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Hooria Iftikhar Apr 2021
I'm tired, I wanna get rid of my habit loving people endlessly and then them leaving me everytime like I was nothing at all.....!
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2021
To mother and father:
This pain never ends
When is it going to end,
Sometimes you both are the reason behind it
And sometimes it’s others
When is everything gonna be fine?
When will there be happiness and sunshine?
I’m tired,
It’s been so long
Is anything ever gonna be fine again?
I miss those moments of my childhood
When I was carefree of everything
No pain,just happiness used to be
Where did it all go?
Where did that happy little girl disappear?
Super duper sad and tired of nothing and everything 🤷🏻‍♀️💔💔
Hooria Iftikhar Oct 2021
We all are born someday, but as we grow up, we start to bury ourselves within a mask, and we go out trying to make something of ourselves, to ‘be somebody’.
Forgetting what we buried,
Forgetting who we are…..!
Are you really you right now?
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2021
If you look at here closely,
You can see that
Every now and then
She turns away from her group of friends
Her smile disappears
And she becomes another person for some time;
A sad person
A person who's broken and damaged
And after a few depressing seconds,
She goes back to the group
Sinking and joking around
She almost looks like she's actually happy but
If you look at her closely
You can see how fake her smile really is,
And you can see all the wreckage behind her
Fake Smile....!!💔💔
Wrote on myself this time
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2022
Emotions just….falling, one by one becoming non existent all staring with joy and happiness. It won’t stop until I’m empty, nothing there…dead but still here. Disappointed in us. This. Whatever is this anymore? Round and round in circles, the same problem over and over. Time. If that is a problem, why? Why does everyone obsess over time? Screaming at the top of my lungs “help me I’m drowning, drowning in tonight’s thoughts just like yesterday’s” every night dying as I suffocate myself with a pillow just so I don’t worry anybody with my problems. Music is my best medicine and is the only friend I feel I have at the moment. Staring at at the ceiling as I listen to music through my earphones just trying to stay afloat. It’s starting to get gat harder and harder each night to do so~
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2021
Please love me more than I hate myself.....!💔💔
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2021
Dear me,
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry that you tried so desperately to fix others when your own hands were shaking.
I'm sorry that I didn't give you enough time to heal,
That I let you heal the wounds of everyone else,
Whilst your own were bleeding.
I'm sorry that there were days when smiling hurt,
But you forced yourself to laugh so that no one had to worry about you.
I'm sorry that you have all of your time and effort to people who don't give the same amount back.
I'm sorry that there were nights when you cried yourself to sleep,
And no one bothered to understand why.
And I'm so so sorry that I didn't love you,
Like you deserved to be loved....!!💔💔
I have loved this poem since I was little and I absolutely love it no matter how many times I see this poem, this was the poem that inspired me to write poetry....!!!
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
I can’t tell anyone my feelings
So instead I write a poem
No one wants to hear things
No one wants to hear em

I cry alone sometimes
No one can hear sobs
I keep myself occupied
Doing useless jobs

Can anyone see the real me?
The one no one knows?
The one who doesn’t smile
The one who doesn’t put on shows….!
Hooria Iftikhar Nov 2021
I fell in love with all of you.

I didn’t just fall in love with the best of you, like
The way your eyes light up the moon
The way your laugh makes me smile
The way your hand fits in mine
The way your personality stands out
The way your smile gives me butterflies,
I fell in love with all of you!

I fell in love with your scars,
The way you make sarcastic remarks
The way you feel helpless at 2am
The way you cry about something from years ago
The way you sometimes get angry
The way you sometimes want to be left alone
I fell in love with all of you.
I fell in love with the great in you
And I feel in love with bad you see in yourself
And the bad you see is the great I see.
Because I love every part of you,
Every bit.
I fell in love with all of you…..!
But you never did!💔
Hooria Iftikhar Apr 2021
I just want you to know
That I'll never care
How far you push me away
Because when I told you
That I would stay
I meant it
You are a little lost
And a little damaged
But you aren't hopeless
I know who you are
I love who you are
And that's why I'll stay
So you learn to
Love Yourself too....!
This is a small gift to a person who came into my life 26 days ago and lighted up my world, and I want you to know that you are the best and I don't need anybody else when I have u by my side..! Love ya buddy...!!!!❤️🤗
Hooria Iftikhar Sep 2021
When I look at him, I believe that God has dived down into the bottom of creation. He is the light of the moon and stars. My eyes are always thirsty for one sight of him. And, just a glimpse of that beautiful face makes me go crazy. I've fallen in love with his radiant eyes which are my world. I've fallen in love with his smile that's utterly contagious.
I'm always lost in his memories..!
Another piece of art by Laiba
You're amazing keep going
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2021
To all those people being bullied

