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2.2k · Sep 2018
Ouroboros Touch
Sometimes Starr Sep 2018
What is your touch?
It is the physical sensation of electromagnetism repelling our atoms,
It's the chain reaction set off through my nervous system,
Culminating in my cortex, where it is comprehended as your touch.

In dim streetlight through your window,
With just a crescent of your face illuminated.
With your soft eyes, and memories of our backpacking trip mixing in
Like honey mixes with warm tea, or coffee.

With ***** brown curls around your head like a halo.

Still, what is your touch?
It is like a ripple through me, and it ripples out into the world
It is more present in my action every day
As you take down my walls
As your lips send soothing down to my core
As you make me believe
In love

It is everything that went into making you,
No better concoction
Has ever been brewed.

And the way that you move
Makes little eddies of awe that captivate my eyes,
They cannot move.

So you see,
It's not hard to convince myself
That your touch is everything.
Two ends of the universe,
You're setting me free

That anything happened at all
Was as great a miracle
As your touch is to me
It's giving me shivers
And melting my heart--
There is nothing in this world like your touch.
2.1k · Sep 2016
my dank obsession
Sometimes Starr Sep 2016


i love fall out boys
1.7k · Jun 2017
miens to an end
Sometimes Starr Jun 2017
now human, gain
with mixed up maintain
a second-guess self
cannot pretend God, only
accept his invitation, I
the vital and vacation

this cool June morning
is playing favorites, in faith
I've surrendered satan

play for the team undefeated
until featless can we carry on no more
emptied of purpose, we
will return to the dirt.
1.7k · Sep 2018
Ellen DeGeneres.
Sometimes Starr Sep 2018
Ellen DeGeneres!
Mellow and generous,
Mellow and generous,
Ellen DeGeneres.


How can we peddle this,
Greedy degenerates?
Mellow and generous,
Mellow and generous.

I was just reppin it
You cannot step to it,
Ellen DeGeneres,
Ellen DeGeneres!

bass drop

I am not popular
My, what a thot you were!
You should be jealous of
Ellen DeGeneres!

like Meek

I was just a lost boy
Never understood the cost boy
Never really worked a market
But I never really liked the market

I just wanna overcome the darkness
I just wanna wanna make the sun shine
I guess I really want love to be great again
**** all this hate again
Cause I see you're vicious like a shark is

I am so done with the corporate mind
Grinding machinery, that's not my kind
You are not kind, you are so shy
Scrapin the sky
Fake **** and lies

You think you know what I'm talking about.
I am a poet with way too much clout.
I hate the way that this hatred compounds,
You're just a clown! You make me frown.

Ellen DeGeneres!
Mellow and generous,
Mellow and generous,
Ellen DeGeneres.

Ellen DeGeneres
She's on my friends list!
Mellow and generous,
Ellen DeGeneres!

How can we peddle this,
Greedy degenerates?
Mellow and generous,
Mellow and generous.

Reppin this Emmy ****,
Dressing too fabulous,
Ellen DeGeneres,
Ellen DeGeneres!

bass drop

I am not popular
My, what a thot you were!
You should be jealous of
Ellen DeGeneres!

I'm never gonna let my heart grow cold like that,
Never gonna do just what I'm told like that
That ****'s old, my man
That ****'s sold, my man
That ****'s got us got us lookin' sideways in the fold, my man

Cause I think I hear a higher callin
Human race is fallin but you're stallin
I know you don't think you're Josef Stalin
But I think you look like Charles Ponzi,

My girl's not a cheater
So I don't think I really want to either
I don't think I ever wanna leave her
Iy just. want to. love,
Said Iy just. want to. love,
Said Iy just. want to. love.

(And party hard.)

Ellen DeGeneres!
Mellow and generous,
Mellow and generous,
Ellen DeGeneres.

Ellen DeGeneres
She's on my friends list
Mellow and generous,
Ellen DeGeneres!

How can we peddle this,
Greedy degenerates?
Mellow and generous,
Mellow and generous.

Reppin this Emmy ****,
Dressing too fabulous,
Ellen DeGeneres,
Ellen DeGeneres!

bass drop

I am not popular
My, what a thot you were!
You should be jealous of
Ellen DeGeneres.

You should be jealous.

Ellen DeGeneres.

Reppin it, reppin it.

Ellen. Loooooove
1.5k · Jun 2016
Mario (the Butcher)
Sometimes Starr Jun 2016
Your wife gone, you snore asleep upstairs.

A man with the vital essence of a Bull--
Connie's iron shoulders.

A post-depression butcher of South Philadelphia,
Our Mario the Butcher.

