5th decade in Hollywood
Golden Globe win for The Royal Tennenbaums
6 film a year
Totalled close to 100 his entire career

No dearth for offers
6 films a year 45 years later
Strong legs for 5 decades
Not many can claim that to say

The long haul
Had seen it all
Reached the age of 75
Said a final goodbye

Ability to absorb
Every character donned
On New York streets would walk
Observing all those who pass

George Morrison taught
Him how to act
Assured him of his ability
Method Acting lesson meticulously

Positioned his career
Played Supporting Roles
The part of the Villain
Gave relief with Comic roles and played Lead roles

A great position to be
All slots his name was to be
Name above the title
Any other role that tested his mettle

One of the few
Actor and Superstar. Combination
Filled Cinemas Worldwide
Followed by every prestigious Accolade

Won every major award
Life time Achievement the reward
Oscar BAFTA Globus Golden Bear Palm D Orr and Every other award
That the season brings with

First to act
In the disaster genre
Roles in many other
Captured Audience imagination forever

Now a Novelist who gets published
Written 6 books so far
Out of public eye
But never out of their memory

One of the greatest Actors
One of the. Biggest Stars
Fans all over the World
Trained to be an Actor not a Star his most famous quote
96 · Sep 2022
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Our relationship with the other
Smooth flowing as a river
Riding like tides
Getting away like the waves
Breaking nature's barriers like a Tsunami
Still like a millipond
Calm flowing and crashing
Where do you stand
Does the bond
Make you feel
Like a duck takes to water
Or a fish out of water
Or in hot water
In the presence of water
Makes you calmer
Because of its natural cool temperature
Can become hotter and turn to moisture
Where does the correlation
Stand in your favor
Water an analogy
To be the centre of the study
Of the link and connection
With any other human
Study water and it's layers
Clear understanding forms
On dealing with humanity
Strong or fragile
Answers can be got
Know your starting point
Set your target
Be like water
Be water
96 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
From Russia with Love
Came The Spy Who Loved Me
With A View to **** but The Man With The Golden Gun said Live and Let Die knowing You Only Live Twice while ******* escaped in the  Moonraker along with Dr No Meanwhile Goldfinger unleashed tye Thunderball Knowing that only Diamonds are Forever and kept them For Your Eyes Only
96 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
They see you take
Your first breath
And see you unable
To take one more
Birth side and Deathbed
Companions you can trust

They go beyond
The call of duty
Null the incapacity
Ailment makes no difference
Their presence by preference

Mind body and soul
They touch deeply
Do that daily
What else is divinity ?

Responsibility without Authority
Treated as a nobody
Their names not even in memory
Witness the wrong end of humanity

Things others will cringe
Even to hear about
They go about devout
Day in day out
Nights not to be left out

Death s biggest battle
In ensuring its success rate
Is the nurse that stands
Between life and being laid to rest

Compassion Caring Courage
Considerate composed calm
Courteous consistent cognitive
Confident Concerned curative

They prevent illness
Bring about wellness
Your health their motto
Only goal they follow

Manage Educate Advocate
Detect Counsel Educate
Honesty and ethics their core
The Gallup poll says so

Pride and dignity
They possess in excess
They share it with the patients
Who loose it in sickness

Let us bow
Forever beginning now
Their lives that they forego
Salute their spirit the least we can bestow

