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2.7k · Apr 2022
Thief Of Time
Hooria Iftikhar Apr 2022
It’s the thief if time,
Who won’t let you be mine.
Keeps stealing you away,
For most of every day.

Why do our moments go so fast,
When all I want is them to last.
Must be the thief of time
Who won’t let you be mine.
1.2k · Nov 2021
Hooria Iftikhar Nov 2021
I'm not sure how you don't
The wonderful wacky
Being that is me
I suppose I could try harder
But it's not my fault that
You can't see
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
1) These hard times, this pain, these lessons - one day they’ll be your strength, your awareness, your blessings.
2) Stop expecting honesty from the people who lie to themselves.
3) You’ll never look good trying to make someone look bad.
4) Save your explanations for those who are determined to understand you - give your silence to those that are determined to misunderstand you.
5) You’re life is too short to be unhappy 5 days a week in exchange for 2 days of freedom.
6) Don’t be upset from people you don’t respect.
7) Life isn’t tiring. Wanting life to be a certain way but not having the confidence to make it that way is tiring.
959 · Apr 2021
Hooria Iftikhar Apr 2021
Let me rest in peace....!💔💔
I don't why I'm like this
948 · Feb 2022
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
Roses aren’t always red
& violets aren’t exactly blue,
the society that we live in
never seems to speak the truth.

Smiles aren’t always happy
& frowns aren’t always upset,
people judge too quickly
& our feelings are what they forget..!
940 · Aug 2021
Message to you
Hooria Iftikhar Aug 2021
I know that you have been having a hard time, but don't lose yourself, please....!
933 · Feb 2022
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
The monsters were never
under my bed.
Because the monsters
were inside my head.

I fear no monsters,
for no monsters I see.
Because all this time,
the monster has been me…!
874 · Apr 2021
My life
Hooria Iftikhar Apr 2021
This is the part of my life where I silently remove myself from anyone who hurts me more than they love me, drains me more than they replenish me, brings me more stress than they do peace, and tried to stunt my growth rather than clap for it.
I think I’ve done more than enough talking and trying to make things work with certain people.......I’m done!
I’m just tried if life
852 · Apr 2021
Always Remember
Hooria Iftikhar Apr 2021
If anyone is stressed or suffering from depression, anxiety or any other mental health issues, I just want to say that you are amazing and you matter. Just remember, it’s going to be fine, everything is gonna be alright! Loving yourself is more important than loving someone else. Because loving yourself doesn’t result any sadness. It will make you feel more confident. Don’t listen to people that tell you wrong because even if I don’t know you personally, you matter to me and people out there care for you. If other can love you, you can love yourself too. Remember, we all are a family and we will support and love each other until the very end. If hardships come, we’ll learn from our mistakes. 💜💜LOVE YOURSELF 💜💜
BTS taught me this, they taught that everyone matters and love yourself caz it’s worth it 🥺💜 BORAHEE💜💜
835 · Feb 2021
I’m sorry
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2021
I'm sorry for being a bad daughter
I'm sorry for being a bad friend
I'm sorry for being a bad sister
I'm sorry for being a bad student
I'm sorry for being not strong enough
I'm sorry for failing
I'm sorry for giving up
I'm sorry for not being able to tell you
I'm sorry for telling you like this
I'm sorry for not seeing another solutions
I'm sorry for not believing you that you love me
I'm sorry for my mind, don't letting me sleep for weeks
I'm sorry for not being there, when you need it
I'm sorry for complaining
I'm sorry for being weak
I'm sorry for being not worth it
I'm sorry for being so stupid
I'm sorry for thinking I could do it
I'm sorry for even trying
I'm sorry for being to sad
I'm sorry for being to happy
I'm sorry for lying
I'm sorry for the nights you wasted to me
I'm sorry for blaming you
I'm sorry for not being able to clean up in my head
I'm sorry for saying I love you
I'm sorry for everything
I'm sorry for my mind
I'm sorry for the things I said
I'm sorry for wasting your time
I'm sorry for being late
I'm sorry for wasting Money
I'm sorry for seeking attention
I'm sorry for begging
I'm sorry for being a mess
I'm sorry for my thoughts
I'm sorry for being lazy
I'm sorry for being loud
In sorry for loving
I'm sorry for hating
I'm sorry for being annoying
I'm sorry for being to jealous
I'm sorry for comparing
I'm sorry for stop trying
I'm sorry for existing
I'm sorry for breathing
I'm sorry for living
I'm sorry
I'm so sorry
803 · Jan 2022
Be grateful
Hooria Iftikhar Jan 2022
Even the most trusted person can lie.
Even the best friends could change.
Even the sweetest person can cheat.
Even the strongest friendship can get ruined.
Even the person you love the most could be gone.
Sad to think, hard to accept but this is the reality.
Treasure what you have and be happy❤️
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
They will
insult you,
hurt you,
defeat you,
betray you,
injure you,
set you aflame
and watch
you burn.
                                             But they
                                             will not,
                                            shall not,
       ­                                  destroy you.
                                                            ­                                  Because you,
                                                            ­                                       like Rome
                                                            ­                      were built on ashes,
                                                          ­                                            and you,
                                                            ­                                like a phoenix
                                                         ­                                     know how to
                                                              ­                                                 rise
                                                            ­                                                  and
           ­                                                                 ­                         resurrect.
650 · Feb 2021
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2021
People say I'm complicated,
But If they see close enough,
I'm not that complicated
I just stay away from people,
Because I don't want to hurt myself.
I don't talk much,
Because talking doesn't make the pain go.
Im heartless,they say!
But the mask is too strong for them to see my true self!
Why don't you love anyone?
Because love hurts like hell.
Why don't you make friends?
Because friends can break your heart too.
I'll always say;"I'm Fine"
Even in the worst times
Because explaining your pain is kuch harder than faking a smile.
The show will go on,
It must never end
Until death comes in the way...!!
Not so good and incomplete caz this was one of my first poems and it's been incomplete for years and I just don't want to complete it!!
622 · Mar 2022
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2022
So, do it. Decide.
                Is this the life
                you want to live?
                Is this the person
                you want to love?
                Is this the best you can be?
                Can you be stronger?
                Kinder? More Compassionate?
                Breathe in.
                Breathe out
                and decide.
603 · Feb 2022
People aren’t Homes
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
Why did no one
eve teach you
that you cannot
turn people
into homes?

