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I'm trying
to let erase myself
from her life,
As it is well being and cushy.
I know it
and the situation says too,
So this idea
makes me mushy.
New Year's Resolution
You forget and miss me never,
But I Keep loving you forever.
I'm happy
without you,
is not a fact,
Would achieve a lot
be always lacked.
I wait,
As desert for rain,
A patient to recover,
A sowed seed to sprout.

She ignores,
As baby to food,
As the elite to the poor
Having some doubt.
You gave me up,
As a fowl lose its feathers,
But you see,
O my dearie!
Away from you,
I'm still flying,
Cause me and my heart
Is light-weight.
Im still flying. Broken heart poetry
We are three blades of a ceiling fan,
You, he and I,
If one goes it will be imbalanced.
Ask me, o you!
I hate to be balanced.
Broken heart poem
She chills me as the winter breeze,
Which I can feel everywhere in me.
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