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961 · Feb 2018
Tinder Poetry Dump
Giuseppe Stokes Feb 2018

Polly she was a psych major,
But minds she couldn't read. Page
her instead
with words in your stead.
And her beauty you'll get engage(r).


Courtney and whiskey and game of thrones,
Tyrion's wisdom satsifies jones,
The dragon so epic,
But White Walker get it,
While visually feasting on bones.


Georgia a mess,
White hair from the stress
Her beauty sublime
Pausing time no contest.


Rachel abate chu,
you know that I couldn't
For weirdness is awesomeness; serene.
Now who wouldn't appreciate
deviate from our normality
Plus gin is for winning
a truth known unanimously.


Wilhelmine sublime in her majesty,
At the helm for intersectionality
Butler'd be proud
Preferred pronouns abound,
(And **** what kind of band are you rad in b?)


Selene full of sugar,
What music dya cover?
(I mean if it ain't free form jazz,
It can't lack razzmatazz)


Nassem with beret and flowers,
Entrancing, enchanting for hours,
The men did all swoon
For no finer a tune,
Their blakcouts a sign of her powers.


Tanya does shine,
and **** ya so fine,
Entwine our being
in blissful combine?


Denise pretty sweet ****** her thumb
the saliva like juices of plum
She'd still **** it now
If she'd stuck with the how
Instead all her coolness undone.


Kate so great,
And gin drink elate,
Dya wonder bowt cool stuff?
Or leave it to fate...


Felicia appresh ur adventure (I do)
A coolness some people should start to accrue
It feels your speal will carry enjoyment
What spoils you foiled like Gandalf's endorsement?


Rachel is boring?
A fact left adorning,
Conversations a **** up
For ****** who are stuck,
I'm sure you're a truth worth adoring


Ilydia sublime in all of her glory
But without a bio, she's lacking a story


Caoimhe relieve ya with tales of Kirk
But Picard is the ****** she'd rather you ****,
A sailor mouthed hoodlum
beguiling with *****
that'd harbour a vegan inert ;) ;)


Annabel, man her well
into her *******?
Sneaking round farmer's fields
down for some... snogging...


Kathrin, laughin with wind in her face,
Riding her gas powerer car every place,
Her lectures a feature of questions renowned,
Or else you can find her with face fraught (not sound!)


Gabby her sense of humour is dark,
A chicken who's picking the losers apart,
Some rabbits who slumber by her majesty,
With floppy ears, carrots, and cuddles of glee....
617 · Jan 2018
Thumb Wars
Giuseppe Stokes Jan 2018
See, once many moons ago,
by a single solit'ry sun,
I met a cat nominated Liam,
and above him was his thumb,

Twas a good thumb,
twas the best thumb,
unspun the skin cells were silkest
and yet, when reassembled,
not that ilk. It's (Whaaaaaat?)

She was a tough and callous blemish
that he'd relish, totally cherish
'till he'd perish, (not embellished
tales true, but tails lie)

and Lasquisha for all her balance
and her posture
all her talents
Gideon knot who'll accost ya, with her roster's
Fox'd-ya-got-cha talons

This Liam was a good old cat
a tabby cat, not big and black,
but orange, mangy, super slack
deranged, estranged and caged in slack

with slipper feet, and coddled back,
he sat in chair that lazy sack
and when the doorbell called his track
he shirked the effort needed, whack!

Lashquisha, see, she was another
met our cat before this brother
Set her sights on not a smother
but, acknowledged rites of other.

So lashquisha with her sight so true
and thumb eluding tyrants skew
so set about to be anew
not thumb or (k)not, nor nails too,

and that was where I'd met these two
well first the cat and then the shoe
for sock was never needed, who
would hide themselves from their own view?

Lashquisha when I met that thumb
surprised not I by glove of fun
and ***, and *****, layered un-
derneath the figure Liam strum.

