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13.3k · Dec 2018
Rizz Dec 2018
She hides her emotions
Deep in
I think her heart was broken
And its been bottled in
She has this shell around her
And a somewhat dark demeanor
But yet I see her beauty
Within her flaws you find perfection
We fell in love with no intention
And her personality humongous
Or shall I not mention
"Baby,he'll use"
"Maybe he'll change you"
"Surely he'll leave"
But they don't know I need you
They don't know what I know
They don't share what we share
She's always on the Gram
Scalping beauty from starving models
Does she not look in the mirror
Does she not see that enchantment
That beautiful black girl
With beautiful black hair
With a beautiful pearly smile
And Darling star eyes
Don't know if she gets it
But I need her
I crave her like a craze
She is the definition of
Amaze - ing
11.3k · Dec 2018
Love Me
Rizz Dec 2018
I show you the stronger side coz i love you
Can't show you the weaker side
I can't tell you that I've been plotting my suicide
If i did who do you think between you and i would really die
I'm breathing like all of you but I'm dead inside
And its sad to say i can't tell you why
Ain't got no one to vent to
Grew up being told boys don't cry

Everytime we argue you say you don't love me
You say you don't need me
As if you don't know you're the reason im still living
I wrote a note to my moms saying im leaving
I hate to see her cry
So imma put it in the post hopin that she'll read it at a later time
To this painful life i see no purpose
Busy hurting others coz of my insecurities
Judging they flaws
Tyna forget my impurities
8.4k · Dec 2018
Recommended Masterpiece
Rizz Dec 2018
Recommended Masterpiece
I wish you told me how you feel
I wish you kept it real
I wish you'd tell me you want me
But I feel like you hate that
Do you hate these feelings?
Do you wish they weren't there?
Do you wish I had never hala'd at you?
Do you wish that you didn't care?
Would you tell me if you loved me?
Would you tell me if you cared?
Is it fear that has you running?
And if so,why are you scared?
Are you really gonna treat me so?
Like you don't feel the connection
Remember when you were bored
And asked for my attention
I ain't tryna play you girl
Or break your pretty heart
I'm tryna show you affection
Those were my intentions from the start
4.8k · Dec 2018
Bottle Shame
Rizz Dec 2018
You started drinking when you saw your dad drunk just so you could numb the pain
Now everytime you're drunk your kids do same
Its a viscous cycle and it will only continue
To break it had to come from with in you
Next time you see a bottle
Don't gulp it till empty
Or drink it because you're empty
Show SAB that you're stronger than that
Show the ones you love that you're no longer that man
Show them that when you're sober you can stand tall and not crumple like the twin towers
Show them that without the ***** you basically have superpowers
Show them that you can clean your system
Let's mark your kids off from the alcohol victims
When last did you see them
They don't love you the same
They know the old you
The man that drank his pain away
Thought that the bottle was his only healing
In life he was a zombie
He just had no meaning
You could stab him,but he wouldn't feel it
His nerve endings lost forever
But he is a changed man
To his kids , he'll be better

— The End —