People are rivers,
ever changing,
ever flowing.
They will disappear with
everything you put
inside them.

your home does
have a heartbeat.
But it isn’t one
locked in
anyone else’s

look inside
your own!
603 · May 2021
Reality check
Hooria Iftikhar May 2021
We are all just suicidal people who tell other people that suicide isn't the answer......!
Its true and it hits hard
Why is life so ******* hard Mann!!!!
577 · Feb 2021
Favourite poem of all times
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2021
Dear me,
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry that you tried so desperately to fix others when your own hands were shaking.
I'm sorry that I didn't give you enough time to heal,
That I let you heal the wounds of everyone else,
Whilst your own were bleeding.
I'm sorry that there were days when smiling hurt,
But you forced yourself to laugh so that no one had to worry about you.
I'm sorry that you have all of your time and effort to people who don't give the same amount back.
I'm sorry that there were nights when you cried yourself to sleep,
And no one bothered to understand why.
And I'm so so sorry that I didn't love you,
Like you deserved to be loved....!!💔💔
I have loved this poem since I was little and I absolutely love it no matter how many times I see this poem, this was the poem that inspired me to write poetry....!!!
566 · Feb 2022
The Truth About Monsters
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
The truth is this,
every monster
you have met
or you’ll ever meet,
was once a human being
with a soul
that was as soft
and light
as silk.

Someone stole
that silk from their soul
and turned them into this.

