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725 · May 2013
Red Rain (T_T)
Dark clouds harbor dark thoughts as the lie above my head
Screaming my name as I wish for the sun to be dead...
Dark corners hide the blood on my hands, shaking against my will
Dead people swim around me whispering the words to ****



why... am I on the ground..? why does my head pound..?
my god... it stinks of gore... what's lying here on the floor?



blood in my throat..

have I gone insane?
am I to blame... for the bodies around me?



it can't be... I couldn't have done it...
or... could I?

could I...




theres a thrill in the ****!!
I want the taste of flesh
freshest is best!
I want to feel the blood on my skin
and feel it feed the beast within!
bloodthirsty... i'm drunk with my lust
I have to feed... I must...



NO!! I can't... its not right...
I have to fight...
the animal inside....
It has to hide...


no.... he gone?
am I free?
to be me?
can I...
finally walk without stepping in rot?
my lair is red... once it was white...
i don't want to hurt... i don't want to ****...



i'm still here..
always hungry
you can't run from me....

sorry for the lack of poeticness lately, ive had a lot of stress lately. i have a bunch of drafts i want to finish.. i might soon..
712 · Mar 2013
Love is a bitch...
She left her heart in the pocket of my coat
as I left with a lump in my throat
I turned back to say my goodbyes
and left my heart there in her eyes.
neither of us has a heartbeat
both of us fall from our seat
dead inside without the other
theres no life for us without each other
I miss the feel of her lips on mine,
and the gasps she made as I traced her spine
the moon shone down on us as we said farewell
and now we both dive into our own personal hell
she falls asleep tonight, but doesn't want me to go
I love her more than anyone could know
love is a *****...
if you know me, that last line has a double meaning.
710 · Feb 2013
My message in a bottle
I woke up one day face down in the sand
weak and confused I tried to stand
as my eyes adjusted to the midday sunshine
I saw my beloved along the sand line
the beach was littered with splintered remains
the broken masts and window panes
of a broken ship lying deep in the sea
there was no sign of life, only her and me

I ran the whole way and collapsed by her side
I picked her up and found a place to hide
deep in the trees, I placed her in the shade
beneath a tall tree near and tried to find aid
I searched the whole island but no one was there
darkness was coming, I hadn't a moment to spare

we built a shelter deep in the trees
and every so often there was a pleasant breeze
the water was fresh from the spring nearby
and we had a clearing to watch for passersby
we tried so hard for things to stay the same
but after a month nobody came...

we became happy and lived on our isle
beautiful views stretched mile after mile
we put a small note in bottle and tossed it away
hoping someone might read it someday.

two years later it washed ashore
on a beach near a city with a million or more
when opened up our letter was there
and put up on the news nearly everywhere
"don't look for us, it wont help you at all
we've got all we need in each other after all"

off on our island we lived out are lives
unbothered by all and if anything survives
it'll be that we found true love on our own
now we are king and queen with our own little throne
710 · Nov 2013
My heart, wilfully given
I'd be the first to admit that my life is a mess.
I'm ******* up, mentally, emotionally, that I'll confess
I act this way to hide my heart
hidden from beasts who'll tear it apart
showing it only to the one I can trust
giving it to her, willfully. I must.
she's broken down the walls
and she's answered all my calls
time and time again, without a doubt
she's shown me what its all about
my heart, willfully given, its hers now
I won't need it if she leaves, I'll take the bow
say my goodbyes and exit stage right
cuz my heart will be with her every night.
708 · Feb 2013
Heartbeat 10w
a beating heart beats loudest when out of your chest.
what is this?
a shallow spark?
a dying ember?
a glint of sun in defrosting december?
what is this?
this is how i remember...

what is summer too?
is it the same to me as is to you?
its warm grasp and gentle rays,
reminisce of times with her and the days.

that we spent together,
the spectacular weather
and not ever having to question whether
the sun would ever, stop shining.

the warm summer morn
before we were torn
and cool starry night
and the tears i'd have to fight

i remember what i'd say to you
and what i said now...
the season's changing
in my head

seasons change
but i stay the same
it seems a bit strange...
am i to blame?