See Liam knew his thumb so well
he knew the thumb twas not a shell
that caged the angry men that fell
to clipping when their partners tell.

For thumb a partner never is
unless like me you've ****** the quiz
and ended up a pointless shiv
in side of angry hornets nest.

And rest assured the thumbs annointed
given by their partners pointed
comments feeling slightly daunted
by need to act their best.

Attest they do the thumbs that chew
And unrest is left by plough and brew
But then again a thumb are you?
And me, and we, and I?
So tru....
Oh what a wonderful boy am i, am i!
With a thumb in a plumb and a glean in mi eye
I twist and I turn dramatic and sly
and **** on my thumb, for some plumb juice I spy
586 · Oct 2017
When the Sun took a day off
Giuseppe Stokes Oct 2017
When the sun took a day off and the moon stood still
the clouds between them sought each other out for the deal, for real ya feel,
And when that scattered cache of semiotic deepness caught the speal,
it descended in it's gutter thoughts to slander sandy meal.

For if the sun had crashed and burned beyond Ra's power of affect,
it's Das EFX who've got to worry 'bowt that water at their neck;
For when dependent on the flowing of a deeper sense of being
we-in seeing fleeting selves diminish sprecht to dense ennui-ing.

Now the sun, my little homie, fudged right up the garden path,
and left that voyeuristic moon to mock eroded sand, and crass
his laugh a glutton's guttural injection, direct unto the scene.
It sounded callous, sounded violent, sounded object-able-y mean,

but yet the philanderers of flour, and the sorcerers of sauce,
course quite dour in this hour of recourse without remorse
rhetorting 'power captures power, and ostentious is the source'
the sun had forced my force to cower, not devour but endorse.

And so I showered in the grave held views of people passing by
as each took turn to point the lack of sun to my permissing eye,
dismissing why my thought might not rely on their own petty voice.
Rejoice I did when Moon knocked twice on mic, and made that awesome choice:

(he said)

"In stead I sit, ponder, perceive, provok-atate
'preventive' measures that you floundering and feeble fools debate;
I see expletive ridden arguments in punch ups cross the land
and yet the verbal aspect of your balk, is missing today's stand;

So all you shedy modes of being that eek discretely underneath
you better sort your petty shed out, before you compound with this wreath,
and let me warn you with this warning, yo I spoke to him (the Sun),
and he claims to think you slimey fudgers need a day to come undone.

gasps Come undone? gasps Undone? gasps you know that can't be fun!
And yet that Sun would shun his lesser selves to grasp at morbid stun,
and stun us all, beyond an instant, or an instance, with persistence.
No embellishment is needed, for we needed Sun to seeded

up this planet, without ballot, from the other heaven voices;
Now our choice's left our solar system's mother no rejoices,
and so the male figured mother (our gender knows eternal truth)
has chosen to reside with nether thoughts, and nihilistic proof,

He's like a ****** little teenager, reading up on Nietzche
who beseech ya for some aphoristic pleasure, please! Discreet ya
be when dealing with this kind of mess, solipsism can spread
and dread the narcissistic modes of thinking it can sole entread.

So don't equate power to will, and set to truthful being.
Or I'll hawk you out as wasted breath, some 02 needing freeing,
staining up the wall, that phishing contest,'ll never hold your thought
to any standard, 'cause my standard flies inside your whiny fort.

Banded meaning will not help you, claiming relativity too,
just makes you seem to be someone who seeks to level off the crew,
perhaps it aids you in allowing yourself certainty of fact
because if universal truth is true, your opinions deffo whack."