So when you see
a monster next,
always remember
Do not fear
the thing before you.
Fear the thing
that created it
545 · Mar 2022
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2022
Was I always meant to fall?
Roses white and dying light
Silver’s sweet forgiving bite
She’ll ask “why”
No answers found
And I’ll rot deep
beneath the ground…!
Hooria Iftikhar Sep 2021
If you're happy alone, you'll be happier together....!
There's no type of affection that can fill the void in a person who doesn't love themselves already.
There's no independence in dependency.
There is no personal security in attaching yourself to a secure person.
Until you have a healthy relationship with yourself, you won't make healthy decisions about someone else....!
Last pt left....!
518 · Mar 2021
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2021
You gave me the best of me,
So you’ll give you the best of you.....!
~Magic Shop
500 · Feb 2021
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2021
Sometimes, feelings stay
Even when we beg them to leave......!!!
Why can’t I stop loving him though it hurts too much to bear.....!!💔💔💔
463 · May 2021
Deserve to be listened
Hooria Iftikhar May 2021
This is my med whenever I feel sad, stressed or when I cant sleep and so
Can anybody tell me who this guy is???
462 · Sep 2021
For someone (rare feeling)
Hooria Iftikhar Sep 2021
When I look at him, I believe that God has dived down into the bottom of creation. He is the light of the moon and stars. My eyes are always thirsty for one sight of him. And, just a glimpse of that beautiful face makes me go crazy. I've fallen in love with his radiant eyes which are my world. I've fallen in love with his smile that's utterly contagious.
I'm always lost in his memories..!
Another piece of art by Laiba
You're amazing keep going
448 · Sep 2021
Hooria Iftikhar Sep 2021
There's a world,
Somewhere between reality and fantasy,
Where there is no separation
No fear of death, that makes us apart
There is no hate,
There's only happiness,
Where there'll be just me and you...!
Beautiful poem written by Laiba aka a beginner poet also my Best Friend
Show some support guys
445 · May 2021
I love you
Hooria Iftikhar May 2021
Te amo
Je T'aime
Te quiero
میں تم سے پیار کرتا ہوں
انا احبك
Je vous aime
Should I continue???
444 · Mar 2021
Freaking Tired
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2021
Please don't ask me if I'm okay,
I might so something stupid,
Like open up to you.
And I'm really tired of getting close to people and
Watching them leave me like I'm NOTHING....!💔💔💔
"I guess I'm tired of life"
437 · Jul 2021
A lone flower
Hooria Iftikhar Jul 2021
Still blossoms for its purpose not looking around for admirer, stay true to your purpose, admirers will find their way to you...!
411 · Feb 2021
A new you
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2021
Maybe you aren’t you because  you’re trying to be who you were before the trauma, that person doesn’t exist anymore, because there’s a new you that’s trying to be born! Breathe life into that person!
Just reminding everybody that don’t be too ******* yourself!
No matter what you deserve love and respect!
#self-love #love-yourself
403 · Aug 2021
Hooria Iftikhar Aug 2021
I prefer to distance myself whenever I’m in a bad mood because I’ll become the most heartless person you’ll ever meet….!
When people get to know me, they say I just write anything I can’t be heartless but trust me when I say this caz someone who knows me very deeply know that this is freaking true
386 · Mar 2022
Secret keepers
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2022
I think stars have heard more secrets
Than any pair of human ears,
They’re trusted with our troubles
And are the guards of all of fears.
Perhaps we share with them our sorrows
For they too have known the night,
Yet they’ve learnt to let the darkness
Simply emphasise their light…!
Hooria Iftikhar Jan 2022
Don’t stress over things you can’t change.
2. Everything will be okay, God knows what he’s doing.
3. It’s okay to cry, but it’s not okay to give up.
4. You’re beauty baby, trust me you’ll be okay.
5. Your don’t anyone but yourself.
6. Stay happy. ❤️
7. It’s okay to be different.
8. Good things take time.
9. Don’t ever….EVER…..think you aren’t good enough.
10. I promise someone loves you, and if no one does, then you love yourself.
12. The best response to a fool is silence.
13. I vibe different.
14. “Cause you’re amazing, just the way you are.”
Take care, be happy and love yourself ❤️❤️
372 · Mar 2022
Too Much
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2022
He says you are too much,
You talk, laugh, smile, feel too much.
But baby,
here is the real problem.
He is too little
to appreciate
that it took an entire galaxy
being woven into one soul
to make you.
369 · Dec 2021
Afraid to lose you
Hooria Iftikhar Dec 2021
If i lose you i will never be the same anymore,
i will lose my best friend , my soul mate, my smile , my laugh and everything. Once i lose you there will be no more sunlight , no clear skies, just like the clouds my eyes will do the same cry until you make the tears go away, if you walk away it will rain.
I cannot lose you because if i lost you everything would be meaningless,I wandered into the darkness looking for something to bring happiness to my life, something real. I found you and ill be ** if i lose you. You mean more to me then you'll ever know! I've fallen so hard for you, that if i ever lose you, ill lose myself. If you were a tear i would never dare to cry. I might lose you ! I don't think you'll ever understand how afraid i am of losing you <3
My worst fear is losing you </3
Maybe im scared because you mean more to me than any other person. You are everything i think about, everything i need and everything i want.
Stay. No matter how hard it is being with me, just stay. I need you!
I get jealous very often, i get jealous so easily and its only because i dont want to lose you <3
Even though i know things won't always last forever, I want to have you for as long as i can. Youre the one who brought the happy feeling inside me again. i haven't felt like this since i was a kid when my family would make me laugh , and i dont think ill ever want to lose my happiness again. Please don't go anytime soon. You make me really happy and i cant risk losing someone like you.
My nightmares are usually about losing you, I don't want us to be strangers again. I dont want to lose you after all weve been through, all the pain we push past , all those beautiful memories.
Promise me, promise me you'll never leave.
I dont wanna lose you, please dont ever let me.
You see i love you and i dont want to lose you because my life has been better since i found you <3
To Mimo n Laibi
Mimo, I’m sorry for today I thought I lost you today,💔😭
363 · Mar 2021
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2021
I sent love
Received PAIN.....!💔💔💔
Tired so tired just wanna die why am I even alive rn I just don't wanna live anymore caz it's such a burden everything and myself is a burden too💔💔💔
358 · Mar 2022
Soul flowers
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2022
I planted a bunch of flowers
To give to people each day
Everyone I aged a flower to
Had a smile brought to their face
Inside all of the flowers
Would someone give me one
To prove that someone actually cared
About the good that I had done
So I gave people flowers
The ones that my soul had grown
I failed to notice that the prettiest flowers
Are the ones that grow alone…!
357 · May 2021
Hooria Iftikhar May 2021
Sometimes you have to play the role of fool to fool the fool who think they are fooling you......!
Legendary Joker
354 · Jul 2021
Right or Wrong
Hooria Iftikhar Jul 2021
I hate being in that mood where nothing's really right but nothing feels right either....!
Who agrees?
346 · Oct 2021
It’s okay
Hooria Iftikhar Oct 2021
To begin your story today, those mistakes you’ve made along the way are lessons, not failures.
You were meant to get back up and find a way that resonates with you.
There’s no expiration date for reinventing yourself….!
U nice, keep going….!(~Jimin)
345 · Feb 2022
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
Can you open up the door?
Let your feelings out
Let put all the tears?
Realise yourself from the drought?

