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Nov 2020 · 105
Quinn Nov 2020
You looked at me
Eyes electric blue
And you promised me
You'd always come through

You promised to give me
The sun and the stars
But I would be fine
With just a life to call ours
Nov 2020 · 387
These Days
Quinn Nov 2020
Seconds, minutes, and hours tick by
Huddled within walls as the time flies
Some of us knit, or sing, or write
Others watch movies to get through the night

If you're searching for me, rush to the nook
You will find me there, on my lap rests a book
Who is counting the days, has it been three or four?
And now many must pass, until the virus is no more

At home is best, think of the others
I tell myself from under the covers
One book read, turned to five then six
Thrillers, romance, and sifi in the mix

And here I sit watching everything unwind
Why has the world turned it's back on being kind
Take a deep breath these hard times too will pass
Lock yourself in a room and enjoy a book while it lasts
Spending my days with a book in hand has helped this hard time go by a little faster. Stay kind. Be safe. And Happy Thanksgiving yall.
May 2019 · 563
Quinn May 2019
You've tangled yourself
Within my heartstrings
My love for you
Is everlasting

— The End —