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112 · Oct 2022
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Woke up from a dream
A wonderful one
I didn't want to end
Realised that i had woken up
In my dreams
To realise that was a dream
Continuing to dream
In my sleep
Woke up again thinking it  too was a dream
But was reality staring at me
That i had woken from my first dream
111 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Oxymoron used frequently
Two words juxtaposing
Containing the opposite meaning
Etymology derived from Greek
Oxus and Moros
Sharp and stupid
Also an oxymoron

Commonly usage is unintentional
Appears paradoxical
Which Is a logical contradiction
A puzzle
Something to think on
Oxymoron is a figure of speech doesn't linger but gone

Used on people
To describe their characteristic
Cannot be used to describe a person
As it does not make sense

Used in quotes
Purpose to reflect
On purpose
As in not to neglect

Used in Advanced Science
Innovations with names that in English does not make sense
Virtual Reality
Is it a fallacy or advanced technology
Thin line to draw
Explanation difficult notoriously

Used in quotes
By great men like
Mark Twain.
Genius like Wodehouse
Visionary like Henry Ford
Mockingly by Bing Crosby
To Add Drama by Yogi Berra
Flavour to speech like Churchill
Unintended by Movie Moghuls

Lacking in knowledge critics will say
Percieved Comically
Some make you laugh hysterically
Adds fun to life
Usage An entertainment
No harm done

Act Naturally
Small Crowd
Clearly confused
Amazingly Awful
Only Choice
Farewell Reception
Commonly used
Not to get confused
Depends how much exposed
You are
To understand the context
In which it Is told

Tried my best
Leave the rest
To accept or not accept
To the person
At whose behest
I wrote this on request

Does this make me
A Smart idiot
Or a Stupid genius
For I shall be the happiest man alive
Even if I could drop dead
To get the approval
Even if it is negative
For everything is absolutely relative
111 · Jan 2023
KV Srikanth Jan 2023
A film celebrating
The greatness of a Nation
Patriotism its theme
Sacrifice its Core

A Cinema hall
Name translates as Gift
The hall playing the film
Would soon become a Coffin

Lives of many
Ended before they started
Kids on the aisles
Engulfed by the flames

Arrogance of power
That money can buy
Negligence of repair
Transformers unleashed their power

Smoke spreading across
Car parks and gates
Fire  keeping it's date
In all its rage

Hell brakes loose
All for a fuse
Stairwell and Ariel
Sounded the deathknell

Running towards the exit
Emergency lights not fixed
Chaos and confusion
People already dying of asphyxiation

Fire alarm not installed
Authorities knew it all
Even the Projection not stalled
Seating arrangements breaking the law

Box seats gates closed
Exit gates bolted
A careless employee
Took a break by bolting the middle gate

Deviations and violations
Fire service delayed
Gangways failed to accommodate
Balcony seemed far away

Exposed to carbon monoxide
Succumbed and died
Toll stood at 59
Injured crossed a hundred

A full house
Turned many into empty homes
Tragedy cover up with travesty
Ticket price  not just a life

Friday the 13 th
7 th month of 1997
Set the record for the ticket prize
A life for a seat
111 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Yearning to grow up
Emulating the elders
Dominating out thoughts
Future security sought

Living the present forgot
Enjoying it for all it's got
Not realizing it wont last
Very soon to become the past

Joint family gods gift
Many people definitely a rift
Equality and equanimity taught
Joy's of oneness
Differences lost

Ideal place for study
Educate you people ready
Characters you observe
Realise in life you have to deserve

Multiple personalities
Varying modalities
Adjust your sensibilities
Respect the formalities

Elders taught respect
Live with love and be honest
Same treatment for all
Trained you for the world at large

Everything done with passion
Learnt many a lesson
Guidance provided
Character developed

Concept of sharing
Under the sun everything
Developing the spirit
For you to learn it

Future arrived
Miss the past
God gave you all
Grateful that we have memories to fall

Men worked hard
Women sacrificed for what
Your life in their heart
No one set apart

Newspaper and Washroom
All in one bedroom
Emotional connect
Most important in life

Didn't realise it then
One in a million
A chance to grow
In that household
Where oneness was the foundation
Happiness the highest education

Seeking outside
Biggest mistake
For some to make
What's given no choice but to take

Family the essence
Filled with everyone's presence
Taking into account preference
Satisfying every member
Each act a penance
110 · Jun 2022
KV Srikanth Jun 2022
Tobacco  crafted together
Rolled up in a white piece of paper
One end dangling between the lips
Other end waiting to get lit

Nicotine rich leaves
Dried up and fermented
For smoking or chewing
Packaged for marketing

Burning the tobacco
Ingesting the smoke
Ciggerate as a tool
Fool or Cool upto you

Perceived as a pleasure
Suffering from peer pressure
Looking fleek  a measure
Addictions founder member

Risk and rebel
Not concerned about Survival
Dismissive of approval
Most factors mental

Trying to monitor
Through force or power
Always does backfire
Appears to empower

Quitting a process
Hard to digest
Body craves as time lapses
Target dates set in process

Makes time go faster
Is a friend to a loner
Finds company in the smoker
They compliment each other

Seen as a misfit
Or the ultimate fit
Approved disapproved habit
Every era gives it a certificate of merit

Movie star letting out smoke
Triggers the wanting in you
Imitation best form of flattery
The hero achieves it rather easily

Rolling it in his mouth
Sending smoke  rings out
Talking with the ciggerate dangling
Lighting it is almost heaven

Be there do that
Doesn't make you him
Realising it is too late
Lips holding the stick a preface

The first is the toughest
Next comes the secrecy
Not for too long
Agony  loses out to fantasy

Vapours on the twin tracks
Guilt and pleasure
Parralal to each other
Guilt replaced by fear
Pleasure by torture

Light it and inhale it
Exhale it and smoke it
Forget about it
Till the next time you light it

Easy come never goes
Words like willpower deeply sowed
Growth replaced by fire
Six feet under

Easiest way out
Make a joke
Destiny the locker for moral bankruptcy
Imagination starts flowing freely

Smoking and dying
Are  forgivable in a sense
You know you're the pits
When everyone around you have quit

Dying a better option
An example for future generations
The biggest sucker of the lot Nicotine finds you its easiest mark

When the marketing slogan
Warns you of death
Speaks for the product
Still beats their sales target

Laughable not that irony
Willpower to stay of the grave
Use it for better purposes
Than to negate a  negative effect

Many Bestsellers written
How not to be the Marlboro man
Be the Marlboro man
Marlboro immortal not the man

No one is immortal
Tells us our brain
I'll quit at the right time
Shows everything wrong with time

The dreaded condition
I won't be the victim
Every smokers slogan
Decade long battle like the Trojans

Married to it
Withdrawal the Alimony
Too much to pay rather stay married
Don't worry not too long your stay

Born smoked died
Could never put it away
All that needed was an Ashtray
Go ahead make your day
110 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Speed of lightning
Philosophical in thinking
Put it down in writing
Life saving for generations

Father from the Opera
Placed him before the camera
Acted in 20 films
From new born to adolescent

American by birth
Hongkong nurtured his growth
Street fights in his daily route
On his way to studying in school

Grandmaster Ip Man
Martial arts legend
Teacher of Wing Chun
Took him under his wing

Enrolled for a study
His favorite subject philosophy
At Washington University
Met Linda lee

Founded a new system
Called it no system
Jeet Kune Do just a name to list
The art of the intercepting fist

Ed Parkers Tournament
Performed in front of an audience
Showcased his talent
Greatest Martial Artist of all time title given

One inch punch
Sent other masters flying
Mastery and dexterity of Martial Arts
Capability and Competence
He imparted

Different styles should compete
Only then the real test of a fighter complete
Deservingly called the the Father of Mixed Martial art
Its founder Dana White swears that he is god

Cast as Kato
Second lead in a series
Green hornet had a short run
He was so quick his scenes had to be shot in slow motion

Small parts in Marlowe
Followed by Longstreet
Espoused his theories
He had discovered through his practice

