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80 · Dec 2019
The Voice
The stench of rotting foliage choking the gutters, cripples my lungs as my trachea collapses. I gasp for air, missing most of the steps down the ladder. Tears pounce on my face and I look up to the angry grey sky. It sparks, gleams and rumbles," Am I not merciful." Pouring and roaring violently, I stand drenched in the cold.
80 · Nov 2020
A Free Man
Sharing is caring.
A worn path, leads further from the truth.
Having paid my dues, kept my promises.
Sacrificed everything for something
Honesty is the best policy, or nothing at all.
A free man, I might be one.
79 · Sep 2020
Cheer up people do care,
just not as much as they do for themselves.
So don't be mad at yourself.
79 · Sep 2020
Having conquered myself and others.
A stream through the mountains.
Where I have found and created a way.
I yearn for a worthy opponent,
A different vantage point.
Preferably that radiates heat and light.
Transcending beyond belief.
79 · Oct 2020
Achilles Heel
She sowed seeds of doubt in my heart,
they sprouted to weeds of insecurity.
Twisting and choking the life out of me.
78 · Sep 2020
The Red Dress
A flame that cannot be extinguished.
Quenched one day at a time,
it's tamed.
And for once not a slave.
78 · Sep 2020
A Perfect Love
I wanted her respect,
but I had to earn it.
She wanted my attention,
and I knew not love.
She was a princess,
and I was a beast.
78 · Dec 2019
Let the flower bloom before plucking it.
Wait your turn or get the knife.
76 · Nov 2020
Life is better when not in a hurry
As the sea on the tide
76 · Nov 2020
Magnificent without doing nothing,
a beautiful sight,
a drug no man can afford,
a little too much, is all it takes
to send them running,
a scene of extreme uproar.
76 · Sep 2020
Seeding Doubt
Unable to beguile with your paraded facade.
A ruthless queen after allegiance.
Sheathed swords are drawn, and
may the odds be in your favor.
75 · Dec 2020
Love lies to you
No white knight in shinning armor,
to pay in flesh and blood.
Only the grim reaper, to **** you out.
To stand in your corner; to throw in the towel.
74 · Nov 2019
Vanilla with top cherry petals blossom in the sun.
Camped on the park bench, silently observing the crowd.
Without any chase left, I wait on my prey.
74 · Jun 2020
The unyielding
A brush of my paint
A splash of yours
The rainbow is good
And the ocean is better
Together we are indifferent
The poised and quiet
73 · Nov 2020
Heavenly View
It cost too much to be free
Love is safe and lies
The truth is as ugly as a storm
It finds a way or makes one
A path worthy of one
73 · Feb 2020
When motionless in silence
I witness beauty beyond your cocoon
A portrait on a wall
Confined in a frame
Whispering to my eyes

Whispers in the dark of night
Echoes in my heart
Awakening the soul
Only to consume the flesh
A blue flame
A raging desire
72 · Feb 2020
Guilty of murder
She chose me in exchange for my time,
and I opened a spot on my schedule.
A woman after my heart,
but I denied her access.
She told me to learn to share,
and I shared this bullet with her.
71 · Oct 2019
Two Strangers
The cell buzzed on a beautiful day.
A text from a girl, so many miles away.
I fell in love with a picture and craved for its touch.
Staring into her eyes, consumed is my heart.
Plump, pink lips revealing a white healthy smile.
Petite, exotic nose picking my scent from miles away.
The mind exhaust itself with infite thoughts.
Buttoned in my shirt, her pulse throbs violently against my skin.
The shadow creeps on the object, the blonde haunts the indifferent.
Very far away but very close to my heart,
the distance between two strangers.
71 · Sep 2020
Sowing and Reaping
My greatest sin was robbing you of responsibility,
Depriving you of pain.
Of always intruding the consequences of your sins.
Whenever we judge, we will be judged.
So I had to step back and watch you be your own hero.
That was love's greatest gift.
70 · Dec 2020
Higher Love
Write and I'll know what you are.
Read everything and you'll know the truth.
Ignore your feelings and be freed from addictions.
Dance naked in the dark and be one with peace.
Look into their eyes, to kindle their flame.
70 · Nov 2020
There is no One
A cry for each death and birth
The ocean comes in and out
Everything is exactly the way it is meant to be
69 · Oct 2019
Life goes on
They changed and the world changed with them.
Improving everything to their needs and immediate gratification.
A world and a selfish specie, till death do us part.
The bride rearranges everything and fuses over anything.
The walls crack to the pressure and wash up the mold.
Life sprouts from the ashes, in the limelight of the day and night stars.
Eyes fixed on the sun, fail to ignore the silhouette.
The climate changes, nature can't keep up.
A globe of complex colours, the chameleons make it work.
Defined identities unchanging like epitaphs in the graveyard.
Life goes on, as dead clocks take a hand break.
68 · Nov 2020
"Ignorance is Bliss"
People everywhere willing to be deceived.
Showering you with roses and kisses,
with each lie you whisper.
