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Feb 2021 · 118
Self Love ❤️
Shuvam Sharma Feb 2021
'Now, I will love myself'
Big words we throw about
Being independent and confident
About being there for ourself
How many times have we practiced it or at least thought for it?
How many times have you pampered yourself?
Taken you out to some restaurant for good food?
Bought yourself your favorite chocolates? Shared your happiness or pain with yourself?
Talked to yourself, told yourself that you are beautiful?
Praised your pros and respected your flaws?
Given some personal time from your busy schedule to yourself?
Well! we haven't
We have been expecting from others
And doing things for others
Okay, it's good about putting efforts for others
But sometimes!
Try loving yourself, Try caring yourself
Try being there for you
Be the master of your happiness
It feels good my friend
I bet you, it feels good
Jan 2021 · 102
Beauty of Life
Shuvam Sharma Jan 2021
Life if everyday becomes the same
Then will there be a price of it?
Isn't the happier times defined by the sad ones
In the huge dark room of chaos
Won't a moment of peace be the most soothing one?
Like a warm Ray of sun be  therapy for a cold winter day
Would you value the sun the same way if it was the warmest all day long?
Full moon night is pretty because of that dark night without moon
We want things to last forever
Would you value it then like the same way you do now ?
Life is a thrill because it doesn't give you the things you want instantly
You wait for it, have that strong desire, work for it , pray for it
And  when you get it
You shall keep it  valued and precious
So embrace every moment in life
Let your bad times come
To make your good times beautiful and memorable!
Nov 2020 · 92
Defining Love❤️
Shuvam Sharma Nov 2020
Love is you sleeping silently when they choose a match
Or a movie over you on some days.
Love is you letting them enjoy with their friends
Or have time with family and not creating an issue.
Love is encouraging them make their own decisions freely
And being okay with their privacy.
Love is having patience to listen them share their work thing or their study thing
Where you neither interest nor idea about it
But you just enjoy to listen them speak with the sparkle in their eyes
Love is you two, being the complete opposite and yet
Accepting each other in their natural form without the demand of change
Love is giving them freedom to fly free, not holding them to the ground
Anything that has restrictions and not allows you to be yourself is never love!
Jul 2020 · 272
It's OK!
Shuvam Sharma Jul 2020
My dear sister, friend, aunt or a senior
You have crossed a long journey to reach here today
Look at yourself and be proud of what you are
With that dream job you got or that dream degree you graduated in
With the freedom you get, your wings wide open when you fly high
Be proud for being independent, for taking responsibilities
For taking and applying your own decisions
For creating a safer and happier future for yourself
For waiting till the time you learn to help your family economically
It's okay to reach 30 and still be unmarried
Marriages can wait lady, it can wait
Until you are ready physically, mentally, socially and economically
It can wait, till any age you reach
Cause age is just a number, never a limit nor a boundary!
Oct 2019 · 140
Shuvam Sharma Oct 2019
You are a burning fire
Capable of giving heat and warmth
Or burning everything wild into ashes
YOU, are standing here today with your wings
Ready to fly high, all set and prepared
You see the  the weapons coming to you right?
To cut  your wings and throw you down in the ground again
But today these wings cannot be cut
The wings that you have today has taken
Years to grow, nurtured by struggle
Watered with tears of pain and despair
Manured with the sensation of darkness all around
Your roots are strong, since you have grown
Facing all the storms and thunder of problems
So, fly high today!
Fly high leaving every thing behind
Fly to conquer your dreams
Fly to catch the colors of rainbow
And paint yourself today
You are not someone be in the ground my friend
You  are someone to touch the sky!
Apr 2019 · 146
Take me there!
Shuvam Sharma Apr 2019
Take me there, to the world
Everyone could speak their heart out
Without having to think about the results
Where no more mask of fakeness one would have to wear
Just to impress the society and people
And you being a real you would be enough
Where people would be understood for everything they do
Without having a tagline of explanation to carry
Where trust would be so easily gained
No twice thinking and looking back would be needed
One would have enough courage to
To hear their inner voice  act as it says to stand for themselves!
Feb 2019 · 141
Thanks to you!
Shuvam Sharma Feb 2019
If you ever ask me, what made me write
I would answer it's you
You are the reason behind my every creation