Started Martial Arts schools
Superstars as his pupils
James Coburn Steve McQueen to name a few
Kareem Abdul jabbar and Stirling Silliphant joined the queue

Had written scripts
His pet projects
Studios Didn't allow him to star
Could not get a star to star

Fought many battles
Couldn't break through prejudice
Humiliated and insulted
He would never be accepted

Career threatening injury
His entire back in jeopardy
On the road to recovery
Will never be the same opined the medical fraternity

Brandon & Shannon his progeny
Son & daughter completed his family
During the time of the back injury
They helped him overcome his adversity

Hollywood closed its doors
Wanting a movie career
He left for Hong Kong
The rest as they say is history
110 · Mar 2021
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
Promise made
Cusp of Teenage
Not to indulge
In anything fatal

Spirituality and Smoking
Painstaking in understanding
Labyrinth if misunderstood
Alone you stood

Inference of god
Transcended ego
Inference of smoking
Transcended nothing

Perception of Divity
Varied with variety
Perception of smoking
Date fixed in deaths diary

Smoking is macho
Smoking is Style
Smoker due to peer pressure
Smoking as an exploration
Smoking for fun

Picked up at the interval
Wanting to ape the star
Chain Smoking with style and grace
Entire theater fell prey
Factor deciding character
In that time span lay

Never held one
A double edged sword
Which side to hold
Where from comes the smoke

Figuring out took time
Veterans of the habit
Encouraged mine
Step by step process explained
Learning so fast felt elated

Copied the style
Felt mile high
Smoked only in action
Real smoking yet to happen
By the end of one
Felt like a veteran
Balance movie left
Guidance for missteps

Movie had a good run
More viewings for fun
Nicotine patrozining latest victim
Perfected the art a new dictum

Darkness of theater
Into evening shade
In the parking space
First sign of turking
Entering a boxing ring
Saner option than smoke ring
Baby steps of addiction
Taken one by one

Health and money
Took a nose dive
Reputation no high five
Fun part ejected like in a spaceship
Phobia called hypochondria
Crept into the mothership

Habit had made a slave
Put up a front so brave
Slow march towards the grave
With death daily a close shave

Took a call
Not to feel guilty at all
Toed the tangential line
In the long run
We are all dead

Quit cold Turkey
Say goodbye
Once and for all
Then it becomes the past
Memory of it will not last
Overcome many addictions
This cannot be a tough one
Try one day for a start
The habit and you
Permanently part
110 · Dec 2021
KV Srikanth Dec 2021
Old man walking way side
Carrying some debris beside
Habit in play
Muscle memory aids in sway

Throws it in a ditch
As though it were a football pitch
A roadside vendor selling coconuts
Makes his living on the streets
Earning peanuts

His house the platform
Maintains it true to form
Tall and well built
Pounced on the old man who was out of his wits

Threatened the Sire
Of consequences fire
Collar clenched in his wrist
Remove the garbage his wish

Taken aback and stunned
Couldn't defend his act reasons none
Public place after all he moaned
Will **** you the dweller bemoaned

Step by step into the ditch
Elder suffered every bit
Risky affair for his advanced age
Unfortunately he'd committed the first mistake

Watching by the wayside
I cursed my cowardice
Crisis of Conscience my mental state
Watched in silence the entire escapade

Weaker but the wrongdoer
Stronger but the bully
On whose side would have stood Bruce Lee
In all my wisdom it points towards the elderly
109 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Attatched to machines
7 at a time
Each performing
Functions of an ***** in the body
Unconscious and clueless
Lying with eyes closed
Can't read their thoughts
Does one want this all
Is natural life being prolonged
A good thing after all
Are we fair or unfair
Taking decisions on behalf
Feeling Guilty are we
Showing to the world
Money doesn't matter
All we want is to be ratified by people
Lest any finger be pointed towards our chest
Who can tell wrong and right
Confused conscience is our own plight
If one cannot afford all this
Heart provides the seat
For clarity to be at ease
109 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Traveling far and wide
Different Countries visited
Cultures noted Languages spoken Lifestyles altered
The toughest journey
Is to age gracefully
Maturity the front end
For every experience earned
No experience is a bad experience
If it is pleasant
Confidence the result
And attained growth
If it is not
Questions asked
Answers sought
Lessons learnt
No more surprised

Every day a page
In the lesson
Taken in the right spirit
Lesser the withdrawal effect
Smooth flow into day 2
The river runs through
With the right attitude
Obstacles a part of aging
Facing it completes it

How well travelled
The decades Inhabited
Decided by
How well behaved
Towards family friends and society
Presence considered an addition
Recognised for patience humility and being soft spoken
Forgiving Learning and Sharing
Helping those in need
Not judgemental of any quality or policy
Equal to all
Rising above all

Anger not the answer
To another's quick temper
Words not going to heal
Countering words out of a sheath
Arrogance not going to neutralize
High handedness
Jealousy not going to stop another person s growth
All for me none for rest
To be met with a simple
Go ahead be my guest
Insults and lack of respect
To be dealt with a thank you
Returning the favor
Not going to change the other
But brings you down to their sewer
Ask not a favor
For when denied
Leftover is anger
Burning like fire
What is given
Is what is due
What is more
Earn it or better luck next time
Large hearted with purity of soul
Not corrupted by any
Is he who had travelled wisely over many
108 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
John Wayne synonym
For the Western
Embodied the Cowboy
Walk and delivery
Cought the audience's fancy
Silent movies to the 70s
Remained at the top of his popularity
Textbook definition for global Superstardom
None yet to fill his shoes in filmdom
Liked by generations
Loved his potrayals
Won an oscar for True Grit
Top ten lists his name will fit

Gary Cooper Superstar
Do Gooder Chivalrous hero
Testament for fame proved
No actor has been loved more
A very strong fan base his core
Conscience of America
Always played characters
Only with positive shades
Very carefully built image
Lasted for many decades
Sargent York and High Noon
Brought 2 Oscars home

Clark Gable The King
Box office No 1 Towering over everyone
Sold out cinema halls across cultures and countries
His popularity limitless knew no boundaries
Gone With the Wind
His name cast permanently
Till time ends
First Film to win the top 5 Oscar's
It Happened One Night was one of his Starrers
Great career from the Silent movies
Ended after 4 decades with The Misfits

Cary Grant Everyone wants to be
So do I replied he
Style Suave Smooth
The way he naturally moved
Dialogues delivered at a speed
That was relished and tried to be copied
Ideal for Comedy and Mystery
Drama War and Adventure
Global audience flocked to the theater
4 decade career
Mid Atlantic accent
Made him different

Randolph Scott  Chamber films
Cult star known for his Westerns
Produced his own films
Minimalistic films in its settings
Solid and Taut his films
Unemotive style evolved
Always on the right side of the law
Do gooder chivalrous hero
International Superstar whose films always gave the studios an overflow

Errol Flynn Swashbuckling Flynn at his dashing best
Handsome and action oriented
Costume dramas created his niche
Historical events brought to life
Westerns War and Biographies
All part of his Filmography
Career spanning decades
None dated till today can relate

Humphrey Bogart Film Noir
Acted in bit parts
several years passed
The Petrified Forest gave the break
He still had to wait
John Huston and The Maltese Falcon
Took him to Superstardom
Well deserved and retained
Terrific dialogue Delivery
Moviegoers in a frenzy
Cigarette dangling from his lips
Gun tucked away in his hips
African Queen in 1951
Took the Acting crown his only one

Robert Taylor The man with the perfect features
Starred  Opposite Greta Garbo
Typical Hollywood Hero
Ventured into edgy roles
Westerns War Romance
Met with great success
Costume Dramas like Quo Vadis and Ivanhoe
The fans pleaded for more
Golden Globes named him
World Film Favorite
That's how his fans till this day rate

Spencer Tracy First to win back to back Academy awards
Natural portrayal of characters
One of his  primary acting nuances
Sizzling Chemistry with Katherine Hepburn
9 Super hit movies on the run
A great example of the Actor   & Star combination
One of the greatest Movie Stars of all time Without hesitation

