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51 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
What goes comes around
Back at you
Time can't tell
Careful what you sell
Will get sold to you as well
The price being the lesson
That comes along with
Buyer and seller may vary
Price already decided
By your act
Remains constant
Will get delivered or taken away
Great alarm bell
Inside your memory cell
Infusing in a step by step process
Never delayed never denied
Never lapsed never pardoned
Delivered intact for maximum impact
When and where being beware
Prayer with fanfare can't save you from the electric chair
Still get your share
Fair and square
Connoisseur of serendipity
Flag bearer for destiny
For attempting a Mutiny
Against nature's fortuity
The way the ball bounced
Or the cookie crumbles
Handwritten on the wall
Or the foretell the stars
You reap what you sow
Sow with a conscience
You don't even need gods benovalence
If you realise that in the the sowing and reaping
He is omnipresent
51 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Have a blessed day
friends wished today
What a better way to start a day
When you have  friends to pray
Blessed am i not
To go to the same institution
To start my education
What comes first is not my erudition
To create a bond with such large hearted persons
Consistent in their affection
Their popularity always attracted attention
Easy going charming and witty
Sports Studies and Cultural Activities came to them naturally
I too grew trying to imbibe many a quality
A friend in need and deed
No better company to be indeed
Miles apart ways of the world
Always in my heart ways of the Soul
51 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
The clothes on the table
Each one carries a fable
Tinkers memories from the cradle
Worn themselves thin like a candle

Associated with events memorable
Tailored  for a family wedding
Gifted by a friend with bonding
From a loved one with longing

Torn and worn
Still part of our wardrobe
Not mere Pieces of cloth
Stitching together all our thoughts

Preserve them forever
Wanting the thoughts to linger
Gateway to an ocean of nostalgia
Our collection of Sartorial memoribillia
51 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
As naked as the day
You were born
Till you travel beyond the veil
Not by chance  but by design

People in our lives
Come Go and stay
Did not make their way
By mistake

There is purpose
With those we interact
Have come to teach us
Rights and wrongs
Show directions of where we belong

Experience results from
Our thoughts and actions
They do not wear any disguise
To mislead us

That is the best
That could have happened
We are unable to fathom
The Balance always kept even

Any other way
Misgiving at play
Feeling the intent
Makes us content

Start time is the right time
Getting up from bed
Eyelids closing without asking us
Happens when we are ready never early never late always appropriate

Ego battles bruises
Makes thinking crooked
Realise it is for the better
Say a simple thank you prayer

Let go and move on
Ends for good reason
Loss the Mirage pulls a blanket over the enrichment
Required for our refinement

Theory of evolution
Feeling every moment
Live and love like there's no tomorrow
If there's a Tomorrow live and love like there's no tomorrow
50 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Lady in her 80s
Fragile and Alzheimer's
Alone and lonely
Perfect for the hunter

Woman of pride
Kept the joint family in her stride
A personality of her own
Intelligence and character woven

Families became nuclear
Older people s place became unclear
Roles became reversed
Presence a burden

A good chance for revenge
To the cleaners taken
Every past incident retold
Made them regret manifold

Every living second
Hell  will treat better
Plight ignored by every other
Even by regular visitors

Food in restriction
Maybe for a reason
Accused for every development
Assault a regular weapon

Sidelined in a room forever
Every second in fear
Words laced with threat
Or hands used deemed fit

On a daily basis
Slowly developed neurosis
Warden the villain
Wrongly delivered judgement
50 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
Trust gained by integrity
Unifies the bond with friends and family
Should connect internally
Passing time rather watch a movie
Select carefully the company
To keep to satisfy
Your egos needs daily
Rethink the stratergy
If not in sync
Your wasting your time
And the others dime
Misunderstanding just a matter of time
Equal and two way street
Views exchanged as equally
Expression curtailed purposely
Walk on immediately
Character the core
Personality to borne
Taste to match
Conveying hard facts
In times of need
Helping to be freed
A friend in need
Is a friend in deed
Putting up a show
To the world to know
Is of no use in the now
Or in the morrow
Best is to unshackle
Mental independence to tackle
Travel with the rest
Make the best
Spiritual in nature
Friendship not easy
To find a match
Will take years to catch
Quality of commitment
Consistency very important
Everyday leading to step closer
For friendship be a seeker
You'll never be the loser
To share everything
Sorry to glory
The whole spectrum
Syllabus of fellowship
Anything not fitting
Into the frame of fellowship
Not worth the trouble
Burst the bubble
Walk on Walk on
50 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Directions of the mind
Thoughts causing traffic jams
Wandering away from centre
Topics past future and dreams

