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Q Jun 2013
This is where we are not alone
This is where we call home
This is where we put down our knives
This is where we repent for our lives
This is where we put down the masks
This is where we drink our lasts
This is where titles cease to exist
This is where we evaporate into mist
This is where we lay down our pride
This is where we go to hide
This is where we go to weep
This is where we **** the innocent sheep
This is where we wash away the blood
This is where we attempt to trust
This is where we strip ourselves of black
This is where we find all we lack
This is where we find our roots
This is where we bury them in ash and soot
This is where we run away
This is where we all shall stay
This is where we pass the guilt
This is where we slide the knife in to the hilt
This is where we suffer from nightmares
This is where we pretend to care
This is where we hear what goes bump in the night
This is where we go to confide
This is where we find the wild ones
This is where we make them run
This is where we put them down
This is where we feel safe and sound
This is where we are the killers we are
This is where we lick our scars
This is where we dream of death
This is where we sob with regret
This is where we feel apathy set in
This is where we go to begin again
This is where we stay as there's nowhere else
This is us, we're begging for help
**We must be killers
Children of the wild ones
We must be killers
Where we got left to run?
Inspired by Mikky Ekko's "We Must Be Killers"
Q Jun 2013
I've devised a little plan
To create a family
Of the people I believe
I can let grow close to me
I'd like to be their sun
As they'll be my skies
And when one of us is hurting
We'll hold them as they cry
We will be the most loving
The most caring family
And my goal is selfless
It begun solely for me
Q Jun 2013
So to all of my followers
Welcome to poem seventy eight
(If I counted right)
Then this may be a bit late...

But thank you for your support
Thanks for the reviews
Thanks for putting up
With my melancholy BS
When I'm feeling a bit blue

Thanks for all those likes
And thanks for all those shares
Thanks for making me feel
Like, "Hey, someone cares"

Thanks for all those messages
Thanks for trusting me enough
To send me a little message
Thanks for that trust

Thanks for every view
Thanks for everything
And, god, I never thought
I'd get this far with this poetry thing

Thanks for all the compliments
That make me strut around and preen
That make me giggle as I smile
(No, seriously, I gloat every single time I'm trending)

So, yeah, you guys are my success
And I'm nowhere near through
To the wind beneath my wings
This is a big, heartfelt "Thank You!"
I love you guys, thank you so much :D
Q Jun 2013
I wanted to write
A poem about you
But I couldn't find anything
Catchy enough that describes
What you do to me.

You come and go
Like the ocean waves
And if I try to stand
Still, safe within your grasp,
You wash away the ground
And leave me stumbling and falling

You control me
Like the owner controls the dog
You beckon and I run
You call and I'm there
And I'm so eager to please
That I'll never realize that you, indeed, own me

You love me
Like the female angler fish loves the male
I'm not much more to you
Than a bag of blood and organs
Ready to be eclipsed by all you are
Forgotten and fading

You raise me
Your hands push me to the sky
And I can feel the weight of the atmosphere
And I've never felt so right
Until your hands disappear and I remember
We are quite wrong.

You smile for me
But you hate me
You cherish me
But you can't stand to see my face
And I always seem to forget
When you come back
Just why you left in the first place.
Q Jun 2013
I swore I'd be clean
I swore I'd be classy
I swore I'd do everything right
And I paid triple for everything that
I ever did wrong.
So I can have a little leeway, yes?
I can dabble in what I've paid for
I don't plan on doing to much.
But, then again,
I said the same thing last time.
Q Jun 2013
We've written volumes
In blood and scars and ink
We've told a million stories
Thought a million things
We've lived some hundred lives
Laughed our faces pink
And we did all just because,
Mischievous little minx

Imagine if you'd never spoken
Never showed me who you are
Imagine if you'd been quiet
And never helped me with wolf lore
(I'm grateful, by the way)
Imagine if you hadn't stayed
Then imagine how you did
And then reach out to feel me
Because I'm not leaving
And neither are you
We've got humor and care
(And your pain-******* hoodoo)
So when we get old
We'll smile and think
And reread the volumes we wrote
In blood and scars and ink
This poem was written for notthequiettype's fanfiction on Ao3. It was a wonderful read, thank you.
Q Jun 2013
There's a king inside this girl
And yes, he rules the world
I named him and hid him away
But we all know he'll emerge someday
I go places where no one knows my face
And bind my chest away
I define my face like a man
And walk around, just cuz' I can
I dress in classy punk style
And my authority is felt for miles
Seas of people part to give me room
And I feel my confidence bloom
I hold all the power in the world
And they've no clue I'm a girl

"Mama, mama, come quick!
There's a king inside the girl!
He's got power and you can feel it
He's got strength to rock this world
Papa, papa, run fast!
This is something you've gotta see"
And you can bet that's what they'll be saying
When I reveal the king in me
So I do drag sometimes. No biggie. This poem is basically how on top of the world I feel as my persona.
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