- To all those people who have lost a loved one

- To all those people who have lost a pet

- To all those people being abused

- To all those people going through depression

- To all those people with anxiety

- To all those people in poverty

- To all those people going through a breakup

- To all those people having a bad day

- To all those people with insecurities

- To all those people just having a hard time

Don’t forget

- Your weakness today

- Is your strength tomorrow

- It always gets better

- Your loved ones will remain in your hearts

- You always have the memories

- Love yourself

- Stand up for yourself

- Money can’t buy happiness

- Those lovers

- Just weren’t right

- Don’t abuse yourself

- Don’t abuse others

- **** them with kindness

- Treat people with kindness

- We’ve all had these times

- There will always be a hole in our chests


- Let’s all be each others’ strength

- whether you’re

- Black

- White


- Christian

- Atheist

- Etc

- Love yourself

- Love others

- Don’t cut

- Don’t ****

- Don’t criticize

- Don’t beg

- Don’t do drugs

- Don’t starve yourself

- Don’t starve others

We aren’t supposed to do any of that

- Just keep your strength

- Keep your faith

- Don’t change because you were told to

- Be yourself

- Sometimes playing a character isn’t the best thing to do. Have a great day and don’t stop spreading awareness about things that are happening currently in the world .
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2021
Please don't ask me if I'm okay,
I might so something stupid,
Like open up to you.
And I'm really tired of getting close to people and
Watching them leave me like I'm NOTHING....!💔💔💔
"I guess I'm tired of life"
Hooria Iftikhar Jul 2021
I miss the old me, this new ***** cry too much ..!
I'm not good with giving titles.. Trust me
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2021
If I ever decide to give up on you,
You need to understand how much
That took out of me.
I’m that type of gives endless chances,
Always has your back and truly accepts you
For who you are, when the rest of the
World doesn’t want you,
I will.
So if I decided to give up on you,
Please understand that it took everything
That was left inside of me to
Leave you alone....!
It broke me apart which will never stick back!
Living now is useless!
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2021
I’m not enough
I know,
so let me go.
It hurts to be
#one-sided-love.  #broken
Hooria Iftikhar May 2021
Happy mother Day❤️❤️ To the mother who is new, who is up and down all night.

To the mother whose heart is full, but with empty rooms now.

To the mother who cried today and wonders if she is enough.

To the exhausted mother who doesn’t know how to answer, “What did you do today?”

To the mother who stays at home.

To the mother who works and juggles so many *****.

To the mother who stares at her child in awe, who still can’t believe.

To the mother currently tearing her hair out.

To the mothers that are no longer with us, but always will be.

To the mothers who lift each other up.

To the mothers who show up every day.

To you.

Place value on the work you do.
When the days feel difficult, that’s because they are.
This is the hardest yet most rewarding job in the world.

You’re not just a person.
You’re a place.
You’re someone’s home.
You are a mother.

Happy Mother’s Day (every
Value ur mother's caz once they are gone they ain't coming back
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2022
Happiness is hard
to come by.

People who are real with you
are hard to come by.

Love is hard to come by.
True friendship

is also
hard to come by.

So it messes no sense to me
why good people

get ****** over the hardest.
Why good people

have to go through it
in the worst of ways.

I don’t understand
why people hurt them the most.

