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209 · Jul 2018
End it please
Sagiv Jul 2018
I'm so done
How could it be that everything went that wrong?
Wanna put 10 bullets in my brain
Some things won't change
I feel like I don't belong in the frame
My life's has been turning down the flame
I don't wanna live I'm too scared to die please someone end this game
I copied one line of X's song because there's nothing that I can relate more to it
159 · Jul 2018
so alone
Sagiv Jul 2018
looks like there's no way out
this nightmare is interfering with my route
i'm so alone will i ever be happy? i doubt
losing my sanity
this pain was not made for humanity
my whole life has been a vanity
113 · Jul 2018
Sagiv Jul 2018
I just want to tell you one thing
Your not alone
This is what I dream
This is really what I need
Just one person to snap me out of the scene
Doing drugs to get high
Just to get by
I thought that I could mend the pain
By turning it all black and plain
****** be sayin ull be fine
But I don't think they know
The misery and the lie
The cries and the hopes to get to the sky
Why can't no one be real
This is all I feel
Numb inside can't take the ride
Can't handle no more the lies
I feel like my soul dies
103 · Nov 2018
Still depressed.
Sagiv Nov 2018
Doing drugs to maintain
This is part of the reason why I'm in **** pain
Living under a constant rain
Thinking about getting hit by a **** train
It's only me to blame
It helps to maintain a sane brain
But right now it's all gone to flame
My aim is not on the frame
I swear this is all a part of a sick game

— The End —