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Satandra Asberry Mar 2021
Time flew by but today marks a year,
That we became husband and wife my dear
It's been a journey filled with ups and downs,
But that's the way Love is as sweet as it sounds.
Today I Love you more and more as time goes by
My Love for u is unconditional no need to ask why
U and I are going to go through the most together as we
Continue to grow stronger as for I am u and u are me
From rock bottom to the highest level we continue to grow
I Love you so much I really hope that you know
No matter what anyone else prays on our downfall
I know that us together we will stand Tall
For time goes by we don't need to hide,
I will always be down to ride
Today Last year u made me it Queen and I crowned u King
U understand why you are my rock  u are my soulmate my everything
Crazy as it gets it's like bonnie and clyde
I promise you my love forever until I die
I meant it when I said I do til death do us apart,
We belong together and u will always have my heart.

Santandra and Antonio Asberry
Satandra Asberry Mar 2021
If I told you that I Love you 💓 know It is always true,
The best way I know how to,
I know sometimes you're tired of the fight for us to be together
But know that the fight will soon be over and we will live forever
If Loving you is wrong then I Don't want to be Right
I can't stand to be without you in my sight
Starting from the bando days to now we're still standing tall
Even when we have everybody who believes in our downfall
Our struggle is real and it's just crazy sometimes he drives me insane
For me to have changed me and for you to say that I'm still the same
I can't be the same because I look into the mirror and I don't even see me
Everyday I wake up in depression and just wanting to be set free
Free from it all I'm tired of the pain that I'm always feeling
Getting played for a long time I guess my heart needs some healing
It's hard to say but loving you I lost myself
And I'm still out here alone and search for some help
If you truly love me then why you speak to me in such a way
And when I asked you to be real for some reason you tend to play
Why can't you love me the way that I love you
Why is it so easy for you to be quick and say you're through
What is it about when you're wrong you could never apologize and then we move on
When will you start caring when I am dead and gone
But even then I would like to say it probably be to late
Remember the Love I have for you was real I thought was fate
Over and over again I try
to find someone who truly love me before I die but why??
Loving you so much I really lost who I am,
Now I know how it feels being taken for granted by a Man
But I said I lost me because I was in love with you
U took advantage of my heart intentionally by what u do
I Love you Why u couldn't love me I don't understand why
My love so real I was willing to die.
But I couldn't understand with out you I don't want to live
Love is a choice and all I did was give
I was giving while you gave up
Leaving me to believe that me loving you wasn't enough
I stay on my knees giving it to the highest power up above
Begging him to him to help me find me again who I lost being in Love 💕💕
Lost in Love
Satandra Asberry Jun 2020
Listen I'm sorry for being me
I was raised as a unloved stray if u can't see
They say it's me but all I see is it being  just what they say
Which is it gets better one of those days
So I asked the voices in my head to control my different personalities
I just wish for my brain to be truly free
I don't mean to look like that my face expressions are overrated
I'm the girl they rarely like or the one they hated
Ahead of time I say that I am sorry for being me
But I am trying to get a hold of the same person who I used to be
But it's so hard because I am so broken
The love I give is not what I receive but it's never spoken
What I do I don't mean to frustrate you or make u feel as if u don't wanna be
I'm just trying to figure me out every part and at no fee
I am trying to not be a problem but I guess I always will be
But I can only say I'm sorry for being me
I don't have the best communication sometimes I talk before I think
The way I been raised as a sacrifice really stinks
Nobody really understand what I mean but be patient and it will reveal
Some times a broken heart takes a little longer to heal
I know that My self esteem is no longer where I used to be
But Listen I'm so sorry for being me
I lost myself over the time for everything I went through all alone
Now the love for myself is completely all gone
If I am everyone's problem then okay just let me be
But just know that I am really sorry for being me.
Satandra Asberry Jun 2020
Have u ever tried so hard to get the love  you give back
Have u ever cried so hard that sometimes it's hard to accept what's Fact
That no matter how hard u try or no matter how hard you cry
The feeling that you are sure u want to feel but why
Why is it hard for u to accept that the love u give may not be
That maybe the love you are dying for the whole time u just won't receive
So then it goes to are u wanting this true love and will it be able to be kept
That sometimes u can love another so so much and it might just be hard for them to accept
Love that is shown  it's not just a four letter word
Love is shown fondly and is stated proudly loud to be heard
What is Love a name that's is so sweet
When 2 can give it to one another is where true love meet
Is Love to be always truly at it's Best
Or is Love follow up with Action but put to the Test
If I give u my Love will u show me what it truly means to you
If I give you my Love would you show Me the meaning follow by ur actions to let me know that it's true.
If love is supposed to be kind then why does it hurt so much
If you love me why must I beg for your touch.
Love me why can't u understand that I love you
Why do u choose to hurt me the way I want to
All I want is for you to love me
What is it about my love that you just can't see.
Satandra Asberry Jun 2020
Forever Missing Our little princess and our little man,
Angels in the skies for Joshua Jr & Cheyenne,
Both smiles lit up a room made any bad day Seem Alright,
For anyone who felt Darkness a glance of them u see the light.
Never knew what a calling was still today I'm confused,
What jobs can a infant let alone 2 really do.
Explain to your family and friends my niece and Baby is in the sky,
And no reasoning But what they call S.I.D.S is Why.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is what killed my Fam,
You will be Forever Missed  My Joshua Jr and Cheyenne
For April 19th and 21st to approach to us it's all a dream,
Remembering the flesh we brought in this world is now dead unreal it seems
Hearts and lives filled with pain and now all we here is sympathy,
A part of our lives and hearts and us are truly empty.
They say that truth be told is that when you are gone is when u truly live,
For them to get a chance to be here my life I will give.
5years mark today for our family and still we don't understand,
What we did for us to have to now grieve for Joshua and Cheyenne.
Forever missed
Satandra Asberry Sep 2019

