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 May 2015 Dre Guthrie
Sia Jane
A moonlit dance beneathe constellations
      not Taurus or Gemini, Delphinus or Orion
                 but stars we named together
                   linking lines from star to star
       hands pointing in air so cold
a tear falls and
  leaving a roadmap on my cheeks
            that you
                           ­            chase
   ­         lifting the palm of your hand
                 so cold to the touch I shiver
            feeling the beauty of my tears
         that glisten like Venus in the midnight sky
             of this cold Parisian night
  you smile in jest and
     I misplace the space
  between you and I and that sky
  whispering "do you love me?"
    how could I resist the beauty of
                 our second to last kiss.

© Sia Jane
 Nov 2013 Dre Guthrie
Bilal Kaci
Humans are bizarre
And strange creatures.
Riddled with insecurities
And unwanted responsibilities
I see them talking and smoking
There tobacco, dressed in
Animal corpses
They speak of money and
And empty ambitions,
Kissing death
With every kiss
Of their bent cigarettes

Kissing death,
With every

And they force out
Laughs to keep
Each other company
-One’s checking the time,
On his thick hairy wrists
Quite frequently
While the other one
Pulls his tie loose,
Surely he knows
That he’ll probably never
Break free from that
Flannel noose.

**As humans of world
Victims of the 21st century
© 2013 Bilal Kaci (All rights reserved)
What is it I am doing?
Sitting up thinking when I should be sleeping
Resting my tired and weary mind,
But instead I'm realing.
Why am I drinking?
Sipping on ***** and tea
When I should be resting and at ease,
When I sould be in bed asleep.
Why am I smoking?
Cigarette after cigarette til I dont even want one more
Nicotine is only going to keep me up
When I should b laying down.
Why am I torturing myself?
Going back in forth in my head
Fighting back the tears and wrestling the fears.
When I should be tucking myself in for the night.
Why am I shaking?
Wanting to scream out into the night
I feel as black as the sky inside and I'm crying
When I should be dreaming.
Why am I not just sleeping...?

© Ashley Rodden. All rights reserved
 Nov 2013 Dre Guthrie
Bilal Kaci
Do you see? With your light brown eyes;
That I want YOU and not your bashful disguise.
For every hair, that blows in this November wind,
Kissing the smile you try so hard to hold in,
And I hope that my actions tell you, what I should’ve said.
I think I might just love you-
                 But you’re probably better off dead.
I'm tired of men thinking that what a girl does or dresses as defines her. That what she does in bed reflects what's going on in her head. I have friends who call girls ***** because they decided to give the time to more than one guy over the span of several years or months. That how girls dress is cause to say how much they would "destroy that". **** shaming doesn't go far in my books, I have far less tolerance for that than I do hearing you idiots talk.
   Hearing this gives me more thoughts about changing the *** on the outside to what reflects myself on the inside. I live under the patriarchy of America just to hear in school idiots blabble on about things they think they know. Like they've lived their lives in glory when really their glory is now. It goes downhill from here so while you're living the high school life I want you think, just think for once that what you say really reflects the ignorance of America. That you are the Idiot America, the reason men have such a bad reputation.
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