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Q Apr 2016
I like me better broken; I like me torn apart.
I like me bleeding, dying, like grotesque gallery art.
I like me better lost, struggling not to drown.
I like me flailing uselessly as I fall back to the ground.

I like me crushed to dust, scrambling to find all my pieces.
I like me panicky and scared, unable to grasp what peace is.
I like me down and empty, watching life pass me by.
I like me  pathetic, pitiful; give me something to hide behind.

Pity me. Pity me. Tell me I've a reason to be so morose.
Wrap me up in comforting words until I find the strength to go.
Love me unhealthily, let me pledge my life to you
And wrap myself up until I forget every dream I looked forward to.

Hurt me like I was so used to; make me feel at home.
Treat me like a dog and when I'm done, throw me a bone.
Box me into the smallest of spaces, my own castle of thorns.
Nurse me back to unhappiness and praise me when I'm forlorn.

I'm lost when I'm smiling, I wasn't built to maintain it
To live without reason is the function I'm best with.
I'm a mess when it's good, don't know how to regulate
I like me better without a smile for smiling's sake.

I like me better bottled up and bound and screaming for help
I like me better sobbing and bitter and disgusted with myself.
I like me better when I'm comfortably apathetic and undone.
As things would have it, I'm pathetic, I like me better broken.
Q Mar 2016
the night is empty and calm and quiet and dead and no animal or human or organism has the want or reason to fill it
  somewhere someone and something and nothing at all is dying or is dead and all the silent people and all the silent animals and all the silent organisms will do nothing to save them
  the time passes slowly at mach speed and the earth ceases to turn and the people and the animals and the organisms are crushed by the force of the lack of movement
  the sun implodes and the universe is momentarily covered in beauty and debris and particles of carcasses before there is nothing of what had and could have been
  in a different galaxy and cosmos and timeline the sun shines brightly as it was meant to with no intention to change its routine
  the people and the animals and the organisms cohabit earth peacefully having unlocked the secrets of life and death and all in between before and after
  earth turns lackadaisically and nothing and no one and no being could ever persuade or force it to stop
  the night is full and loud and boisterous and bright and alive and filled with joyful chatter and excited calls and unhurried and unworried din

  particles float in space and smash gently together and greet each other with nonexistent smiles and impossible words in unknown languages
  asteroids soar by with inaudible how do you dos and vanish before there is any answer or inquiry as to where they plan to go
  black holes swirl happily inviting all the particles and asteroids and stars and matter and antimatter and dark matter into their vapid embrace
  solar systems cry noisily as their bedtime approaches and fight against the current of time and space and emptiness and nothingness and struggle against the flow
  atoms and molecules find romance within one another and bind themselves and break apart and bind themselves and break apart and bind themselves
  the stars grow agitated and burst into dull rock and grow agitated and burst into flame until the can no longer explain their agitation and burst into nothing in an enraged fit
  just past all the things is a small planet that was in the past and has passed and will pass in the future and is passing right now
  and the night is empty and calm and quiet and dead and no animal or human or organism has the want or reason to fill it
Q Mar 2016
the future is a black hole i'm not ready to observe
stagnation; fear, get me out, let me flee
it follows me, stays out of reach, i don't want to hear it
don't want to see it, escapism, cover me, hide me

i'm terrified, what is this, stop asking questions
i don't know, i don't know, i hate it, i don't know
what, when, where, why, how; too much, too much
scratch at the walls of the cell until it lets me go

find it, find something, find anything, a purpose
a meaning, a cause, a reason; i have none
find fun, find joy, find desperation in the correct sense
and for all those born with it, the battle's half-won

are you happy, are you content, are you living your best life
are you intrigued, can you make sense, are you ready to go
are you working, are you motivated, are you productive
no, the answer is this fearful, no

the future chases me, im running in place, let me get away
escapism, stagnation, terror, and terrified apathy
the future is now, it is later, it has already past
drown, suffocate, sprinting and always coming in last
this is less than i wanted it to be
but then its just venting
so im posting it
Q Mar 2016
There's no one who will hurt me in this parking lot
The world is a rushing vertigo of color and sound
I can't quite seem to grasp the anxiety that's so familiar to me
Or even stand up without the distinct feeling of falling down.

