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Q Nov 2013
Stay a little longer
The worlds not so bad
I love you, stranger
Please don't be sad

When the knife is in your hand and you want to die
Imagine I'm there whispering, "Please stay alive."

Maybe it's your home life
Or a relationship
But I love you, stranger
I doesn't have to be like this

When you're crying and you need to see blood
Open your computer and I'll comfort you like they should.

When you're lower than Earth's core
When you feel ready to leave
I love you, stranger
Please stay with me

You're slicing your arms and you won't eat
Wipe your eyes, clean your arms, and have something sweet.

You think no one cares
You hate yourself so much
I love you, stranger
I hope that's enough

You want love so bad, you want a hug
And I'm ready to give that, all it takes is some trust.

Because I want to listen
I want to see you well
I love you , stranger
More than you can tell

So when you need a someone to talk to, I'll be right here
I love you stranger, I'll lend an ear.
I'm more than serious. If you ever need to talk, send me a message, even if it's just saying hi. Even if you just want to remember you're alive. Even of you want to rant all day. Even if you want to cry the pain away. *I'm here*, okay? I'm on everyday. I only want to help and see you be yourself.

Q Nov 2013
When you comin' home?
'Cuz baby, I'm all alone
With a bottle in my hand
And my fingers on the phone.

When you comin' home?
'Cuz my speech is startin' to slur
And my vision's getting hazy
And my memory's all a blur.

When you comin' home?
'Cuz I'm feeling pretty blue
And I'm fighting off tears
And I'm thinkin' 'bout you.

When you comin' home?
'Cuz the house is a mess
And I won't clean a thing
I won't even get dressed.

When you comin' home?
'Cuz I wanna say sorry now
And then we'll forget why we were mad
And we'll run the entire town.

When you comin' home?
'Cuz I'm feelin' depressed
And if I could just see you
I could get some ******* rest.

When you comin' home?
It's been two whole years
When you comin' home?
I been cryin' all these tears.
I'd like to formally apologize
I was out of my head
I know exactly why you left
Please forget what I said

I was drunk out of my mind
I shouldn't have pressed 'send'
And if you've listened this long
Can we try again?
Q Nov 2013
You're spouting three lettered phrases
And I don't care
Because my body's here
And your's is over there

Come a little closer
Cause the anger gets you hot
And I'm crashing from my high
And both our nerves are shot

We're seeing red
But your's is anger
We're seeing red
Put your clothes on a hanger

This isn't love
This is lust
This is instinct
Without the need for trust

This isn't gentle
Sweetie, we're so rough
And I'll be ******
If we don't work till the sun's up

Cause this isn't love
This is sweet, sweet lust
But I love when you get angry
And I love getting you riled up

I don't know your name
I don't know your name
And I don't even care
This is just a game

In the morning, you'll be gone
Cause baby if you stay
I'm not the type for breakfasts
And "How was your day"'s

So stop bringing "I love you"'s
Into this game we play
This is all just lust
Watch what you say

Cause I love you's were never foreplay
And this was never a relationship
When a red haze covers the room
There's only space to touch, to kiss

Yes, I know you're lonely
And yeah, I am too
And that's why we're here
But when you start talking, we're through

Cause I can find love anywhere
But I came for lust
And I say it every single time
You bring this topic up

"All we got is lust."
Q Oct 2013
I am empty
I have nothing to give
And this feeling prevails in me
Affecting how I live

Something is hurting
Deep inside of me
And there is no direction
In the chaos, the insanity

Something is aching
Perhaps behind my eyes
But everything is okay
lies, lies, lies

Something is throbbing
In the recesses of my brain
And I reach and reach
And find nothing but pain

Something is tired
Ready to be put to rest
Knife at my throat
One last breath

Something is hurting
A dull, aching pain
And I'd give anything
Never to feel again

Something's hurting
Can you help me?
Something's hurting
Make it stop, please.

Something's fed up
Blood down my arms
Something's crying
With only itself to harm

Something is empty
Just a bag of organs and blood
Something is wondering
If it really could

Something's resolving
Something's got a gun
Something's going on
Something's finally won

Because Something's hurting
And nobody cares
And when Something's fading fast
Who will be there?
Q Oct 2013
There is form Here
Form, chance, life
Might I leave it for the after?
Might I trade for the steady?
Shall I walk the roads of eternity,
Forever calm in memory?
Shall I make myself malleable,
Finitely changing upon the whistle of whim?
Mayhaps I should linger Here
And feel the dread of existentialism
And wonder forever more.
Mayhaps I should search for an answer
Beyond the void of eternity
Beyond the vertigo of life.
And wonder I will as I wander
Into the future ever yonder
Searching for meaning
Reaching for sense
And may I find knowledge
That I might lay it to rest Here
Where we have all begun
Where we might all end.
Q Oct 2013
Pretty little people
With pretty little plans
And pretty little laughs
Behind pretty little hands

Ugly old *****
Laughing at what they said
Smiling so happily
Wishing them all dead

Pretty little people
With pretty little secrets
They confide in the ugly old *****
So sure that she'll keep it

Ugly old *****
Hateful and jealous
She wants let it go
But she's too lonely to tell it

Pretty little people
With their ******* pretty smiles
Pretty little people
Laughing all the while

Pretty little people
With endless self-esteem
Pretty little people
With pretty little dreams

Ugly old *****
Trying to be real
Ugly old *****
Don't know what to feel

Ugly old *****
Snapping at the seams
Ugly old *****
And yes, that ***** is me
Q Oct 2013
I get....excited
Because I'm insecure
I want to cling to what I have
And what I didn't have before

I get hyper
I have to hold on tight
So if I come off badly
It's so you don't leave my sight

I'm very....possessive
I can't give what's mine away
I need to have the people
That I really want to stay

I get loud
To attract attention
I'm versatile
I want to be mentioned

I change depending on who's talking
To better fit their expectation
And when they like me
I chain myself to them

So, my bad
I'm a bit manipulative
And yes, my bad
I don't want to be hated

I get... mean
When things don't to plan
I gravitate to those
Who'll take my outstretched hand

I'm envious of most people
Who can show what they feel
Because I don't want to feel pathetic
So I never act real

I get...anxious
When I don't feel in place
So I fake self-confidence
And let come what may

I've no self-esteem
And I'm very bitter
When I boost up others
And I feel no better

I get...jealous
My friends are mine alone
And I will not, I cannot
I refuse to let them go

So, my bad
I know I'm a mess
I can blame it on my past
That I've never put to rest

And yes, my bad
Please don't hate me
I know I'm not ideal
I know I'm crazy

I'm actually quiet
I'm actually paranoid
I'm actually misophonic
I actually hate noise

I don't like most people
I pretend that I do
So I know it's my bad
If I've mislead you

Because I get lonely
My mind has it's own agenda
I pull people in
Because I feel horrendous

I get...overwrought
And I swear off food
And I cut my arms
And I sit and brood

This is all my fault
Please don't be mad
I swear, I can change
My bad, my bad
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