Extrapolation does the manipulation
Imagination with nothing to give reality
Bumpy road added with speed breakers
Full throttle ends in a misdemeanor

Centred around us or
In a zone totally alien
Accumulated thought process
Does not know where to rest

Opinions Beliefs and Ideas
Dysfunctional in its pedigree
Poisoned by the debris
Exiting albeit only temporarily

Bedlam and chaos
No empty seats
Resembles a mob scene
Deluge  resulting in a stampede
50 · Dec 2021
KV Srikanth Dec 2021
Heat of the night
Cold of the day
Warm lonely afternoons
Under the shades of the tree's
Walking alone none in sight
Empty roads behold the plight
Evening shade makes its way
One  part of the day
The Sun kisses the Sea
Removing its shackles from the stars enjoying freedom
For the next few hours
The moon their friend
Parole officer keeping an eye
None slip away into the roofless sky
Sparkling miles away
At arms length still far away
Illusion or hope
The way you see it
** ** **
49 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
True for the rest
Mind says otherwise
Crazy in the head
Unfairly society says
Mind plays games
Goes with the territory
Thin line between insanity
Not reached there
Consider oneself lucky
Off the bend
Unable to mend
Race car on the highway of delusion
Brakes not working there's no turning
Logically explained like anything else
The Doctors play out this exercise
A speciality in medicine it's become
That's how far close we have come
Reality and illusion blurring
A Dream  while awake
Doesn't seem  to end
Even when asleep
Mind at war with itself
Mental suicide in progress
Ravaged by conflicting thought process
Living with oneself also becomes dual
49 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Eluded me this lifetime
Before during or past my prime
Everything changes with time
Constant this remains is my complaint
Brought forward fear from the earlier birth
During my childhood set forth
Ever present panic looming
Added by my convent schooling
Compounded the  panic
Movie watching with my father the only tonic
Misplaced ideas and goals
Turned my teenage into a drought
Reality elusive as for every dreamer
My dreams were unrealistic even as a dream
Sense of lacking
Permanently prevailing
Addiction filling the vacuum
Another decade made its way past
Leaving behind more indications of doom
Reason and logic
All sounding fantastic
Battle raged heart
World weary thought
Only asset to possess
No place probably left
In heart or thought
To rent or lease if not buy
The only thing elusive in life
Will i find it in my next try
The all pervading oneness
Which brings along with it the elusive Happiness
49 · Apr 2022
KV Srikanth Apr 2022
The day unfolds
Akin to an examination
Experience our preparation
The wrong perception
Using it to handle an unknown
Is like mistaking the shadow for the moon
Unknown awaits us
Distinctive every day the  only known
Awareness the key to unlock
Being Present the best way to answer
Adapting to every incident
Sans an emotional reaction
Look back same time
Which the clock will show again
Hours went by you didn't matter
One step closer
To the seeker
Not elated not scared
Each given its due share
Of attention it deserves
Time will pass or you pass the time
A matter of perception
How real or how false
You know the answers in your heart
49 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Future holds in store
Judicious extension of present  actions
Is it shock or waves
None can say

Is it awaiting
Mapped out the proceedings
Just have to enter its gates
To undergo the experience

Will it transform itself
Acording to the need of the hour
Basing its estimation on its own laws
And deliver judgements on call

No point fearing it
No point embracing it
Embrace the fear
That's more like it

A distance to travel
Between present and future
Once reached it ceases to exist
Again it awaits our arrival if we are on the list

Triggering a new event
Up until now unforseen
It starts its circle
Future includes these hurdles

Existing and not
Shortest duration apart
Eerie that we  know
Its existence and disappearance

It journeys backwards
Becomes the present then the past
Predicting it we use the wrong formula
Only prediction is that there is no formula

Best way to endure
Be in harmony with it
Until it exists ignore it
When it ceases ignore it

It never exists in the present
Therefore the problem does not arise
Like chasing your own shadow
Futile is readying yourself for the morrow
49 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Why were we born?
What purpose do we serve
By our birth ?
We all are soon gone
Nothing is permanent we were told
Now we ourselves know
How does contribute positively work?
Why do we brand the folk?
Each is unique and unaware of this trip
The next stop its going to take
Or is there a stop at all
What is success?
What is failure?
If both are temporary in nature
Accumulated knowledge on a subject
Makes feel worth the while
Someone disinterested in that subject
Doesn't matter what we project
Why do we try?
To get affirmation
From others about our usefulness
Useful to who ?
Useless to who?
Why is being part looked down upon?
Why do we want to stand apart?
Stand apart is to stand alone
Why be alone
Why be special
There is no limit to feeling special
An ambitious mind
In an illusionary world
And the joys and sorrows that follows
Answers find in any philosophy chosen to follow
Ask yourself these questions
Answers lie wherein
Use philosophy to explore
What you know and don't know
If the philosophy doest answer
It is not meant to be learnt
The baggage is not cleared at any boarding gate
Follows you wherever you go mate
No escape no solution to these questions
Till answers found keep asking them
49 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Accomplishments and Achievements
Degrees and Positions
Deemed by the universe
That you are a successful person

