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Pushing Daisies May 2014
I wish I was more,
than a second thought,
If a thought at all.

I wish I was more,
Than a safety net,
To catch you if you fall.

I wish you'd care,
Even though,
I'm always there.

I wish you'd understand,
Take your place,
And hold my hand.

I wish I was more,
than a second thought,
If a thought at all.

I wish you'd notice me,
But instead,
I feel so small.
I am just a second thought,
If a thought at all .
Pushing Daisies Apr 2014
How could I forget,
The timid flower buds,
That bloom late spring,
And fill the plain meadows,
With a vibrancy of colour.

How could I forget,
To pluck one wilting stem,
From the blackest earth,
And keep it trapped,
Between my thumb,
And forefinger.

How could I forget,
To tear off the fragile petals,
And sing to myself,
As if I was still a child,
A song that allowed,
Not even fractured belief.

How could I forget,
*He loves me not.
Pushing Daisies Apr 2014
You say "I'm an open book",
But you're as closed as your eyes.
Trapped inside your sleepless slumber,
It came to me as no surprise.
Pushing Daisies Apr 2014
I am alone,
Like a structureless prose,
A dark waste of space,
A wilting rose.

I am alive,
But they'd rather I die,
Buried deep underground,
Never to be found.
Adapted lyrics
Pushing Daisies Apr 2014
I cannot,
Soar through the air,
And fly freely,
Across the thermal,

My outstretched hands
Cannot delve into,
The rain clouds,
And disperse,
The ever growing,
Fractals of grey.

Water droplets,
Causing my skin,
To concave.
Leaving me limp,
Exceedingly fragile.
My bones,
Crumbling under,
The pressure.

It's as if,
I am your paper plane,
Left lying,
In the murky,
Puddle water.

*Daunghting realms,
Of forgetful delight,
Causing me,
Too all but,
Pushing Daisies Apr 2014
You can't hold the torrent,
Of salty water,

You can't keep it all,
Locked up,

You can't stop the hidden,
Tides from,

You can't think,
So let go,
*Just cry.
Pushing Daisies Apr 2014
Can you run,
Your softened fingers,
Along the outskirts,
Of my brittle bones.

Push them down,
Until they jut out,
And pierce through,
My cracking skin.

Can you hold,
My head under,
The murky depts,
Of darkened water.

Sew my bleeding,
Lips together,
And make sure,
I cannot breathe.
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