They loose themselves
Caring for others
We find ourselves
In the care that they share
95 · Sep 2022
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
The present being
Ever present in the present
Being in the present
Which is only present
Present never ceases
As every moment is present
Awareness of the present
Makes one feel the present in its prescence
95 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
All the stars in the galaxy
Showing us the creators legacy
Fade when her eyes
Gaze at them
The innocence of her smile
Travel a billion miles
The stars wonder
How they got to shine brighter
The glow from her skin
Resplendent from within
The sky a mirror
Sharing her radiance
With the constellation
They take the glory
Of nature's beauty
Her effulgence created it
Presence makes them jealous
But need it for their performance in the night
End up pretending
What else can one do when
They can't do without
On reflected glory they
Being the very  reference
For the formation
Hyades taken a leaf
Borrowing from the  beauty
The Pulsars are wondering
Celestials share their address
How did she end up
In a earthly terrace
End their night s few minutes before
To warn the Sun
What its up against
If the moon can live on borrowed light
Why can't I
It hid behind the clouds
Hoping to see her
Disappointed it could never
Spot her
Welcomed the stars again
Asking them about her
Fooled yourself that
You hid behind the clouds
Her presence made your rays
Impotent at her gaze
Her irradiation illuminated and
enlightened the Sun
Casting shadows on others
Looking back to see
Even if  has a shadow
Given to it by an ethereal angelic frau
Who bests it in Glow
95 · Nov 2022
KV Srikanth Nov 2022
Gratitude the key that ensures the imaginary line that we use to divide our life into good times and bad times stays imaginary
95 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Intelligence is celebrated
When life goes according to plan
Faith is celebrated when the man upstairs plays his hand
Creator is celebrated when the unexpected happens
Wisdom is celebrated when the  expected disheartens
Karma is Celebrated when Skill fails
When all that is celebrated suddenly seems worthless
You get to know yourself
When you know yourself
The God within you will be Celebrated
95 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
A personal experience
Did get my deliverance
Not until after going the distance
With abuse of substance

Never had a drink
Till i was 20
None offered it to me
Peer pressure no logic

Wanted to encounter
To know what it feels like
An inebriated state of condition
Where you loose your inhibitions

Not to feel left out
In the midst of those who passed out
Occurrences in the high far out
Demons of addiction taking  steps  out

Unaware of my character
Addiction or Abstinence its main feature
Galloped on the track of dependence
To a future awaiting to be spent in repentance

Craving for more and more
Liquor bottles more at my door
Than at the store
Nothing else i remember

From the bottles straight up
Tolerance levels made even alcoholics sit up
One more quicker than the next
Even the bottles screamed give it a rest

Addiction in an equation
Equalling to self esteem
Increase the valency
Equares to nullity

House of warmth
Turns into hell
Family at a dead end
Peace showing its stop sign

Rages and Rants daily occurence
Violence and defiance same direction
Tolerance grievance at the other end
Hindrance to prudence leading to indifference

Relationships gone south
Friendship loosing its clout
Engaged with liquor in a boxing bout
Getting tipsy every round you loose

Respect relationship friendship
Not even in the viscinity
Alone Addicted and miserable
No one left in the false fantasy

Reputation at home
Neighbourhood and work
Now a laughing stock to preach
Sympathetic towards the other members
No fault of theirs humiliate

Begging and stealing
No more wrong
Left guilt by the wayside
When the bottles lay bedside

Years gone by
Not aware of days that went by
Living in a timeless state
Till time ends living on the due date

Extinct to family
Extinct to friends
Extinct to colleagues
Extinct to self

No bigger crime
Family in the grind
For you to find
Ways to the deep end

Take the  first sip
Keys to hell unlocking its gates
Living in hell already the state
Hell learns a lesson by observing your fate
95 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Those who don't know
That they are walking in the darkness
Will never seek the light
Said the immortal Bruce Lee
As a part of his Jeet Kune Do philosophy
Which he created as a hybrid from many
All knowledge leads to self knowledge
All the obstacles that confront us outside
Answers the real seeker seeks inside
Simplicity is the key to brilliance
The shortest distance between two points us a straight line
Freedom from conditioning
Brought about by flexibility
In order to face a hurricane
Be like the Bamboo that gives way
Only to come back to its position
Rather than an old tree that's rigid but gets uprooted
Be ready not tensed
Not thinking yet not dreaming yet
Ready for whatever might come
The middle path chosen
Be in harmony with the world
Nothing apart from us in our control
Use the path of least resistance
Give you a lot of confidence
Life is changing process
Following a fixed pattern when life is not the same
Will not help find answers to the game
Be yourself express yourself
Do not project an image of yourself
Honest expression is a path to self realisation
95 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
American Dream
Sequential in nature
Remained forever
Time of the day
Did not matter

Procedure to go
Learnt from those who went before
At the gates of the consulate
Always on time never late

4 years of graduation
A requirement for higher education
Had only three
Was in a hurry

Emulating without example
Course of study not ready
Reason to go a comedy
Reality break there's no remedy

Evidenced many
Following the dream
Never occurred consciously
Not doing the same

Lifestyle influenced by Hollywood
Fanatical about Western Rock Groups
Influenced my decision
Pursue an education