These give a sense of satisfaction
For all we need is ego glorification
Time up for redemption
Null and void the reason for existence

Be happy but never satisfied
Perversely fulfilling the converse
Happiness elusive inspite of search
Place to search needs research

Gratitude not a branch of joy
But the very  seed that springs the tree
There for all of us to see
Plays Houdini on us missing the piece

A thank you
For all we got
For all that God forgot
Or so we thought

Simplicity is the key
Two words expressing how we feel
Fake it and make it till its real
Thank you with gratitude seal the deal
48 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
Way past the prime
No idea of day date or time
None of these make a difference
Cause there is nothing requiring inference
Sunrise and Sunset only adding beauty
Not interested in its duty
Days and Nights
Come and Go
I have no where to go
Have to live with myself
Memories run on a projector
Screening a movie called Reminiscing
Repeated viewing 3 shows daily
Never gets tiring
Good ol days  
Life taking its Many ways
Based on choices made
Regret or don't
Matters no more
Except in the light from the projector beaming
Sitting in the Aisle seat
Watching a movie
Reflecting my own reality
In a movie directed by many
Produced by destiny
Will continue watching
As even though its maker
Even I do not know when it will end
47 · Nov 2021
KV Srikanth Nov 2021
Accepting you for what you are
Expected as if a birthright
Grateful for that really happened
Favor not returned shows thy weakness

Provoking the emotions
A trait worse than treason
Done with or without reason
Equavalent to slow poison

A wrong chord touched
Relationship becomes fragile
Intention however noble
Not worth the gamble

Respect for self
Remains in the self
Ruffled like a bird's feather
Respect not in you but expected from another

A man without lacking
Not involved in fulfilling
Achievements don't complete him
Personal agendas very thin

Gratitude with a thank you
The only investment for tomorrow
Tomorrow a paradox
Not willing to accept with all our heart

Life is unfair
It is true all swear
Look again at where you are
It is false
Your conscience says it all
47 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Sorrow at your doorstep
Cause a misstep
Or a mindset
Doesn't make a request
Knocking carrying duress
Hiding under distress
Doesn't change your address
47 · Mar 2022
KV Srikanth Mar 2022
Simmering with tensions
Difference of opinions
Each approving their stand
Other unable to withstand
Self Respect Beliefs and Money
Matters which are very touchy
Questions and Answers thrown
Relationships now a gamble
Questions about lifestyle rambled
Answers given with sacrifices as examples
Hot under the collar
Off the deep end
Every Syllable become venom dipped arrows
Aiming for the heart aim narrows
Issue not solved either
Peace beeping  like an error
Bad taste alone remains
For life tasting bitter
46 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Missing means lacking
For a fellow human being
Emotional weakness
Projected sadness

Mocking and joking
At people in mourning
Not real but acting
Can be no real suffering

Move on is but natural
Limit to being sentimental
Being very vocal
Unnatural and dramatical

Attitude of mine
Which I defined
A matter of time
The postman rang

Idolized as a teenager
Happenstance much later
Have as an employer
A decade spent together

Last visit home
3 Sundays ago
Had I known before
Would have relished the moments more

Dropped him back
In the car sitting on the back
Driven by my nephew
Who knew?

Deep inside myself
Void ballooning itself
Phone calls daily
About movies we both were crazy

His presence replaced
By photos in place
Does not offer Solace
Answer in Gods grace

Time will heal
It always does
Works by default
Not by design

Memory is time
Captured in a roll
The brain cells hold
For the better or worse

The show must go on
Time to remain strong
The only real balm are in
The lyrics of any poets song
46 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
What happened before
What happens after
Who did the research
From where the data search
If i were a stock
Show my career graph
The highs and lows
And the grade point averages
Predict my percentile
I'm from the pile
Draw a report
Right from birth
Quarterly Analysis and beyond
Do i carry a face value too
Tell my parents who are eager
If i am a buy sell or hold
If I'm to be shorted on
Don't be afraid come on
45 · Feb 2022
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
The word death
Sends a fright
Fear of death
Right from birth

Its a known
As we grow
We come to know
Seeds of darkness sowed

Ambuiguity created scare
Death is the exception
From which there's no exception
United mankind by  this one action

