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Art you made
Art you shall become
That's the lesson I've learnt.
We're not made of stardust
Or particles
Or a billion atoms running
Up and down our system
Art is what we're made of.
Art is what we aspire to do.
Art is what we inhale
and exhale.
Art is everywhere.
Art you made
Art you shall become
Art is what you
Dedicate your existence to
What you are devouted to
What your life resumes in
Art is what you made
Art you shall become
Artist don't burn
They don't turn into ashes
They don't return to the earth
Artists return to what
They're made of
They turn into their own
Version of stardust
From art you were made
And art you shall become
Art you made
In Memoriam
 Jan 31 wren
Early morning,
fog hugging the earth,
Coffee in my hands,
warmth in my soul.

A simple blessing,
A calm moment.
POV: You're sipping bittersweet coffee on your balcony, in winter morning after pulling all-nighter for studying or work.
And the best part? No one else is awake yet.
just you.... hehehe :)
 Jan 31 wren
 Jan 31 wren
Amidst the crowd,
I try to see.
Him unknown,
a mystery to me.

Gaze met once,
a fleeting chance.
I told myself,
no mutual glance.
just felt like writing it...
 May 2024 wren
 May 2024 wren
i always fancied myself a eurydice
the perfect victim in a perfect tragedy

but you have me feeling like orpheus
and i can't stop wondering if i would have looked back

and i know i would have if you asked me to
being a simp is a little exhausting <3

 Jan 2024 wren
Mike Adam
 Jan 2024 wren
Mike Adam
I blame the moon.

Her sinuous rhythm
In tune-
You move to her
Her Face your Mirror.

My Gravity slips and
We tumble Cold
Into Space
 Jan 2024 wren
Mike Adam
 Jan 2024 wren
Mike Adam
I painted your Myth onto
A cave wall

Until she atrophied

I scribbled our story
With a stick in White sand

And then the Tide.

So long gone,
I see in Dream
Your Face in
Moon Cold night

Your heat on soles

The Harvest of your Hips
With another.
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