James Stewart everyman's Hollywood man
Drawl in Delivery and High sense of Morality
The main reason for his soaring popularity
7 decade in the movies and a well deserved Oscar
A part of his glorious well defined career
Credited with reviving the Westerns
One of many achievements
108 · Sep 2022
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Criticism is narcissism
So absorbed into ourselves
That any design outside the pattern
That our brain maps
We deem it wrong
A sense of righteousness
High on a pedestal
Looking down at the other mortal
Seemingly unfit to act
Directly in conflict with the facts
Our priorities the best
Hence condemn the rest

Judge jury executioner
The roles everyone plays
Cought in the middle
With no one to plead
The sensibilities behind his deed
His soul is lynched
By the paralysis of our process
Which exclusive is nature
Excludes the doer

Judging the other
Is the crime
to be judged
And judgement passed
That one shall not judge
108 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Theater going experience
Celebrate the  nuance
The cinematic renaissance
Every heart with images tattooed on

The Godfather released again
50 th Anniversary celebration
Watched it for the occasion
Occasion an excuse to watch this cinematic Brandonization

The Acting masterclass
Method acting czar
A supporting cast
His work their acting class

Every frame a meditation
Dialogues cemented for generations
Haunting music causing the reverberation
Cast members giving free acting demonstrations

Always in memory
Revisiting not necessary
Views adding perspective
Revisiting now neccasary

Life altering occurance
From the opening sequence
Karaoke in the movie theatre
Every member a   Brando impersonator

Sold out crowd
Then and now
Only time has passed
Godfather in groundhog day syndrome

A new cinematic universe
Example of  a metaverse
Effects and Computers
Replaced the emotions and the actors

Only hope to liberate
World from its current cinematic  fate
If they fail to save
We will only have anniversaries to celebrate
107 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Be like the bamboo
Gives way to the Storm
Comes back to its position
After the storm is gone

Be flexible in your approach
Rigidity never opened doors
Learn to give in
Its ok if the other man wins

Use the path
Of minimum resistance
Be one with the opponent
Converting his strength as yours

Honestly express yourself
Not being fake or putting up a facade
In thoughts and actions
Let there be no pretense

Be spontaneous and aloof
Practice spontaneous action
Adapt like a shadow
Respond like an echo
107 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
Brother had graduated
With distinction
Easily obtained
Kindergarten Admission

Already done
Started good
At another school
With A thatched roof

Father Rector
Vaguely remember.
English Language Skills
Written and spoken
Was the intention
For a Convent Education

The first school
Just off the ground
Hop skip and jump
From home

Virtue in Difficulty
Motto enforced with authority
Back of beyond
The oven a bear to clean
The school of hard knocks
14 years
Hornets Nest
4 year kid
Put to test

Every year
A cross to bear
Every teacher
A nightmare

Atmosphere Anxious
Psychosis cheek by jowl with
Feel the heat
Skip a beat
Learn it all
Before you are 3 feet tall

Every Monday
Cloud on the Horizon
Better left unsaid
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Hammer and anvil
Thank god it is

Discipline and Education
Was the Motivation
Real or Mask
I'm yet to Unmask

Boys Ranked
Made to feel inferior
Fail a subject
Humiliate Parent  
For kid not being perfect
Boys branded
Humiliation  indidnity
Insult to injury
Nuremberg trials shorter
Silently stand there
Standard Convent fare

Provocative Attire
By the teacher
Didn't make matters better
Students imbibed earlier
Than required by law of nature
Sexuality brazen
Ahead of the curve
Gradation of *******
Affected permanently
Mental stability
View of women
Totally in contradiction
Damaged forever
Lasted till wedlock
Wedlock did not last

No room for sth
Beyond the pale
A square peg in a round hole
Puritanism produced swivel eyed zealots
Pursued their mania with little sense of proportion

Higher classes
No better
Tight leash
Grip never eased
Termination threatened
Repeat a year warned

Having to endure
Performance preasure
Nervous breakdown
Not uncommon
Common in classes
Standard 10 and Twelwe
Every day a living hell

Spare the rod
Spoil the child
Idiom for conduct
In this school invented

Untidy Attire
Consequences dire
Late to school
Flatten your soul
Talk in class
Break you like glass
Tarnished shoe
Wrist turns blue
Study material
Not in order
No escaping the clobber
Time at Alcatraz
A Concert of Jazz
Holidays a parole
Graduation day
Jackrabbit Parole
Diesel ride
No more required

Fourteen years
Buck Rogers time
Rigorous Relentless
Souls broken
With precision

Served *** Beef
At the Cuckoos Nest
Doing the Dutch
Break Fluids
Considered once
Watch the wind or
Bark at the Moon
World weary
Experience equals
That of a
Vietnam Vet
Faced many a bullet
But we at the convent
Had to endure
Nurse Ratched
107 · Jun 2022
KV Srikanth Jun 2022
The personality traits
Character determines fate
Considered to be not in one's control
An adverse result delivered is fate ' s protocol

Fate can punch a hole
Make one go backwards
Can even determine life's end
Or when not to end

In a battle of wits
Fate versus the Will
Fate always wins
Knows the result gives it the advantage

Fate finds its match
In a honest man
Fate cannot fight truth
Even if fate"s reasons are also true.

Honesty defines character
Being brutally so what ever the matter
Destiny cannot weave it's magic wand
The honest mans honesty already has

A life of ruthless honesty
Weakness the power of destiny
Destiny a brought forward balance sheet
Now needs an additional colomn to fill

Tomorrow s reality depends
On today s honesty
Lacking in it
Your fate writen in it

Outcome not even in thought
Answer when asked
No interpretation required
Yours is the final word

Fears that breed
On the dishonesty
Stop feeding it
Watch it die immediately

An illusion created
Truth will lead to problems
The illusion is the problem.
Truth can never be an illusion
106 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
A sinking ship
The rat makes its trip
First one out of the disaster
An art no one should master

It speaks of character
You have none if you're a ditcher
Liar in every layer
A human being cannot go lower

Snitches get stitches
An adage for ages
Repairing broken bridges
Not an option for these acts of Cowardice

Tattletale another name
Saves his skin in any game
Reveals secrets about the same
Has no self respect or shame

Looks appealing
Playing both sides
Roll of the dice
A matter of time
Before cut to size

Keep away from people
Who play you on the double
Wont blink before letting you scramble
Lifes greatest preamble

Information barter
Seeming benefits to cater
Wanting to be popular
Nature by itself regular
Rewards for being an informer

Caste creed and color
Dont separate man
With life on the line
Those who can
Can of worms not split
Stand apart from the rest

Opposite of loyalty
Anathema to Gratitude
Quality to loathe
Take an oath

Keeping the secret
Builds character
Friend turned foe
Tests your role

Never buy you future
With secrets to offer
Closets in your cupboard
Wont take long to rebound
106 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Went to a tea shop
Mother admitted in a hospital
Femur bone fracture
Both next to each other

Studied in a college
Down this lane
Visited the same shop but
Dreams weren't the same

A boy in his teens
Wanting to achieve very high
No idea otherwise
If only i had been wise

Talking for hours
Friends on bikes
Leaning on them
Future the conversation

Twenty years thereafter
Many a zig zag turns later
Worked for a Television company
Surrounding similar Dreams changed

Outside the shop
Talking with friends on bikes
Shop the same
Bike and friends changed

Last stop i thought
The place to work for
Dreamt of a future
Yet to mature

Another twenty hence
Down the same lane
Entirely different reason
Outside the same shop same reason

Down the lane
College Work and Hospital lay
Down life's lane
Seems to be the same lane

Reflection has an advantage
There is no scope for disappointment
Looking back at the dreams
The place says where i have been

Dare i dream again
In my sleep not in my hands
Dreaming of an event happening
Voluntarily I wouldn't dream

Lane travelled the same
Distance covered miles and miles
Back to the lane took 20 years
Returning took another 20

