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Feb 28 · 193
Familiar feeling
Rebekah Crews Feb 28
You’re not allowed here
Your room
The smell of clutter
Cuts through you
The trauma the trash
The lies shatter you
stay in your room don’t go
I matter right
Don’t fight
Shhh dont lash out they won’t hear a word
Trash doesn’t deserve to get out
Your a monster right stay longer
your lost in the process toss in  piles and piles
I’m lost in the lies and the misery
Dont yell don’t make a scene leave
Don’t come back
That room isn’t yours
Was  I a guessed let’s guess
I was your daughter
But just laugh it off
Because what you keep inside
builds up just like the clutter
Don’t look back
Those roots rot  
Because they will lack the ability to move forward
You left but that trash stayed back
Don’t go back.

Jan 6 · 162
I think of you less and less
that memory is fading  
I forgot  you wanted it to fade

Dec 2024 · 229
5 years ago
Rebekah Crews Dec 2024
What will it take for you to say the words
It lingers in your eyes
When you stare at me
But why can’t you say it
Each year I yearn for that moment for you to say
the words
There’s me and you but when you kiss me time freezes you won’t let go of that coldness in your eyes in December  
But we stay frozen in time in this one sided love it’s not new it’s almost New Year’s Eve

Aug 2024 · 85
The perspective of hope
Rebekah Crews Aug 2024
There’s a fork in the road go left or right or just maybe go forward into the middle don’t decide to go where someone else goes. Go down the middle lane and plant your seed of hope for that it’s the middle ground  see both ways  Of the path of where you are heading be different be you there’s ups and downs but where you go is just a seed of hope plant it and it will grow see the light in both sides and stand in the middle isn’t it beautiful who cares don’t worry if you stand out you just have to keep being you see both ways because the middle ground will balance your  perception of hope .

Aug 2023 · 529
Rebekah Crews Aug 2023
The risk of the trust
Is to sink into truth
But that bubble
Can’t double
Just pop the bubble

Rebekah Crews Jun 2023
What is  a memory?
What should I be thankful for
Honestly I have never actually known
I just can’t stop laughing about it now
The ******* the couch says Rebekah
that’s actually not a good memory
I tell her  it’s just funny to think about
I can’t make those memories into a bad one
Because those were the only good ones I got

Feb 2023 · 123
Rebekah Crews Feb 2023
I don’t know how to be happy
I don’t know why I keep self sabotaging  
I don’t know what to do to get out of this
I’m stuck
I’m still stuck in this movie
It’s been years
And I’m still stuck
It’s all my fault
That’s  what everyone says
But I’m not them
I don’t know who to be
Honestly who am I
People made me the person I am
I read this script I remembered every line
New people same problem
Same problem same ending
Same issue
How do I not play replay
I don’t want to replay
This movie
It always  ends the same
Same feeling
Same lies
Trying to Move on from this movie
But I can’t I’m trapped in this chair
I can’t move I can’t see how to get out I’m trapped

Feb 2023 · 160
Must be busy
Rebekah Crews Feb 2023
All I remember is the ghost of you
Me sitting on are way back to my place
Me holding in my tears
Because I didn’t even have a good time
You where late picking me up for my birthday
Each year
You think not saying anything does the treat
But the truth is it’s not a treat is a trick
The games we have played over and over
The plan for us isn’t real
I just want the old version back
But we both have changed
But you don’t take the blame
because your actions are lame
Tame my feelings but they are like a lion out of the cage
I’m  trying  to exist for you
But im at the exit
But you wouldn’t let me
Your hunting me
Everywhere I go
But your to busy to know

Rebekah Crews Jan 2023
So many doors  so many problems
I  say you make a better door then a window
But you are the doors that locked
blocking the light
the feeling of not being able to breath
I can’t see where I’m going from your door
I wish I could be able to see through that window
See the happiness I deserve
The light in my eyes seeing  whats out there
Wonder is it going to be better
I wish I could get to that window
But all  those places all those people
just have doors and those doors lead to other doors
And those lead to the worst memories
People have to open a door to let me in
I just want you to let me open the window.
But you’re blocking it.