Bumbling music follows you into the room
Whistling Italian-American joy
All the saints and their parade too



And what a man.
From this generation to yours, the Greatest
I love you and I love your style
(Not to mention your Santoro smile)


The stories hang from your brass jaw like ribbons
You held out your giant hand and told me to hit it.

Oh I'll hit it alright
I'll give 'em a knuckle sandwich.
Sometimes Starr Jun 2017
In infinite succession you will find Jesus Christ
In our world without proof and erased history, he existed.
he did, and he is there. He was man and God in one.
He was the messiah who came. It's just how you choose to believe in Him.
Or maybe not, maybe it is anathema if you believe in some other thing.
See, these things are what they are. God has found you.

think, what his name means. perfect circle. the epitome of human existence. like, a gauge boson of love, or am i going too far?

it's all good.
that is, if you choose to believe it is.

i hope you aren't looking for answers in these words,
cause, oh... dear lord. you'll be looking for
an eternity, child!
1.4k · Jul 2016
but... i ain't promiscuous
Sometimes Starr Jul 2016
and i know i'm comin off
just a little bit defeatist
bout how they toys and elitists
and enjoy all the *****
but i'm tryn tell
you i really dig u
and ur fine as hell
ill even wash ur dishes
1.2k · May 2017
Children in the Summertime
Sometimes Starr May 2017
Summer sun children shriek back and forth
Feet flying over, over back porch
Tussle up grass, chasing the back
Of a summer sun child,
Swing water guns.

Sling water fun! Trample a *****.
Onto the sidewalk, two lovers of candy
Who can't yet suppose
A thorn from a rose
If you read them this poem,
They wouldn't come close.

Baptism don't save, it's a glorious thing
A plane is the bane far away from a spring
I'd alter that range, if I could I would bring
Everything, and everything!

Summer sun children shriek back and forth
Feet flying over, the kings of the Earth
You think you know love, and you think you know worth
But a summer sun child
Thinks less and knows more.
Sometimes Starr Nov 2016
It changes you to ruin it.
To act is to offer up a court of law
To an imperfect judge
As justification seeps in from all sides.

A young boy is still learning.

He can steal a toy and just as soon be sorry,
Like a puppy, and be earnest in his love's intention

But as we age we harden,
and to look down at witness your hands
doing a damning thing
Rings with a phrase like "narrow specialization."
It changes you
And to hold it in suspense is better but that can madden you.

It's so important that we choose the second option anyway
That we try to change and combat the patterns that can begin to consume our lives
Don't get used to ruining your life out of spite
You're worth it
You can really work yourself up into something even greater
You already have
Take it to a new level!
1.1k · May 2016
i love that independence.
Sometimes Starr May 2016
you never died,
it's Logic.

you're still a king,
a drug addict
a rapper
a messenger, a killer
a pilot, a secret goal you never knew

but in your heart you know
because we're all fighting the same fight

moreover, you are the Empire
you are the Family
the Spirit
the Government
you are just a head of God
taking it all in,
making it all go.
inspired by Logic

listening to 5 AM and Man of the Year
1.1k · Nov 2016
November 6 am
Sometimes Starr Nov 2016
This hour is a special autumnal brew
The air is imbued with wet leaves, and mushroom
ripening soil in the early dew.

Reflection in preparation
Contemplation, the casting of our stars
in the early morning

To wake in the celestial sea
And experience a Day of Life on Earth
Sometimes Starr Jun 2016
there is music being traded between cells
under the canopy,
reposed in the sound

there are dance steps in directions
giving us everything
under the canopy,
reposed in the sound

who said it was nothing
whispered the trees
stood the ground.

how it was anything
wondered a man
rememb'ring a girl
dreamed a world.

Rings around, rings around
and yet here i sit and wait
for my life to begin
how strange.
how up and down
how beautiful
from the top and from the bottom,

Sometimes Starr Jun 2017
it's a sick sick joke you play
on yourself
against hope and reason
will you dwell
and in every region of this hell
you'll declare a cease-fire.

and it's a hap happy day in your life
but it's the day that another soul will die
i'm just jealous,
it's not finished
it's what happens when you end with a diminished.

steady, you'll be the hope and reason ******.
steady, you'll be the hope and reason ******.
steady, you'll be the hope and reason game.

(dominant: winner)
927 · Jun 2016
Sometimes Starr Jun 2016
i will finish what you started,
and then finish what i started.
852 · May 2018
iron and fire
Sometimes Starr May 2018
iron, a sure thing
a thing to extract and strengthen

fire, a modal flow
throughout me
it gives skies to the iron

changing colors
is the fire
giving structure
is the iron

arriving at some point,
i survey and say
"that is impossible for me to know"
is it worth it to try and solve the puzzle?

i walk to the east
where i found a loose piece
and i played it a song,
there you are.

to be iron and fire
is much better than being
Sometimes Starr Sep 2018
The world is a brand new drug.
Step into it, feel a thousand tethers.
Taste the lens of the camera
Like acid on your tongue.

