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128 · Aug 2021
Attraction isn't choice, but love is and it is for everyone.
126 · Apr 2021
Good Guys
The best result comes when everyone in the group,
does what's best for him and the group.
Anything else is Self neglect.
122 · Apr 2021
Lost in Static
Far too late, be my guest.
Mired in the thick of thin.
Be dumb, be doomed.
Peace by the pistol.
121 · Apr 2021
Burning Tree
To the wind, dance and song.
A desire as old as tale, to have and hold forever.
Throughout life and beyond death.
121 · Mar 2021
The embers of your eyes, thaw my heart and summon my smile.
Here and now, our little death.
119 · Feb 2021
The horrors of oblivion swamped in tears.
Vehement loathing for my grotesque deformities.
Staying clear of the shadows, dusk always finds me.
The rotten odor chokes and suffocates.
118 · Oct 2019
Unconditional flame
Anatomy is a trap,
beauty is the light within the eyes.
An unconditional flame unlike the sun,
which goes by dusk,
but it lingers in the darkest shadows like the
The same light that celebrates the colors of the
and acknowledges her beauty when you gaze
into her eyes.
Appreciating every shade, the light consumes you.
Sail out and lose yourself.
Lock eyes with hers and let the love consume you.
118 · Jan 2021
Sweet Nothing
The burden of heat upon me.
Light flooded eyes, flashing forward.
Lonely and not alone, following the sun to tomorrow.
The shadow kept aloof.
116 · May 2021
We are all rich in time.
A possession not to keep,
but to spend wisely;
with which anything is possible.
115 · Mar 2022
A fierce arsenal of beauty to which words cannot convey
Striking from the highest realm of the heavens
A heroine insearch of a taste of defeat
115 · May 2021
Let Go
I was onto something,
that something was onto me.
A thin line between addiction and control.
114 · Dec 2019
The shadow of the flowering tree, shelters me as I write. Children soiled all over, yell and scream in their native tongue. Fruits dangle in the wind as the trees rock forth and back. Feeling a heavy load in my rib cage, I stretch inhaling the cool morning air. I gaze into the distance and drift with the lonely breeze.
113 · Feb 2022
Beast of burden,
taking what they can give;
priceless because it's not for sale .
113 · Jan 2021
Wishing on shooting stars,
Youth burning with rage,
Conveying then to the now,
Coveting roses without thorns,
Days without nights,
Brooding dreams, living lies.
109 · Jan 2023
Love is real as death.
Respect to persons is an illusion.
Strong enough to resist, yet too weak to prevail.
Our innocence is ephemeral.
109 · Apr 2021
Veil of Ignorance
Celebrated by crowds on Sunday mornings.
Popularity does not assure prudence.
Lace and silver.
Laughter and confetti.
The joke is on you,
Lifting the veil of ignorance.
108 · Nov 2020
Awaiting Time
All my friends disappeared with night
I can't wait to retire, to care for; to be cared for.
To starve, a shot in the dark.
A lifeless system, numb to core.
Caring more to be loved, has all my love.
108 · Oct 2022
Don't try
The temerity to flee moments of stillness
Bingeing on decolletage, bingeing on derriere
Time subduing restraint without tantrums
Sentiment moving us, sentiment consuming us
104 · May 2020
I live in fear of becoming.
The dream of being something over nothing.
A life on the edge.
103 · Jul 2020
Blindly in Love
The fear I feel stirs curiosity in my soul,
For you are the ever towering light.
My eyes only see in your presence.
When your flame burns out,
I become one with the darkness.
Your return is only but blinding
And your touch is golden
So I walk out to you blindly
103 · Mar 2021
Steaming towel against skin,
Cold shinny metal choking my finger
Salt streams rushing down the fall
102 · Feb 2021
Man's best friend
A cold bottle to loosen a nerve or two.
Demanding results and mostly good results.
The useless ordained the worst fate,
a life alone; being your best friend.
101 · Jan 2023
A Grain of Truth
Polar opposites Attract
Different scares everyone
Terror surfaces love

Flocks of plumage together
Familiarity soothes fears
Certainty surfaces indifference

