I've gone to show,
The kingdom's golden throne,
What their intentions mean to me,
And how I wanna believe.
Yet, still I stand here, alright but alone in spirit,
I'm trying to find salvation inside this flowing heart of mine,
Changing it's tune with every turn of events,
If you really mean anything to me, you'd always be changing.
I have never traveled so far for you,
Though I've shot you all three times,
I promise that I just might come around,
In time...
I won't hold myself down,
By the natures of science laws,
Or maybe I will,
It depends on my mood for the day,
I'm just feeling the need to apologize.
Yet, still I stand here, alright but alone in spirit,
I'm trying to find salvation inside this flowing heart of mine,
Changing it's tune with every turn of events,
If you really mean anything to me, you'd always be changing.