Then the mic was dropped, so by the moon, plummeting towards the earth
and the winds picked up the fast track run of rappers of every single birth.
Without rehearse they ran to grab the mic, and unified their form
but alas the mic was Toronto wide, and burning like the Sun.
Inspired by 'Freestyle Fellowship's: When the Sun took a day off and the Moon stood still'.
500 · Sep 2016
Come November
Giuseppe Stokes Sep 2016
So November's Come,
Hazy leaves deck the trees;
Rotten ****** wrecked the sprecht,
gotta please, gotta tease.
Cotton crusted smile
took the style while spine dumb;
Freeze as whacks churn
spurned, danced to the crime hum.
Early squeeze amidst blitzed spritz, dark romancing,
prancing picket line fum-
bled; Ambled twixt crowds antsing.
Glazed, took prior avenue
espoused culture tazed/
Fazed, ascends erased hub,
Dire mazed/Liar snubbed;
Nah crowd sourced: after-shock stancing/
Corp core flexed waves/paves vexed glancing,
Dropped four, floor to score, music cull en(c)hancing.
Enchantingly out of touch; Butchered lemming dancing.

Rupturous rapturing gospel takes all:
Sports neck line with wreck wine drenched via stall,
Appalling, talling tower looms abroad
Broad took shin dig as grin, fling; swig accord.
Objectified Subject, with verb kept in tow
flits through the fine lines, and cracks in the snow.

Noticed grave shadows, slow; ravens attest
a'Gig'a'Sibling invested in scoping, and chest;
Blooming bioluminescence scatters down/
Frothy broth fairly broiled. Scorn fawning Noun/
Habit forming, tarnished, ab(d)jectified malt-core
Verby? Nun-thank-you-muchly, Mary Mag-dolla store.

.... So November's Come,
Clubbed, stepped and altared.
Brushed away the dark hype
crowd mic check faltered.
Dastardly respite. Psyche.
Planted positively preened
nature:societal fiend
crept crudely, rudely James Deaned.
Pants 'cocked, stewed, steamed',
Megalithic mount gleaned
as posture postulates
cost you fate, spate-spoke-stake, ****-rate
vibrate denatured, protein plucked feud
fueled larger sense of afterlife tense imbued.
Spotted shortly crossèd portly,
tautly tossed courtly cost,
'nawt'ly flossed' possed thoughtly;
Sportly Mossed Kate washed
scene brimmed/beamed/loved
'Leaned' fussed. Trussed team musk/
Stock puppet power-aid, raid's pretty husk.
****** sidekicks show side slicks, stuck chiming bitty.
Flickering afterdark lark glistens, gritty-city-fitty.
Bought distorted Faster Mark, Narc acrossed shark,
passed past the Rasta Park, embarked'n'stashed arc.

Dark the dreams that crept to the fallen gate/
dazzled gems and hellish rhinestones irk fate.
Grated joy, plated coyly, then doff broke;      
spoke symphony of fattened tire/wire frame joke;
Took twisted lyre, choir, to tame my europa,
maybz next time a better luck'n'fly my eloper,
clucky chickens plucked/fussed/cussed, a fitting trend,
Spare parts missing neural heart; a plasticated end.
413 · Oct 2016
High Digger
Giuseppe Stokes Oct 2016
The being-within forbode as it drifted, departing deluded in deluge distraught.

The being-without forbidding and driving; touched upon timeless, eternal and taught.

The being-unbeckoned unbeknownst in its slumber; moved within, moved without, shored up and sluice.

The being-untowards interred intermittently; inauthenticly stood at the precipice gorged.
406 · Dec 2017
Giuseppe Stokes Dec 2017
The figure moved; "let by gones be by gones
n'all" called the other reaching for gun.
Shadow flashed, eyes witnessed unsong;
"bound soul flitting shade bound, n'all!" gun sung.
As the bank clerk accosted sought shelter,
the barrelled void looked on with glee. Happy?
What a time to shine we've a belter,
and I'll betch ya bare presents from me.
Animate beings the devils in deets
Replete we so are and we suffer.
In-animacy, the terms quite discreet,
and our ignorance hampers our buffer.
For guns everywhere, unloading despair,
pushing and crushing; the barrels grim stare.
Giuseppe Stokes Sep 2016
Enter discreetly, and proceed to take a pew;
Artsy fartsy culture camo lines the wall
like morning dew. A raptured window
sits atop a glazing gall, enthralling all;
As fetished hook propels, sinks in and pulls you through.