Analytical ability nil
Already proven by my
Decision making skill
Passionste about
Movies and music
Logical next step is not education

Pushing ******* the procedure
Will make me easily enter
Nothing else does matter
Except get the papers in order

Two tests to be taken
Schools base their decision
Regarding your admittance
Self evident levels of competence

Aware it was for compulsory
Purchased guides to do what's necessary
Could not progress beyond a point
Never occurred that's the whole point

Application process
Step by step reduces
Qualification prowess
Into the University campus

Marking process unaware
Out of 800 only aware
Percentile a new term
My standing it confirmed

Yet to get a grasp
Still harbored thoughts
Any university that admits
Has deemed me fit

Money no taught
Spending it all for naught
Not a flinch to part
For I earned it not

Dollars spent in Rupees
All for realizing my dreams
Dreaming healthy
Hallucinating misery

College without reputation
Granted conditional admission
Should have brought clarity to the situation
Interpreted it backwards thought it was a ratification

Went for my Visa
Addressed a lady as Sir
My nervousness now clear
Presented their questionnaire

Graduation percentage
Admission tests Percentile
Not even a second to decide
Thrown in the dustbin aside

Winning combination
Do not change
Loosing Combination
Followed the same

Procedure followed
As was told
Nearing the gates
Only to be closed in my face

Same events repeated
Nothing to be surprised
Many times rejected
Dream now realized
95 · Oct 2022
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Curious and seeking
Opinions and perceptions
Formed not based on facts
A reality created by the minds creativity

Credits and debits
Balances it finally
Tweaking it daily
To the results it wanted initially

Both ends a live wire
Having one or at the recieving end
Mind works overtime assembling a palace of cynicism
The heart bleeds when the same is done
With you at the firing end

Taste religion principles
Everything under scrutiny
Uncalled and hurtful
Every relationships death tool

Destroys even destiny
Powerless against animosity
Opinions own the trademark
To awaken the beast already on its mark

Wisdom to know
When to embark and disembark
If you had the wisdom
You'd never have embarked

Do not give
For it was never asked
Go ahead and give it
Be ready to live with regret

Where there is a union
Engage in conversation
Where there is a division
Silence the  only option

Do not ask
Your life no one's job
Do not suggest
No one ever asked

Everyone has one
Nothing can be done
Used as a shield
Which too becomes a burden

Dons various roles
Reasons right and wrong
Only way to express opinion
Is not expressing your treatment
95 · Oct 2022
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
An insomniac dreaming
Can only dream of sleeping
Dreaming to get the dreams
That comes only when sleeping
Dream will remain a dream
Not because of its unreal nature
But the inability to give reality
To something unreal
The real becomes the dream
Making it also unreal
Real and unreal
Playing a dual role
But each Cast for the wrong part
A film without a ****** ends
With the opening scene playing
Looping the dream to dream
Which becomes the dream
Want to remain awake to dream
Or sleep and risk by sleeping
Am i awake or sleeping?
Or am i dreaming?
95 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
The white chalk
In the black board
Reducing in size
Spent its life parting knowledge

Akin to a candle
Burning itself to give light
At the hands of a teacher
Imparts knowledge sacrificing itself

The purpose it is used
Does not stay forever
Erased by an eraser
Invented to prevent its staying power

Helps the teacher
Helps the student
Helps build  education
Helps the institution

Unfairly compared to cheese
A malpractice by the traders
Centuries ago to increase quantity
Put  in bad light for no fault of it

Unfairly compared to cheese
A malpractice by the traders
Centuries ago to increase quantity
Put  in bad light for no fault of it

Serves its purpose
Doesn't discriminate others
Its usefulness and its presence
Used like a ladder only to be not missed later

To be emulated
Sacrificed and not
Birthplace of erudition
Impartial the world is an learned  place