Dec 2022 · 132
Who I am
Rebekah Crews Dec 2022
people looks down at the ground
I look  like a clown being around
They say look in the mirror
But i can't because i can't read backwards
I want to go forwards
Who am I?
You all say I'm different
I try to see what you meant
Some people just go a far way to lie
Me I'm just a mile away From the truth
Who am
I'm the girl who was different
Then the others
Dec 2022 · 312
Rebekah Crews Dec 2022
L is for the leaving
    I if for the I love you
        E is for the evil in your eye
Nov 2022 · 101
Rebekah Crews Nov 2022
those lies
May lay on the side of your bed
But I will alway be one step ahead
As those who don’t see the trutH
I see I know wHo you are
You tell me to look at you
but wHo are you
Are you magic
I wish you could just disappear

Rebekah Crews Oct 2022
I thought I knew you
I thought that you stud up for me back then
I thought we both were on they same base
about the past of you and me
you where someone who I looked up to  
I thought I knew you  for  years
but now that everything is different
After you texted me that night …

I   should have never let  you tell me to run straight to the base and let you slide into my heart I should have listened to my head telling me you can’t run to him your just going to get hurt .

Sep 2022 · 102
Falling out of Fall
Rebekah Crews Sep 2022
It’s Almost fall
the tree start to turn different
But thats how it goes
Look around seeing those leaves fall
But because you’re falling out of my life
I’m not looking at the leaves I’m looking at you leaving….
After one thing falls apart it start to fade just like those leaves on the tree
Something beautiful Turns  into something
that Gets blown away
But that’s  how it goes…

Rebekah Crews Jul 2022
As we sit across from Each other
At the table
You ask me
Are we here because
You went here with him
I look you in the eyes
I said no because your not him
10 hours drive away from you
You and I would write letter back and forth
I was so happy to get your letters
Its like when your a kid
running to the mail box with a smile
I started to need those letters to know you still care
2 month go by i still sitting in the living room still hoping for a letter
But in reality they were never going to come
the letters the texts the calls stoped  show up
And I wonder what happened
I go back to that day when you ask me
That one question are we here cuz of him
And then i realized you where him to me
I needed you to be him
But in reality you didn’t want to be him

Jun 2022 · 85
Rebekah Crews Jun 2022
Should have expected this
Your just like him …
You don’t actually want me
You use me
I get in the car
And we don’t even talk about the problems and how you lie to me
I just smile hopefully you won’t bloke me after this
We head to the back of the car
And after your done you drive me home
No kiss no hug
And you drive fast cuz you don’t want no one to see you come from my house
It a secret you don’t want people to know about us cuz your ashamed of me
I’m not half as pretty or skinny
I wait for you to text me hoping to actually have a conversation but know you don’t actually care
I don’t know why you use me I think it because I’m the only girl that actually give a ****  about you
But I know your don’t I wish you where proud of me and wanted everyone to know about us  
Why do I keep doing this why
I think it because your the only guy that actually uses me and  comes over or text me first

Jun 2022 · 197
Blow out the candles
Rebekah Crews Jun 2022
They say to keep going
But there is nothing out there
They  don’t see what i see
I don’t see what they see
It been almost 20 years
7 more to go
But I can’t even see that.
Year after year
It gets more exhausted
I blow out the candles
what did I wish
I didn’t wish
I want it to
Be over soon.

May 2022 · 106
Rebekah Crews May 2022
You said you need space
I have to for you
Try my best to change
3 month go by
Come back every has change
I was doing better or did I lie to you ?
But sometimes happend to you
You got cold
All a game to you
I work to change
For you
Why did I even do that
London bridge said the same
I try and try but it keep falling down
I try to but you didn’t
Try to fix you you made you worst
           Trying to see if you still there
           But the the end
            You fall you fall
             Don’t get back up.    
              the mud  won’t save you

Rip to the girl who finally stop try to get out of the mud but it was to sticky to get up from to messy
Apr 2022 · 105
Rebekah Crews Apr 2022
She just  sitting here
Everyday every hours trying to forget
But your still in her  head
She doesn't know what to do to stop the pounding in her head
She can’t stand it.
She wished  you never should up at 6:30 that summer
she wished you picked up the phone at 4am
To know you actually cared.
You didn’t call back to see if she was ok…
But all she wants is that she could forget you
But she know she’ll never will
that what kills her inside

Jan 2022 · 101
Too soon.
Rebekah Crews Jan 2022
Him- I love you

The girl -You don’t love me
you love the idea of me

Him- what?