Decked obsequis with dire strands of self set, alight;
Mixing murmers; Churning, gurning grunts and groans,
stoking sight. Essence blossoms
effervescently, into warbled drone;
Symphony of souls, atoned, erupting, blood accrued might.

Dark set eyes behind the counter, counts another crop;
Foppish foolery as skin set sore adored
by boorish mop; Head of hair
aligned, entwined, principle annulled but ******;
Evoked Muse's invocation, released enormous slop adored.

Finally a noise devoid of touch, howls reified;
Chair despair sets into tumbled, mumbled call,
plea defied. Shoddy surgeon's hand
demands, gropes alleyway to shadowed hall,
Sits abreast infernal mechanites for deified brawl.

Creeping shadows come'a'peeping, Uncle Tom'a'weeping wonder,
blunders through the choice of sticky sheen
Resists the proper plunder. Whirring warrior
begins assault on castles primly stoked for seen;
Seams amended, blackened blood serene provoking chunder stream.

Followed Zeitgeist back to Black. Slow daunter back to blue;
Repairs conceptions of the Self within the mirror visored stew;
Anew the reckonings of where and why, Oh how freshly do they die
As left to see another in thyself, and loudly to decry:
Decry the aspects of bad health, no longer put upon the shelf
Stealthy pox and watermarks depart to leave aesthetic wealth;
Dealt in depths and crepts of cunning folk behind the trademarked lens
Obssessed with visibility, maneuvures us towards our end(s).
397 · Oct 2016
A Tale et tu Barnz?
Giuseppe Stokes Oct 2016
Alas fair Barns, draped b'twixt gilded gold,
sat on underground for riches untold.
Defense of the Nation'list he began
While scorning folks faces glazed'n'deadpan;
Fair Barns did muster up afearful roar
He'd told it once, Now he'd tell it once more:
Since the dawn of us, in modest abode
Have suffered missed hours, suffered plans unsowed
These pesky tube drivers, hath goest to
The deep pits of Hades, not yonder blue!
The storm he musterd set Aeneas to flight
As river of Tiberius sowed sweet delight.
The sybilline wisdom he did doth bear
Got him kicked off, without said recompence fare.
An inverted Petrarchan sonnet about a guy who hates the Proletariat
361 · Dec 2017
The Blurb
Giuseppe Stokes Dec 2017
Some say the sonnets a dead form ¦ on yellowed pages and booklets torn,
Pentarchy shed and slain, replaced ¦ by memes I'm bicc, dat boi, he based

In synaptic pools, and neural spools, ¦ with cool *** claws, and digital jewels;
we set as one, booked up our sole ¦ while tindr/grindr take their toll

On sultry pages cast to withered dust ¦ while leaves left golden crust,
the muttered lines unbound escape ¦ to Tengri's starry 'voided gape

I think I am, I am I think, ¦ with wink and shirk and nod and drink
and cough, we splutter NoStros verse ¦ as fiery Gaia suffers curse

But then again, who are but we? ¦ a single sound, a drop in sea,
a dangling solace sharp in key, ¦ a lonesome sold for wired fee

When finally, undone we are ¦ our freedom sold, our chains bizzarre;
I'm caught between two planes that part ¦ a Second Life, and First (too dark)

So when again we sit and talk ¦ and fill the space with idle balk;
I'll notice parts of you I've missed ¦ and seek a comfort long dismissed

So when again we meet and stray ¦ to thoughts of hidden brevity;
I'm happy knowing it's just me ¦ Unhappiness my major key.