Times have changed
This too shall pass
Heard it then
Say it now

Next trip here
I'm not sure
Sure I'm not sure
Greatest lesson learnt in all these years

Everything looks different
Unrecognisable the streets and buildings
Barely a soul in sight
All sold today for a price
105 · Apr 2023
KV Srikanth Apr 2023
Darkness engulfs vision
Music we appreciate
Form it doesn't have
Destiny ends in the grave
Justice a treasure
Not to be unearthed
Covered with mud
Will show up
Leaving its place open
To fill it with those
Whom Injustice seek
Manipulation and lies
Always loose the fight
Even without an opponent
Desire the fuel
Never lasts the distance
Always ahead in the race
Finishing line in place
Increasing the pace
Never crossed the line
Always end up loosing
Running out of time
Calling card is Slime
Which doesn't trust itself
Time to call Gin
Truth unfolds the cards
Winner take all
Better luck next time
Till end of time
105 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Empty your Cup
Free of thoughts past
Choiceless awareness
Non judgmental in the present
Be flexible
Fixated and Opinionated is easily breakable
There is no opponent
Self knowledge clears the confusion
Not tense but ready
Complete focus on the fray
Not thinking not Dreaming
Outcome not in the Reckoning
Keep Practicing
Integrity on doing
One with the opponent
Fluidity in motion
Dont think feel
Heartfelt effort on the deed
Express yourself
Truth from within not suppressed
Have no technique
Learn practice forget
Self Actualization
Knowledge of self without imitation
Self Image Actualization
Projection a false sense of who we are without inhibition
Be Water
Be soft and you cant be hurt
No way as way
Using all methods available
Having no limitations as limitations
Get past barriers and projections
Egoless equations
105 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
Ignorance is innocence.
Learning is a Virtue.
One who bridges this gap,
Is the Guru.
Teacher the most revered word in the dictionary.
Shares knowledge,
An act divine.
Enlightens the mind.
Discipline Ethics Integrity
He initiates.
Lasts us a lifetime
Readies us for the future
Indebted we are forever.
Expresses no fear or favour.
Exactly like the law of Nature.
Judges our progress.
Merit is lauded.
Faults are Criticized.
Goal being Growth.
Ready to solve.
Until we evolve.
Parts Wisdom.
Shows Direction.
Guides with a firm hand.
Travels along till we Stand.
Aspiration Ambition a never ending list.
Guide you he will
Self doubt he mitigates
Confidence he enthuses
Impudence he amends
Trial by fire.
A teacher never tires.
Mock misbehave  the master.
Hero amongst peers.
Regret comes later.
When things no more matter.
Missed your chance to
Rest of your life stagnate.
Class clown will drown
Cheat sheet will grieve
Rebel will stumble
Malicious will languish
The teacher shows up ,
When the Student is ready.
Often taken for granted
His influence cannot be measured.
In the old adage he is ranked before God
Even went on his knees ,when a lesson thought.
Set an example for,
Reverence required, regarding protocol.
Limitless but aware of limitations
Nothing more to offer.
Gives way for another.
Nobility is such
Altruistic apostle acts,
As almighty s attorney.
Assiduously ,anticipating
Aught as Annuity and Awards
105 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Life playing out
Like an Hitchcock film
Master of suspense
The audience know
But the characters don't
Like a character from his film
Giving importance to a macgugffin
Triggered events
But no more important
Unable to differentiate
Between the macgugffin and the real detail
Causing all the suspense
Making life intense
The protagonist figures out half way
I haven't yet done so
How deep am i
Only the director is aware
Hitchcock once said
The film is almost complete
I just have to shoot it
Showed his preparedness
Who is directing my life
Hadn't shown a script in my sight
Even filming it a suspense
Like solving a riddle
Don't know what the puzzle is
Keeps varying day to day
What is the game and how should I play
Hoping to get an indication
To know the destination
Where life is heading
****** can be now
Or decades away
Hopefully not chasing shadows
In a blind  alley along the way
Wonder if it is
A case of mistaken identity
Are we the intended target
Or assumed for some one else
The plot thickens
As the ****** nears
Is the ****** near
I still have a lot to figure
Do i have to figure
I'm not sure
Like Hitchcock does
In his films
Playing a cameo
Who dons the cameo
Directing everything seen in the screen
Did i miss him
Too caught up in my daily rhythm
Have to wait till the end
Pieces fall together
Everything that pretends
Masks removed and identity revealed
How many masks am i wearing
Hitchcock never made a sequel
Can be sure
It all ends here
That gives a breather
The suspense is too long
Enjoying as a viewer
But struggling as a performer
Have only one wish
A magic lamp if you wish
If Bernard Hermann
Is writing the Soundtrack
I would love to hear it
Before i come back
Eager to know
What he would have composed
The background score
Makes it more memorable
Copyright to the music
I share with all
Not because I'm large hearted
But i know the score will make me immortal
105 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
This injury not
Worth your worry
None had the power
To take your beauty away
On the outside and inside
You shine like a star filled sky
You radiate charm
Lucky is the injury
Can borrow your elegance
Large hearted to share it
Makes you more attractive
Made fun of by others
Does not matter
Throwing stones at the Sun
Doesn't reduce its radiance
Others making fun of your
Shows their lacking in confidence
Do not waste thoughts
On people without a heart
Do not worry Be happy
You are the definition of beauty
Unable to handle it
They seek humor in your agony
Even in agony none is a patch
To lessen your appeal
Go to class
And give it Class
105 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Open your eyes
What you see is a dream
So unreal in its existence
Deserves appropriate importance

All our troubles
Giving reality to the unreal
A form to the illusion
Knowing only way out of this delusion

Like watching a movie
Screen projecting images
Narrating a tale
With all the human emotions in place

The dark side of the hall
Which Seats us all
Watching with sheer awe
One with the story

Loosing our identity
To the characters on the film
Take it into the subconscious
Becomes part of our living

All the while aware
The irony of a Cinema
A  figment of imagination
Takes over an entire Theaters consciousness

Fantasy is narrated
Reality is the audience
Told before hand
Still both together blend

Will o the wisp that movies project
Motion pictures as companions
Seeker who knows life
Aware of the amnesic  sight

Aware of the confibulations
Filling our reality with the reel
Could turn out be a Spectre
Also fake in nature

The rainbow lines
Make it clear
It is not real
Human indulgence blurring the effect

Like a hall of mirrors
We are reflected in to the other
As far as the eyes can see
Only images to perceive

The seen is fiction
The seer is non existent
The Cinema a Dream
Awake or Asleep the dream continues its theme
104 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Bottles of Alcohol
Hidden in the house
Beds Cupboards and toilets
Empty spaces becoming crates

Full empty or half filled
Not the optimist pessimist parable
Binge drinking continuous shows
Film without ****** on the roll

State of Alcoholic Coma
After week's of drama
Acts and deeds done
Three sheets to the wind

The abode of evil
Not with the devil
John Barleycorn straight up
Wrong horse galloping downhill

Clock on the wall stopped
Without food for days
Wallets credit limit reached
Beg borrow or steal for the refill

Wake drink sleep repeat
Fight Abuse Beat repeat
Fall injure Bleed repeat
Blackout Blackout Blackout repeat

Respect Esteem sailed away
On the waves of the drinks gulped away
Empty bottles floating along
Reminding  that in society no more belong

Myraid of Mirages
Illusions fuelled hallucinations
Duelling with  brain
Telling you reality is not the same

Delusion creates the fear
Interval between clarity
Yearning for normalcy
Sequential dreams more scary
104 · Feb 2021
KV Srikanth Feb 2021
Name remembered
Face recognized
Act Immitated
Fact Ignored

Entry for education
Deer in a birds Nest
Education opens doors
Institutions closes them

Knowledge imbibed
Growth and Maturity attained
Rest of life
Act as Security

Diverse Subjects Curriculum
Analytical Ability
Must for higher study
Lack of it
Remains a liability