Burn us all together,
We're ignorant and young.

Freedom is a big, big word
I'd like to stare at high.
Triangles cannot excuse
The purple ******* sky.

Why do they always blame us for the world they left behind?
Whatever whatever whatever whatever
Whatever never MIND
817 · Dec 2019
Nothing to be proud of
Sometimes Starr Dec 2019
The world meets my brain in acidic red
Puffy-eyed, childlike, wrong side of the bed
Swollen feet fumble for steps that seek only
To placate the mind for each baby bird moment

My golden track winds out to the sea
But it's empty
And I'm riding the much simpler bronze one
And not making it easy
Let this be our secret
We messed up, so quick
Pile on the dirt
And don't mark my grave
800 · Feb 2019
Sometimes Starr Feb 2019
And even if everything fell,
It was the most graceful fall there ever was
Eyes were woven from nothing
And teeth ripped open flesh
It lay bleeding in streets
Hollowed out in seconds' time
Though what is not already hollow I'll never know.

But if the heart of my heart is a void I felt the caress of everything,
And life and language fell between my arms
And clarity never eluded me once
And not a piece of everything, but the whole thing came to me
Once exactly,
And its curvature and shapes will be lost forever, but not right now

Because I am here, exercising this pen
Beware Satan of my great ictus, for I am 24 and virile
I am not low but I am an obscure celebrity
And so are you

I am angry, frustrated with the legal system.
You uphold negative laws
You let people's lives become dilapidated out of ignorance and poor governance,
You hurt my outlook on the world but I am a lucky one
I am lucky to possess the traits I do
I rebel against the depression you have perhaps ignorantly set on my back

And my anger does not disqualify me from being reasonable, there are good reasons I am upset with them.

But it was the most graceful fall, even if I became derailed
Eyes were woven from nothing
I was born in a place called America
It was confusing and loud
It all exploded before I was born
It grabbed me by the ankle
It put handcuffs on me
It threw me in a jail cell and said **** it up kid
It said maybe that's why you changed,
It lauded itself on its court program perched atop a broken system
It labeled me a criminal and poisoned my future.
But it was the most graceful fall,
There were good people and hospitality
Doctors and good cops, good moments
There was an Earth with humans and they breathed and felt the world with human detail inside their impossible minds
There were corrections made, hard to take but right for everyone in the end

I didn't try to be an *******,
It just happened,
But I fixed it,
And now I want my money
And a big bag of ****.
I volunteer.

I don't care what you think about this exceptionally crazy poem.

Oh if you were wondering I got upset about life and threw rocks at this train station LED sign because life was being difficult, as it often gets, and I know that's not a good response and I totally agree that warrants a punishment but that was 2 1/2 years ago. I would have done a year in jail but I did this court program because they said they'd take the felony down. I dont think I deserve to be a felon for that!! I have changed, unmedicated, on my own, and have always known I would change. I used to break things when I got upset and argue but now I don't. And trust me, I was trying to. I would have fixed it on my own.

It's really more age and the need to be independent and make money that motivate me than the legal system. They have messed up my stuff several times, for example a false ***** test and sending me to jail for 2 days forgetting two therapy appointments, not believing I am invested in therapy... I know these things sound small. There is more, it's a long story.

I always wanted to change. I just ****** up while I was starting to do a little better.

I guess people would doubt that. I'm totally just venting here, it's late at night. But whatever, it's out there for people to see if they want.
768 · Aug 2016
Fire On My Tongue
Sometimes Starr Aug 2016
the theft of your heart has no home.
its only purpose is to be black
or the dark background
in one of Alex Grey's wonderful paintings

the heist defined so sonorously by me
the line which i am so concentrated to draw
all that Value which i mistakenly placed
upon your shoulders that night,
you angels! that radiate through me...
let me be your radiation, love, too

and let me shoulder my transgressions
i do it like Oppenheimer
i glowed in the same strange sort of way
always had such a romance for the poisonous,
always had such a flame with the treacherous.

