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  Aug 2019 Azura Nissen
after a while the caffeine grows weaker, the cold splash of water grows warmer, and the sunlight grows darker.
things change for the worse all the time.
and one day I realized that I was no exception.
  Aug 2019 Azura Nissen
Run run baby girl,
Hide under the table and cut until you bleed to death,
Run run baby girl,
Lay under the table and take your last breath,

Run run sweet boy,
Chase your childhood and drink until you forget,
Run run sweet boy,
Cry for the dead and keep your candle unlit

Run darling girl,
Hide from the shadows,
Run darling girl,
Return what you borrowed,

Run little boy,
Chase the rights you lost,
Run little boy,
Don’t forget the cost,

Shh young child,
don’t tell a soul,
Shh, young child,
They won’t believe until your old.

Remember young children,
Don’t tell anyone what happened today,
Remember young children,
Take our secret to your grave.
  Oct 2018 Azura Nissen
the words spilled from her mouth

here i sit,
as my best friend,
tells me
you have another.

i shouldn’t care.
but i do.

no matter how hard i try,
the poetry for you in which i write,
never ceases.
it just keeps pouring out of my soul.
it sometimes seems as if,
the poetry i write for you is what keeps my heart beating.
what keeps me breathing.

but now, what am i supposed to do?
do you think she will love you?
do you really think she will love you?
please tell me.

it’s hard to think of you with another
because we used to be so in love with each other.

it’s been a long time since we last spoke,
but it feels as if all the memories of us i have were just made yesterday.

you have another.
who will never,
love you in the way i could.

but my question for you is,
will you love her in the way you could towards me?

— The End —