Rivers Oceans the Sun and The stars
Used as examples of how selfless you are
Alphabets already written for the next generation
Add the Chalk to your gratitude list
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
12 years since
Made your last appearance
Rumours of Alzheimer's
Hope Its not true
A film a year
For over 50 years
For fans to cheer
Every decade an Oscar
Given by your peers
Box office success
A habitual process
Cannes Venice Berlin and Tokyo
Only a part of your portfolio
Highest paid movie star
Percentages of gross and merchandise sold you got
100 million dollars for playing
The Joker in Batman
No one yet to get closer
Voted greatest Actor
Biggest movie Star
Fans ready to watch
You next and every fare
Loved by all
A. Style icon
Method in the madness
Madness in the method
Best describes who you are
Kid from Jersey
Conquered every peak
Your fans across still seek
A film with your name
Above the title
In the heart of the fans
Millions awaiting just wave the magic hand
One final performance
To resonate for the next decade
Happy Birthday to the legend
Whom stardom and awards at beck and call
Seen it all
Roger Corman knew it all
Took his casting call
Live long live healthy
Deserve this and more
For painting stories of reality and fantasy
With ease
94 · Jun 2022
KV Srikanth Jun 2022
The race to succeed
Mortals classified as horses
Winning chances defined
Odds spelt out with favorites

To best the best
In what one does
Is to be the best
One can be at

To be the best
Better than the rest
Everything is a test
Top of the heap a quest

Education Sports Occupation
Out there in the open
Competitive world no doubt
Seats reserved for the distinguished few

What if the best
Is not enough to get selected
The next best option
Not a bad option to select

In the pursuit of winning
Living life takes a beating
Engaged in the sole activity
Experience gets limited naturally

Life lacks the color
That is associated with every endeavour
Restricted to black and white
Even Grays are missing in the order

Life is to live
Life is to experienced
Life is to express
Life is to learn

Life is not a conquest
Life is not a rat race
Life is not a scoreboard
Life is not a reportcard

A healthy life
Is to lead it well
Do what is to be done
Results happen automatically

Not to win
Not to loose
Not to prove
Not to justify

Content life nothing to pride
Nothing to be ashamed
Not a bother to other
Anything else don't matter

Another humans little finger
Cannot sweat because of ones behaviour
Do what you want
In your time place and savings

Complicating the simple
Lay it threadbare
The lesser things bother you
The more the people around you

Live it
Don't chase it
Don't ruffle it
It will ruffle back

Respect it
Thankful to it
Grateful to it
One day seperated from it
94 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Educated and foolish
Illetterate and Wise
Need not be the case
Staring at life face to face
One must have insight
Ability to discriminate
Find his true place
Or else blame fate
Wisdom the ability
Understanding the reasons
Of past frailty
Merged within consciously
To be appropriately used when the past repeats itself repeatedly
Albeit not identical
Ability to handle
Far more rational
No left over
Start a clean slate
Ability to educate
Using the past as a template
Never fooled again
Nothing to do with the other
But next time he deals you better
Wisdom had the power
To send the message
That the learning has started
Lessons being learnt
Mistakes never repeated
Badly never treated
94 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
A new dawn
Invigorating thoughts
For a fresh start
First day today

Renaissance for existence
Last day for apathy
Ended with apathy
Never knew feeling sorry
Gave a high with reasons to cry

A habit needing detoxification
A depressant masquerading as a Stimulant
Hopefully doesn't have withdrawal
Time to search for an ananymous

Faith and hope
Crutches to embrace
Every corner a Chicane
Emphasis is in the Details

Have our events laid out
The day awaits us with its rest
Mimeographs our plans
Or undoes it with its own

A dog with two tails
Feeling the blues
As the day goes by
Destiny will swing by

Horizon of happenstance
We cannot comprehend
What we can comprehend
Not meant to plan and understand

Routine like a few before
Surprises in store like a few before
Both might take a new meaning
In the meaning lies the message