Memorise pages
By the Hundreds
Different subjects
Not connected
To each other
Memory lacking
Future lagging

Exams or Tests
End of your Wits
Valued on Written
Excuses none taken

Prejudice of teacher
Grades gotten lower
Reputation at Stake
Tomorrow Vague

Salt to injury
Marked and Valued
Skill to Study
Graded according to Grade
Already decided your Fate

Einstein said famously
Dont ask a fish to climb a tree
Cool as a WhatsApp forwards
Quotes meant for Cowards

Percentage and Percentile
Dont make it past the cut
Branded Imbecile
Worthiness and Estimation
All depends on an Examination

Purpose of seeking
Worthy for every being
Bring in Grading
Destroy life and its meaning

Order of Merit
Brings Credit to names
Who appear
In the Order of Merit

Discrimination on Color
Race Caste
Non Bailable Act of Crimes
Discrimination on Grasp Memory Analytical Ability
Practiced even in Todays Times

Scarred at infancy
Not in the list of Merit
Brings along discredit
Follows like Shadow
Always questions
What brings in the MorrowRate this poem:(0.00 / 0 votes)
103 · Sep 2022
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
Born as a Male
So i was told
Educated later about gender
Aware of only 2
Later a third in Transgender
My growing up years
Was kept as simple
Difference between the two
Adolescence brought to my notice
Even AIDS was made aware
When i was already sixteen
Different reasons given
On how it spread
Theories and understanding
And the lack of it
Made it very confusing
I am able to understand
But unable to share
The emotional reactions
To bring gender fluid
It is a new word
Let alone a concept or a fact
I respect those
Who describe themselves as such
Inspite of my learning and hearing
About this daily
I have no confusion
That i am what i was born as
Will remain the same
Not a conviction
Because there is no doubt
In the first place
For me to fight it
I don't think any gender
Is more superior than the other
All are equal and only
Missing word in the equation
Is respect alone
Enjoy being a male
Don't envy the others
Fluidity being new
I know that equality
Is what they expect
Not as a gift but as a right
The right thing to do
Is to do it right
103 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Learned man in quest
Met a Master with a request
Realization and Delusion
Games played by the mind
Giving and Recieving are figments of our thinking
Truth is Emptiness and Nothingness
Master listened with interest
Took out a Bamboo stick
Struck hard with intent
Man got up with rage
Calmly replied the stage
If nothing is the source
When met with force
From where did spring your anger and remorse

A great master
Teaching his disciples
Jealous of his fame
From afar a man came
Challenged him to a debate
Started off with haste
The Buddha's power
Could stand with a brush
On one side of the river
On the other bank the paper
He could still paint a picture
What is your power ?
Master quipped the only power I possess
I drink when I'm thirsty
I eat when I'm hungry

Keen on acquiring the skills
To be a great Martial Artist
A student asked the teacher
How long will it take to completely master
Ten years was the answer
Written on a paper
I want it earlier
I'm willing work harder
Now what's your answer
20 years he wrote on the paper

Flag fluttering in the blowing wind
2 observing men questioned
Wind is moving said one Its the Flag said the other
Walked by a Zen Master
Neither are moving and it doesn't matter
It's your mind that's moving causing the flutter
103 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Honesty should precede
Not an afterthought
In line with fact and reality
Accurate And Actual

Truth has no intent
Does not require a thought process
A simple direct narration of facts
Happened as it were

Lying is one step away from the truth
It is intentional expression requiring thought process
To create deception

Hides behind words and situations
Created and simulated
To appear like the truth
Probity wears a mask called trickery

Truth does not bear a price
Comes free unlimited
False has a tag
There is no buyback

The price one pays
Integrity lost for life
Every utterance doubted
No point living life

Dishonesty is valued
Beats the balance
Weighted against any
Gullible trade it for harmony

Recalling requires memory
With veracity not neccasary
Made up for convience
Puzzle to Solve in the present

Labryinth a loop
Entrance free and easy way out
Entrance now disappeared
Exit served as the entrance

Lies leads to secrets
Outside and within the self
More secrets to guard
Living  a life with self deception

Honesty flows endlessly
Fiction has a ******
Unpleasant ending defined
Downhill trip an anticlimax

Choice was offered
Greatest gift to be celebrated
Right or Wrong
Postman delivers where you belong

Truth travels with Courage
To face the troubles that truth brings
Lie had Cowardice for a friend
Encourages you to run till the end

Speak the truth
One dimensional life
Speak the untrue
Multidimensional to endure
Those who believe their lies
No words can describe

Lie a Nuclear weapon
Kills relationships for every sesson
Later trying to reason
Reason requires truth unfortunate equation

Death of lies
Only bereavement to be celebrated
Unmasking the self deception masks
A new date of birth to be marked

Fear and outcome
Causing the verbal zig zag
Fear grows manifold
Outcome's doors close
103 · Oct 2022
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Order is disorder
To make complete
That i feel is empty
The steps I take
In order to make
Like life is at stake
Am making a mistake
Urge to act
To keep up the act
Started of as I read
Sports icons have it in them
Slow poison it was
I did not know then
The list is infinity
That I'm counting it daily
To live my life well
Life has already passed by
I'm still ticking the boxes
Right from which sox do i wear first
The side of the bed
Have to get up
Is already decided
Starts from there
Brush shave and shower
The exact timings noted
Which hand holds the razor
Not that I'm ambidextrous
But if i do it
With the wrong hand
Rest of the day in stress
Ironed clothes on the bed
Matched acording to the day
Of the week suggests
Colognes in alphabetical order
Odour not the problem
Disorder very clear
Same route to work
Roads under repair
In total despair
Unable to move forward
The power of the brake
My mind applies
Beats any car manufacturers desire
Trying to break it
Murphy's law applies itself
I try to beat the law
Murphy's law paradox
Makes its call
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Intrusive internal quarrel
Beats liquor as an actor
Masquerading as your best friend
Giving you a high
But in reality a depressant
Two sides of the rope
Pulled in opposite directions
First it registered that
I was on both teams
Only to finally Cotton on to
To the fact
That i was the Rope too
103 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Left us behind
Or did we decide to stay back
Why do we miss the dead
If they missed us too
Why would they depart
Sure enough that we will join them
Only the years are apart
As common as sunshine or
The glow of the moon
But death stands apart
As an unfair event
Occured to us all
Who is the judge
To judge God
For making ones depart
What is his right to exercise his might
That we give the Hangman too
Treating God as the Messenger
And decide not to shoot
Powerless our presence
Afraid to take him on
Aware that the result won't vary
If your hostile to him
When being devoted too doesn't make a difference
A shoulder to cry
When all is lost
He took it away
Never gave you a day
Always has his way
Stay till one day he takes you too away
Did not end the play
Ended  a character
Already in his Screenplay
Recurring we put a veil
Over our desires
Which never prevail
Some even had uncredited parts
The writer signalled to us all
Repeated viewing neccasary
To understand his plot
Still don't get it all
Yor days not too far off
First hand lesson on the cards
103 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Child actor in the movies
Something I never got to be
Number of   films 20
Happy that I could just see
Part of gang wars
Get beaten till the body hit the floor
Was too timid that I looked for the door
Learning Martial Arts to counter the attacker
Was not even an option for me to consider

Learnt  Foshan Wing Chun
I was keen on only having fun
With an aim to master
Something I never could gather
From IP Man the grandmaster
Didn't know of him till the 4 part movie released 4 decades later
Studied with integrity and hours didn't matter
Lacked the discipline life was in tatters

Enrolled to study philosophy
I lacked the basic curiosity
Started teaching his art
I didn't know anything to impart
Fell in love and married
I got married and divoced

Worked as a stuntman
Farthest from that I remained
Acting in television and doing karate exhibitions
Couple of things in life I never came in contact

Back to Hong Kong
To revive a film career gone wrong
I didn't know right from wrong
Was just floating along
Became a global icon
I'm still figuring out mobile phone icons

Born a seeker
Created his own method
Fighting and realising
Looking for a mentor
I was a day dreamer

Martial Artist Actor Philosopher
Stunt Coordinator Director Writer
Producer Teacher and Father
I am none of the above
Except that am his keen follower

Died at 32
In the hearts forever
5 th most enduringly popular of all time
Nothing more to conquer
I am 52 and alive
I'm the 4th most popular in a house
Where there are 5
Still trying to get that drive
Following nade me feel
Its ok just to be

Jeet Kune do s founder and master
Jeet Kune do s follower and learner
I am not Bruce Lee
But am trying to be
103 · Mar 2021
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
First day First show
3 pm the time
Leading men
3 of them
Name above the title
Only one familiar a little

Hero of the picture
No clue for me or any other
Seats empty
Who is he ?