Why people are so careless
with the ones who show them

soft, gentle love.
Why people are so senseless
to the ones who make them feel alive….!
Hooria Iftikhar Jun 2021
I used to be jealous of Harry Potter for being able to talk to snakes but it turns out I've been doing it for years.....!!
Hooria Iftikhar Jan 2021
Please, tell me not to cry
Please don’t say there was a reason why
You don’t know what I am feeling
Or how much I am hurt,
The wet spots are from tears on the collar of the shirt
You think I should go on with life,
Forget about it and be strong?
But deep down I’m sad, and I don’t want to go along!
I don’t expect you to understand why
For no apparent reason, I break down and start to cry
My life has changed forever, you see
And that’s why I’m not acting like the old me
So, please don’t try to act like nothing happened
Because it changed my life forever
I’ll never be the same again,
Not today, not tomorrow but never
The best thing you can do for me is just be there
Just like always dear,
My broken heart is hurting hard
And it’ll never mend.......!
I wrote this when I was at my lowest and just needed somebody beside me so yea........hope u like it!
Hooria Iftikhar Aug 2021
Don’t put me in a position where I gotta show you how cold my heart can get….!
Hooria Iftikhar Sep 2021
Yes you; you who's reading this
Listen to me,
"People and pain are temporary,
You are walking MASTERPIECE..,
So, be happy and Love yourself.....! 🤗❤️
Just want to bring a smile on people's face!
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2021
To everyone
No matter
Your gender
Your sexuality
Your past
Your family
Your friends
Your life
I Love You and there is always space for you on Earth, don't give up and trust me I won't give up on you!😘😘
Love yourself 💖💖💖
Let's have hope and be strong for a bit more though I know it's hard
Let's love ourselves like we deserve to be loved!❤️💖💖
Hooria Iftikhar Jun 2021
“Oh, I’m just…..”
And the list never ends……..!
Hooria Iftikhar Aug 2021
Hugs are actually so underrated, especially those hugs which are so tight that you can feel the other person's heartbeat, and for a moment everything feels so safe and calm like no one can hurt you....!
I wish to hug someone that tight too 💔
Hooria Iftikhar Apr 2021
Who needs ******* when human emotions can ******* up just the same....!
What do u guys think?
Hooria Iftikhar Apr 2021
What is stronger
Than a human heart
Which shatters over and over
And still lives......!!!
I just feel sad and lonely even on my special day😭😭💔💔
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2021
The words didn’t hurt me,
The person who said them did.....!,
#broken #hurt #lonely
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
I have many sides but which one is the
I go by many different names but which
one is mine?
I hear so many voice my own was lost in
echoes years ago
My memories feel like that of a stranger’s
I can’t seem to remember people I’m
supposed to know
I feel like I’m going crazy yet to others it’s
all just a show
My heart is going numb from all the pain
It feels constantly
And it seems that the more I’m searching,
The more I’m losing myself entirely….!
Which one is real me?
Hooria Iftikhar Jun 2021
I'm living life but **** it feels like living a lie cause who I am feels like an act, and when the play comes to an end.....I won't know who I really am.......!
~Elisha David
Miss you
Hooria Iftikhar May 2021