As you were the reason behind my every destruction
You gave me pain, I learnt to write about it
You gave me smile, I learnt to write about it
You gave me courage, I learnt to write about it
You gave me growth, I grew writing about you
You are connected in my every word
And you are expressed in my every code
You are within me, you live within me
How far I try to run from you
You remain to stay right there
So thank you, for making me pour you
Through the path of words
Oh are you still wondering who the 'YOU' is?
It's you 'LOVE', It's you.
Dec 2018 · 146
I am strong!
Shuvam Sharma Dec 2018
I am strong
Yes I am, Yes I am
Everyday a new,
Big or small problem
Life throws, it does
I simply smile and accept it
As a lost piece of this huge
Puzzle called life
And try to adjust it into myself
I try to be the tree, that sheds all its leaves
But never breaks down itself!
Some days, I get painted with
The darkest colours, the gloomy colours
Then I mix it up with the brightest ones
Give rise to a new one and paint myself
Cause I have learnt, these dark colours
Gives the right value to the bright ones
As the sheded leaves of autumn and dry branches of winter
Gives the value to the spring flowers!
Sep 2018 · 1.1k
Have I?
Shuvam Sharma Sep 2018
Hey! Have I known you before?
Well, we did meet and spent some time together
But to be honest, I never really understood you
Or let me say, kind of misunderstood you
Maybe, you were introduced to me in different  ways
That in every way you messed me up for being nice
And always you were explained to me in mixture
That I never really got you see how pure you were
I thought you died and were gone
But you were always there within me since forever
Now, I see you every where
In every big or small things
I recognize every form of you
And in every form, you are beautiful today
The peace you bring is beautiful
The smile you light is beautiful
The selflessness you teach is beautiful
The growth you allow is beautiful
You are pure and you are beautiful
Yes, it's you 'Love'
Now, I recognize what you are
So let me ask you again!
Have I known you before?
Sep 2018 · 597
The beauty of truth
Shuvam Sharma Sep 2018
Dare to say a 'No' whenever you feel like not doing anything
Share your problem and cry with people instead of saying "I'm fine"
Give people compliments with criticism directly instead of backbites
Speak truth even if it's bitter instead of comforting lies
Cause fakeness is a curved blade, my friend
Will hurt you and get you in pain
Have that courage to take off the mask
And show people the real you
A little time it may take
Few bitter memories you may make
Some close hearts you may break
But that's okay
Cause at the end of the day
No more fakeness will stay
No more showing off you will have to do
Everything will be easy, you will be at peace
And that will  matter the most ❤️
Aug 2018 · 226
Make me free!
Shuvam Sharma Aug 2018
If you could give me a power
To get rid of one thing
I would ask you to bless me
To get rid of all the attachments
These attachments are not good
Never are good!
Why do we get attached with someone
These emotions are like a wave
They come and go
You never  know when they carry a
Poisonous jelly fish with it that
Will stung you and leave you injured
Bless me so that I can
Reach a state with no attachments at all
Please make it surfacially
And cover my heart with something like
A bullet proof jacket
Where no feelings and no emotions
Can make me attached to anything
Make me free dear
Make me free!
Aug 2018 · 139
Nature, a healer
Shuvam Sharma Aug 2018
Carrying thousands of thoughts
In my mind, I climb up to the terrace
The soft breeze hits my face
And gives a slight massage to my hair
I play soft music in the background
And watch the moon play
Hide and seek with me
The breeze gently takes away
All my stress and doubts
Watching the tantrums of this nature
I stretch my hands the widest I can
And give myself a tight hug
And smile the most happiest smile
The most peaceful smile I ever had
Peace is right here my friend
Peace is in you, forever in you ❤️
Jul 2018 · 151
Shuvam Sharma Jul 2018
You talk, you shower the words
To strangers or to your loved ones
Sometimes sweet  and  sometimes bitter
Tiny these words have so much power
From making people fall in love with you
To take that love away,making you a complete stranger
Actions speak louder but words stay longer
Once spoken neither can be taken back
Nor can be completely deleted
Good are the words or are bad
Always find proper place in memory
Words are strong, they are never gone
Think before you speak they say
Words can heal and words can hurt
What did yours do today?
Jun 2018 · 171
Whoever you are
Shuvam Sharma Jun 2018
I don't know who you are
I don't know where you are
You might be some close friend
Or a total stranger
Deeply in love with someone or
Have been a single lad forever
Might be a ****** guy
Or one who slept with every other girl