Desire follows arousal
Happiness is voluntary submission
Violation surfaces hate
101 · Nov 2019
The Opera
I like it when you turn to me and whisper,"I told you not to overdress."
The warm tickling air flooding my ears.
As fine people steal glimpse from their rows, and I turn to you.
Sealing your cherry lips with a kiss.
101 · Sep 2020
The Antidote
Beauty is symmetry, like day and night.
Where everything is done in moderation,
and there's nothing beyond as before.
100 · Dec 2020
Dear Grandson
Don't associate with love.
It seeds doubt and turns you inside out.
To stand for it is to stand for nothing.
There is no fate worse than that.
100 · Jan 2022
Somebody to Love
Ejecting with all passion of a gushing river
The rage of the heart against the soul
A lot of willpower, self control and practise
In making the way home, in the best way known
Indulging necessities to not gratify animal passion
99 · Dec 2020
30 Minute Drive
She is the summer sky, on working days.
Always pouring love, sprouting joyful laughter.
There is no drought, smiles on smiles.
98 · Nov 2020
Blood Pact
Loving you for barely speaking,
stable and reserved.
The one to keep my secret.
97 · Dec 2021
The Last Laugh
Mediocre attention lusting covets, be consoled that nothing will last.
Truth is singular and its versions are mistruths.
Always complaining, Always explaining
A river gushing with all its passion
Action is a common place, right action is not.
97 · Dec 2020
Will You Wait.
Seeing how the river flows,
drowning all that thrives against it.
I cry for a promised tomorrow.
A love that knows no age.
A love that conquers all.
I take comfort in knowing, you will wait.
Yet my soul aches,
at the thought of time not waiting for us.
97 · Dec 2021
Hey You!
I see you since I was nine
You are yours, I am mine
It has been seven long years
My sky is grey and full of tears
96 · Mar 2022
Modern Fairytale
Selfishness apt to inspire love
Broke another promise, broke another heart
Surrender to enchantment
Carrying on the way the wind blows
Hold on loosely and don't let go
Everything is going how its meant to be
Checkout anytime and never leave
One way ticket, red light nightmare
96 · Dec 2020
Among so many not good
Lightning flashes, thunder rumbles.
The cat meows to the pleasant aroma.
Dogs whimper to the frosting cold.
The good encourage potential,
and the worst cannot let things be.
95 · Aug 31
Travail of Love
Mother with the rod,
Father with reproof;
Let not your love spare for my crying.
God with consequence of choice and habit.
To leave me chained to fate, by myself.
95 · Dec 2020
Success Creates Distance
Living in the middle of the crowd.
A thin line between love and hate
An island in the open sea.

Shaken and cracked.
Tumbling to persistent waves.
Built walls thick and high.

In a world silent and familiar.
Heaviness left, gravity let go.
Afloat and above it all.
95 · Jul 2022
The mystery girl
Lurking above the storm, lurking beyond the night
Orange to your peeking dawn, orange to your peering dusk.
I'm your sunshine.

Eye in the midst of a hurricane, Anchor to a troubled ship.
Blue to my curious sky, red to my raging passion.
You're my rainbow.

Beyond all the chaos, complementing the blue sky.
95 · Jan 2023
Wanting it where I crave it.
I didn't give myself away.
I imagined giving myself away;
No, I imagined myself taken away.
94 · Jun 2020
An oath before God and men
To never judge at all times
To love them all the same
And still I find myself
On your flank
93 · Nov 2020
In need
Fuming with rage , ink splashing.
A world so loud, a tainted canvas.
In need of a friend, a forest.
To listen, when low and trickling.
To listen, when spilling and roaring.
A river in the midst of the jungle.
A fire through the night.
92 · Jan 2023
Corrosion of conformity
Born unto trouble
My rainbow is overdue.
Girding up my ***** before demands.
My help is in me.
90 · Dec 2020
Merry Souls
Smoking chimneys, colorful fireplaces.
Familiar strangers, radiant smiles.
Isolated gatherings, cheerful carols.
The void between.
90 · Apr 2020
Bottom of the Ocean
The girl in the red dress
Ice thaws wherever she wanders
She came to close and left me brittle
Quenching her thirst, bending to her will
I fled to the deepest of the deep
To be cured of her.
89 · Aug 2020
Salt and Sea
I want love
I want freedom,
and not much to depend on
but I need the truth.
88 · Aug 2020
It wasn't easy to be happy for you.
After all you were all my reasons,
but all I was caged you.
Seeing you with him and not me.
Oh, what a beautiful sight.
84 · Jan 2023
Red Rose Romance
Conflict without compromise.
A secretive anxiety and horror; from which springs the flower of love.
Our coloured canvas.
Shades of crimson, Shades of scarlet.
83 · Mar 2022
Mother should I run for president?
Mother do you think she is good enough, for me?
Mother do you need to be so high?
Mother should I trust the government?
Oh! Isn't it just a waste of time.
From a Song by Pink Floyd titled Mother
83 · Oct 2020
Crimson Red
Its wise to pretend than to show,
and if you do; better it only be your rage.
Like thunder rumbles and lightning strikes.
For the settling of the storm,
welcomes the appreciation of the calm.
82 · Nov 2019
Eve's Daughter
Growing up without mother's love, with only the sky to look up to.
The current would wash me up where it wandered.
The world could only pity for my kind.
Channeling my burning rage into my trade, earned me a small fortune.
The skies were clearing and with that a blinding light emerged.
The light shone in my eyes and the warmth touched my skin.
Trading all I had and was to own the beautiful star, without realizing the light had a mind of its own.
I lost my freedom, together with the memory of my mother.
Chained and conquered by love. I take what I can and wait in line.
81 · Dec 2019
Take a knee
Sweat, tears and blood linger in the moist air. The battlefield calls for a nobody. Yet it takes a somebody to rise above the shadows of the night. Defeat is worse than death. It nibbles at your soul, crippling the mind with fear. Grab your lantern, buckle your shield and confront your shadows. Risk death, never taking a knee till better fate strikes you down.
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