The girl - you know exactly what I mean.

Him- I’m sorry for saying I love you !
But I want to do everything for you
I want to be there for you 24/7
I want to make you happy

The girl - do you understand what I mean ?
You say all this stuff. but you don’t listen to me when I say please stop or I don’t want to do that right now and you start to cry and say fine leave me then do you know how that make me feel?

Him- ok

The girl - you said I love you too soon
Your desperate for a girl but you don’t actually love me. You can’t love who I really am because no one can you don’t know me you don’t know who I am you only knew me for 3 weeks

Nov 2021 · 445
I don’t know you anymore
Rebekah Crews Nov 2021
I think it time to let you go

Nov 2021 · 90
Rebekah Crews Nov 2021
Someone told me
  stay away
              from you ………
But you
Your the only one who come back
But your lies
Get better each time
I remember it like yesterday
Me asking you if it will alway be a game
And you say
And then your gone again
It just like a video but you keep replaying
The same  thing
me forgiving you
Letting you in
Then lie Over lies
And then your done
And you have no clue what you did wrong
Then you repeat it

Oct 2021 · 112
Rebekah Crews Oct 2021
When she left she thought
that everything would change
But everywhere she goes is the same
She thought if she finally got what she wanted
She would be happy
But I guess you could say nothing did change
The people
The problems
The promises
The lies
She just turn into her worst version of herself.
So she went back back to where she was sitting
And watching the same show over and over  
Wait for something that she thought would happen
but in reality, it would never happen.

Jul 2021 · 94
Rebekah Crews Jul 2021
I spent a day wondering why
I spent  hours crying over you
And why every second feels like
I’m dying a little more inside

I’ll say you were my favorite person
But I was never yours
You said  you would never leave me
But that smirk tells me differently
I could say you helped  me so much

I didn't matter to you anymore
Because that day that  you left me
It felt like I lost myself a little more
But you…
You’re  happy
You’re  free
you’re  fine

Jul 2021 · 93
Rebekah Crews Jul 2021
   F a l  l  i n g
                                  And the thing is I was relived
                                   All that pain gone I was numb  
                                   Did I regret it no
                                    But I wish It did **** me
                                    If it wasn’t mud there
                                     If it didn’t rain that night
                                      I would have been gone
                                                                      Good ……
                                       But I’m still here
                                Why the **** and I’m still here
Jul 2021 · 125
Rebekah Crews Jul 2021
Find someone
You where shattered
But they put you back together with glue
And sometimes you wonder if they would be like the others and shatters you till you broke again
But you know this time is different
Because that person  found you at your dark time
And brought the light back into your life
And made you feel like your back to your old self that glue is now all dry so you know your new mirror not dusty or broken just a mirror with a few ruff patch’s .

May 2021 · 130
Perfect picture
Rebekah Crews May 2021
When they say your name
Or how every day  
I think about you
I think of the 3 am talks
And that summer
When I knew
I would fall in love with you
And how you are perfect
and now you love someone else
And I’m not in the perfect picture with you
She is ...
Because I’m not perfect
I'm that photo on the side
that no one looks at and is shattered
And I try to pick it up to tell
you how much I love you
But the shattered glass is too sharp
and can’t be put back together

May 2021 · 98
Rebekah Crews May 2021
I keep finding people
Who says they will be there forever
But as time goes on
It starts to fade
They say they can’t help me anymore
they said they would stay forever
But forever is just a thought not Reality
And losing people over and over again
Make me repeat the first time to the next
And how they are the same
And reality now is just me
I get high to turn it off
And then it starts
To come back the pain the suffering
So you do it over and over again
When I run out I’m on the floor
Trying to hold
Back the pain of reality
But I know I’ll never make it out
Of the mud, no one will bring the white cloth
And wipe my face off
Because there nothing left
I just sit there in the dirt on my face
Because that is reality
Me by myself forever