"you went on for days, literally days
and your words clotted up and we watched you pick at the scabs
yes we wanted you to heal but you were picking at your scabs
no one was really sure
what the hell you were looking for."

said pete

i guess i'm alive to declare my own nation
my very own universe
and i get to tell you what i feel is creation
and what is lost to heat death
but you left me teetering, the apple of my eye
you blue as summer skies
why'd you take my breath away!?
you left my tongue so desperate
on top of the universe
at any pause,
you were so beautiful,


i had to die.
Sometimes Starr Sep 2016
I can't believe my own voracity
I sit here trying to think of something worthwhile to say
Black holes gut the universe
Sometimes, it's hard to feel alright
When we're running out of time
And I'll never be that young again
I don't think I'll wake up
750 · Sep 2018
Constance, please
Sometimes Starr Sep 2018
Constance wants to be my lover
But every time I see her, shun her
She pines for me behind the curtains;
I try my best just to forget her.

She loves the birthmark that I hate
She loves when I reply too late
She tries to slip her hand between us
Although she can't, she needs to feel us.

And will she wither to a mist?
I will not take her sour kiss.
A man should keep his healthy distance
From such a foul wraith, such as Constance.

And if I can for long enough,
I think she'd go away.

But in my darkness I have left you,
Seeking anything but refuge.
To meet my Constance on some corner
Where we would turn from you together.

And less a conscious twist of muscle,
More a weight that pulls a buoy
Underwater for a time
Would bring me into Constance's bed

And like a buoy overturned
So did direction from my head
With eyes rolled back,
To sleep instead.

And if I turned for long enough,
We'd soon elope to dread.

I should not give her my attention,
But still resides an awkward tension
It's something better left unmentioned,
The time I've spent with Constance.
749 · Oct 2016
slow truth
Sometimes Starr Oct 2016
where do you come from?
she asked me

and i told her,
to the best of my abilities,
where i was from.

i said i was born in the hell-oases of American heaven.

that i materialized from the shrieking avalanche of velocity itself
that i must have simply started to move
at some Point
and howled at the emptiness around that begged my primordial step.

i told her that howl was my father
and the Emptiness, my mother
that the pain of Eden being born, razed
and made fallow time and time again
had welled up a deep desire in me to die

to forget, and start again new.

when i told her i was adopted
and that i didn't really know my parents, she laughed
and shot me a glance that knew.

i spoke about layers laid down by Aphrodite's own gemchildren
of their soft kisses on my soft teen skin
how i came out of a hole that ripped in that skin
and met up with myself again

and glad to be new.

she looked upon me the kindest
when i told her i forged myself in tinny pattering etudes
on guitars, strung
in patient worksmanship,
and balanced the grave humanity
and its facts so grave on shoulders
that had begun to shiver deeply

i'll never forget it,

she looked at me
with the most profound

you never were

she said,

and she spoke the slow truth.
747 · Sep 2019
Sometimes Starr Sep 2019
I got plastic in my blood,
It hurts
Just plain old thumbscrews wouldn't work
In this universe.
744 · Jun 2017
the cool water
Sometimes Starr Jun 2017
there are days when my body feels
emptier, compared with the springtime
drained of motivation, lumbering legs
are harder to move, an unfamiliar feeling

i keep gently kicking some stuff up in my mind
remind myself i'll be happy later
if i'm more productive now
which is true, and i will be.

i used to kiss the nectar from the neck
of the one who gushed for me

until one day i had to accept,
does she still gush for me?

i worry about not being fun enough
to hang out with. i worry about my weak
memory. an awkward personality.
trying too hard. i do,
i worry about these things.
742 · Feb 2018
A Pledge to Parts
Sometimes Starr Feb 2018
I pledge allegiance to pieces
Apply me to this planet
Drink me in, sweet atmosphere
Support my legs, O ground.

I pledge to men with hearts of gold
And women with resolve
I make a pledge in confidence
I am one sin absolved

So pledge me to the sea, my love
But say, before you do
That I may have but one full chance
To pledge myself to you.
734 · May 2017
study me
Sometimes Starr May 2017
squeal my nerves,
study me

why i chase this vanity,
is it so unbecoming me?
i can only think it's my final form unfurling

because i know you are,
but future, are you? i'm left with a desire
study me,
study me.

i wanted you to study me.
721 · Aug 2016
tru b
Sometimes Starr Aug 2016
i heard this kid screaming and cussing the other day while eating lunch in the kitchen
through the window he goes on from his bike
about how i need to loosen up and this and that
and i thought
what a handsome young man
how very fine he is
a true performer
i was just ... not well at the time


some guy: come on!!
720 · May 2017
Waking Grace
Sometimes Starr May 2017
You are my waking grace.
Walking through the valley and the shadows of death,
Piercing my night with a holy moon.

You are the rising strength of languid muscles
Warm inside each of their bellies when cold apathy teases them
from all sides.

You're a person who is personless
I could never consider all of you
You meant me and you said me
Included me in all these things, and I
am just so honored.

