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 Oct 2012 S
K McElvaney
 Oct 2012 S
K McElvaney
Early morning ponderings
of an ever restless soul

Confronting that giddy feeling in my gut
like butterflies whispered
laughter laden

Heavy yet light as blown
kisses in doorways

Love is welcome solace
from sleep
 Oct 2012 S
Abraham Lincoln
To Rosa
 Oct 2012 S
Abraham Lincoln
You are young, and I am older;
    You are hopeful, I am not—
Enjoy life, ere it grow colder—
    Pluck the roses ere they rot.

Teach your beau to heed the lay—
    That sunshine soon is lost in shade—
That now’s as good as any day—
    To take thee, Rosa, ere she fade.
 Oct 2012 S
Luke Piscitelli
Those who write poetry feel too much

They feel too much pain
Too much joy
Too much sadness
Too much freedom and hate
Too much compassion and love

They are not normal and some
Do think them quite strange
For normal people would be ok
To push their feelings away
But see a poet, he can not
just push them away
What he feels must erupt
onto the page
Otherwise he risks
being enraged

It is their blessed curse
To live without a buffer
To feel all they can feel
and push none away

But thank God for these people
for from their suffering and joy, comes art.
Heart wrenching art.
 Oct 2012 S
Elizabeth Anne Schmit
I saw you again today,
I envy all the attention you get.
Walking past the store is such a display
Of all that you exuberate and sweat.

Your aura is so grand
And you glow with much shine,
The drips are so alluring,
The color of your glow is simply divine.

I walked in, just to take a peek,
You didn’t notice, but I inched closer.
I ran into one of your friends who sprung a leak,
So I took them out instead, such smooth liquor.

If you find out, I hope you don’t mind,
That I took one of your friends instead;
I still think you’re **** and quite a malty find,
It’s just that Colt treated me better and let me give him head.
 Oct 2012 S
More Want
 Oct 2012 S
I want what I haven't seen.
Only until my eyes have rested on such sights, as they do on the purpled veins in my eyelids every night;
my infatuation declines.
Its dependant on the rate of decline.
the rate of decline is the incline of my happiness.
What a ****** measurement.
 Oct 2012 S
Joseph Normand
Contemplate the void.
Let it fill you
with nothing.

Heads of needles lead
long silver strands
through your mind.

And how can we live
while many die
Part 7 of "Ode to the Seven Virgins"
 Oct 2012 S
Kalon R
Lost Love
 Oct 2012 S
Kalon R
The torment and agony of not being with you  
the joyous pleasures you put my heart through
Separation will make us grow farther
Our love under scrutiny like a martyr
Loving you at the speed of light
You always take my heart on a flight 
The wondrous beauty of you
The wondrous beauty of two 
Two is stronger than one, 
but we stand as one
Meet me on a hilltop
high above civilization 
So God can admire You,
his wonderful creation
About me and my highschool love going our separate ways
 Oct 2012 S
Alisia Robinson
A Soul
 Oct 2012 S
Alisia Robinson
I want to cut into me

Tear into my flesh

Pull it apart bit by bit

Separate muscle and classify anatomy

Drain blood and watch it congeal

Collect bone, and deflate lungs

Hold my heart and squeeze;feel

With only skin, eyes and brain

I want to see if where my heart was , if there is a soul
while struggling with depression, and finding myself this is what I came up with.
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