It's impossible to know that you child is still okay,
To protect your child was your job, so you think you failed in every way.
When your child is no longer with you and still so very young,
You can’t help but think there must be more you could have done.
Because you didn't do what was needed u failed u must confess,
Now daily wakeups for me are extremely depressed.
You turn the music up and sob while in your car and the shower hides your tears,
You know you can’t survive this kind of loss another day, another month, another year.
Yet, the years go by and you realize you’re still alone,
Although you did all you knew and could, your child did not come home.
They take my children and rip me of my rights as a mother,
Now the everlasting pain I'm covered hurts like no other.
The child you carried and brought into this world has gone away,
There’s nothing left to do but pray and pray .
How evil are those who desire nothing more than to destroy the mother-child bond,
You continue to seek justice, but the gut wrenching pain goes on and on.
No matter how huge the loss, you have no choice but to start another day,
Without your child that gave your life meaning in every way.
So now your lifeless all you want to do is die,
So confused on self worth low self-esteem thinking why try.
The crazy thoughts on why they had to go makes no sense at all,
They say brain surgery to be with them or allow your family to fall.
You lie down at night and think of your child and feel so all alone
There is nothing in this world you want more than for your child to just come home.

     By:Santandra Davis
My Kids are my Life Without them im Lifeless
Satandra Asberry May 2019
My love for you has never been phony,
For u will always remain Big Tony.
My heart and soul needs u so bad,
But at times u make me so so Mad.
So many people have there inputs on what we do,
But you forget sometimes that our relationship consists of just me and you.
We both had are hardships of pain in our past,
I thought that would make our relationship Last.
But I guess I could never truly be loved by you,
To many tears hurt painful words uncotroled mind we have no clue.
Big Tony,Big Tony Big Tony,
I thought you were the only man For me.
But I don't know how to give up on us and we will see,
What our future holds for us to be a better u and me.
My love for you is unconditional u are my heart,
I won't allow anyone or anything tear us apart.
For the tears we cry for when we do wrong,
The pain we cause each other won't be long.
Right now I may be going through me feeling so lonely,
But I will forever be in love with my Big Tony!!!
I Love you xoxoxo
Big Tony
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