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Ray Jun 2015
basically to be frank I feel like I’m in a constant state of limbo

not happy nor sad somewhere bouncing in the in between

fooling myself with other prospects who drop a hint or two

laughing at the state of things, myself and you

At this point its hard not to deny we were better off back then on both sides.

I smile at the thought of that.

I smile.
Ray Jun 2015
Strangers stare and question her sanity
although she pleads her case on something else
the bags under her eyes everyday remind you of yourself;
Sunrises were your reluctant goodnight
to a drug fueled night alone again.
Back when your forehead was too big so you cut your bangs yourself.
Back when Bloc Party, no matter the song, brought you to your knees
to plead
and facebook stalking was reasonable considering;
Tell them the honest to goodness truth
it hurts for a while but then you'll love again.
That special someones right under you nose
even as we speak.
Something they never wanted isn't worth the blood sweat and tears,
so breathe babygirl because your second coming is now.
Ray Jun 2015
.I can fake it but for only so long.
I'm inebriated constantly, or sleeping
Mainly sleeping.
. I want to sleep for good.
I want to dance.
I want to cry.
I want to be held.
I want to end it all.
Ray Jun 2015
manic episodes
social phobia
generalized anxiety disorder
hyperactive ****** desire disorder
bulimia nervosa
body dysmorphic disorder

Thanks doc for the diagnosis
Ray Jun 2015
I'd like to applaud the dickwads who found the need
to stomp on my toes and bring me to my knees
only moments after the emotionally crippled girl
superglued the final pieces of shattered knee cap bones,
Bravo to you former close friends,
for setting off the final fuse of complete self destruction in t minus ten.

Mental snap, Olivia Addams is back
Ray May 2015
Widen those chubby thighs and let him get a little
too close for comfort

Expose those torn up sides once you flick off the lights so you can
avoid direct eye contact.

You're so convincing when he tries to get emotionally close and you
take those fake mental notes

A girl is only as strong as her crutch
Ray May 2015
You can do better
**** that
I had better
I had him
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