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Sep 2018 · 106
Hello and Goodbye
You don't know me
But I know you
And I know you
Don't want me
But hello
Say hi to me
Entertain me
Pretend for me
To be happy with me
But no
Don't pretend for me
I want you to be happy
Even not with me
So I'm sorry
But I love you
And I need you
To be happy
But goodbye
Live life with someone meant for you
Which is not me
As I can see
Since you don't love me
Good luck
Sep 2018 · 130
See Me
Can you see me?
The real me?
Not fake me?
Do you know me?
The real me?
Not perfect me?
See me for me
Please just see me for me
Because if you do
You'll be the first
First to love me
First to want me
First to need me
First to know me
First to leave me
With a broken heaert
All alone
I never claimed seeing me was a good thing
Leave me
Before you break my heart
Please just leave me
Don't see me
Don't know me
Don't love me
Don't see me
Sep 2018 · 95
My Love
Who are you, my love?
Do you love me?
Can you love me?
Who are you, my boy?
Do you need me?
Can you want me?
I dream of you every night
I dream of you and I
But when I wake up I just sigh
'Cause you'll never be mine
You'll never want to be mine
And the tragedy is
I'll always be yours
Even when you close the doors
My heart still pours
My love for you from my core
And I do
I do love you
I do love you
And I'll never stop
I'll never stop loving you
Sep 2018 · 102
I'll Be Me
I feel as though I'm dangerous
But to whom I can't be sure
I haven't met my purpose
But I know I'm not a pure
I can harm others
With my choice of words
But then self-harm occurs
Even when it's pleasant out
Inside's not as devout
So I stay silent
But silence is compliance
And that will be my end
But maybe I need not violence
In fact my eyes are starting to see
With my new reasonable sense
I can just be free
But others say the silence suits me
Though they don't know who I can be
'Cause I can just be me
So let me just be me
You do you and I'll do me
Because I'll be me
Sep 2018 · 100
Everyone ponders what it means to be free
Or even what it means to just be
But really the way that I see
We are all our own key
But we keep ourselves locked
And our tails we keep docked
So our innermost thoughts are all blocked

— The End —