i... i don't know anymore
the sun is blazing and the moon is hazy
they chase me
sometimes fight in the sky
i think to erase me

the grey wolves howl
blue dragons growl
tigers roar and on the prowl
they each have their flames
but this world and its games
and i don't know where casts the blames.
first stanza is LuminUmbra, second is DarkWolfLeon and it interchanges.
696 · May 2012
~Full Moon Out~ Triplicate
full moon out.../...I'M feeling weak...
bring me in.../...NOT this again...
bash my skull.../...WHO are YOU?...
knock me out.../...i can't THINK straight...
drag me in.../...I can't help it...
chain me up.../...AM i to blame?...
lock the door.../...DON'T let me out...
let me suffer.../...i really HATE this...
hope i die.../...wake ME when the slaughter ends...
Another Triplicate.
683 · Jun 2012
They Dare Attack Me
dragons rogue fly from high above
taunting me and spitting flame
but one within them lingers back
as if she's not one with the pack
one from the front swoops down at me
and strikes me with his tail
now all are coming, except for her...
she averts her eyes and grits her teeth

i can't believe it
They dare attack me!
I’ll tear them apart
Limb from limb they fall
Before my feet they lie…
But one before me stands unscathed
But I myself fall to her feet
She has beaten me…

A glimpse before I fell to darkness
Black wings, purple scales
A she-drake too…
She smells of grace and looks like beauty…
Who is she?
This I wondered
This graceful creature

Before I fell she smiled and said
“I am Elora, Soon we’ll meet again.”
I fell to darkness and later awoke
To find her sitting by my side
Tending my wounds she smiled bright
As I stared, unable to speak.
Her claws were gentle
And I tried to speak
But it was for naught
I was too weak
I could only watch as she cared for me.
I don’t know when I fell to sleep
But when I woke She’d fallen too
But pressed against me
To share the heat
Blood rushed to my cheeks
I lay still so not to wake her
Watching the rise and fall
Of her chest
As she breathed
And set to match my own
She soon awoke
And looked at me
Soft eyes
Softer heart
She was beautiful
Words escaped my lips
“I am Lucian
Thank you for tending to me.”
She smiled at me
And my heart beat faster
Her smile brought new warmth to me
I tried to stand
But pain shot through me
And I soon fell
Broken limbs
And broken wing
Would keep me down
For quite a while.
She offered still
To keep me well
To aid me in recovery.
As days go by
I grow closer to her
And my feelings grow as well…,

i can't tell
if she feels for me
the same i feel for her,
but theres hope
and it grows every day
a very early poem.
**** these old thoughts
**** these bad memories
i wished would die and rot..
They come like morning glories
they come back every day
to taunt me back to the deep abyss
**** them all in every way
i want them to die, i'd never miss...
To hell with my heart and **** my head
i was my own fool, i shouldve seen it...
beleiving the lies that were fed...
i'm sick of dealing with ****...
When will they stop... Stop ******* with me?!?!
I mean, what the hell?? This isnt fair!!!
How can she move on and act like she doesnt care?!?!
I lie here broken and lost...
while she crushes the heart that she tossed!
the least she could do is give me a glare
acknowledge i existed then toss me to the bears
**** it. I'm done. I'm still here and in pain.
just know about this wolf's heart that you've slain.
661 · Apr 2012
Dark Monstress
distant world, before unseen, by eyes like we,
she roamed, unseen, heard only by her sisters
she growled her dominance, none could see
they had no eyes, but two jaws, come misters.

the white man saw her ferocious form
took her, bound her, forced her sleep.
whipped her, trained her to to the point of norm
she growled at them, and the cuts run deep.

she wraps her tail round her ****** self
weeps through eyes that arent there
her purpose now is gain her master wealth
none but one did show her care

