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Shadowfang Feb 4
I can't believe it
A suicidal person like me
Has lived this long
I was hoping to end the streak
But my body is impenatrable
Can't **** it
I feel like I'm unable to die
I wish I could
But maybe its for the best
Who knows what else might happen
I've gone through abuse
Suicidal attempts that wound up in the hospital
But somehow I'm alive
And I wish I never was
Shadowfang Feb 4
I can feel the wind
The scent of the wild
Hands turn into paws
Teeth into fangs
Growing an animal nose
Fur bristling on my back
I run as fast as I can
Sprinting past the lake
I'm finally who I want to be
But I yowl in pain as I transform back
Back into a human
The worst animal to transform into
Change me back
Shadowfang Feb 3
Walking in the forest
I get a sense of who I am
My body falls down
And I wake up again
But as an animal
I feel my paws running
Across the bridge
I'm finally free from my human body
But it ends
And I'm back
In my body
That I wish was an animal's
It happens again
Feeling a tail
Paws on the ground
But I can never escape the human body
I once knew
Lil' Therian poem :3 (I'm a Therian with frequent shifts)
Shadowfang Feb 3
Feeling alone on a Sunday night
This could be the death of me
Seeing the knife cut the cake
This could be the death of me
Trying to escape the knots and holes I made
This could be the death of me
But I still go
Rising above my fears
Like the Himalayan mountains
Growing like the bamboo in my backyard
But still, this could be the death of me.
Shadowfang Jan 30
My heart bleeds like a knife was stabbed through it
Wanting to die
**** me already
I take a drug
Battling addiction
Scratches up and down my arms
Want.... to die
Please, for my own sanity **** ME ALREADY
I feel useless
Suicide note confirmed
This is my note
Goodbye world......
Shadowfang Jan 30
**** Liam Harrell
He did this to me
Hate this
Sexting and pregnancy
DIdn't want this
Please stop
Shadowfang Jan 30
Silence grows at night
When there are no people around
Nothing in sight
No sound

Bushes stop shaking
Birds cease chirping
Nothing breaking
Not even the wind swirling

Dark as midnight
Light as snow
I wish I could take flight
As my new wings grow

But as silence grows
I'll always feel alone
There's nothing that can show
That I'm not afraid of the unknown
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