So finally, I'll try again ¦ to feel the pain, the roots and then
Pretty Pimpin? Scrimpin' life amock¦ Sat at home with screen and sock.
An experiment de-structuring stanza and flow
356 · Jul 2019
A lost 'O'de
Giuseppe Stokes Jul 2019
I remember the T.T on the front screen tv,
I remember the wooden table outside, with perched prose inscribed
I remember knocking myself out on the door ****, **** that I am adorned.
The video games
Plastered on the monitor
Excessive violence on demand.
I remember Sunday lunches
And the soggy Yorkshire pudding bases
And the ham, bear shaped and broken out from plastic cages on demand.

I remember the late nights playing board games,
The laughter cacophony ensuing
The vivid images and 3D activity represented on the big wooden table top purview,
I can't remember what the tabletop looks like...                       A shame

I remember sitting in the car unable to breathe,
I remember the recycled oxygen,
The time we nearly died on the roundabout,
The times we looked at air rifle paraphernalia.
The times we smiled together.

The arguments,
And conversations,
The silence

And sleep...
And questioning glares everytime I asked permission to make myself a drink
The awkwardness
The times we walked to the corner shop

Or took a drive somewhere or someplace,
The time I picked flowers and got a bollocking
The skin that felt empty and conceited.

The blooded scratch marks hidden under sleeves,
The scratching, allergies,
Dripping noses, headaches,
The mass of energy in front of me.
The unconscious predispositions,
The illness that came every morning,
The return home to certainty
And mostly the fluctuating sense of existential ambiguity.

The times we went on holiday and flooded the car with gear,
I remember the constant uneasiness,
The commentaries that rounded every corner

The time you turned yellow,
The overwhelming desire for love,
I remember the attempts to connect
The feelings of rejection and isolation
The awkwardness.
And love,
And memories that die with me.

I remember you daily, live you eternally,
I find myself caught in a web spun,
And thus
I try not to remember you
Too much.

I apologise for these thoughts,
But not to you,
But to the others I love,
Whom it may hurt.
331 · Aug 2017
Trimble Sonnet 1
Giuseppe Stokes Aug 2017
Long has passed since through fate we came to meet
Beneath the heavens, the stars, and the planets.
And now soon the ends of our times does fleet
Requiem wherein our couplings unbalanced.
Piercing blade that tore my features apart
darts pin ***** marks across my memories
whilst storing shadows of our shared accost
of ancient games, loving acts, treasuries
revealed, yet not taken wholly true
for whomst amongst us claims omnipotence?
Impotently I strain to stay anew
with you, and disregard the consequence.
Alas, nawt we gain in our steadfast embrace
Yet still I yearn to steady your stoic case.
305 · Dec 2017
Poignant Gala
Giuseppe Stokes Dec 2017
Frosty stares match withered trees; fallen leaves
deck cobbled floors and faces. Coffee cups
lick fur-lined fingers, shirking morning freeze.
The wooden gala poignant porters sup
their taste of morning revel. Flocking geese
set down to bristle 'gainst stone steps. Scattered
voices pool by slumbering streams, each fleece
a dot of pride and presence. The battered
boats are drawn out from their silent dreaming,
lined along the cusp; left to bob. Voyagers
teeming take their seat 'midst shivers; scheming
paddles mutter threats in slurful rages.
The coldest figure takes to stand with gun,
takes aim, takes breath, McHammering fun.
293 · Dec 2017
Pretty Pimpin'
Giuseppe Stokes Dec 2017
I awoke, got up this morn'
to gliding dark and haunted fawn,
and sketchy shimmering plane apart
with pearl outline, obsequis art,

The thoughts so settled neatly
as the whisky rocks so clattered under,
liquid golden cast asunder
dreams a little left of field.

