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In  the summer they joked
that she came from a place so cold
that in winter, a mans laughter would freeze in his throat,
choking him to death.

I awoke from the dream
vomiting the wine onto my sister
and her new dress,
but mostly onto her.

The party had died down by then.
I was sad to have missed it,
but sadder to long for my dream,
and her,
and her most of all.
She moved in beauty,
like darkness within a shadow.
Pinkish skin like that of a new born,
and hair kissed by fire.

The corridor came crashing down
as I longed for her being
while trembling at the hint of her oblivion,
slowly permeating like winter's cold.
The clouds gathered, and Vesuvius rumbled
in the distance.

I crept up on her
in the vague moonlight,
and she whispered;
“I am Vishnu, destroyer of worlds.”
Still... I longed.
The first line of the first stanza is obviously a bit of thievery from Byron.  I wanted to juxtapose a famous statement about beauty with a famous statement about destruction and thus the Oppenheimer quote in the last stanza.  The penultimate stanza is mostly inspired by a Bastille song.
I honor my brother in spirit
one who burns a bonfire
on every high hill
to celebrate the proposition
that mere words are a match
for eternity.

One whose poems
though misplaced
are always found when needed.

here is my humble advice

Keep the predators at bay
never let a day go by
without committing
a flagrant act of love

Dream always.
And awake from your dreams
with the certainty
that dreams
are the daily bread of our lives.

I know you will.
sa la ma ah ah
we are of the love

sa ah ah ah ah
love is important in the world

woe woe woe woe woe
we are always in love with our lives

dee ah dee ah dee ah
love will be ours forever

ma ah ah ah ah
love will be important forever

to to to to to
hteb loves nai

canata canata canata canata
hteb loves the ray of the sun

ot ot ot ot ot
nai loves hteb

ta ta ta ta ta
the stars are beautiful

sa sa sa sa sa
the moon is beautiful
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