the man, dark tan, did care for her
he bounnd her wounds, helped her heal
in a way he loved her, for sure
though she was different, this be what he feel
624 · May 2012
Introductions>Tearani C
such words that rhyme
and line by line in epic time
i saw you there, upon my poem
i thought myselfe, wonder if i knowem?
i saw not, but my brother doth so
i find myself here, tis you i wish to know
pentameter shmentameter, free verse is king!
epically rhymed and everyone can sing!
to moon so high and sun beyond
greetings milady, my name is Leon.
I push the release.../ didnt work...
drop the shiny mag.../ did this to me...
WANT more bullets.../...i bleed for YOU...
metal on metal.../...i drop TO the floor...
new mag in.../ KNOW what you did...
pull the slide back.../...THERES no beat in my heart...
round jumps into place.../...NOTHING left to live for...
click. off goes the safety.../...this feels so WRONG...
raise the barrel.../...toy WITH my heart...
pull the trigger.../...goodbye world, from ME...
615 · Apr 2012
Black is the night
Black so deep
It devours the light
I cannot sleep
Yet one shines bright
Its gentle creep
The moon shines white
I almost weep,
Leaves circle mid-air
And soon catch aflame
I watch, I stare
As the trees do the same
The stars seem to glare
As if I'm to blame
Of creepy things I've had my share
And all I do tame
The shadows crawl,
Crawl to my feet
Against me, they fall
As do all foes I meet
The shadows tall
Oh what a treat
Demons, shadows, all
All I will greet
608 · Jul 2013
Loneliness (T_T)
loneliness is the strongest emotion
its the one tat draws me to take my life in a single swift motion
as in a slash on the wrist with a rusty razor blade
wishing that for once all my pain would fade
but it won't... it never will.. all I want is to die altogether
everything so ****** up I want to end it forever
I wish that I could've been that happy little ****
but that **** doesn't work with me, it'd take two thousand times my luck.
plus a new mind, cuz I'm ****** up enough as it is right now
I don't even know why ive survived at all, let alone how.
I'm an emo. that's all there is to it. you'll label me and brand me
but that's just ******* fine with me, cuz at least my death will end up on TV.
601 · May 2012
late this night i toss and turn
in troubled sleep
demons and monsters
before my mind's eye
crawling ever closer...
they're here...
i **** awake,
heart in my throat,
clad in cold sweat.
my vision's blurred
my breathing's rough
my mind plays tricks
in league with my eyes
as shadows slither to my left
i jump, my dream...
could it have been real?
to my right the shadows crawl
i look and see that nothing's there.
i laugh. i'd let my mind wander
just as i lay back down
my thoughts set straight
and i'm finally calm
i close my eyes
and the wraith breaks my neck.
ehhhhhhh.... rly late. i know theres practically no rhyme to this... can you blame me? its 3 am.
592 · Nov 2013
This one little thing?
Can't I have that one thing i need?
the one that I ask for, not out of greed.
but for my survival, to save my life.
i need nothing else to ease my strife
but that one thing I need like the air
and I start to suffocate when its not there.

It is a person tied drastically to my heartstrings
attached to my blood, my heart and soul
the one who makes my nerve ends sing
she is the one that makes me truly whole
Can't I have just this one little thing?
589 · Apr 2012
10W Dragon
Dragon, scales and winding tails, laugh at the frightened deer.
580 · Mar 2013
Only one set of footprints
I've got no place of my own
no chair to call my throne
no dog to throw this bone
loneliness all I've known
one set of prints on the shore
I've learned to live with nothing more
nothing beside me for sure
life's gotten a little heavier
my prints get deeper
I keep my head low
I cant let my feelings show
I stare at the sand, and the sea
I wish sometimes that things could be
a little bit easier
things are the way they are
no more wishes to the shooting star
no more wishes, no more wants
and shadow haunts
only needs... i have all i need
nothing more
i don't need anything else....
only one set of footprints in the sand in the end
because I like to carry my girlfriend ;)
i really do love carrying my girlfriend ;D
577 · Jun 2012
Air 10w
air is rather tasteless unless you eat it upside down
547 · Feb 2013
Lord Death
in my dreams i see dark skies
carrion birds flock'd in dark clouds
swarming a lone man before my eyes
clawing and tearing at the very last shrouds
i ducked behind cover and continued to stare
as they tore him apart and blood started to rain
down from the clouds that seemed not to care
that the ground already had one big ****** stain
i hid away quickly, my face streaked with tears
as a host of demons came, forming a whole
army of death, my darkest of fears
picking away at the poor man's soul
til nothing was left but his skeletal remains
locked in a death scream, begging for the end
but nobody heard him on the blood soaked plains
there was nothing left for death to send.
i searched about and longed for escape
but was quickly put down, poor pitiful me
this world i was in had only one landscape
death as far as the eye could see
hordes of the undead rose from their graves
eyes red and shambling before my own eyes
now they were death's little slaves
drawn out to my view by the dead man's cries
they looked straight at me, stared, then a shout
calling to them the demons and birds
i knew then and now there was no way out
i was at that point at a loss for words
i scrambled back, in an attempt to flee
but what do you know
they quickly surround me
it looks like this is the end of the show
i fell flat on my back and gazed up into the eyes
of a massive dead dragon, smoke pouring from he
the dead hordes shrieking piercing cries
dying down as they all took a knee
the black dragon bowed and started to speak
"welcome home master, we've missed you so."
i stared in shock and i began to feel weak
"it was such a shame that you needed to go."
they saw i was oblivious of what he spoke
this dream felt so surreal, it couldn't be clearer
it was almost as if i had already woke
one of the demons then brought me a mirror
had i been clutching this scythe this whole time?
had this billowing black cloak always shrouded me so?
did my shadow always dance around me, even with the sunshine?
my fears within were starting to go
as i realized i was home, in hell again.
i was lord Death, i felt it inside
something felt right and i laughed within
i knew there was ne place that life could hide.
ugh, sorry if it sounds bad, it was going so well and then it all got deleted and i had to start over again T_T
541 · Apr 2013
Jumper (T_T)
empty hotel room
beautiful view
every night below the moon
without you
the lights of the city blot out the stars
blinded by the light of passing cars
sixteen floors up, window locks
locked doors and music rocks
through the room, off the walls
echoing throughout the halls
Arizona. the green tea
calms me down so I can see
sea? maybe on Saturday morning
then again I could just be mourning
nothing could possibly make my life worse
than life without her my life has a curse
**** me now... I'll leap from the edge
hope that my fall isn't broken by a hedge.
quickly, sleep has taken me
under stars is where I lay
I wonder what things I'll see?
even now, what can I say?
there's nothing like a good dream

