Under the blanket Of a starry night Drinking wine Of Tears From the cup of Each other’s eyes Getting drunk In love Smelling fragrance Of breath Dancing in the rhythm Of own heart Caressing by clouds Flying infinitely In the sky Bathed by The light Of the moon Let’s cherish This moment Just You and I vanishing in each other Breath dissolving in Breath Let our souls fly so high
Look into my eyes Go beyond my body Go beyond your body Go beyond my mind Go beyond your mind Go beyond my intellect Go beyond your intellect Find you in my soul Find me in your soul
You are so easy to find here You are in the breeze You are in the river You are in the sky you are in the sun You are in the moon you are in the stars You are in my breath You are in my heart You are in my blood you are in my songs You are in my voice you are in my poems You are in everything Yet you are not here with me
Earth is not A Chosen place To see each other Playing too many Hide and seek I could not Find my Lover Burning in pain To see him I chased 7 oceans and The Desires of River Mind stole him from his heart He hides from me In body Yet His soul always Slither Whispering His name The smoke of my own breath, Echoes, Making My lips Quiver He always Runs away With fear
In the ocean of lives Am a river I trust the flow It’s taking me nowhere But to my destination My ocean My love Is to your heart Mine to yours Yours to mine Where we belong To each other I trust the flow I enjoy the flow Yes I trust the flow Someday We merge In body-mind And soul
Success of love is An understanding Acknowledging Feeling Accepting Embracing Cherishing Giving Without possessing Without Expecting Loving The connection The union Within It’s a blessing To feel the depth The unique Connection making Us dive Somewhere deep Inside All I can say Thank you To my most beautiful Soul I love you
I have felt Your invisible self Beyond your body Beyond your mind Beyond your Name And form
From Beyond my Body Beyond my Mind From the deepest The core of my Being From My Soul Where you live You felt it too I sensed it But you choose To remain silent Beyond your fear I have flown In the land of Freedom In your heart In your love Where Our souls Unite As one Making love
I have experienced The Bliss Crossing your pain Melting your fear Beyond your tears
I have dived into the ocean of your Beautiful oceanic eyes Tasting The Sweetness Of your essence Tranquilizing My being
Drafts of your thoughts Passes through my mind Reaching aching my heart Breaking into thousands of Pieces with separation Watering my eyes Drenches my soul My being soaked
In this solitude My being becomes A window Soul watching A vast ocean Of love It’s the deepest The Widest The highest The mind can’t fathom Opening this window My soul just soars My own self Vast as ocean
Reaching The destination Is not That easy You must go Through Valleys Cliffs You must walk On The thorns At times Soft Flowers Petals Green grasses Encounter Hurricanes Rainstorms Snowstorms Warm sun shine And the beautiful swaying of the cloud After all Nothing Is permanent In this journey It’s just a journey
I have fallen in love With you as you are now I am not in love With the past Even though Our past was so Deep and Vast The closeness that I feel With you is unlike Any connection I have ever had
Who is Beloved Who is Enemy If we all Came from one Where is far Where is Near Where there is no space and time Everything is dissolved in one Everything is Love Spreading my arms I embrace the cosmos Immersing myself in love I am in everything Everything is in me You are in me I am in you You and I are one
Even for a second Forget yourself Even for a second Reach The depth In you In me Feeling inside Of me Feel your love That lives in me Every cell of mine Flows as blood Cares your love That Breathes as my breath
Part of me lives Within you Part of you Lives within me Don’t know What happened In our first meeting My body only floats But soul was taken I always miss you
You are my Tulip Bud Enclosed with Infinite potential Lived inside For years Being away from The heart Rays of my love Shines upon you Warming your petal Slowly blossoming Emanating the sweet fragrances of your essence Keep opening yourself Letting the world Who you really are