All these really bring no difference
Your past will not make big sense
But when we would come close
And you would be the one
To open that door of love again
To bring back the lost trust again
Just make sure you will
Put efforts to keep your word
My every pain or gain would be heard
No big things I will ever ask
I promise to support you in every little task
You be my guardian , I'll be your mate
We'll share the bill in every single date
You look upon me, I'll look upon you
Everyday we'll teach us something new
No rush to meet you and make you mine
I'm leaving it and waiting for the time
Till then you become the best of you
And I shall become the best of me!
Jun 2018 · 807
You can!
Shuvam Sharma Jun 2018
It's okay to cry sometimes
It's okay to break down sometimes
There are times when you
Can't have control over your emotions
When things go wrong and ruined
You can get tired of holding smiles
You can get upset about your failure
You can be afraid of losing people you love
Nothing gets perfect forever
You can complain about your problems
You can be dragged down
And thrown in the ground to zero
I tell you, none of these make you
Less stronger than you were before
Till you carry that courage of
Getting up again, wiping your tears and
Ask life to throw more problems on you
You may fear that you can't make it sometimes
You may doubt on your strengths sometimes
But! you can win over everything
Cause you are much more stronger
Than you think you are!
Apr 2018 · 181
Little things!
Shuvam Sharma Apr 2018
The silence of night I watch
Peaceful and quite
With dogs barking far somewhere
And crickets buzzing loud
I watch the silence of trees around
Smiling steadily
I watch them standing still
With these Rollercoaster of emotions
Inside my heart and mind
I watch the beauty of the moon
Cool and bright
Shining proudly with all those
Black dark patches around
Teaching me to love myself
Inspite of my flaws and cons
I watch the calmness of nature
And the selfless love it gives
Giving me a new lesson
To give and not expect back
Cause expecting hurts
Giving doesn't!
Little things in life teach big lessons ❤
Mar 2018 · 160
Hello love
Shuvam Sharma Mar 2018
Hello Love
I had a little question to ask
Why do you mix up so much with friendship?
Actually don’t just mix up, you take control over it
Its just  when two people come together and close
And give birth to a beautiful relation called friendship
You show up in form of an uninvited guest
Love, not everyone wants you always
Not every time you need to take over friendship
They write songs about you, books about you
You are the most discussed topic everywhere
You take away all the focus, even the one friendship gets
It remains quiet all the time
Even while you come over and throw it away
Who gives you right to be so much cruel?
Listen love,
Now  its time to stop coming over
Let the friendship grow like a small baby does
Let it be adult and stand on its own feet
Don’t be so much selfish and attention seeker
‘Can’t a boy and a girl be just friends’ needs to end now
Its stupid question it needs to be stopeed being asked
And if you continue to show up like you do
How will this question get an answer and be closed
Huh love?
#clash #love #frienship #emotions
Feb 2018 · 155
Shuvam Sharma Feb 2018
Dull eyes and pale face
Empty heart with no grace
No excitement for chocolates, no crave for food
No love for sleep, music  sets no mood
She cries for hours without any reason
Wants to go away somewhere, fly  like a pigeon
Every breath becomes heavy with increasing heartbeats
Some kind of restlessness she feels and it repeats
She doesn't know when it started and how
Just wants to get away from this pain now
No feelings  to show
Eveything inside is  hollow
Emptiness fills her day by day
She wants to leave everything and get away
People are taking her to different clinics
Attempting to find out cause behind her illness
But no treatment could really make a good impression
Cause no-one knows the real problem is
" Her depression"
Jan 2018 · 164
Shuvam Sharma Jan 2018
Ever wondered how long is our life?
Noticed what has made us alive
Ever realized how much time it takes?
For us to die and never get a
Many times our happiness was postponed
So many people whom we haven't respond
So many feelings have left unexpressed
Never thanked for what we have and felt blessed
Running after success, climbing thousand steps
But left behind those people who became the stairs
Carrying all these attitudes that leads nowhere
******* about people and insulting them here and there
How much we might have planned
To make the  future bright and grand
But who knows whether we will be
Waking up or not tomorrow?
#thoughts #life
Jan 2018 · 157
Shuvam Sharma Jan 2018
It was just a nightmare
Came like a storm
And simply left away
Everything's fine
It's normal now
This is what I say myself
Everyday and every moment
Is it the same?
Are no scars left?