I don't think it's hopeless.

I don't think it's depressing, no
Not even when it is.

I think you meant me and you said me
For no reason, for one reason,
and for infinite reasons.

I love you, and no thing
could ever, ever change that.
719 · Sep 2018
Sometimes Starr Sep 2018
Something taken for granted is inevitable,
I gobble up what i'm granted
But I must have missed something
So my flesh-- it is edible.

Sometimes I think
I'd like to give It a snack,
Call it quits
Because I just feel like such an *******.

My tendency for weakness is staggering
My legs are strong
But at the same time, staggering
And I want to let their disapproval punch a hole straight through my life

Sure, they'd say they didn't want me dead
But life is a parasite unto itself
And I'm sure they mean it
But I'm much more certain
They mean everything,

What if that meant I'd take my life?
719 · Mar 2019
Bruce's Discomfort
Sometimes Starr Mar 2019
I watched the craggy old man at the far end of the bar besiege his liver with absurd amounts of *** and Coke. It was entirely classless, like he was drinking his obsequies in plain sight of everyone. Not that ‘everyone’ amounted to much– it was a Tuesday, and there were seven lost souls scattered around Nightingale’s. Four of them were shooting pool. Big arms, tattoos, Harleys out front. Another two were puffing cigarettes through their fifties, probably talking about this ****** generation of kids and doing lines of 80’s nostalgia. A few seats from them was a loner (sporting a white braided ponytail and a rawhide vest, you know the type) sitting by himself, looking very divorced. He was engaged in conversation with the bartender, a black-haired ***** with enough experience. Occasionally he’d throw some whisky down his throat. Keeps the fire going.

But it was the sorry ******* in the corner who interested me more than anyone else, mostly because he had such blatant disregard for his own life. I watched him guzzle his eighth *** and Coke since my arrival. He was moving around so much, it was a wonder he stayed in his seat.

The light caught his addled face. You could see that maybe once he was handsome, but time had forced him to wear bad habits out. It made me wonder how. How and why.

“You know, all that Coke can’t be good for your bones,”

Awkward as hell, but it was the best I could muster. The words hung in the air, dry as scotch.

“You realla think I give a ****, dude?” he slurred. He sorta twitched when he spoke… I got the feeling he’d been at this for a while.

He belched loudly.

I let the stench of alcohol, depression, and **** excuse my hesitation.

“Well, why don’t you at least change it up a bit?”

I ordered him an old-fashioned. It really didn’t make a difference. The man was going to drink himself to death anyway. You could see it in his eyes.

He held up the drink loftily, considering it. He smiled wryly and looked at me.

“Thanks,” he said, and gulped the whisky down.

I began to grow unsure of the whole thing. Coming to this ****** pub, talking to this reeking old man… Hell, moving to Denver at all. I’d come here to forget things, but had yet to find anything of real substance to push old memories out…

He slammed his glass down heavily on the bar.

“You smoke grass?” He lobbed.


I followed him outside and tried hard not to be obvious as I inspected the joint he passed me. Not wet. I guess it’s fine.

“Do you live around here?” I asked, passing back the joint. The quality of **** surprised me. Strong sativa.

“If you can call this living…” answered the most depressing man in Denver.

I couldn’t take it anymore, so I just asked him.

“What’s wrong, guy? Why are you so **** sad?” I said.

“It’s really ******* stupid,” he said, turning. “It’s actually ******* insane.”

I pulled on the joint and waited for him to spill his guts.

“A long time ago,” he went on, “I was a lot different. I used to kiss all the pretty girls and make 'em cry.”

He sobered up a bit.

“But then one came along who I won’t forget. Too wild to be tamed,”

He looked down at the sidewalk and tossed the roach at it.

“Lost my ****. I rammed my car into that *****’s house and tried to take off. 'Course the five-o caught up with me and I ended up in jail with two felony counts.”

“**** dude,” I offered, “That’s crazy.”

“Yeah, I was a ******’ lunatic. Stopped caring after that. Been bouncing around ever since. Can’t get comfortable. Can’t get a good job.”

“I’m sorry,” I offered.

Nothing interesting happened after that. Bruce went on about his ex for a while, speaking highly of her. He told stories about days they shared in Pennsylvania. He told me all about her art and writing, and how he had obsessed over her for years, making her into a metaphor for death and loss. I listened to him ramble for quite some time, but after about half an hour I stopped caring and had to take my leave.

I lied to Bruce and told him I had work early in the morning.

When I got back to my apartment, I collapsed onto the futon and looked dramatically up at the ceiling. I got up and went to my desk. I opened the little drawer on the left.