Can you open up the door?
Let me go inside
Let me know the feelings
You’re always trying to hide?

Can you open up the door?
Tell me all what is wrong
Tell me what to sing
So I can hear the right song…?
344 · Feb 2022
What I want
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
is for you
to read my poetry
and be able
to breathe again —
to hear my sound and remember
what your favourite summer
felt like
when it lived
342 · Feb 2021
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2021
You left
when I needed you to stay,
But still,
I loved you all the same....!!
Heartbreakers hurts, though love feels like heaven but it hurts like hell....!
339 · Oct 2021
Hooria Iftikhar Oct 2021
If you don’t believe in MIRACLES,
Perhaps you’ve forgotten you are ONE…..!
325 · May 2021
Hooria Iftikhar May 2021
Never trust words,
Because some people have sugar on their lips and venom in their hearts......!
Not good with titles any suggestions for this one???
Hooria Iftikhar Sep 2021
If they really wanted to, they would....!
If you apply pressure, they'll do what you want them to do.
If you take the pressure off, you'll see what they'd rather do.
Never waste your life fighting someone would rather do.
Let them go. Move on. Do better.
Pt.4 is on its way...!
309 · Jul 2022
Suicidal thoughts
Hooria Iftikhar Jul 2022
I think about ending my life, daily
The fastest way way to go,
Without hurting others
My self-worth
Will i be missed?
These thoughts,
Shouldn’t be put on paper
But why not?
If more people talked about it,
Perhaps, they would not,
Act upon it
The greatest pain cannot be seen
It hides deep within
A broken bone is easy to mend
A broken mind doesn’t bind
All these thoughts of mine,
Often times i wonder
Have I lost my mind?
Am i only one,
With suicidal thoughts….?
Am i?
308 · Aug 2021
5 things to quit right now:
Hooria Iftikhar Aug 2021
Trying to please everyone.
2. Fearing change.
3. Living in the past.
4. Putting yourself down.
5. Overthinking
Quit these things and life will be bright
Hooria Iftikhar May 2022
I was falling. I was falling in love. I was falling so hard that I couldnt tell when the fall would end, because I was falling for the one person who could break my heart with the most biggest amount of pain I could think of. I was falling in love with my bestfriend, the only friend I had in my life, the only person who understood me, the only person who never judged me, the only person who never shouted at me and the only person who accepted me for me. I had started to feel for him, but more then what I was feeling for him lurked the fear of losing him, because it wouldnt be just the heart I will lose to him, I will lose my whole self. He knows every little secret of mine, he knows who I am, he knows what I am, he knows everything and never judges, he's my secret diary, and those are things which are above love, because love can be found but these qualities are even rarer then love. I had the fear of losing him what if I propose and he didnt think that way, what if I proposed and he stops talking to me and never come back, what if he starts to hate me. All these questions stacked up and I curtailed myself from expressing my feeling for I didnt want to lose my bestfriend for love.
I had fallen in love with the only person who could break my whole existence.
A beautiful piece of art written from depth of heart by "Mansoor Sajjad"
299 · Mar 2021
Hooria Iftikhar Mar 2021
The most painful tears aren’t the ones that fall from your eyes and cover your face,
It’s the ones that fall from your heart and cover your soul....!💔💔💔
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