Many words inside my head,
Always spinning around.
Like pieces of a puzzle,
Falling to the ground.
Some will lose many pieces,
And they will never understand.
The picture will forever be changing,
Just do the best that we can.
Some pieces are very important,
Those are the ones we keep.
Other pieces have little meaning
Don’t let those make you lose sleep.
Life is our own personal puzzle,
Be careful the pieces you choose.
Value pieces of struggle,
Those our the most precious to lose.
People will get jealous,
Of the pictures that we make.
So protect your special pieces,
Those are the ones they will take.
Some puzzles we will finish,
Those we display on our wall.
They remind of us of our struggles,
And teach us always stand tall.
Share all of life’s puzzles
With those who are true, honest, and real.
So you never have to worry,
If its your pieces they want to steal.
Written By
Richard B Shick