Hands unbidden wrecked the wire rack
as bottles, glasses, gems and jars went smack
bang, marble floor;
glass shards 'dorning feat of gore

The two step shuffle took it's slice
of cake, reward for shattered life.
Dot's of stars and bloodshot eyes
set fort between the panel skies

Strawb'ry field nestleds 'tween
columns cold with sterile sheen,
A bowl of sickly sustenance
pauses lips and throat and reachs, tense,
the guts below so dense
as substance grows and grows intents

the pitted stone I feel,
and stone in pit I reel
as anxious feelings stick,
Sick in mind, and mind so sick
The green gobbed gremlin
fear and trembling.
Just one of those mornings
287 · Aug 2017
Trimble Sonnet 3
Giuseppe Stokes Aug 2017
A lightning flash strikes a tiny instant
and steals away all of space and time;
to take home, stash behind a pixel front
Until the giants of our future dine.
I've seen behind the block faced screen, I've seen
writing etched deep within it's hollowed tomb.
I've seen the gaze it gives to shoddy points,
b'fore encasing them deep within it's womb.
I've seen skilled mage's touch upon a truth,
cancel that which seeks complete corruption,
flitter between the space unreal and sooth
and rescue us from our own destruction.
And yet when I marvel on it's sculpted face,
I notice a lust for power, raw and base.
260 · Sep 2016
Forever (a)Void(ed)
Giuseppe Stokes Sep 2016
Abysmal; shirking fame.
Everyone stares;
Yet no-one cares.
Giuseppe Stokes Feb 2018
Tiger Tiger, burning bright,
sat b’twixt a ghoulish plight.
Will it scupper? Will it sow?
Will it flash amidst the snow?

Born a’time a’lost in wonder,
Plundered foolish lines a sunder;
Hot cross buns peer and sigh,
For Tiger Tiger caught their eye.

Louie Louie what d’ya do?
Made a mess with peep and view.
Did they ask? Did they beg?
Why’d ya need to flash third leg?

Seems to me, “just jokes and fun”
is man’s excuse for crime of stun,
For Louie Louie, clutching stick,
Will he exposed? (well obvs if *****).
251 · Dec 2017
Giuseppe Stokes Dec 2017
The outline of a figure too true to know
takes seat 'cross the matchstick table we share.
The moment ceases, all time sits unsown;
deepness gathers in her blossoming stare.
Your eyes, two pools of jewel encrusted light
sat amidst shim'ring crystalline jungle,
speak of hours lost divinating slight
changes, amazing observer of sigil.
To lose all time, a feat not hard done,
when lost in space of thing so absolute
in being, seeing beauty so weaves stun,
lost for words or thoughts this poet "astute".
To be honest, your looks shattered Troy's great walls,
But your intellect? wheeeew That gave God blue *****.
I apologise for the ending.
241 · Dec 2017
Booked Up
Giuseppe Stokes Dec 2017
A scope so empyreal; bittersweet
nibbles adorn a morning spent in glee.
Gaze sublime drifts across burnt butts, a feat
enchanting drapes silken cloths tranquilly.
Loving breaths allude to electric surges
sweeping 'cross the woven rug. Tingles
bode impulses. Distance great submerg-ed.
Raw they meet, two ravenous bilinguals -
(amidst a sea of lost verbs, nouns and dots)
- ecstatic buzz b'tween conjuncted sentence.
Arcs dispensed oxford commas settling hot,
to touch, and temper, without repentence.
Holistic breaths unknot. Forgotten time
slumbers by bedside; voyeuring divine.
216 · Dec 2017
Giuseppe Stokes Dec 2017
The first unwanted intervention
came without a prior mention;
flashing lights and screaming child
so entered world of pain yet "styled"

Second came as group emerged
from pub with dutch's courage served
they said "don't smoke away your pain"
although their substance use should shame

The third, by friend, was uttered next
"Don't say their liquid courage hexed
attempt. They needed substance too
for pain their intervention brew"

The fourth I found much later still
in irony of other's swill
It's easier to put the blame
and not attempt to help the swain.

