Close your eyes To see me Listen to your breath To hear me Touch your heart To hold me Feel your soul To find me We exchanged Our souls I live nowhere But within you
"Only my own experience Is true wisdom to my self "
The more experiences The more wisdoms
Embrace every little experience Come to your way It helps expand The consciousness All else are Loaned and borrowed Knowledges from Someone else’s Bank account
Wearing A uniform Of a human being We are In the school Of life Everyday growing In love Giving , forgiving and learning In this school Of life We are Growing In Love To Be One
Perceiving through The mind A truth today could be A lie tomorrow A lie today could be A truth tomorrow Perceiving through The heart the truth Remains the same in the eternity
Transversing the mind Peeling the ego Unveiling illusions Undoing unlearning Holding your hands I will take you Deep within In the sky of my heart Flying freely Enjoying the true self
Missing you Lightening strikes My heart Bringing thunder In my soul Clouds of sorrow Floods rain Making a pond In my eyes Overflows the tear Showering my being Not able to bear
Searching for you outside My eyes lids Are tired Am running out of My water Bringing a drought On eye’s land Winds and dust Making this land Dry and dry Losing hopes To try
I Am finding you Within more and more Each time I want you I just close My eyelids’s door Goodnight My dear
Feels as if Your image Made in water It's there And it is not there Your presence Is there and not there As if clouds passing by One moment there And next moment not there
Wanting to go in nameless Timeless land Seeking solitude Along the shore Soaking n Sobbing Under the falling rain Who knows How much I have been drained
Fading my being inside this pen Am spilling emotions sealed within Letting your love be my finger Please keep writing Without more linger No more can I handle This feeling Way too long I kept repealing Now is the time I need a healing ✨♥️✨ ♥️
Thinking Of your beloved When tears Fall from Your eyes Don’t stop Let fall Let it Rain Let it wash Your soul Take a bath In it It’s a grace Grace of love Grace of depth Grace of sincerity The grace of your being Love it Cherish it It’s not a sadness It’s love It’s a desire It’s an expression Let it fall down Upon your Chest Of true love Your tears Are for the pure love Flowing From Love To your eyes To your cheeks To your whole being To your heart And to your soul Where Love gets Bathed too When Separation Kills you Crushing And Cracking Your heart Let the gap Be there Then only You see His light Of love Shinning Through your soul When Fear and Insecurities Keeps you In distant Accept it It’s only An illusion For a moment Until purity In heart Gives the strength To feel Safe Within
Too many layers of Illusions Tries to veil your path From mind to heart Heart to soul March your journey Being a best friend To your own breath Journeying to self To your own soul Where everything exists
My heart is sliced With the knife Of separation Here bleeds Love bathing my being As infinite words I try to patch the gap With these words Nothing helps My heart lives on the sword
Seems there is no end Keeps me smothered If they are not penned
In this moment There is no past No future No regrets No judgement No attachment No hatred No love No anger No dreams No memories No desires No time No space It's empty Yet there is Fullness In this emptiness Living in the present is living in the fullness