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Shadowfang Jan 30
My body is fragile
With every cut I make
With every year from my eyes
I wish I could get rid of the things I want gone
Like me
2 weeks pregnant
In a body I don't want
Liam did this to me
Abuse is my weakness
**** is worse
Can't I just die already?
Shadowfang Jan 30
Silence grows in the night
No wolves to howl
No birds taking flight
No dogs to growl

Only yesterday did that silence break
To think it would end
But I stood near a lake
And my bones started to bend

Snapping and screaming
As I watched my body covered in blood
I wish I was dreaming
Then, my head made a small thud

I was unconcious
Laying on the ground
My life was hopeless
And wished I'd drowned

I leaped out of my body
A spirited ghost
I could see everybody
Everyone except me, the host

They watched the light leave my eyes
Screaming in horror
I'm not alive,
Not anymore
Fun lil' poem that I wrote :<
Shadowfang Jan 30
Depression is like drowning
Feeling like you can't get out
Caged like an animal
Because of what someone did to you
I say "It's not your fault"
But I know the truth
It is my fault
I got myself in this mess
Life is hopeless
But you can try to get out
Even when you hit the sand at the bottom of the Mariana Trench
There is still time to redeem myself
Before I die
Can't escape this feeling
Now I lie in bed
With a knife to my head
To end my suffering
I was abused by a 17 y/o boy. He did unspeakable things to me. I want to die and forget about him.
Shadowfang Jan 30
I remember these weeks clearly
A time I cannot say
Abuse is real
And so am I
But the thoughts of him, just hurting me
Is the reason why I cry at night
Curled up in a ball
Wishing I never lived
Shadowfang Jan 30
Light as a feather
Deep in shadows lie silence
Falling down near me

— The End —