Music sends a vibrato tingle through the left hemisphere of my brain
Smells light up the right like a Las Vegas light show
Taste is unnoticed, I'm ravenous, the food is gone before I realize it
Behind my too-heavy eyes is an impossibly beautiful glow.

In this moment I know the world like I know my own mind
I feel my skull expanding, stretching out my consciousness
I can feel the rush of eternity caressing my skin lovingly
I feel my chest depressing, suffocating, and ushering me to death.

Someone is talking; I can't understand the words, can't remember
Nothing matters, right here, right now; everyone rushes too fast
The timbres shiver and crawl up my spine and the meaning is lost
Busybodies, busy lives, busy people, I can't keep track, too relaxed.

I am floating just above the horizon; lonely and satisfied
I am blood-warm and deathly cold, both immortal and finite
My tongue ties and twists itself before I can invite anyone to fly
And rests uselessly under my feet as I sink and soar into the sun's light.
Q Feb 2016
And it is only within the peaceful times
That I realize he's my heart in hand.
Only when an unnoticed smile stretches my lips
Am I fully aware that I adore this man.

The softest of feelings accompany the lightest gazes;
The feeling of it is indescribably, cloyingly sweet.
It is a gentle breeze of passively adoring affection
It is simple silence's most lovely of treats.

A pure emotion that spirals playfully in my chest
And spreads flora and sunshine in me without rest.
Something beautifully untouched; mine in every form.
Something strikingly idyllic, impossibly beatific, and lovingly warm.
he is asleep right now
ill tell him i love him when he wakes up
but in this moment
there is simply too much
so this is where i put it
Q Feb 2016
Given the world in the palm of the hand
They would not save, nor fix, but instead plan
Plan death, plan chaos, plan sweet agony
And cherish Earth's end, eyes opened wide to see.

But humans are moral beasts, how could they deign
To destroy and recreate and ruin the flow of time
For whatever ideas boredom incites they obey
To whet the hunger only chaos can truly sate?

They would insist that we are beings of madness
Would **** us all and leave the Earth ravaged.
They would shout that they are no different than us
That with just a taste of power we would do the same such.

But humanity is merciful, we would never grow so corrupt
The idea doesn't intrigue us, we've never craved to rule much
All those who disagree are the both unstable and inane
They are insanity, as known by the relatively sane.
I've had this one down for awhile and I never knew why I didn't post it because I'm more than happy with it.
Perhaps the point isn't as clear as most of my poetry, I don't know. Anyway, hope you enjoyed.
Q Feb 2016
It is essentially the worst thing I've ever felt
A deep, swirling miasma of an emotion.
It's nasty.

Abandonment doesn't suit me, I've never taken to it well.
This would be overcompensation.
Dark, infuriated overcompensation.

It's toddler-esque, I see that clearly, the feeling of
Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, m i n e
I am ashamed.

And I can put it to rhyme, oh I can explain
It's a violent beast, a stake of claim
It's an unnoticed filth on my doorstep
It's a dormant disease, unseen while it rests.

But when it awakens, good lord, when it does
It gnaws at everything, leaves nothing untouched
It burns up the foundations, the walls, the floor
For imagined slights, and leaves me thinking what for?

It's an inferno. It's dark thoughts that demand attention.
I lie and say I am fighting it; I've already let it win.
It is white and unnerving, justified in it's own existence
It is a force of it's own that defies all reason.

And I could put it to rhyme if I truly wished to
But why would I when it rips right through
Every word I've ever attempted to use
To represent it as I wish to.
still not accurately explained
but as close as i think ill get
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