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3.4k · Jan 2019
Mango peels
Roses79 Jan 2019
Everywhere, on the sidewalks, in the gutters, right outside my door. Flourishing in the streets of Tegucigalpa, like leftover confetti from Mardi Gras. Lining the paths, nestled in the gravel, the broken concrete, and overgrown weeds. Coloring the landscape with orange and green.

Proliferating around garbage cans, discarded bottles, tires, and take out boxes, liberated to the acrid landscape around.
Men, cutting back the peels, devouring the tropical flesh, delectable, united to pits. Dark skin and eyes, their accents singing, so different from my own.

I stepped carefully, but always underneath, a sweet stickness, clinging to my soles. A bond to the red dirt, platanos fritos, and cattle roaming the street.

When I returned to the wide boulevards, pristine and meticulously clean, I stopped watching my feet, looking for mango peels underneath.
1.2k · Mar 2019
Sleeping hearts
Roses79 Mar 2019
Rest my wicked soul,
to sleep with demons.
Awake to the dawn's caress,
scars carved under my skin.
464 · Apr 2019
Roses79 Apr 2019
Trapped in a bottle,
a kiss of salt and sea,
Awaiting to caress,
down that coveted shape.
426 · Apr 2019
Roses79 Apr 2019
strings of dread,
Tightly wound, vibrations,
floating across my skin.
All this empty space,
slowly uncoiling,
signs of love.
376 · Apr 2019
Roses79 Apr 2019
Roses are sweet,
And violets too,
Sugared hopes bleed,
Across red and blue.
360 · Mar 2019
bottled poetry
Roses79 Mar 2019
Words, like wine,
curse through my veins.
Of struggle, and time,
carved from celestial light above.
Silent, ancient water drawn from vines.
A captive beauty, sculpted of fruits,
so ordinary at the time.
329 · May 2019
Roses79 May 2019
Italian clothing for men
was marked on a sign
next to mrs marion's psychic readings
and a pollo tropical, off to one side
a smiling man, unfolded on the walls
dark eyes, dark suit, sold inside
past this stucco facade
reveals another side of said sign
Italian clothing or men
hopefully sold inside
314 · Jan 2019
Roses79 Jan 2019
One day, one notch.
Don't mess it up.
Better not to think too much.
Better to forget,
that I was never good enough.
Better yet,
that I never will be.
305 · Jan 2019
The return
Roses79 Jan 2019
Stars painted across the black sky, pinpricks of life.
Quiet calls like petals dropping in my hand.
Cold darkness wrapped around my fragile frame.
Steps like brushstrokes through the night.
A slow beating, yet to come.
267 · Mar 2019
La vie
Roses79 Mar 2019
Stepping, swirling, across the floor.
Changing, breathing, pausing,
Relishing the sweet moments between.
New hands to grasp, words to utter,
The same steps in a different embrace.
Ending where I began with a new life,
Another cycle, slowly danced through time.
245 · May 2019
Roses79 May 2019
of rain and
wash of
flood of
pebbles and
of gravel and
242 · May 2019
Roses79 May 2019
Pieces of soul,
melting, sinking,
to space, so near,
beating with life.
236 · Feb 2019
Roses79 Feb 2019
I have nothing but thorns, when I would have laid rose petals at your door.
229 · Apr 2019
Roses79 Apr 2019
All this life, sliding across my skin.
Slices, slivers, segments.
Icy droplets, frozen pieces,
Melting agony, raindrops of desire.
228 · Mar 2019
Roses79 Mar 2019
in a mist,
a dream,
of life.
219 · Mar 2019
Roses79 Mar 2019
Cords from yesterday, tying my hands.
Words I uttered, strung out in a line.
Stars along the way, lighting my path.
Moonlight and eternity to guide my steps,
And roots deep in the past.
197 · Apr 2019
Roses79 Apr 2019
Floating in empty sky,
Space where stars reside.
Beginnings ending, peeking through,
Cosmos, liberated so long ago.
Streaking through the nighttime air,
Endings beginning, grounded.
Floating back, a thousand times before.
Winding down a path,
to the door, locked,  
so many years ago.
195 · Jan 2019
Rain drops
Roses79 Jan 2019
And I am released,
in a wash of flowing lines,
All by the tone of my skin,
the wave of my hair,
and the curve of my lips.

And the streets open before me,
with patterings of rain, tinkering on metal,
Echoes of footsteps,
resound in space and the dripping air.