I pulled out Nora’s picture from underneath my paystubs and saved bills. I thought about Bruce’s story and the smell of **** and alcohol. I felt pity for him– pity I didn’t want anyone to feel for me. Still, there was a clog in my throat and my eyes stung with emotion.

I sincerely hoped that Nora was having a great time in New Zealand.

I opened my window and let Nora’s picture fly into the unfamiliar city. I collapsed back on the futon.

It wasn’t comfortable
Draft 1
711 · Jun 2017
recipe for love?
Sometimes Starr Jun 2017
there are spices inside you
your tongue may be blind to,
but i pick up on them!

i love the taste it makes
when you splash into the world
in singing patterns
of these particular flavors.

flakes of the peppers you picked
dried out as you listened to Explosions in the Sky
on vinyl, and thyme
your parents bought
from the grocery store.

the basil you borrowed
from your best friend, Jess
i tasted the red hots of your honest thoughts
and fell so deep in love
i had to scream i'm too weak i'm too weak
and come back one day
trying to find that taste

so i'm working on recipes,
messes of rosemary, puddles of parsley
puffs of paprika and plenty of thyme

'til good taste will come again
just like a nursery rhyme?
Sometimes Starr Aug 2016
let it be free,
that thing which loves symmetry
the "This we must conserve..."
let it be free,
to teach a lesson
about the Universe.

what is it that we consolidate
we all tug on the
it's all just me

this is just one of those moments
this is part necessity
division strikes me.

a unison is likely
my head hurts. "gluon fields???" "motion?"
695 · Sep 2018
Sometimes Starr Sep 2018
You smile at me like a thousand ages.

Your face is more interesting than Mona Lisa's--
I know it is the very heart of the universe.

I tell you it is enigmatic, your face
How It looks so different from different angles
And the sound of my words bounces around the room
Vibrates the tiny bones in your ear
And you smile tensely
Like the finest string of some celestial instrument.

Drinking coffee at three in the morning
The very heart of the universe beats in song
She takes in medium and exhales melody
She is Kate, she is Kathryn, she is Clarity. A hard worker. A great masterpiece of Time.

And who would ever hurt you?
You, who speaks so softly
You, who just wants to witness the love of humanity
You, with a laugh that life surely came to craft.

And i can't believe it--
You shoot a hand out over the wooden table
For me to hold.

And we are alone,
Here in this yellow kitchen
In my parents' house
Your bushy brown hair
Your golden brown eyes
693 · May 2017
Sometimes Starr May 2017
his black T shirt blazons for the nether,
or is it heaven?

...the letters are glow in the dark.

He walks down the sunset street
smoking a sad cigarette. but really
he is not that sad. because he knows

he thinks, i need to get a job soon.
i wonder where i'll be working next.
i hope one day they flock to the music coming from me,
that would be so rad.
i'm nothing like my mom and dad.
but i'm not such pressing matter to the world, only to me
everywhere men best me
at one thing or another, keep a humble thing going.
they don't understand why i acted out
or where it came from, and there's really no need for them to,
one day some people will.

He thinks it's sad, that cigarette
We don't enfold without violence, but we do enfold
so perfectly. He is really quite intelligent.
He does and doesn't mind that you might suppose
him stupid, or this or that, which he isn't
by the way he looks and talks.

He knows he takes vain pride in being
pretty good looking and knowing about
lots and lots of different things.

That's okay, he loves the word smart.
Everyone is so smart, okay, God is so smart he thinks,
And that seems to just negate the iniquity of "IQ"
That segregates more elitist and more jealous types.

He is 22 now and clinging to his youth
(like his skinny jeans cling to his legs)
But this, he supposes, is maybe not so bad
So long as he takes care of everything he needs to.
On trivial matters right and wrong have faded from his mind,
His critics are shades of gray as is he,
But this is certainly connected to the more dire matters,
which, he thinks, rotate just as dizzyingly.

But that is why things die. Smart. Art.
That must be my connection to Unity,
It was no lie that I did feel this way and do these things
For ever, but it was certainly not perfect.
Only, it is. Right here, right now.

If you could only see his heart.
But he knows, that just means one day,
It will unfold, and you will. Sometimes,
he supposes he's ready to die, only
the aching in his stomach
of so many songs yet unsung
words not yet written
embraces unhad,
charities not given.

These are his thoughts. And he is also annoyed,
Paranoid in fact, all the judging rush hour traffic going by
What they think of me! He's sorry, he hates it. He smiled at you and your child. He thinks himself so dear.