Chaos and confusion
Prevailed in fusion
Only one question
Exit the theater or
Enter the Dragon

Dad did the Math
His brain and heart
Contradict each
Heart wants to view
Brain wants to skip
Went with his heart

All set to enter
The hall of the theater
Doorman time bang on
Trickled in one by one

Time till screen parted
Next seat guys ranted
The audience sat clueless
Fearful of the content
Open mind not the intent

My father took a call
That we all exit the cinema hall
We give the film 10 minutes in all
To judge if it has the wearwithall

Screen parted
Scene started
Warner brothers logo
Proved the film was from a big studio

Shot of Shaolin
The film begins
Frames pass by
Time in a freeze

A hero never before seen
Speed of lightning
What was happening
Intellect interpreting vision
Next scene already begun

Empty seats stare
Surround sound roars
Dragon tunes never
Heard before

Father in a state of shock
From Silent era had seen it all
World weary in movie history
After this show
No more empty gallery

All the words
In his vocabulary
He used to shower Glory
On the quality of the movie

Hyperkinetic film
Unfolding from within
Philosophy and Action
Very rare combination

Martial Arts
Debut of sorts
Battle with Ohara
Blink and miss
Dont blink still miss
200 miles an hour
Fists and kicks
Glued to their seats
Marvelled at the feats

More fights
One better than the other
Brilliant combat
Till end of time
Never to forget

Name of Weapon
Till then no clue
Use of Nunchaku
Suddenly everyone knew

End Credits Rolling
Tears of joy flowing
Right call not to exit
Never again an empty seat

Tricked in Stormed out
Usually it's the other way about
Exit the hall
Straight to the car
Usual norm
Exit the theater
Back to the box office counter
To again view the phenomenon
Enter the Dragon

The film had a run
That did not seem to end
Every viewer stunned
Only to again Return
Father no exception
Most watched film of every generation
Till the same theater released
The Return of the Dragon
102 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Bottle of Gin
Another of Whiskey
Combination deadly
Weak or mighty
Takes you on a dizzy
Neat and Straight
On the Rocks
Drink of the century
Called Ginskey

The keys to kingdom
Fantasy at its Apogee
Opening the minds vault
Add some 70 s rock

Lustrate the Spirit
Pay paradise a visit
Mind on it's own tour
Cleanse your Soul

Take your Swigs
Match it to the Rhythm beats
The Band is on
Waltz along with its song

Sense of time
A matter of time
Time erases time
For a period of time

Only time is the time
Pink Floyd wrote this time
Dark side of the Moon
Creating it's own universe
Magic of its music and verse

Recreating the cocktail
Inside your head playing wonders
Outside hands doing it by the numbers
Body mind coordinated
Only gin and whiskey concentrated

Orchestrated music
Blowing of the record
Grateful Dead again and again
Miracle for ticket denied
Board hanging around the neck
Miracle not when the Dead are hot

Quaffing the dual
Whiskey and gin
Engaged in a duel
Energy and fuel
Seeing things multiple

Hearing sounds
Clearing doubts
Happens on it's own
Heart and Music glued
To the magic of  The Doors Roadhouse blues

Sipping Slurping
For amateurs
Pro time is Straight time
From the Bottle
Making it simple
Running wild
Feeling connected with thinking
Mind and heart
On the background of
Label and label
Full throttle Deep Purple

Exhillarating Experience
*** Valiant
Cowardice pushed out
Locomotive breath jets out
Jethrotull album Aqualung
On population explotion
Imagination straddling with exploration

Combine the Downer
Illusionary upper
Listen to the upper
Never a downer
Hangover only later
Only when time matters
Never gonna be a tomorrow
Goodbye to all sorrows
Cest la Vie sang Lake
Emerson Lake Palmer

Half Seas Over
Mirage of Dinner
Reality for the Dreamer
Drunken Dreamer
Profound philosopher
Path leading away
Stairway to Heaven
Song of the Century
With Led Zeppelin

Symposium in session
Music Whiskey Gin
In coordination
Fluctuation  Freezed
Focussed orientation
Clapton  Cream  tear the air's
Disraeli Gears plays say goodbye  to despair

Katzenjammer awaiting the arrival
Amethyst not rivaled
on the Greeks prevailed
Forever in this trip
No need for a catalyst
To counter music and the bottle
Magic results caused by magic
On a bus of Magic
The Who playing
Its last tune

Woven into a lullaby
Back after reaching the skies
Eyes stop to wander
Implosive musical wonder
Experience Nuclear
Which ever way the word
You want to decipher

Good night
Old cowboy
Saddled against the wind
All along life
Saddle with the wind
Music Gin Whiskey
Providing company
Till life and its key
Cant restart the ticking
102 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
High up there
Out of sight
Out of reach
How did they get there
Want to analyse threadbare
No magic trick
Or Sleight of hand
Still don't get the big picture
Ask the question where
Did they start to dare
To go out there
Wearing their dreams on their sleeve
Not afraid to loose
Starting all over again
Time and again
Enjoying the day
Even if it didn't go their way
Ready for another day
Not to repeat the same mistake
Respected the game
Thought to them
By the coach
Who's every word
Was taken as wisdom
Never in doubt
Of the coach' s clout
To make them win
If not today
One day later
Respect for opponent
His skill and effort
Every drop of his sweat
A piece of advice
His coach no less
Does the same
Finds your weakness
How you could be beaten
What other lesson
Can be taught
Than to have  a list
To have you at a loss
Teaching you to win
Teaching you to loose
Combine both to groove
A step up the ladder
Right on time
Not too soon
Not too late
Now in sight
How the winner
Wrote his fate
Time to erase
To keep a clean slate
Unlearn the learnt
Cup empty to be filled
Process paves the way
Endure the pain
Don't count the hours
You spend to play
Start counting after
Your breath you are no more sure
Is two way
102 · Nov 2022
KV Srikanth Nov 2022
The next second is so uniquely unpredictable for everyone
102 · Jun 2022
KV Srikanth Jun 2022
Born not knowing life
Grow up learning
Childhood filled with memories
Teenage was spent confused
Graduated to keep up
With the rat race
Sometimes as wished sometimes followed the wish
Middle age spent with frustration
What never happened seemed most precious
Life teaches many lessons
Attentiveness is the challenge
Observed the rest
Indicates where you stood
50s reached a stage of acceptance
What is is
Nothing can be done about it
Questions about what's left
R coming up
Ignoring them in purpose
Knowing well that the answer is not available even as a choice
Heading towards the 6th decade
Lived life till now
Experienced and more memories in store
Incidents and people
Played a very big role
The path chosen
Or the path chose you
No way to find out
Regret life no point in that exercise
Celebrate life gives validity to living
Lifespan determined not a breath more
Awaiting the last breath
Going to die
Not knowing life
102 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Winning and Loosing
Achieve Abandon
Concepts of delusion
Made by man
For fellow Men
To feel superior and inferior
to each other
At a given task
Or advance paid in Tax
Long roe to *** that life is
Ranked on your ability

Unfair system at play
Every person unique
In birth skill circumstances and opportunities
Overcoming them make best selling Biographies

Mediocrity branded by
The powers that be
Mediocrity in the results
Seems to matter
Branded thus sidelined forever
Chances none whatsoever