Drops, scattered like broken glass,
on the sidewalk,
wash over my feet,
with each step taken away.
191 · Jan 2019
Nouvel an
Roses79 Jan 2019
Three steps forward, two back, one to the side. A dip, one turn, and a clasp of hands.  Bubbly toasts and a warm embrace. One cycle over, and a new dawn across the sea.  One pinprick of light for all the hours not yet seen.
New Years
187 · Oct 2019
Roses79 Oct 2019
Libra, most charming of all signs,
finely balanced between the multitudes
and the skies hung low at night.
One dawn, a weight dropped, and the scales tipped.
A black funeral shroud, sending cracks up the prison wall.
She slipped gently to the other side.
180 · May 2019
Roses79 May 2019
Roses are sweet,
And violets too,
Sugared hopes are raw,
Battling red and blue.
166 · Sep 2019
Roses79 Sep 2019
A blank page waiting for the first thought to land on my shores,
A splendid fall to claim as my own.
A permanent mark on the billowing scroll of time,
A start to the book of days.
164 · Jan 2019
Roses79 Jan 2019
Down I floated, in a misty dream,
Sinking from the heavens on butterfly wings.
Dust rising to cling to blue-striped wings,
In the early morning air,
Songs of whippoorwills and the call of the trees,
Still echoing in my dreams.
Down I floated, to the Earth below,
The sky bellowing in flashes,
Like drops of rain, falling on butterfly wings.
163 · Sep 2019
Roses79 Sep 2019
Caged birds I carry around,
burdens from childhood.
Fierce eagles, slender egrets, exotic motmots,
imagined to life.
Slender bodies, brilliant feathers, piercing talons,
the weight of their splendid lives.
To soar on the power of their feathered wings,
to escape these rattling cages.
Better to open the door,
for peace at long last.
Would the silence fill my days,
reminding me that I,
once dreamed of beautiful creatures?
159 · Aug 2019
Roses79 Aug 2019
Rising and falling on the smooth, swirling surface of a pin's head. Rotating slowly, winter, fall, summer and spring.
Grassy fields, and dark brick buildings,
I've known these places before.
The world surging forward, and falling back.
A long touch of time like a slow seduction,
backwards to the very root.
What was left, but glass bottles and new friends.
And a sense of sinking through the night,
to the soft glow of twilight I lived before.
157 · Apr 2020
Roses79 Apr 2020
I wandered far from the beckoning lights,
in the company of banyan trees and shadows.
I wandered through Spanish moss-covered oaks,
and hazy moonlight, away from the distant glow.
I wandered down dim paths,
seeking lights to hold as my own.
155 · Mar 2019
Roses79 Mar 2019
Thoughts, like butterflies, slowly circling,
Landing, fluttering, soaring to the sun above.
Eluding capture on graceful wings,
Small pieces of soul taking flight.
149 · Feb 2019
Roses79 Feb 2019
Sweet moonlight of yesterday’s path,
Casts a shadow as I place my feet,
In the still air and towering trees,
Singing softly in the nighttime breeze.
Nobly, I pursue the outlines of stone and gravel,
Bleak and gray, without the gentle light,
Soaring through leagues of empty, cold-hearted space,
To caress that craggy face, and
Land, softly, at my feet.
146 · Jan 2019
Roses79 Jan 2019
I am sentimental, lost in a river of wandering, leading back to my door.  Always seeking something new, an adventure, a challenge, or a place to explore. But leading to where? Perhaps my ego, or hopes, that’ll you see my secrets, and that I am what I deserve. Maybe that was my goal, leading back to my door by a different path, not seen. Until one day, I stumbled, and saw what was right outside my door.
136 · Feb 2020
Roses79 Feb 2020
The soft, sweet sorrow of reaching the utmost depths,
is nothing remains but to rise up.
128 · Jan 2020
New and Old
Roses79 Jan 2020
A clink of glasses,
A round of cheer.
A new dawn,
A new year.
117 · Jan 2019
Poeme d'autumne
Roses79 Jan 2019
Tiny cracks beginning to appear, water seeping, drip by drip,
Cuts across my ribcage, scars that remain,
At dawn in the mist, the rest of life.
awaits to be destroyed and rediscovered,
permeating through my veins,
The light rises, reflecting off flesh and blood,
Strength reveals its own fragility, shattering these careful intentions,
Neatly wrapped up.
hidden, yearning to be found,
flooding out, it puddles on the floor,
I gaze at the ceiling, on the wrong side of things,
My feet were meant to walk on the opposite aspect of life, stepping over doorways and chandeliers,
All these bubbles, threatening to burst.
just under my skin,
washing away small pieces of soul,
Silence embracing me in its arms,
I am unprepared for eternity,
Lightly evaporating across my skin.
these intricately linked, small steps,
sliding past,
Like images reflected in a window pane,
Imprinted for one note,
I have taken the wrong train, led by a star at the crossroads.
down a path in the twilight,
finally into place,
Pebbles tumble in the outgoing tide,
Better I had never visited that place, caught in the trance of the moon,
Pieces lost, drawn to sea.
flowing, sinking, to a metamorphosis,
ensnared in a puzzle,
Searching, endlessly, for a life behind the mirror,
That I have never cradled
Imbibing the sweet, slow languish.
of innocence.

— The End —