May 2021 · 92
Your the last
Rebekah Crews May 2021
Your not the first...
Stay and let me explain
It took 17 year to find you
When Summer  came I knew you cared
Falling off that bridge
Come back everything the same
She says I need space
I try
Text by text everything goes wrong
Lost her
Then its like  fall off that bridge again
I never knew it would take a second to loss someone
As time goes by wonder what I could have done
She tell you she tried so hard to stay
But your the one that was trying so hard to stay
Your where happy when  you with her
Then she gone and then you on the floor again
Holding your self
A couple of years before you meet her
You meet a girl like her
And told her everything and
how much you loved her
But ....I said it to you
And I never said it again
But I guess everyone  you love
leave you
Your not the first
Your the last

Apr 2021 · 81
The star
Rebekah Crews Apr 2021
   then someone comes along
   And try to be The stars in the dark
     Where your lying
     Trying to breathe for air  
And somehow it starts to be the  bright star
Everytime it shined and told you            
everything will be ok
But every time that star gets far and farther away
Till it all dark again and you're just there lying in the darkness again

Feb 2021 · 201
Rebekah Crews Feb 2021
There a reason you left....
It difficult for me saying this
I just want to scream
Goodbye I never like
Because I never get them
I remember calling you late at night
And I would here your voice and everything
Just felt better
Because you where my favorite person
Ever time I had a problem I would text you
And you said everything will be ok
Isn’t the same
I feel numb
I can’t breath
I don’t know who to call
When its all dark
When I just want to give up

Goodbye my love .....
Feb 2021 · 194
Rebekah Crews Feb 2021
You tell me you love me
You say that to all the girls don’t you
And when you come back
You lack the truth
You keep lying
the scars you left
keep tearing me apart
With the tears rolling down my face
My head can’t count how many times
I remember you looking in to my eyes
And I see your  smirk
It just like the smirk is  ink of you writing thinking of ways to destroy me
I’m your toy  
And I’m part of your game
That is tearing me apart one by one
Like a kid
Plucking the flower
if he loves me or he loves me not
But you know he’ll never love you
It just part of the game

Jan 2021 · 123
A black hole
Rebekah Crews Jan 2021
All I saw was nothing
It was all dark
Like i was in a black hole
Am I afraid of it
I’m ready for it to take me
Deeper into it
let me finally go
Because at the end of it all
I  have nothing left to live for
And there nothing left but that black hole
I’m ready to let go
I’m not afraid anymore

Jan 2021 · 175
Will it ever get better?
Rebekah Crews Jan 2021
Everything will get better
They say
But those words aren’t true
Because it Dosent get better
It just
Another lie
In my life

Jan 2021 · 192
Rebekah Crews Jan 2021
When I hear your voice
Late at night
your  the one thing in the world
That make me want to stay
Because you
My bright place
When I’m in the dark

Jan 2021 · 163
Rebekah Crews Jan 2021
one day
A girl was with her friends
I think they were her friends
But she knew they weren’t
Time goes by in the car
But something happened to her
She can’t feel a thing
She can’t think
All she says is I wish I had friends
They say she’s her friends
But she knows the truth
She gets out of the car
Fall to the ground
Because she can’t walk
because she feels like she’s dying
She knows it time to let go
She says tell them that she loves them
And she goes into a deep hole where it all dark
And she hears them says
Oh my ******* god
She’s dying
They try to wake her
But she can’t
And somehow she wakes up in her bed
Trying to remember what happened
And all she remembers is the black hole
Nothing in it
People say you see your life before your eyes
But her
She saw nothing
Nothing at all
And that when she found out she is nothing

Dec 2020 · 91
Rebekah Crews Dec 2020
I remember you saying
It’s all your fault
And that always was in the back of my head
That everything was my fault
Somehow we meet again
And you wanted me
And I didn’t know what to say
I close my eyes
But all I can think of is what you said to me
When we where kids
How it’s true
When we are adults now
And it didn’t get better
It got worst
And how everything is still my fault
And what You did to me  
Is my fault
What I said to you was my fault
When I lost you after that
It was my fault

