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Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
The monsters were never
under my bed.
Because the monsters
were inside my head.

I fear no monsters,
for no monsters I see.
Because all this time,
the monster has been me…!
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
If a person falls apart
alone in the dark,
does it make a sound?
And if it does make a sound,
is it as loud and devastating
as a decaying broken heart
when it is finally found?
Or is the sound
a soft strangulation hidden
that we miss al the time
behind the words like “I’m fine”?
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
I have many sides but which one is the
I go by many different names but which
one is mine?
I hear so many voice my own was lost in
echoes years ago
My memories feel like that of a stranger’s
I can’t seem to remember people I’m
supposed to know
I feel like I’m going crazy yet to others it’s
all just a show
My heart is going numb from all the pain
It feels constantly
And it seems that the more I’m searching,
The more I’m losing myself entirely….!
Which one is real me?
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
The moon has always been
the ocean’s most jealous lover.
But every time he has tried
to fully control her tides,
she has turned into
a terrible tempest
and broken through his chains
with such fury,
only allowing him
the illusion of control
on her smallest, weakest tides.

Woman, you are the ocean.
And no one, not even the moon itself
is allowed to control
your glorious, beautiful tides….!
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
is for you
to read my poetry
and be able
to breathe again —
to hear my sound and remember
what your favourite summer
felt like
when it lived
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
And it seems that the more I’m searching,
The more I’m losing myself entirely….!
Hooria Iftikhar Feb 2022
     you were just
     like the              moon,
   so lonely, so                  
full of imper-                        
fections. But                          
just like the                  
                          moon, you     shined                   .
         in times of dar-
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