I act like I don’t care. Like nothing can hurt me. I put up this big wall of toughness and pretend everything is fine. Like I don’t need somebody’s “affection” but in reality I think I’m just too scared. Scared of not being good enough. Or scared of getting hurt. Scared to let somebody in. Maybe even afraid. Afraid of the possibility of being loved by someone that I fear they’ll eventually let me down. Afraid that my heart will break into million pieces because I gave my all to someone who promised they wouldn’t hurt me. But that’s the thing. You will never know the outcome unless you take the chance. So embrace the risk worth being taken darling......!
I know it’s hard to trust again or love again but if your heart is saying so take the risk I bet it will be worthy of taking.......!
Hooria Iftikhar Apr 2021
Like a feather in the breeze.
You never really know I’m there,
Until I start to leave.
I don’t make my connection deep,
Because I’m afraid of what I’ll lose.
I don’t try to compete with anyone else,
And I’ll never make you choose.
I prefer to stick to the sidelines,
Because the spotlight hurts my eyes.
I hide behind a constant smile,
So you won’t know that it’s a disguise.
People tend to forget I’m there,
When I’m in a crowded room.
I can disappear for days on end,
And I’m bound to do it soon,
Don’t worry if you notice I’m home,
I never meant to stay.
But I know you won’t miss me long,
I’ll be forgotten in a day.....!
It’s the harsh reality which haunts many people
Let’s stay strong together and hope for the best💜
Hooria Iftikhar Sep 2021
I would tell it everything from,
Secrets, to thoughts, to dreams, to fears
Cause that's what 3:00am is there for,
It's there to listen to your secrets,
And never tell anyone.
It's there to listen to your thoughts,
When no one else will care.
It's there to listen to your dreams,
And help you achieve them.
3:00am is there for people from
Thinkers, to believers, to dreamers,
To writers, to artists, to musicians.
But every once in a while,
We get to a point in life where we wanna be alone,
But we don't wanna be lonely.
And that's what 3:00 am is there for.
To keep you company on your sad days,
To make sure you don't give up,
To make sure you keep dreaming,
To make sure you keep on believing.
So, I'd like to say thank you,
To 3:00 am
For being there for me when no one else was
Just another piece of art
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2022
I tell you to be strong
while most days
I feel like I’m one push away
from crumbling?
I’ve been holding my breath
waiting for an impact
Please excuse my silence
It’s hard enough trying to hold it together
without having to also carry your pain….!
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2021
I don’t even know where exactly I hurt—
It’s just a dull dry ache of the soul.....!💔
Hooria Iftikhar May 2021
Te amo
Je T'aime
Te quiero
میں تم سے پیار کرتا ہوں
انا احبك
Je vous aime
Should I continue???
Hooria Iftikhar Jan 2022
I’m not who I’ve always been,
The world that lies outstretched before me,
Is not the only one I’ve seen,
I’ve travelled on the tails of comets,
I’ve burned up in the hearts of stars,
I’ve been spat out of supernovas,
That left me scattered near and far,
I have dined in distant galaxies,
And taught the birds to sing,
I’ve danced for a whole lifetime,
Upon Saturn’s dusty rings,
I’ve been there long enough,
To learn what makes the willow weep,
I’ve sung celestial lullabies,
That sent the moon to sleep,
I’ve been both the flowering water,
And the stone that blocks it’s way,
I’ve been frozen, I’ve been molten,
And I’ll be again someday,
Though I’ve been a billion things,
This is the first one that can smile,
I’m pieces of the universe,
Living as human for a while….!
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2021
Depressed people, those with mental illnesses/flaws, those struggling with anxiety etc