Those not passed
The chequered flag
Need not despair
There are great people
Who feel it is  fine
To be below the line

To those who failed
The percentile game
An entire lifetime devoted
To seeing how many are better
Or lower
Ironically amongst each other

Thriving on inequality
Man made and flawed theory
Sending on a spin
Those who live within

The world  order defines
Misfits and loosers
Using disparity as their defence
Issuing Injustice in their judgement

Messiah s are present
To protect these men
By giving them a hand
In an equal shake hand

Fortunately the universe
Not capable of judging those
For by the same rules they laid
They were completely outplayed
The Messiah gives confidence
By the sheer worth of performance
Laid out by the system
Beating the system

Follow the philosophy
That says real mediocrity
Not lying in the results
But in the process
Done diligently
They take over automatically
Fight your cause
Only because they were treated with the same ideology of so called meritocracy

Concepts of man
Like he created time
Success and failure
Time controlled pedestals
Set pattern a man controlled ritual
His greatest conceptual failure
102 · Apr 2023
KV Srikanth Apr 2023
When you hate
You have lost
Greatest form of giving
Lies in forgiving
Home is where
Your heart is
Living in the now
Is being in meditation
A silent mind
Is also deaf
Walk slow Talk slow
Don't say much
Rarely smile and never laugh
Respect is in search of one
Who does and lives thus
If not getting yet
Any other benefit
Is only a curse
Not worth a life
Faith is unknown
Having on the unknown
Hoping for the unknown
To deliver in our favour
Favour or not also
Is an unknown
101 · May 2022
KV Srikanth May 2022
Bitterness never helped growth
Bitter to the other is better
Than to the self
It builds a pedastal
For the ego to reside
Putting reasoning aside
Seeing no change
For the embittered rage
Wears the cloak
Of Self pity to boast
I am the victim
I deserve more
Death sounding death knell
Of any kind of progress
Stagnation a boon
Spiralling down at a speed
Light finishes second in the heats
Hell on earth
Dish served cold
The battered ego
With no place to go
101 · Sep 2022
KV Srikanth Sep 2022
The life of Bruce Lee
That daily inspires me
Gives me a purpose
His philosophy Jeet Kune do
Teaches me to reach but
Does not preach

Serves as a Doctor
When I'm hurt and wounded
Deep in my Soul
Whatever the reason
Born a human
I don't need one

Coach and enabler
Let's me find my answer
Enabling my search
By adding wisdom
Which he imparts so well

Dons other roles
The tales he told
By his acting roles
Gives me pleasure
Watching him enact
Movement in stillness
Speed faster than
My eyelids closing
Making me wonder
Was he human

A friend he is
When he says
Its alright to loose
Offering the greatest gift
A friend can part with
The Will to face
Humanity's self created race
Where i too chase
Dreams that are dear
Far or near

Simple quotes for living
To keep the days going
Has said so many
Makes the living easy

His life was his message
Lived by  the words
Answers he got
In his search
Shares them with all
Everyone gets the feeling
He wrote it all
With me in his thoughts
He addressed me directly
Like he does millions independently

Life an inspiration
His fight to cross
Every block that was tossed
To put him at a loss
Walked the talk
Never doubted his skill
Used his own philosophy
When he went for the ****

Making the impossible
Into a reality
Workaholic in days
Replaced the hours
Days on end
On the film set
Till he fainted
Literally in his fight
To paint his life's canvas
Small budget films
Made in Cantonese
  Restricted in budgets
Second take a leisure
Never enjoyed the pleasure
Had to still deliver
With all its restrictions
The 5 movies he acted
As an adult
Did not just
Become box office hits
But part of cultural history
In everybody's conscious memory
Simple and direct
Easy to follow
Work ethic laid before
Sweat the secret
Of success galore

Greatest role for humanity
The god of anti bully
As a savagely bullied kid
Continuing till i was an adult
Stopped the second
I started studying him every second
Standing tall by my side
The bullies know what
They will get

No sacrifice big enough
Immortality bestowed upon
A  light shining
Twice as bright
Lives half the life

Thank you Bruce
Teacher Guide and friend
Advisor father and protector
Eternally popular figure
Died at 32
Lives amongst us in 2022
Only to guide you
By being with you
101 · Nov 2022
KV Srikanth Nov 2022
We deceive ourselves even though we apply our own make up
101 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Fans of Bruce Lee
Think they are he
Fascinated by the Speed
He is God in every deed

Fight sequences
In short frequencies
Fans in a frenzy
Cast in a spell and dizzy

Hand to hand combat
Gave action genre
A new format
Bruce in a battle
Fans minds still rattle

At his very sight
Fans go Ballistic
Nunchaku RPM
Devotees create mayhem

Talented actor for every genre
Childhood roles the cause of the honor
Full house laughing
At his incredible Comic timing

Dramatic scenes upto task
More of it audience ask
Delivery and histrionic ability
Showcased overall capability

Cat sounds during action
Fanatics made it a fashion
Vampire quality tasting blood
Every Movie house public flood

Writer Director Producer & Choreographer
Roles performed other than that of an Actor
Roles performed as an Actor
Charisma a major factor

Re released in any country
Regularly since last century
Berserk when seen on screen
Made his Stardom evergreen

There will never be
Another Bruce Lee
Inspiration for fans to see
Black market seller
His fortune not foretold
By any fortune teller

****** of his film
Like life's broken rhythm
Started after interval
For Movie buffs a carnival
Screen filled with fight fest
Kept up the fans zest

Box otffice record broken
So his art his expression
Another record for repeat audience
Since have not seen anyone

Mannerism a Euphemism
Stance like breaking
Into a dance
Shirtless fashion icon
Saratorial oxymoron

With Bruce a devotion
With total emotion
Every style copied
Even after 50 years fancied

Loosing him early
Cost us all dearly
Total of 5 films
Proof that there is no limit

Pioneer of anti bully
Captured imagination fully
Can do it in reality
Cause of enduring popularity

Akin to property
Passed along the family tree
Father to son to the next one
Enduring fame second to none

Theme about a bully
Backed by a philosophy
Earned on screen immortality
Name etched for eternity

Appeal to all
Impossible the odds
Cartoon to a kid
Action film when he is older
Philosophy to the philosopher
Universal message to every viewer