I know nothing's normal
When your hand swells up
After you carry 1 kgs by your hand
I know nothing's normal
When you can't walk fast and
Meet up my speed like before
I know nothing's normal
When a simple fever leaves you
Sick for weeks
I know nothing's normal when
You look down your body missing your *****

It aches my body and breaks me down
Still I get up and smile like a clown
To hold your hand and wipe your tears
Coming from the scars of all those years
Cause I have no choice than to be happy
With what it is
Even though I know
Nothing's normal and will
Never be!
From a daughter to her cancer-survivor mother!
Jan 2018 · 175
To the new one in the world
Shuvam Sharma Jan 2018
Welcome to this world baby
Where you are already clicked with
Hundred pictures and posted everywhere
Before your parents carried you with
Teary eyes and proud smile

Welcome to this world
Where you will be sharing memorieswith
Your old friends
To show how strong your friendship is
But never really talk with each other

Welcome to this world baby
Where you will be posting lovely couple pictures
Beautiful status and wonderful feelings
And delete it all after
You break up few months later

Welcome to this world baby
Where you will send your parents
Lots of best wishes through your facebook posts
On some special days
Telling 'Dad you are my hero'
'Mom, you are my idol'
But never bring out time to
Meet them, talk to them and come back home

Welcome to this world baby
Where you will be judging people
But still will be leaving good comments
Even with disgrace and hatred inside your heart

The world of Social Media
Where heartbreaks and backbites
Disappointment and lies
Is all hidden behind
A sweet comment and a happy profile!
#world of social media
Dec 2017 · 176
The day before goodbye!
Shuvam Sharma Dec 2017
He's leaving tomorrow
Far from her lap
To a new country, a new place
A new society, a new world
Her heart is heavy, eyes are wet
Thinking about who will be there now
To wipe off his sweat
She's staying there alone
In a dark room
Cherishing his memories, carrying
A tee-shirt in her hand
With his smell on it
She wants to hold him and never let him go
But it makes her sad, remembering she can't do so
Slowly, the door opens and he's there
Comes near and wipes her tears
Don't worry maa, I'll be back soon
In your lap again, with you for life
And she hugs him,smiling at his fake promises
Cause she knows that
Returning back to her lap will be never
Her son will now be a guest to her
Dec 2017 · 156
Dear You
Shuvam Sharma Dec 2017
I hate it when you still exist in my thoughts
In pain and despair I get lost
I know my decision is the best
For me, you and for the rest
I am trying enough to move on
But why can't these memories just be gone
You were no good for me
Were you too good for me
I don't know and never wanna know
Just need to have these emotions go
I hate what you brought out of me
That face of mine which I never wanted to see
I hate when I think about all the tears
That you gave me along with the fears
I hate that you ripped every part of my heart
Threw away trust that could never be brought
But still today
You come naturally in my prayer
No matter how much I try not to care
I  am not sure if its you or me
That I hate the most
Cause even after seeing the worst
These broken pieces of me
Gives you the love that you can never see
Dec 2017 · 148
Shuvam Sharma Dec 2017
She doesn't blame him
For whatever has happened
She doesn't blame him
For being heartbroken
Cause she was the foolish one
The mad one, the crazy one

It's her fault for trusting again
After being broken hundred times
It's her fault for hoping
To be understood even after
So many ignorances

She realizes everyday
How blind she was not to see
His selfish love, his needy deeds
And regrets about
Judgeing everything through
His eyes, being in his shoes
And not from her own

But today, deep down she is happy
Cause after stopping to love him
She started to love herself
After stopping seeing him
She started to care herself
After stepping out of his world
She got to see the real world
Now she will be there for herself
And will have no broken promises
Will have no heart in pain
Every effort will be given at its best
Every word spoken will be truth
Cause now she is in love with herself
And this will be the
'Best love story ever'

— The End —