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hesitate again
look down

regret my first sentence

maybe will say it some other time
 Feb 27 wren
Thomas W Case
There, in the
tide pool, dappled by
the sun is birth and death,
and the spark that continues.
It leaves mankind in the wake of regret.
What have I to do with the albatross
Or sea lion?
I can but write, while they fly and roar.
I gaze upon the Pacific from this rock,
all its mysteries and grandeur.
I am inferior, while it forever reigns with
every wave and break of light.
Here's a link to my youtube channel where I read my poetry from my brand new book, It's a Hop, Skip, and a Jump to the Madhouse.
jasmine green tea
the flowers smell so sweet
she put soap in my mouth
she wants to wash it out
i let the aroma lie to me
i hate my mother i wish i didn't love her
 Feb 27 wren
Lawrence Hall
Lawrence Hall
Dispatches for the Colonial Office

                                  Their Candles are All Out

                            “…There’s husbandry in heaven;
                              Their candles are all out...”

                                              -Macbeth II.i.6-7

Good men will tend to see the good in all
When Banquo was aware of the starless night
He saw in that not a lack of light  
But rather the careful conservation of light

And so we see this night, this rainy night
Not as a time of cold and darkness and damp
But an occasion for hearth-gathering the family
For cards, chess, read-alouds, blankies, warmth, peace

Good men will tend to see the good in all
And good must then on all of us befall
Art you made
Art you shall become
That's the lesson I've learnt.
We're not made of stardust
Or particles
Or a billion atoms running
Up and down our system
Art is what we're made of.
Art is what we aspire to do.
Art is what we inhale
and exhale.
Art is everywhere.
Art you made
Art you shall become
Art is what you
Dedicate your existence to
What you are devouted to
What your life resumes in
Art is what you made
Art you shall become
Artist don't burn
They don't turn into ashes
They don't return to the earth
Artists return to what
They're made of
They turn into their own
Version of stardust
From art you were made
And art you shall become
Art you made
In Memoriam
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