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Cmi Jan 2019
Turning on the  WiFi of
My emotions of  longing,
Yearning & burning 
 To see you
The  noisy  thoughts
From the mind
Switching my
Heart on
With the signal
Of love
I will face-time 
 With you
In my Soul
Where you
Are not in rush
Stay tuned
I will see

Cmi Jan 2019
" I wrote
A song of our love
With the ink
of my tears
My breath
sings it
With the rhythm
Of my heart “
Can’t be
heard this song
When you live
in the mind
for so long “

Cmi Sep 2019
Our moment on earth
Is nothing but a short story
To be remembered
Doing everything with the heart
Is all you want to do
Everything is just
Perfect and beautiful
No rights or wrongs
When it is done with love
Until you bring
The mind to interfere  
Live in the heart
Love from the heart
Share from the heart
Enjoy life living in the moment
Giving the best you can
So that no regrets come along

Cmi Mar 2019
“Finding a dark quiet sacred place
Closing your eyes
Breathing deep
Feel the love within
Keep breathing deep
Keep feeling the love within
Let the universe take over
So much to give
So much to receive
Just “BE”
Rest happens on its own “
Just “BE”

Cmi Jan 2021
Find the hidden self within
Know the self
Find the lost self
Let the trapped self
That Trying to gasp  
Let the self breathe
Let all emotions flow
Let it breathe
My dear
Let it live
Let it flourish
Let it spread
Let it radiate
Let it come
And let it go
Empty yourself
“Let it come
What’s hidden  
Your anger
Let come
Let it go
It comes
Because it’s there
Once it’s gone
There will be nothing left
But your true self
That’s pure love and peace
You feel it
Let whatever hidden
Surface up
Let it come
Let it go
Be empty
And then
Come to me
We both will be empty
And ready to merge
as one
Let it come
Let it go
My dear
Let it go
Cmi Mar 2019
No force
No pressure
to the self
Just flow
Don’t expect
Don’t resist
Just let go
Just flow
Your own core
The flowing nectar
With the light
Just flow
True self
Just flow
Just glow

©️Sobbingsoul ✨
Cmi Jan 2020
Even for a second
Forget yourself
Even for a second
The depth
In you
In me
Feeling inside Of me
Feel your love
That lives in me
Every cell of mine
Flows as blood
Cares your love
as my breath

Let these
Two breaths unite
As one
For a second
Forget yourself
Just feel this depth
In you
In me  
©️ Sobbingsoul
Cmi Sep 2019
Just for this fleeting moment
Experience this closeness
Feel this screaming love
From within
Trying to gasp forever

Cmi Jan 2019
Waves of joy
Waves of sorrow
Waves of thoughts
Waves of memories
They come and go
Temporary visitors
Of my mind
Only come
For a reason

For reminding me
For teaching Me
And leave
Feel their presence
Cherish the essence
And let go
Do not hang on to it
Let your journey continue

Cmi Jan 2020
Even in this distance
I have always  loved you
Even in this separation
I have always  embraced you
Even in this pain of longing
I have found bliss in it
Just loving you
I have found
Lost me in me

Cmi Apr 2019
When Loneliness
Surrounds you
Heart searches
For love
Think of me
Will be embracing you
As breeze
When your lips
Are dry and thirsty
Think of My soul
Quenching your thirst
I Will be kissing you
In the eternity
When your physical
Eyes search for me
Feel within you
I will be
Whispering and
Loving you
Through your own heart
When darkness
Envelops you
I will be Shinning
On you
Blanketing you
With the bright stars
My soul has
Never left your
It always
Roams around
Even if I leave
The planet
I will always
Be loving you
Just the way
You were there
I was there too
And will always
Be there

Cmi Jan 2019
Under the blanket
Of a starry night
Drinking wine
Of Tears
From the cup of
Each other’s  eyes
Getting drunk In  love
Smelling fragrance
Of  breath
Dancing in the rhythm
Of own heart
Caressing by clouds
Flying infinitely
In the sky
Bathed by The light
Of the moon
Let’s  cherish
This moment
Just You and I
vanishing in each other
Breath dissolving in Breath
Let our souls fly so high

Wrote for a new year
Cmi Jan 2019
When fear haunts you
Holding your tight I will take
You to my heart
keeping  you safe
with my breath
When pain stabs you
Caressing you
I will kiss your scars
and aches
Breathing you in
Care for  you  and
Love you within

Cmi Jan 2019
Are you afraid
of getting lost
In the depths
of my eyes?
We are already
merged in
Each other’s eye
Until we die
Fear will vanish
If we learn to fly

Cmi Jan 2019
To walk

Cmi Aug 2019
Breathe deep
Let go everything
Swipe every thought
Through your breath
Taking your consciousness
Beyond this earth
Let thoughts not be
Your boss

Cmi Mar 2019
Let the emotions
Bleed from
Your heart
By the pain
Of separation
Let it bleed
And it
Will heal

Cmi Aug 2019
Let come let it go

Whatever comes
Let it come
Whatever goes
Let it go
Don’t strangle the self
In between these
Comes and goes
It came to teach
You something
It did its job
Get the lesson
Then set it free
Let it go
Don’t imprison the self
Let let self be free
Let these visitors go
Set them free
That’s what
The liberation
To me

Cmi Mar 2019
Let it be
Set it free
Give the wings
Of courage
To  fly
In the freedom’s sky
If it yours
It comes to you
If not let it go
Love is not a possession
Love. Is a freedom
Let it go
Let it fly
In the freedom’s  sky