Don't double guess
Just don't guess
Don't try to beat it
Don't withdraw from it

There is no escape route
Plan B will end where Plan A has reached
Flexible and with the flow
No plan required to follow or destiny's pill to swallow
94 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
He lives your sorrows and Joys
Like it were it his own
He is the light of your life
And the light to your darkness
He's the might to your meekness
Shadow to your body
Echo to your mind
He inspires you to be what
You want to express yourself to be
He's the harmonica to your voice
The side car to your bike
Interchange positions as you like
With you for life
94 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
If God was man made
Man was God made
This would end the debate
Or Creation and Created
Both get to perform
Both the roles
We call it a tie
None to vie
For the prize
Only problem lies
Who would be the jury
Has to be a mixture
Of man and gods glory
Adjourned sine die
To continue this case
Without which our
World would no more
Be an interesting place
94 · Sep 2022
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Days and nights
Making up life
Spending the seconds
As it passes by
Wondering what to do
Looking forward to nothing
Except daybreak and sunset
Phone has replaced friends
WhatsApp has pushed passions out
My phone and me
On a journey
Neither expected to be
Each other's sole company
Contacts in my phone book
Answer only when they are free
Way it is naturally
The phone doesn't know this
Which makes me the only
One to realise
That i have ended up lonely
94 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Move on from what holds you on
Ordeal that makes you stall
Stops time and rewinds it
Makes you relive it
Move on Away from it all
Plays games with your mind
Gives examples of a similar kind
Tells you its time for you to find
Time to get even
Move on  from these thoughts
Housing these rejections
Convictions coated with poison
Convinced about the reasons
To teach people a lesson
Move on at breakneck speed
Before contemplating a single deed
Drinking poison hoping
The other man will die
Or hoping the opposition takes the poison
Does not change a thing
For you
Unless their death gives you a sense of conquest
Move on as far as you can
Harm and insults
Never made anybody
Feel better about somebody
There fall not your rise
Move on from this process
Puts a complete stop to progress
A new day every day
Judgements delivered yesterday
Forgiven and forgotten today
Move on ahead taking it dat by day

No reverse gear
No rear view mirror
No backup recorded
Reusable thought process prohibited

Move on from the past
Move on from the thoughts
Move on from the feelings
Move on till you exist no more
94 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Rebirth is repaying
Karma the currency
God the banker
When will it end we wonder

Self Realization the answer
Know yourself to ponder
Nothing else to wonder
Become one with the creator

Good and bad
Two sides of the same coin
They never meet
Until entered in the balance sheet

Discard the veil
Fake gives way
Real becomes clear
That nothing is real

The gods will answer
Only one prayer
Seeking relief from Rebirth
This however will be granted
To those who only desire
Is to keep away from other desires

Debt to the Creator
Law of Nature
Unlock the seeker
Rebirth automatically surrenders

Gratitude the first step
Forgiveness towards the other self
Compassion universal
Takes you one step closer

Removal of desires
Searching greener pastures
Momentary and transient
Pleasure seeking impermanent

Sense of doing
Achieving or failure
Taken very personal
Steps taken backward

Life teaches lessons
Answers lie in life
Learning outside life
Come back to live life
93 · Jul 2021
KV Srikanth Jul 2021
Seeking the answers
By questions raised within
A true master doesn't find answers
He simply looses the questions

Search for answers
Not where words are spoken
In Silence lies the solution
Knowledge gained without a word spoken

Angry at another
Hurting none but your inner
Drinking poison hoping
The other person will cease living

Path with problems
Nothing to be concerned
Obstacles obstructing notion
Obstacles is the path in motion

Never stop learning
Accumulation of knowledge
Let go of the learning
Living in Wisdom

Knowing is not enough
Doing it is tough
Knowing and not doing
Is the same as not knowing

A candle can light
Many other candles
Its life not shortened
By sharing the light

See it as it is
Observe it the same
Let go without any blame
Light life's flame

There's nothing now
There's nothing to know
To know there is nothing
Takes the longest time within
93 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Where are you from
I have no idea
Where are you going
To the grave
Do you plan your future
I don't look past the next bend of the road
What are your expectations in life
Serve my time and get out
How do you cope with life
It is what it is
One secret to remain contended
I know my limitations
Your philosophy in life
Don't think feel
How would you like to be remembered
He tried to be a Crackerjack in whatever he did
What do you get upset about
Rude people and i don't respond till they Ask Nicely
Advice to NextGen
Don't waste your talent
Not all can be as good
Did you rebel
Yes against everything they got
A value to pass on
Never snitch
Did you do it answer is no
Did X or Y did it
I don't know
92 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
You stole my heart
Till death do us part
We had vowed at the altar
Never say goodbye cause we ain't apart
How could have you stolen my heart

Destiny set us apart
Made you to depart
God did his part
Hit me like a close range dart

Waiting for me
Up in the sky
No regret that I'm unable to fly
When will I learn how to die