But you only saw this dude walking through Lansdale,
Bringing back Pluto in skinny jeans and high tops,
his ***** thanks to God, the dirt is not *****
The worth is not worthy, smoking a cigarette,
looking at his phone, probably playing Pokymons again
another vibration somewhere down the line
Intersecting all the time.
691 · Nov 2019
mad chemist musician
Sometimes Starr Nov 2019
it would seem
i've lost
the tempo
there, unhinged
behind my eyes

some years ago
it came undone
and ever since,
i'm telling lies

maybe you've noticed
the patterns of my speech
the tossed and fumbled looks
the talking out of turn
the longer way i took

sometimes i get a feeling
consistent with my youth
just tinged a slightly different hue--
then, i can live with truth.

but brave into the cut i go
for gracelessness awaits me there
and i pick out tiny crystals
from a lazy haze solution
690 · Jul 2017
life wanting death
Sometimes Starr Jul 2017
life wanting death,
in the form of swirling detest
oh, the sincerest...
no, wait-- just a minute--
at the end of a long, dark tragedy

life wanting death
two halves and one chest
and it sure doesn't matter
to me.

i'd lie first, but when will you see?
i'd die, and then who would you be?
680 · Feb 2022
Sometimes Starr Feb 2022
Becoming her was strange
I knew what i had done
I'll never fix your brain
I'll never be the one

So please, stop writing poetry
I know that you're in pain

If i could...
I'd take it all away.

We'll never fix your brain
673 · Jul 2017
Free Write Poem 6/30
Sometimes Starr Jul 2017
The human God is so confounded in polyphony
Frustrated in the midst I stand, dissonance pulls at me
I have learned to scream, "SHUT UP!!!" while maintaining
Complete silence, so as to not upset the dream.

The monster wardens of the dream frighten me,
They brandish chains and make me urinate into cups
They make assumptions and speak in strange tongues
I don't understand.

I know the right way to treat me, I have touched its face
But these monster wardens of the dream
Have their own agenda, they color the room wrong,
Sting, Misunderstood, Sourstomach Green.

When I have such potential if I could airlift myself
And drop him into the correct place,
With instruments and a small apartment
I'd help lots of people, but apparently I need a degree
I need proof, I can't be a felon
I destroyed property.

And mother says it isn't proper to ask for a patron,
That's begging and it's for people with cancer.

Call me a whiny Western cliche, I don't care,
Despite that my record has real value
And my staunch observation cuts right through
The idiocy of everything I've had to go through

I was a problem child, but YOU were a problem circumstance
I blame the space between all of these people:
A problem county, a problem country, a problem lawyer.
A problem jail, a problem lover, a problem parent.

I will face my problems squarely
When i feel a little less depressed
Than I felt today.
Sometimes Starr Aug 2016
my heart has hallways

it's a lot like valhalla
only a little smaller, squishy and pinkish-red
a lot lamer. in rooms i'm playing guitar
or maybe i am playing with the dogs
or fixing myself something different to eat
hey, it was actually good

these walls caught the sound of your voice
and held onto it
when you walked with me here
i was excited but not ready
you were older
i bought you all these things
but you just got me Emily

and it's coursing through his mind
and he only wants you and he means that
and he doesn't have the patience to write a great poem right now
barely the patience to accept you won't ever date again
he can imagine other things but he rejects them in real life
he just wants you, her voice, her body
he knows it's in there if he could just dig it out but no

i've decided it's much better to leave you alone
considering me and considering you
only i ******* can't
i really, really want you back
and it kills me
every ******* day.
668 · Sep 2016
fries and a shake
Sometimes Starr Sep 2016
yellow pasture
sitting resplendent,
drinking water.
trees submerged in a balmy sea of air
don casual green boughs
and i'm sitting
god slipped me just between the yellow sky
and the yellow grass
of the pasture

that is where the Only Traveled Path leads
but a stinging noise began in the corner of the sky
and who knows why?

and what comes after?
Sometimes Starr May 2017
This life is a poisoned glory.
Gloried and poised, it's only a temporary
Illusory bulwark of an elusive heaven.

Darling, I have worn sores into this Temple
I can't plead innocence
For all the times I pulled the purple veils
Over my better judgment.

I have sold goods to the devil
And worse, I have tried to excuse myself.

Baby, please don't hate me.

Don't pull away so harsh when I try to kiss you
I'm not that ugly. Baby, you told me.

