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Cmi May 2021
See me in unseen
Hear me in silence
Feel me in your soul
Embrace me in your breath
I am always in you
Around you
Cmi Mar 2021
When you are far
You feel close
Because your soul
Travels to me
When you are close
You feel too far
Because your ego travels to me
Rather let you be far
And love your closeness
Cmi Feb 2021
Freedom comes from giving ♥️
Imprisonment comes from taking

Keeping this love
In me has been painful
I can’t breathe
Neither can  I live
Nor can I  die

To hold your love inside is
my sweet torture.
Perhaps giving it
To  the one who needs it
Is sweet release.

I don’t need to hold on anymore.
Taking makes  me  a prisoner
Giving sets  me free
I want to give your love away
To the one who needs it

Set me free from your *******
Your memories and your thoughts.
I want to live alone
I want to go back where I was
In my own light
In my own solitude
I want to give your love away
I want to be alone
In my own light
In my own being
Cmi Feb 2021
“I am happy
in the cave of my own heart with  
The  light within
Don’t come to see me
I am fine with my solitude
Stirring my silence
To the chaos of this world
Please don’t pull me  “
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