68 · Dec 2019
The Trap
Darkness corrodes the walls and bangs on the the door. Alone and lonely, I bend a knee and say a prayer. Eyes locked on the the shinny **** on the edge of the red oak door. Softly whispers to me, dragging my flesh across the floor. Fighting the rush of adrenaline, I step away from the windowpane. I stand to the tempting sound with my fists and jaws clenched.
67 · Nov 2020
One Thing
It's been long since I've searched,
for that one thing.
I have traveled far and wide.
Beyond the boarders, under the blue.
I've known not, to be with it.
67 · Oct 2019
Thin of thick
The thicket forest fans a cool breeze,
that brushes against the furrows engraved on my face.
The rain pours violently, and the rich aroma rising from the sun baked sand; flouds my nostrils.
The voluptuous coke glass bottle filled to the neck,
Ignites a memory of her only silk dress.
67 · Nov 2020
Safe Heaven
Home is where the heart is
In the shadows where it's a safe place to be
A citadel to lay siege
66 · Nov 2020
Hard Feelings
Dogs chasing their tails
Women after the elixir of youth
Men pursuing the love of their life
As the wind getting somewhere
66 · Nov 2020
Stubborn Love
It is not the best days,
nor the worst ones.
Only those that slipped away,
hopefully waiting.
Eating away at time
65 · Oct 2020
A dime has two sides
Lacking when alone with you
Overflowing when all by myself
Trusting strangers over myself
64 · Sep 2020
Freedom is a willingness to say no to anything.
Love is a commitment to a side or cause.
Life is being anything and not everything.
So choose wisely.
64 · Jul 2020
If I Stay
Loving you for who you are,
Is marching to war with myself.
Where I drown in the emotional flux.
When the tide settles, I'm reborn,
Into a person that loves you.
For your love humbles my heart
64 · Dec 2019
The greatest crime
The rain quenches all forms of life
The sun shines on all faces
Neutral souls flow without restraint
I chose God and the heathens hated me
I chose you and I lost it all
My greatest crime was choosing a side
63 · Sep 2020
It starts with you
Life is a reflection of you.
To change anything look into the mirror.
'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'
One cannot give when without.
63 · Aug 2020
I'm mine
Different is all we are, compliments of each other.
Only together are we a force to reckon with.
The darkness only exist to test our resolve.
Never tire for the enemy is always out to strike.
Fear not those around you, but that which is inside
For a corrupted soul reeks of cowardice.
61 · Aug 2020
Slaves wherever I lay my sight,
slaves to oppressors,
slaves to our will,
slaves of fear,
slaves of love.
Slaves to serve
our masters.
61 · Sep 2020
Seek the truth,
not their  truth,
nor your truth.
61 · Aug 2020
Good gets Better
Death is the future,
Though it may not be the immediate future.
Now is all we truly have,
for it's the only thing we gain and never lose.
59 · Sep 2020
Once and Never
It was only a puff,
that turned into a chain of cigarettes.
It was only a cup,
and it's a series of bottles.
Only once and never,
turned into often and forever.
Wars waged on multiple fronts.
Numbed intuition,
feigned indifference.
59 · Sep 2020
Darkness is always lurking,
and water is never against or for.
The wind is always in a hurry,
and we insist on settling.
58 · Aug 2020
Nature's Law
Emotions are versatile and volatile,
and love is not an exception;
so I won't promise forever.
57 · Jul 2020
I saw her today, walking by herself.
Eyes fixed on the phone.
I froze to appreciate her beauty.
She looked up, calling out my name
and I only smiled back.
She reached out and I firmly held her hand.
Feeling her thin and warm blood vessels.
Time ceased in this perfect bubble
I wanted to tell her, I had to tell her,
but my pride got in the way.
I slowly walked away, walls tumbling down
My sanity thanked me, for adhering to reality.
A brutal drug that does not cloud judgement.
I saw her today and it all came back to me,
All the fantasies and memories.
I saw her today and she haunts my day.
57 · Nov 2020
The Jungle
Take and it will be forever yours
Receive and they will strip you naked
57 · Oct 2020
Color blossoms from sharp prickles
Where isolation was all the solace
57 · Sep 2020
Forever Times
Looking back at us strikes me as the best of years.
You were always screaming,
and I motionlessly anticipated something.
The tension sparked an undying love in me
56 · Jul 2020
Life is a fall on the edge of the precipice
Where you either open up or crash
Death is a portrait walled in a mansion
Where aging comes without maturity
56 · Aug 2020
We cannot break the law, but only break ourselves against it
Love is eternal and it cannot be achieved
56 · Aug 2020
I care too much about what you think of me,
yet you are a mess yourself.
Now tell me who is going to save who.
55 · Jul 2020
Staying out late
I have never loved anyone
Only the thought of them
Yet they always ruin it
Telling me all their heart
55 · Aug 2020
The opposite of love is indifference,
and anything in between is love.
Remembering you screaming and crying;
over something I had and hadn't done.
Had me realize how much you loved me
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