Time our enemy
As I keep watching the clock
Every tick its tact
As you wait with your soul intact
92 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Superstar starring screening
Seconds seem slowing
Surround sound seating
Superlative scenes sustaining
Stagecraft  superior signifying
Spectators Startled  Staggering
Subsequent show seeing
Showstopping skill  showcasing
Suave sartorial  styling
Stunned silence signalling
Spirited  synchrony Soul stiring
91 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
First day of College
Met him in the hallway
Said hello to a fellow student
Defenition of a true friend

Apart from education
One thing in common
Exchanging information for better orientation
Taste in music laid the foundation

Found a friend on day one
Till today there is none
I became another son
Lived in his house without paying rent

Surprised to be invited
Went and visited
Warmth from the family felt elated
Will soon become family unexpected

The only thing lacking
In that house was oxygen
Music not a hobby but a devotion
Filled the air for respiration

The room became
My abode for
3 years in a row
Hammock added to the glow

Entire new world
Opened for me
Brother in IIT
Never met anyone so bright intellecually

Coffee lunch and dinner
Never made to feel an outsider
Every family member
Related to me similar

Passion for music
A world of magic
Till today nostalgic
One day will revisit

Value of education
Learnt its importance
Intellectual furtherance
All at his residence

Conduct of a clown
Asked me to play it down
Till then I hadn't known
My presence was a laughter zone

Took pride in it
He told me the opposite
Lessons learnt well defined
Cant list them cause they're infinite

Exposure to brilliance
Through his brother and his friends
My Academic performance
Made absolutely no difference

Treated as equal
Made it special
Visiting his house a misnomer
Cause was living  there forever

Graduated to a scooter
With him as Pillion rider
Memories no fonder
Daily trips to College Remembered

Looking back today
If you take the negatives away
Whatever remains to this day
Was what I learnt as the hammock swayed

Gratefully alive for
Introduction the Grateful Dead
Played more in room
Dead heads will soon know

Thankful to Ian Anderson
And the Jethro Tull
The first exchange about locomotive breath
On loneliness made me lay a wreath

Thank you my friend
For being a friend
Never remained a friend
For another brother I became

Music playing as music
Today playing as a memory
Feelings can never change
The song remains the same
91 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Be thankful for
Food on your table
Might as well be
Your last meal
Eaten in peace

Meal ready on the table
Taking it for granted
No more on a full stomach
Being are told its enough

The reasons multiple
Nutritious intake to maintain
Good health and living
Might no more be coming

Might have an Icharus
Right in the midst
Need not snitch your presence
Could test the tolerance

Earn your bread
Best lesson ever
Passed on by elders
Knowing how much it matters

Dependence on others
Two square meals a day
Is the greatest curse
May or May not be a ruse

Never put the mind to it
Was always readily available
Empathy with the poor people
Led their lives yearning for that table

Getting rid of this
Mans greatest challenge
No one goes Esurient
Basic values forsaken

Getting used to it
Seems like the only fit
Not asking a luxurious Viand
Basic food now a demand
91 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Dream compete with dreams
Where do they originate
Some we've seen some a mystery
Both not reality but kickstarts a query

What happens in the dream
We narrate like we see a film
Playing out as it did
Was the time already decided

A powerful illusion
Make you believe it is real
So real that wake up state is an illusion
So we presume from the dreams perception

What is its dimension
Sub conscious fears
Giving themselves an outlet
Hidden desires playing out their prospects

Is it to foretell
An event yet to occur
That would make it a miracle
Fortune tellers would become tenants of our imagery

Some we forget
What happens to that
Fading away half way
Is there a sequel

Time of sleep
Doesn't make a difference
Dreams searching for the resting mind
Collaborates with the unfulfilled mind

Hasn't really meant
Much to anything
Past or future
Cannot be the present because you are dreaming in the present

Their color schemes i wonder
I really can't remember
Black and white or color
Seem to miss it everytime it occurs

Unable to fathom
Being our thinking pattern
Not in a free flow
Many stories merging half way through

Can give you a scare
Elements you fear and aware
Unable to let go
Come back to haunt you

Sequential in nature
Hours of stories told together
Wakes you up with a fright
The sequential dreams might

Source of the dream
Saints write thesis
Answers we understand
Doesn't get rid of our  Dreamland

