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55 · Aug 2020
The opposite of love is indifference,
and anything in between is love.
Remembering you screaming and crying;
over something I had and hadn't done.
Had me realize how much you loved me
54 · Feb 2020
Most Alone
Never take more than you can chew
The mightiest rivers are single-minded
Calm to the eye, yet they run deep
Beautifully, Silently.

Detours came my way
Martha was stable
Lorraine was pretty
And I ended up alone
54 · Jul 2020
A place of acceptance without judgement
A warm embrace in the midst of a storm
A stranger's radiant smile with wet eyes
A touch of skin by the frail and old
A place beyond life and death
A place of stillness and nothing
Like the ocean
Like the night sky
A dark room in the middle of the night
53 · Jul 2020
My Way
Do flow with the current, never looking back to the past.
If you do, only be it to face your fears.
Always look forward to the future and beyond,
for surely familiarity will soothe your fears.
53 · Jul 2020
Slow and Steady
Taught to be perfect, I hide myself.
Imperfections, the gifts of improvement
Improvement, a struggle to perfection
A journey beyond time,
A path deemed for the Gods.
Where acceptance is the key,
to stand among the Gods.
Even if its only for a while.
53 · Aug 2020
I See Fire
Beauty that whispers to souls,
and matures like wine;
works like venom on the heart.
Conquering willing victims.
52 · Apr 2020
T. J
She always wears a concealed smile,
Liking mystery and drawn to it,
She never leaves alone,
Forever clear and true,
She is worthy to have and hold.

Always natural and one with nature,
Her eyes flame with fire,
Her taste is unmatched in every way,
When all is consumed and done,
She is a Piscean and so am I.
52 · Mar 2020
North Star
A beautiful diamond
Clear and true, as the north star.
Burning ceaselessly,
throughout the night.
Heightening my senses.
Coloring the world.
And through the eyes.
You are welcomed into my heart;
And you stay up there,
forever clear and true
51 · Feb 2020
Sail away
Seek freedom from thyself
Always willing to walk away
Either by choice or circumstances
Like the wind through the storm

Life without movement is difficult
It reeks of death, a filthy void
A place of mediocrity and settling
Like water dammed behind a wall

The path to exploration,
Uncovers priceless gems.
Burried deep within layers of fear
Away from the light
Like opening your heart to a stranger
51 · Jul 2020
Believing, you raised the bar beyond my reach.
I stretched and eventually snapped.
Maybe I needed another chance or a little time.
The memory of failing myself haunts me,
but that of failing you cripples me.
51 · Feb 2020
How you win
Women are puzzles, men are players
Ever-changing, unsolvable puzzles
Most assume, but never knowing
A few quit, the rest die trying

Striving to look attractive and youthful
They all bended a knee
Yet all she wanted was attention
They lost a battle, not the war

A genius showed up and kept still
Without ideas nor solutions,
and she he played herself into oblivion
And that's how you win.
50 · Sep 2020
The Journey
All you asked of me,
was to be taken somewhere, anywhere;
and all you did was worry about getting there.
Sadly we never got there,
and all I ever wanted,
was pleasure that comes with the pursuit;
not the destination.
Like two strangers on the road to nowhere.
47 · Apr 2020
Its all coming back
Lacking, I confined in you,
Clothed in your glorious radiance,
The warmth of the rays on my skin,
I fought and leaped a little longer,
For together we were a monstrous lie,
Truth sacrificed to feed the flame,
Very close and yet chained in secrets.

Going somewhere without a compass,
A journey without a destination,
Never prepared for what awaits us,
We constantly stumbled on to reality,
Bruised and forever missing you,
The memories keep me awake at night.
46 · Jul 2020
The breeze flows through and around
The river meanders through and around
The darkness lurks in the deepest of the deep
Humans are not kind to each other
45 · Mar 2020
Pain is everywhere.
Like the air we breath,
it escorts us all to the great beyond.
Sometimes it is frank and suffocating;
and mostly it is the truth.
45 · May 2020
The flame within
Beauty soaks the eyes and sings my soul out to the sea.
Sinking in the sand and gazing at the void.
The salty waves crashing on to the shores,
Like an emotionally confused lover.

Treading out to yield to thy temptation,
Waves roar for the flame within.
The sea rocks back and forth,
And it regurgitates.
44 · May 2020
The silver rays penetrate the shadows of the night,
As I stare mindlessly into the far distance.
Not knowing what tomorrow brings to light.
The wind whistles as it passes by.
The trees dance to the rhythm.
Lips pressed against the cold window,
As I busk under the faceless moon.

The man worries about his dwindling savings.
Girls clamber at the end of their shelf-lives.
The big round moon sits gracefully on its thrown,
Observing its peaceful subjects.
Shimmer and slumber through the night.
43 · Aug 19
All things to All men
A villain is whomever tells the truth in an accommodating and tolerating society.
41 · Jun 2020
Afraid of something out there
I run from the society
And yet I get nowhere
Now I crawl to my tomb
Where bliss is silence
41 · Jun 2020
Quiet in love
I was once in love with you
When I used to own a heart
And now I am a selfish heartless stone
The thought of you still lingers around
And I smile to it when no one is around
Knowing I have never been so crazy in love
35 · Jul 10
All is more complementary than competitive.
In the beginning, at the end
Finite pain, eternal pleasure
Finite pleasure, eternal pain
Everything works out in the end, even badly.
32 · Jul 25
Ignorance makes people bitter.
Knowledge/power makes people arrogant.
Wisdom makes people indifferent.
26 · Aug 29
No One's Got It All
A moment of doubt and pain
Something begins to take, once you figure it out
Patience taken by an obvious outward show
Mystery, always ends up misery
Fate, always deals a straight flush
Hollow convictions cloud the soul's yellow glow

— The End —