Undivided society dreamer
Caste creed or gender
Rich Poor or neither
Religion taste or further
Can be found in a theater
Playing a Bruce Lee picture
100 · Jan 2021
KV Srikanth Jan 2021
Borg and Connors
Fire and Ice
Scandinavian kid
Mid Western  boy
Opposites in Personalities
Opponents in the Game
Playing hands a mirror image
Similar in goal
Immortality in Glory
Each standing in anothers path.
Inherited a Club Sport
One hundred years old
Turned tides in a decade
To bequeath an International One
Compounding of fans
Beats the Market index
If were a stock
Buffett would have Invested
Soros Traded Long
Return on Investment
Calculator would show an Error
It would require a Computer
Stadiums to Capacity
Individual sport
Never seen before
Television rating
Team sports behind
Brands Endorsed
Sales Skyrocketed
Whoever called it a Sport
Every Stadium became a Colosseum
Dont have to go to Rome
Fight till death
Punishing the ball
Revving the Spectators
Players they weren't
Armed with racquets
Complex to the Gladiators.
Clay Grass Turf Cement
Surfaces changed
Battles continued
Tenacity Endurance hit peak
Week after Week
Sun Tzu proved wrong
Winner not won before battle
Fortunes Changing by the point
Art of War put to shame
Fila and Donnay hand in hand
Double ****** Backhand
Long hair with headband
Sporting a Stubble
Magic wrist
Nerves Iced
Looked like Christ
Clay or Grass
Every fortnight in May & June
Five years in a row
Trophies in Stockholm
A feat to reckon
US Open a jinx
Trophy not in the mix
Even Achilles had his heel
Borg his at the Big Apple
66 titles and 11 slams
All at 26
Nothing more to conquer
Cried Alexander
Dropped the Sport
Void felt forever
Opponents missed him
Raised their game
Without him field was tame
Even losing to him gave players Worldwide fame.
Raised by women
To Conquer men
Jimbo trained by Gloria
Player of repute
Backyards turned into courts
Clocks stopped
No ration on duration
Handed over to the great Pancho
Mentored Him Sport and Growth
Jimbo blind to creation
Trophy only in vision
Arrows cannot miss
Clay Turf or Grass
US open belonged to Connors
3 Slams in seventy four
No 1 5 years in a  row
Wilson Steel T 2000 and Slazenger in tow
Cover of Time
A matter of time
Roland Garros dream stopped
Not Tennis but Politics played it's part
Knees  weaken
Spirits shaken
Confidence beaten
Status of Opponent
After a match against the Champion
Played 5 generations of legends and aspirants
Well into his 40s
Beating them all
Young and old
Three decades
One end was the same
Other side changed
Never out of top 10
Entire career
Weekly ranking released
Jimbos inclusion automatic
Collected 109 titles
A record standing still
Darling of the Crowds
Loved by all worldwide
Ended his career in Vegas by Winning battle of the Sexes.
Greatest player of the Century
Both shared second
First among equals
Equals among Legends
The Above a true story
There cannot be a sequel
BC happened in AD
100 · Jul 2021
KV Srikanth Jul 2021
A man carrying his past
Bequeathing he cannot
Chaos in his brain
Dead he rather be
Earnestly repenting for his acts
Facts remain facts
God s feet his abode
Heavens cant cleanse his soul
i the ego stands in his way
Jumbled up emotions block the gate
Knows no other way
Lessening his burden his only goal
Mirage of illusions blocking his path
Never ending battle on the cards
Optimism decreasing by the hour
Paving way for more despair
Quality of life deeply affected
Ramblings of the mind ever increasing
Souls purity questioned
Traveller without a destination
Unable to break the shackles
****** induced sleep
Way to get some peace
Xany days left far behind
Yearning to go back in time
Zenith to Nadir a free ride
100 · Oct 2022
KV Srikanth Oct 2022
Thoughts Feelings and Soul searching
Cannot be seen felt or heard
Ironically form the triangle
For internal enquiry and external therapy
Behaviour and Personality
Constructed by these three
Asked to get them healed
Where do we find them to deal
Is it why it is called the search
If it is in us why all the research
The games they play
Wonder where they stay
Organisms covered in medical study
Can be studied  for further recovery
Illusory participants take away
Most of our time
Understanding the key
Knowledge to be deemed
Spiritual the path
Opens the doors for the invisible three
That's what they deem it to be
I'm still searching
Something that is not there
To be pointed at
But makes its point everytime something is at
Schizophrenic reality but none alone
Probably gives us the relief
A member of the heard
On the lookout for the message
From the messenger whom none have seen
Exploring a phantom hoping to get answers from another
Playing chess with no coins
But the pieces are falling apart
No one to play against
But the moves are made
To match yours
The game never ends
Where is the board
Black and white squares
Warriors on the floor
How do I exit
Where is the door
How did it i enter
Where is the door
100 · Jun 2022
KV Srikanth Jun 2022
Finding a woman attractive
Anything to get her companionship
Going all the way during courtship
Life's only prerogative

Heart longs for her
Start a family with her
Kids included in the planning
Dreaming and dwelling on attaining

Basic lesson forgotten
Mind games performing its function
The real attraction remains
As long as she remains a tough bargain

Attractive to the eyes
Only till she comes beside
Beautiful inside and outside
Only till she is found bedside

This is the truth
Great Poets have written about this
Figure it out with experience
Come to the same conclusion
100 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
The phrase God Willing
A defence mechanism working
A result awaited eagerly
Burden shifted expediently

Roll of the dice
Results never precise
Twice or Thrice same devise
Required result odds provide

Outcome a combination
Of actions and emotions
Gestures derive the values
Logical equations put to use

Need not be that
That is where God sells
Unmeasurable actively engaging
Want God to do the counting

Can't be bribed
Cent be threatened
Pleading to no avail
Writes the verdict to be signed by the judge in  tow

Your tasks not his problem
He already has taken care
You just do the rest
And leave him alone
KV Srikanth May 2021
Game of Tennis
Followed with Passion
Addiction or Abstenance
Inborn ingredient
Still a teenager
Unaware to decipher
****** into the genre
Of Obsessive Compulsive disorder

Borg and Connors
Superstars of the Sport
Fans of both
Supported them at the very core
Great Personalities with individuality
Each at the other end
Of the behavioral spectrum

Transformed the game
Purely on the popularity of their name
Remained a club Sport
Transformed into arenas
And increased the antenna
Game and person
Seen in unison
Dichotomy in reason
For fans not evident

Endorsements made them Ubiquitous
Every Magazine with their commercials synonymous
Personal life now on the front pages
Looking back today that hasn't one bit dated
Insights into their lives
Provided in detail
Imitation best form of flattery
Their OCD taken very seriously
They considered it reason for their Victory
Works for them will work for me naturally
Every detail loud and clear
Had both their approval
Fans in their minds clear
Anything copied makes you feel near

Borg had his list
So did Connors
Followed the list
In the beginning for fun
Didn't know that the foundation of a disorder had begun
Practicing in the same court
Wearing the same t shirt
Booking the same flight
Sitting on the same seat
Racquet pressure strung together
Lined up in a particular order
Picked from sheer obsessive behavior
Not shaving during the tournament
Hours of sleep determined
Time for a shower
No change to occur
Falling on his knees
Looking up at the sky
Thanking the almighty
with a sigh
Many more to list
I'll write another

Bounces before serving
Connors list beginning
Counting then till felt right
Umpire had to force with all his might
No of racquets no change
Hitting the strings before the game
Route taken from hotel ti stadium always the same
If even one of the above were to change
Willing to even forfeit the game
Shoe laces tied in a particular order
Order of things in the bag did matter
Pointing the racquet after a point
Fist pumping his signature
Was another measure of disorder
Many More to list
I'll write another

Followed these first with ease
Easiest trait to copy
But things turn ugly
Stuck with the OCD sans the trophies
In the Coaching business
Took gigantic proportions
Things to do before a tournament
Took longer than the actual event
Disease by defenition spreading
Personal life no more an exception
Already existing due to all the fan worshipping
Made worse by taking up the profession of training

Same route to work
Even socks chosen has a method
Time of departure never to endanger
List of things done in the same order
Even and Odd counting
Depends on the activity engaged in
Many more to list
I'll write another

Camel in the tent
Mind becoming hell bent
Following the list top priority
Everything else including thinking a rarity
Driving in top gear
Major issues in the rear
Only this matters
100 · Jun 2021
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Honesty and oneness to an act
When is it considered to be in lack
Quality of work given a back seat or
Some one better at it completing it

Your best output can only be the best you can
Duplicating more successful personality is trash can
Better than you were yesterday
Measure of progress in the best way

A personality to follow
Guided by his principles and dedication
A guideline for action towards the destination
If unable to replicate the action
No harm in changing the traction

Trying to be limitless
Is easier said
Harness the thought process
Progress will lead to more progress

Unable to overcome limitations
By itself not a limitations
Work within your  limitations
End result will be beyond your limitations

Mathematically doesn't add up
The unknown factor comes up
The known and unknown sums up
Tye rewards your vibration throws up

Work till you become
One with the work
Work and you inseparable
Work is you and you are work

This done with your skill
Only your boundaries of skill
Knowledge added to the skill
Intelligence and experience adding to the skill

Comparison of ability
To judge its efficiency
Exposes despondency
Filled with inferiority

Requesting others to do your job
Hiding under a person or a pretext while executing your job
Running away being overwhelmed by the nature of the job
Afraid of humiliation and rejection on completion of the job

Cut past to the chase
Come face to face
It can be only your face
Face it eyeballing at the other faces

Nothing to take responsibility
You've done your best already
You did not do someone else's best the accusation
You can only be your integration
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