Dreams while awake
Not yet made their way
Daydream a term for lazy
Hope it remains so and protects us from becoming crazy
91 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Hair style till it adds
Beauty to oneself
Looking good in his own eye trying to look better in the mirror
At the saloon during a haircut
The same hair treated worse than dust
Treated with shampoo conditioner and gel
Now brushed away from the body the second it falls in us
An analogy to life none greater than the hair
If you are where you are supposed to be you get the respect even without asking
The second there is no need for use
Even your presence will be looked down upon and ignored forever
A fall from a position
Help find the true friend
91 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Reluctant to undergo
Anymore of the world
The people and their ways
Predicable in some cases
Unpredictable but not surprising
In many of the cases
Keeping up the positive
Outlook to life
Is becoming more of a struggle nowdays
A sense of weariness
Boredom and experience
Feelings that occur
As a reaction
To people's behaviour
Been in here long enough
Experience adds up
Beating my age hollow
Been there done that
Been there seen that
Been there undergone that
Been there felt and thought that
Life has become University
Doling out Degrees
Same subjects more deeper
Till one gets  a Doctrate
Tried to block
Entered into my head
Cynisicm the first emotion
That comes out as a reaction
Recent transactions i had
Led me to believe
All i had learnt was correct
First time around
The savage ways of the world
I was unaware
Internalised it the hard way
Butchered all along the way
This time around
Nothing has changed
Except my head not in line
Under the slaughter machine
My World Weariness
Offering complete protection
People trying the same tricks
Remains at trying
World weariness does not
Stop them
At giving a shot again
To short change or shoo away
They forgot that the tutorial class i attended was marked by them
Didn't realise my marks didn't reflect my learning
Future associations taught me swell
These sharks come across like kids
Who I'm able to handle with my wits
Which were lacking when they did this
Not surprised has taken them totally by surprise
Of all the gin joints all across the world she had to walk into mine
Those who know will understand the quote
Meaning they have sailed in the same boat
We've got him who's seen it all
We've seen it all
We always will have Paris
91 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Today the day
My father passed away
11 years to the date
Who can fight fate

Crosses my thoughts
Day after day
Lives in my heart
Night and Day

Your love for me
Till you feel hungry
Don't fool yourself
He used to tell me

Man of great talents
Communication almost absent
Man of few words
Heart the size of the universe

Very highly educated
Accounting and Taxation he meditated
Glorious corporate career
Used his skills till his end got near

Epitome of integrity
Naturally helping tendency
Value systems consistency
Known for his decency

Truth and God
His mates in his path
Never slipped once
Haven't met any since

Talent to invest
When to divest
Master in his own class
Shared his knowledge with all

Terrific strike rate
Would make fund managers irate
Percentage of growth in top gear
Beat the index year on year

Watched 4 movies a week
No other pleasure did he seek
Matinee idols on the screen
Watching them his only dream

Knew about the movies
Matching his subjects of study
Encyclopedia of cinema
An ocean to learn from

Investment banker or Movie critique
Easily shined in them too as a career
Not because he' was my father
His actions speak loud and clear

Calm disposition his personality
Empathy greatest quality
Loosing temper waste of energy
Long walks his tool to gain clarity

Never a negative word spoken
Nothing good to say don't say it
Conduct and Class predominant
Never expressed much emotion

House buzzing with family
Joint and extended
Treated all equally
Showed them Hollywood fares regularly

Alone or a Group
Fledging career or Rock Bottom
In the midst Calm or Chaos
Balance proved the man he was

Was he a Saint i often wonder
Or carried away because he's my father
A saint is a different dimension
But he was an excellent human being

His negatives i recall
Stored in my memory wall
Waves that leave behind salt water
Even in that we wet our feet with fun and laughter
Greatest strength not in these
Ray of light and a gentle cool breeze
They added to his inner core
Meaning of life and ways  of the world
Intuition and experience he optimally combined both

He loved Paul Newman
His birthday God chose as his death day
How else will you say
When the last movie he watched was HOMBRE
90 · Oct 2022
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
No more knee high to a grasshopper
Way past being a spring chicken
Default one foot into the grave
Not yet reached the ripe old age

Hanging in there
In between all of this
Easy to place myself between  numbers
Nothing gives more clarity