Dec 2020 · 76
Rebekah Crews Dec 2020
Time after time
The same thing happened
They are there and then
They are  gone
You think about them every day
But they never do the same
It's like I was never in their life
But they were  in mine
Because when it's all over
When time stops
I won't keep calling
I won't ask for them  back
Because I won't be back
Is it better for them
To see you in your casket
Or actually, see you in person
I don't know because
It's to late
Because I'm not even in they're life anymore
Gone for good

Dec 2020 · 86
Find me
Rebekah Crews Dec 2020
I thought I needed to find someone
But as I think about it
I need to find me
And who I am
I’m not ready for someone else love
Because I need to find love in myself
And who I want to be
And not what someone wants me to be
Love me for me
I don’t know how long that will take
But I know it’s time to find me
And who I’m supposed to be

Dec 2020 · 66
Rebekah Crews Dec 2020
I can’t do this anymore.

Nov 2020 · 62
The story
Rebekah Crews Nov 2020
Each time
The same thing happened
And now I know what keeps happening
It wasn’t you
It was me
I wish I could go back to make it better
But the pages of the book
Are ruined
And that chapter is done
I wish the story could have kept going
But it couldn't handle what was happening
So it was over before the story was ready to end
The book is close
The story is over

Nov 2020 · 72
Let me go
Rebekah Crews Nov 2020
When will it be all over
Just let me go already
I’m tired of this
You already know how this will end
So let me go
Nothing is going to stop me

Nov 2020 · 77
Who I am
Rebekah Crews Nov 2020
You want me to change
I try to
You say try harder
What do you want me to say  
What am I supposed to do
Be this girl
That isn’t broken
That is always happy
Doesn't talk too much
I tried to change
But everytime you tell me
I’m not
The girl you wanted
I gave up
And now I wonder
who am I
What am I
You didn’t want to know
Who I use to be
I gave up on me
And now that girl is gone

Nov 2020 · 69
Rebekah Crews Nov 2020
Loves isn’t love
Because if you say I love you
what you said
What you did to me
isn’t love
You broke me

Nov 2020 · 69
Rebekah Crews Nov 2020
I think Letting go of something
that meant a lot to is
Harder then the first time
Because it bring back
The pain of the people who did it to you first
And the memories
Of you falling apart
One by one
To where you can’t get out of bed
To you just want someone to hold you
So you just hold you self
Because no one can do it
You try to get up
But the Weight on you chest
Push you down more and more
Where you just lay there
In the dark
Till another person come to get you up
And put you in the light
Till they do the same 
As him
Or  that one girl you met this summer
Because they just like the others

Nov 2020 · 91
The reasons
Rebekah Crews Nov 2020
What she found out
It not what she wanted
But what she need to here
The reasons
They leave
The reason
They stop trying for her
are because they can’t handle
Who she is
What she dose
What she says
They say she push them to far away
That they can’t handle it
So now she know why they leave
It not then
It her
Who ruins what they had
And the thing is as all the people who left her
She left her too

Nov 2020 · 67
Hold on
Rebekah Crews Nov 2020
It tried to hold on
But you broke it more
And what she had left
Was just a little bit
But it all gone now
She gone
You lost her
She fell to deep she can't get out  

Nov 2020 · 104
Rebekah Crews Nov 2020
What the point to keep going
Because everday get worst and worst
Everyday People start to fade and leave you  
Everyday you ask your self would they actually miss me
But you already know they won’t  
Everyday you sit there thinking is it time yet
Everyday bring more pain
Everyday another thing happend
Everyday  you ask yourself
Why  did the 10 time you did it  didn’t work
Everyday you keep braking
Everyday you just want to be a different person
Everyday just keeps going and going
You just want it to stop.

Oct 2020 · 66
I wish
Rebekah Crews Oct 2020
I wish last year on that cold October day
Didn't happens
I wish I never lose what I did
I wish she were still  the same girl
But that day change who she was not better
But worst
What you had
What made you happy
It disappeared
And that girl did to
And everything that happens
The mountains she saw got taller and colder
She got lost in the woods
And she lost more then she thought she would
I wish it had never happened
But you can't erase that cold October day
What happens last year

Oct 2020 · 91
Rebekah Crews Oct 2020
When will it be over
I want it to stop
But it never dose
I so tired
I just want the days to stop
And it to be over

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