It is irreversible
Not so subtle
Root of anxiety
The final discovery

Afraid of an event
That is bound to happen
Greatest irony lies
When dead we are not alive

An occurrence in our absence
Not even as a witness
Logically not even concurrent
Happens one after next

Is it conditioning
Part of greater planning
A process of learning
Everything or nothing

Never gives a feedback
So never know its bad
At the most confused
By  great thinkers argued

Unique in everyday
Never know night or day
Which time to say
I'm on my way

No reviews yet
Only theories at best
Is it good or bad
It never promised either

Ready when it comes
Easily said than done
Logically fool proof
Makes our lives a spoof

Loved ones lost
Many seperation  in the past
How long will  we last
Will never be a past for one  to recall
45 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Did I act
Or speak out the fact
That the behaviour lacked tact
Creating a  lifelong impact

Moved away like a rat
Afraid of getting the flak
For defending the right to
Leave a soul intact

Inability to avenge
Bottled up rage
Turned to revenge
Towards a kid at the cusp of teenage

Sucker for the position
The  society's estimation
Lack of a jobs humiliation
Or the salary proposition

Which one I wonder
Did I barter
Balance things in order
Selfishness the cancer

Sell my Soul
Or simply cried foul
My escape route
Citing lack of gratitude
45 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Poverty to Possession
Illiteracy to Graduation
Lonely and loveless to Companionship and Passion
Low esteem to self respect
Material to Abstract
Entrance and Exit gates of the same building
The Search ends where the search  began
44 · Aug 2021
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Alive and well
What's more to tell
A job in hand and monthly pay
Would not have happened if you didn't have a say
On my table there is bread
You also put a roof over my head
A lifestyle to lead
You sowed the seed
Mistakes and blunders fill my past
Forgiveness shows the size of your heart
Estranged relations due to then behavioral conditions
Now seems like a dream due to your benevolence
Grateful for all I have
Grateful for all I don't have
Grateful for all that I'm going to have
Obliged and indebted
For my habits I should have been cremated
Guides and teachers throwing light
Darkness in my life has lost its might
Thankful this morning
For you made it happen
A prayer to grant me the heart
To make this prayer a very part
May I never forget being appreciative
You are the cause of my very life's entire narrative
Thank you
44 · May 2021
KV Srikanth May 2021
Lockdown created situation
Unique in its regulations
House arrest of a city
Exception given to nobody

Passing each day
Any which way
Time standing still
A lot of time to ****

Fear of the disease
Totally I'll at ease
Focus on every symptom
Relating it to the diaphragm

Home bound and clueless
Add to it fear psychosis
WhatsApp filled with rumors
News channels creating neurosis

Situation so bad
Inability to act
Passively observing
Makes it more frustrating

Place of work closed
Careers dangerously poised
Incomes dwindling no sign of improving
Let alone the future even the present eroding

Inside the hell hole
Inmates in every soul
Only darkness in sight
No one outside to show the light

Loss of near and dear
Cannot even stand by the rear
To much of  burden to bear
Only solution in the tears

Plight of families
In distress with deaths
All alone in this mess
Lockdown  created by the Virus
42 · Jan 2022
KV Srikanth Jan 2022
Tennis and politics
Either side of the net
Vaccination the ball
Played upon by all
Who is right
Who is wrong
Its my life and my command
Each won one
Score stood at deuce
More opinions infused
Tennis fans now confused
Taking any side of the net
Can make you a hero villain or a comedian
Conspiracy theories aces served
Can't do much but wait your turn
Health and Visa joined the play
Making it 4 in the fray
Really need the courage
To take up a side
But also remember
Sometimes even in war it is braver not to die
41 · Apr 2021
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Fail fast and learn
** happens
Life isn’t fair
Just don’t despair

Falling and failing
Happens to all
Getting up after the fall
Is where Legends
Stand tall

Failing a learning
Teaching Trying
Residue experiencing
Stage set for stepping
The ladder for succeeding

Success not a destination
Just a process of orientation
Unable to reach the target
Nothing to despair
More time to prepare

Goal only a path
Route map for travel
Lessons of life unravel
Unfulfilled aim
Not yourself to blame

Defeat a state of mind
Unless given reality
Don’t cry foul
Set yourself another goal

Failure not a crime
Low aim to blame
Set standards tall
Glorious even to fall

Lacking a loophole
Fill it with hope
Integrity helps you cope
Helps climb many a *****

Process of attainment
Is what gives fulfillment
Enjoy the challenge
Happening is encouraging

Failure teaches endurance
Negativity deserves its
Expecting a fair life
Complete ignorance
Solution for all
Be present
And increase your awareness

— The End —