What about the rest of it
How do I value my life
By the deeds i have done
Good and bad balances just fine

Was the last growth in my mother's womb
What's the latest count
From the time the umbilical chord was cut
Till midnight  added one more round

Maturity and Wisdom
Can never be innate
Life promotes me in accordance
With how  i led mine

Success and failure
The world brands daily
Where do I find myself
Am i in the race or are the grapes too sour

How do I value others
By their heart or
Whether they hit the mark
How far does indifference play its part

Do i bring cheer
Have i helped the near and dear
And the not so near and dear
Embellished over the years

Did i learn my lessons well
Opportunities lost can i recall
Nothing is lost if there's a lesson in it
Am i atleast grateful for it

Fear Anger Frustration and comparison
Friends from adolescence
Are they still the guests i invited
Or have they been cremated

Content and Peace
Been inviting them daily
Have they accepted my invitation
If my heart  has opened they don't need one

A temple of tranquility
I know I'm.not
Not yet i tell myself
Will be there before I'm dead

Been there done it
World weary seen it all
Faith still missing from my thoughts
Halfway mark i. Hope i have crossed

Am i moving daily
A person better than i used to be
Gratitude Compassion and empathy
I will strive to make these my innate quality

I know its all inside
Outer just a mirror
A life worth remembering
Is the key to immortality

Not about creating a legacy
Others perception no control over
How do I value myself
I rank myself true to myself
89 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Art of living without living
No pre conceived notion
No baggage to carry
Be in the now
Grateful for that
Learn everyday from everyone
Whatever crux that has been learnt
Untie the boat Let the negatives flow away
Retain the learning
and Sway
Rocking the boat
Rocking it unnecessary
Get on board
The feet deaf to the sound of the footsteps
The silence inside manifests
As the discreet outside
Teaches you loud and clear
Only if you are willing to hear
89 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
The Evening shade casts it's gray
Shadows back in their place
Appearing and disappearing
Are they a part of me
Imitating my every act
On purpose do not react
Imitation is the best form of flattery
Is my shadow flattering me?
Irony of darkness
Birthed itself from light
Rise or Set
The Sun regrets

Afraid of his shadow
Tells a tale of wow
Light nearby creating this illusion
A mere scientific evidence
Illusion of darkness shines bright
Bright lights of the Sun seems
89 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Painting with my tears
Strokes with my heart for years
Aches and pains it depicts
Still remains incomplete
Ray of sunshine
A place in the canvas
Comes and goes
Bereaving the darkness
Not to be sold
My life story told
Unfinished it will remain
Soul unfit to sketch
Now of the body bereft
How much more to go
Who will sign
At last at peace
After i cease
If i want a movie made
From my birth which brings death along
How will one write a screenplay
The story remains the same
89 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Conflict with oneself
Duality end result
Mind Body alignment
Absent due to disagreement

Not at peace
Actions done Ill at ease
Fear about yourself
Manifests outside

Confidence in ability
Another quality
Feeling of disability
Weak personality

Conduct unbecoming and real
Conscience conducting the
Judgement default right
You cant runaway from yourself

Emotional blackmail
Threat and insistence
Your actions guidance
Life lived on others directions

Sequential bullying
Most worrying
Affects in that moment
Remains moment after moment

Read in books
Heard in lectures
Nothing outside
Everything inside

Fear a lifestyle
Decisions and Actions
Fear filled mind
Faculty denied

Incidents and persons
Cause for confusion
Blaming the outside
Futile lay it wayside

Genesis and basis
Go deep to explore
Cause of Anxiety
With you for posterity

Reason for neurosis
Every day a crisis
Living life by conducting
Rehearsal for dying

Not one but many
Events and humans
Daily resonance
Woven into your 6th sense

Living in a bubble
Pleasing the other
Who not so subtle
While returning the favor

Fake it and make it
Sound way to do it
Aping the brave
Foundation laid

Feeling the fear
Gets you near
Where lies the real answer
Is it going to take a lifetime
To figure ?

God Religon
People and Position
Threat Future
Bully and Law of Nature
Money Reputation
Health and death
Causes of fear
All external
89 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Sun bidding adieu
Doesn't mind being late
as it watches with his friend
the ocean and its waves
free spirited girl  and on the swing
She gives it hope that the next day will be a better day
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