Cmi Apr 2019
Engulphed by Borrowed
Thoughts and knowledge
One can never reach
Own's heart
Feel the depth
Of your own being
Your own core
Dive Deep
Don't survive
On the surface
Fed by others
Wash the painted
Mind away
With your hidden
suffocated "LOVE" within
Trying to breathe for years
And lifetimes
Peel the layers
Of Ego
Then, you know
Your own self
Your True self
Who you really
Your Authentic self
Will Prevail
Cmi Feb 2020
Let me fly to where I belong
Away from this earth
Moon and the stars
Where no pain and sorrow exist
Beyond my mind ,the senses
And these attachments
Where I really came from
Let me go home
Where I reality belong

Cmi May 2019
Let the  heart be your guide
Feeling connecting
The  life experience
Be your path
To reach to
The destination
Cmi Mar 2019
Erase the languages,
Burn   the scriptures
Swipe the words
 let the heart speak
On its own language
Erase the languages
Do not pollute
the language of heart
in words
Let the heart speak
on its own way

Cmi May 2019
Let the pain
Dwell in the heart
Its the only way
You can merge
Deeper and Deeper

Cmi Jan 2019
No one understands
Your heart
Your pain
But the silence

Only few
Love and
The Truth
But nothing
Like the silence

It takes
a courage
To handle
To understand
To feel
The truth

All are covered
In their

Let it be in the silence
Let me be in  the silence
Let the silence understand
This truth
Let this silence
Speak this truth

Cmi Apr 2020
Let this
Restless be
Let this fire
Let this
Heart yearn
Let just
In me
Longing for you
Until for eternity
Our souls
Will see

Cmi Jan 2019

Cmi May 2019
In the canvas of our soul
Life is an Art
You are the artist
Paint the life
With the color
Of your Love &  emotions
Each breath
Is your brush
Each moment
Is your Rainbow
Living in the heart
Learning to share
Joy and peace start
Don't suffocate
The gift you brought
From the Heaven
Doing 8 to  5 job
Paying bills
And achieving
Temporary material gain
Don’t Live Life in Vain
Cmi Jan 2019
Light within me
Flames of yearning
Burning and burning
Passion within me
Desired by your heart
Restless within me
Fueled by your longing
Emptiness within me
Fills me up with
your presence

Cmi Jul 2019
Hiding me
Your soul
You search for me
wondering  around

Never I went far
The sky
Of your  heart
Being in one place
I  always
Like a star
Cmi Jan 2019
Like a cube of ice
Melts in the presence Of fire
The warmth of your love
Melts my heart like  butter

Cmi Sep 2019
You keep
floating like a cloud
I keep watching you
like the sky

Cmi May 2021
Enjoy life
Do what you gotta do
Don’t ignore the sobbing soul within
That yearns something deep
Listen to
Cmi Feb 2020
Living sealing
The truest self
Is the most painful
In life
Live authentic

Cmi Apr 2020
The moment
We saw each
Pieces of us
Were exchanged
Neither you acknowledged
Nor I
Living in the incompleteness
Life flew by
String of our love kept
Pulling us
Until we united
As one
Living in each other
Now days go on

Cmi May 2019
We live
To our hearts
We live fearlessly

Cmi Jan 2019
Diving deep
Into the ocean
Of love
You can be
Love is
The source
Of all creations

Cmi Aug 2019
Love is an expansion
Not a contraction
Love is giving not taking
Love is an understanding
Not rationalizing
Love is forgiving
Love is embracing
Possessing object or a person
Is not love  
It’s an attachment and greed
If it’s a true love
You never have a fear of losing
You believe in love
Your own heart
Love lives with its authenticity
Regardless space ,time , distance and relationships
Love radiates on its own
If there is a tinge of fear
It’s not love
When love is the guide
It knows the destination
Believe in love
It’s your protector
It’s your salvation

Cmi Apr 2019
When heart
Is dug
Is born
In my
I can
And more

Cmi Jan 2019
I know
Your secret power
I see  
Your Glowing Hidden
Treasure Of love
Enclosed in
Your heart
How long can you hide
As it shines
like a Thousand Splendid Suns
Even from the distance
I feel the warmth
You prove
love exists
In absence of  
Space, time and The distance

Cmi Apr 2019
No label
Or reason
No season
No explaination
No past
No future
No expectations
No blaming
No obligation
No relations
No heaven
No hell
No dreams
No union
No separation
No divorce
No marriage
No promises
No contracts
No certificate
No signature
No worries
No heartache
No regrets
No insecurities
No duties
No time
No space
No distance
feeling the magic touch
Of each other
hearing every heartbeat of each other
getting lost in each other’s breath

No attachments
No give or take
No does and don’t
But just be
we can truly love each other
Only now
At this moment

With each new breathe
Merging to each other
More and more
Only surrender
To each other
Where love
Lives forever
Birth and
In the eternity
Your and my Love forever
Lives forever
Love opens the heart
Love gives
Love forgives
Love receives
Love blossoms
Love smiles
Love flows
Love flies

Love can only be alive  in this moment
Love exists only now...

Cmi Jan 2019
Time exists for  things Those die
Love is beyond death ,
Time ,distance and space
It burns everything to ashes
Love can’t be interpreted in words
It can only be experienced
It binds us as  one
Even thousands miles in distance from
One life to the next life
From one planet to the next planet
Love travels from Heart to heart
Uniting us as one

Cmi Jan 2019
Love is not a marriage
Love is not a union
Love is not a relationship
Love is not a meeting
Love is not a talking
Love is not a seeing
Love is not a doing
Love is not a showing
Love is an understanding
Love is a giving
Love is a forgiving
Love is a being
Love is a state of being
It’s the deepest core
of your own being
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