loftily, softly, I find my love
its nothing to be ashamed of
there's nothing to be afraid of
this is what stories are made of
lets see what this dream holds
even now as it still unfolds

after all this time, its been so long
never have I seen something quite
gorgeous enough to make me long
ecstatically for the bright light
let's turn on the darkness tonight
another acrostic, quiet little angel
521 · Feb 2013
Wolf in the rain 10w
A wolf in the rain is still just as deadly
503 · May 2013
Down...            p
Waking       u

In a forest... calm... quiet...

SILENT                silent

Whisper.... whisper       whisper..



Whispers.... whisper
            whisper *

Wake up....
Wake up...


Staring...     always watching..
X.X no eyes..           don't look....
No no no no no no no no no no
    No no no no no No!


Chasing... chasing run!run!RUN!



No eyes...

Wake up

Wake up!


I read somewhere that torture victims will sometimes seclude themselves into a dream where they are  not being tortured. That doesn't mean that the dream was any better. Lots of slender man references heheh
494 · May 2012
Not a mirror
Demon, demon, on the wall...
come ye hither at my call
**** fine beasts and wolves alike
and stake their hearts on rusty pike
demon, demon, on the wall
dwell within me, infect us all
devour me, morph me, demonize me...
dark enchantments terrorize me
demon demon in my head,
why not wait until i'm dead?
you want a host to feed and thrive
and will only work if i'm alive
493 · Feb 2013
To love a wolf..
how can I walk so firmly
on such treacherous terrain,
a sheet of ice endlessly
soaked by acid rain.
my heart is set in stone,
this path is mine to take
I'll set her upon a throne
this is the future I will make.
two wolves, wild and free
howl our songs to gods above
from sea to shining sea
she is the one i love.
she is the one for me
472 · Mar 2013
Writing a story, i'm sorry for my absence my dear followers!
I'm writing another story! I've been working relentlessly the past few days. its a draft, but will be put in private once I deem it read-worthy. If anyone wants a link, just leave a comment.
431 · May 2012
Not again...
the darkness creeps within
from wraith's of feeling deep inside
amd grin at me with jagged smiles
of what used to be my heart
as they clamber up my leg
"go ahead... i don't care anymore.."
my reply to their demands
they burrow their way in
theres no need for them to hide
no need for cakes with hidden files
they have free reign to rip apart
whats left of me, i don't even beg
for mercy as my corpse lies on the floor
Overthinking again... oh well... hello wraiths... come to eat my face again?
426 · Jun 2012
to write a ten word, is it really a poem?
404 · Feb 2013
If darkness could breathe, i'd be the air
And she, water for so close we are
Yet so far...
together we are fire
we blaze through the night
the earth is our bed as we gaze at pretty light
375 · Jun 2012
Random 10w2
ahh random, the mystic beauty that fills my fiery heart
367 · Apr 2012
why? wip
ive done nothing to you,
i ask, why torture me so?
find you pleasure in my pain?
my blood runs like water warm
i can no longer fight you...
take my life, if't pleases you so.
white sheets, crimson stained.
367 · Jun 2012
Finally finished 10w
finally finished... What do you mean theres only nine words?!
361 · Feb 2013
Beloved 10w
Everything's better when you're holding your beloved in your arms
340 · Jun 2012
Random 10w
theres no time for writing!! Get me the apple cannon!

— The End —