You said it would all be okay.
Look, I've stayed strong for us,
I've kept steady believing in the light,
And we'll melt softly into death.
664 · May 2017
Sometimes Starr May 2017
inside messiah outside
middle boy picks up a stick
strings through a soul
how many things pierce

ears music hears
droplets messiah ripen there
sling rocknroll, strings tangle
flock tight round his 'heart,'
he (carefully)
puts down his guitar.
Sometimes Starr Aug 2016
she takes anything
takes anything as true

she'd take Anything
so she enjoys the view.

he makes energy
no weight upon his back.

for she's the ***** who imagined him
all the whitest lies to black.
she's like ******!
644 · Jan 2019
Give Us the World
Sometimes Starr Jan 2019
Nature is oil in rainwater pools
A man in a suit
Makes aggressive moves
Nature is construction worker food
And steel beam bones going past the window

Nature is farms and farms of farms
Nature is a 5 o clock alarm
Nature is resplendent in the penthouse
Nature starved the young child.

Nature is the best that we can be,
Nature is hanging from a tree.
Nature is the sound of rock and roll
Nature is a steaming casserole,

What organization, I ask
Are we supposed to take?
What optimization leaves our lives
At best stake?
I seek harmony in love and science,
In mathematics and love
Because I see what they're doing in my world
And I have to say,
They are not running it as best as they could,
They just ******* AREN'T.
I wrote this expressing frustration because honestly, I think there is a chance of a much better age in our future.

Sometimes I feel like my stuff just has bits and pieces of good ppetry. It's all basically stream of crazy conscience

Also I'm not sure if things were ever better...?
638 · Sep 2021
Im sorry i ruined him
Sometimes Starr Sep 2021
The worms
The worms
The worms

The baby bumble bee
Sometimes Starr May 2017
she's all foxed up,
but me i'm an empty mess.

in one of my favorite songs by fall out boy
she's a little black dress.

the party is happening elsewhere,
i know i might sound whiny but come on
i don't mean to be rude, or mean
but i have to deal with my old, conservative parents
who have such redeeming values but are so boring
okay not my mom but her emotions run her life WAIT!

OK, WAIT! I am doing it again.
I'm allowing myself to be this thing
Let me show you how this happens in motion,
I give up on it,

Let me show you how I'm king.

And I ******* will, Will
I remember you cheating on me with Will!
The party's happening elsewhere, where you are,
my ex-girlfriend, who told me I was paranoid
who said I needed help but she was cheating on me! GASP
What a terrible thing, what a terrible ******* thing

To have gotten so mad about. Cause nothing, NOTHING NOW
Is going to get in my way. Pure white empathy rings in my synapses,
It will snap into action and find what it's looking for
A culture of volunteers, out there in the world.
Witty fingers clip away at awkwardness, form a truly impressive
set of musical skills. My linguistic mind is roving,
Singing some mysterious song in the universe, the meaning of which
I don't even know! She's all foxed up
And look, some handsome ******* devil in the mirror,
I think I know him.

I think we'll have
To schedule a rendesvous
626 · Jun 2017
The Singing Zero
Sometimes Starr Jun 2017
Life comes too in those harsh words of death
She is always polite, she bows out
Under hailing gore and pestilence
She doth show her penitence
With a dreamer's
With an angel's

In a way that death could never champion life,
Life wears death like a royal rite
Zero, it's alive! but living nothing cannot be.
625 · Oct 2016
the new american generation
Sometimes Starr Oct 2016
decorative flora thrown to the sacrificial pit
pity shivers on the fringes of my identity like springy roots
out from the warmth and wet
of potting soil

not brave, just lucky
not impressive, still growing
just let me broaden my garden

in league with lofty new age decision rooms
to air strikes and precarious ties, not hiding in the sky!
shivering to rotten hospitaled justice
up all the way through that cold toll of some bell of betrayal.

planted like a whisper
seen at stops at the park and weddings
the cute moments of acceptance we have
and things i could not and would never want to take from you

the very fact of you seems to poke a question into the sky
624 · Oct 2017
In finding knots...
Sometimes Starr Oct 2017
In finding knots tied of this endless cord
That become the groaning knots in your stomach,
Hard knots in your back.

In finding these knots that leave your fingers
Frozen and frustrated, a clenched face so exasperated
Remember your infinite history.

And recall your historiless infinity.

So purposed is the knot of your life
That it is not a knot at all. Undone already,
You are the universe looking for a way to understand itself.

Take pride in the fact that you are the one chosen to take this burden on.

Take pride in the fact that you alone carry special color in this universe. No one has to know.

The universe is excited to be you. Love yourself, kid, and you will always win.
612 · Aug 2016
the stages of our lives
Sometimes Starr Aug 2016
when i bolted out the door
you bolted up yours
but i listened to Bayside and got lost in a lighthouse dream
under phases of the moon you'd been my milestone love
and now our past is a perfect story,
a pessimistic fairytale told by some people with dark eyes

and sentiment all too familiar.

the color of my love's fruit has changed.
and lots and lots of mayday parade
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