Yall the strongest people alive!!

You might be thinking, no I'm actually weak" I'm not that strong eto but the very fact that you're alive, living every hard and sickening day that comes by is more than enough strength to could have ended it all but you fought to find a reason to live and you hold on to that reason every single day.

So yeah, y'all strong and beautiful ❤️❤️
Believe in yourself and LOVE YOURSELF!💖💖💖💖
Just wanted to give hope to all people like me out there, let's hang on a bit more and let's be strong and have hope!
Let's start loving ourselves just the way we are!!💖💖💖
Hooria Iftikhar Jul 2021
Please know that you are an amazing, a rare and beautiful masterpiece that one day you’ll recognise and appreciate. I wish I could hold your hand as you walk along this journey learning to love and care for yourself, but I know how strong and capable you are.
You are walking masterpiece….!❤️
I always wanted someone to tell me this and I realised many people need this reminder once a while and so I thought lemme bring a smile on someone's face…!
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2021
I'm sorry for being a bad daughter
I'm sorry for being a bad friend
I'm sorry for being a bad sister
I'm sorry for being a bad student
I'm sorry for being not strong enough
I'm sorry for failing
I'm sorry for giving up
I'm sorry for not being able to tell you
I'm sorry for telling you like this
I'm sorry for not seeing another solutions
I'm sorry for not believing you that you love me
I'm sorry for my mind, don't letting me sleep for weeks
I'm sorry for not being there, when you need it
I'm sorry for complaining
I'm sorry for being weak
I'm sorry for being not worth it
I'm sorry for being so stupid
I'm sorry for thinking I could do it
I'm sorry for even trying
I'm sorry for being to sad
I'm sorry for being to happy
I'm sorry for lying
I'm sorry for the nights you wasted to me
I'm sorry for blaming you
I'm sorry for not being able to clean up in my head
I'm sorry for saying I love you
I'm sorry for everything
I'm sorry for my mind
I'm sorry for the things I said
I'm sorry for wasting your time
I'm sorry for being late
I'm sorry for wasting Money
I'm sorry for seeking attention
I'm sorry for begging
I'm sorry for being a mess
I'm sorry for my thoughts
I'm sorry for being lazy
I'm sorry for being loud
In sorry for loving
I'm sorry for hating
I'm sorry for being annoying
I'm sorry for being to jealous
I'm sorry for comparing
I'm sorry for stop trying
I'm sorry for existing
I'm sorry for breathing
I'm sorry for living
I'm sorry
I'm so sorry
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2021
I’m sorry I had feelings again,
Don’t worry
I pushed them down,down
Down with the rest.
I found the hole they came out
Of and I filled it with cement.
Then I checked for cracks
Where feelings might leak out,
And I sealed them up.
I saved some sealant in case
There’s another crack
And I’m back to feeling NOTHING......!
My bad
I just wanted to be happy!
But I’m glad seven angels taught me to love myself...!❤️❤️
Hooria Iftikhar Sep 2021
I'm tired of caring a little too much about people. 50% don't care and other 50% take my caring for granted.  I'm just tired. I'm tired of all the lies and people letting me down. Making promises I know they can never keep. Trusting too much and I've fallen hard. I've lost who I was and that scares that hell out of me. My heart can't take more disappointment and I can't keep losing myself over people  who just don't care. I'm over their act of caring and playing like a friend. The damage is done. You made me weak and threw away my strength. I hope you are happy. But all that's a little too late to fix now. So what can I fix? I can fix me. It's time to find me and put everything else behind me. So you thought you won? HA! Sweetheart you created a monster I don't think you know how to handle. And that monster became a warrior. This warrior is a survivor and I'm never backing down, ever again.....!
I think you should remind yourself this every once in a while
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
And it seems that the more I’m searching,
The more I’m losing myself entirely….!
Hooria Iftikhar Jan 2022
The very thing that
distinguishes us both is that
I wouldn’t hesitate to
choose you in every
lifetime. But you wouldn’t
even choose me in this one.
And although I gave you
my flesh and bones, I know
I can’t love you into
loving me. So there you are,
overflowing with my love,
And here I am pleading for a
droplet of yours or
whatever I could salvage.
But there must come a time
where you recognise that, to
grieve someone hurts a lot
less than forcing them to be
a part of you. And I know I
should not beg for love, but
just once I wanted someone
to be afraid of losing me.
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
It just never stops, does it?
When will I stop breaking apart?
When will I be able to stop the tears?
Why does it hurt so much.
Why me
What is this for?
Why do I have to feel like this
I manage to keep it hidden away so well in front of others,
But when I’m alone….
I can’t seem to hide it
I can’t stop myself from feeling like this
**** man, it ******* hurts
When will it ******* end!?!?
Hooria Iftikhar Oct 2021
To begin your story today, those mistakes you’ve made along the way are lessons, not failures.
You were meant to get back up and find a way that resonates with you.
There’s no expiration date for reinventing yourself….!
U nice, keep going….!(~Jimin)
Hooria Iftikhar Oct 2021
I wish I could explain ur eyes 😍and how  the sound of ur voice gives me butterflies🦋...
I wish u know the way I felt ,every time I looked at u 👀...
I wish u knew my heart would melt when I thought of me and u.....
I wish I could explain how ur smile makes my heart skip a beat and how every time I saw u,I feel so complete!❤️❤️

U r not just in my dreams, u r every where like a disease that has spread to every part of me and there is no cure...

"I wish I could explain how much I love u❤️❤️"
Hope he gets to know it Laiba...!
You're getting better and better Laibi!!
Hooria Iftikhar May 2021
Sometimes you have to play the role of fool to fool the fool who think they are fooling you......!
Legendary Joker
Hooria Iftikhar Jan 2022
I should be used to it now but it ******* hurts....!!
Hooria Iftikhar Jun 2021
The only person in this world whom I considered real turned out fake. With tears in my eyes and a knife in my hand, a cross on my neck and soon it will be the end. Don't worry too much, just feel less and ignore more everything's gonna be fine as I won't be here anymore.....!
Ik mostly people think of this written on some crush, bf or ex but this is written while thinking of Dad
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