So finally I'm left to see
hypocrisy in you and me
For friends attempts to lift my heart
missed obvious, thus act departs
215 · Feb 2018
What a Cnut!
Giuseppe Stokes Feb 2018
What a Cnut! (13)

Lazy river bends twist through ages past.
scoring dark foreboding lines between the course
and curse. Forgotten pits, tombs long and vast
bear pain. This sufferance an ancient source
behind whose name, Ozymandias, who?
Forgotten one, with statuette and dust;
With little plot of land presenting; cue
besotted fans and weeping stands and rust
-ed crimson stains. Pyramids worn and sunned.
Grizzled maws gnaw foxholes. Anxious shadows
creep, kettling the dreams of untold freedom
long since sold. The sons of emp-ires fade.
Mocking wizened worries and wet laird Cnut,
who knocking heads with entropy slumbers cut.
211 · Aug 2017
Trimble Sonnet 2
Giuseppe Stokes Aug 2017
T begins your name, and tort'rous you are
tempestuous the sea we jointly sail.
R for rapt'rous effect, some say bizarre,
that follows mightily your awesome trail.
I for one am dumbstruck, nay confounded,
when your head attracts so many a gaze.
M'rose, I am, yet when your stars abound
light work you make of our shared lab'rous maze.
B'tween the times of action that we share
i sit and wonder of a future told
L shaped the beacon that I light, despair
reaches in, I fear acts so truly bold,
Emancipated I would be but still,
the shaft that lights my heart escapes my will.
209 · Jan 2018
Starry Eyed
Giuseppe Stokes Jan 2018
Tender Moon high above,
Sat amidst the clouds with love.
How to find a starry path
With nothing but a shard of glass.
208 · Jan 2019
Happy piəce
Giuseppe Stokes Jan 2019
Today I found my happy place
is seeing my head succumbing to pressure,
finding itself displaced
from not the event,
or indeed my need for protection,
but from the simple fact of
continuing to be
before again retreating;
Receeding into peace.
207 · Dec 2017
Giuseppe Stokes Dec 2017
Welcome to the house of the insomniac-ee
where we bake our poultry by the clock's stroke of three.
See you might think it's a metaphor
and golly gosh that'd be better, More
the chicken locked and kettled, ******
for finger lickin,
Plath to stickin',
oven stricken' spree.
185 · Feb 2018
The Limber-Bricks
Giuseppe Stokes Feb 2018
The Limber-Bricks

There once was a booklet of verse,
so city it needed a hearse,
The pages were scraps,
The rage felt encaps-
sulated a need to rehearse.

That tattered old booklet was found
Down-trodden, brow-beaten, aground
the gutter drain oceans;
With sewagic potions.
How much better it was does astound!

How many more? The crowds asked upset.
But the booklet with droplets did sprecht:
Is there any for topsy?
Or scurvy? You’ve got me!
It’s lyrical typhoid instead!
179 · Feb 2018
I'm One of Those....
Giuseppe Stokes Feb 2018
I’m one of those, who’se:
Written more books than they’ve read;
sad face emoji.

I’m one of those, who’se:
Gazed upon sublime being;
Without my glasses.

I’m one of those, who’se:
Voice of choir of truth and glee;
Tongue swallowed and dumb.

I’m one of those, who’se:
Sat between a road’s dark fork;
Cursing Hughes that @*?%!

I’m one of those, who’se:
Uncaged wit, exhumed IQ;
Erm, well, yeah sometimes.

I’m one of those, who’se:
Chilled a polar bears toe nails;
And am so, so, kalt.
175 · Jan 2018
Giuseppe Stokes Jan 2018
Stood amidst the doorway between the space and thyme,
I take a footstep forward but defaced I hit recline.
I splutter out some digits, but the fidgit spinning twine
weaves a sombre little shudder,
and the building says declined.
166 · Jan 2019
Beautiful Insanity
Giuseppe Stokes Jan 2019
It is my illness: to find heaven in you.
Each time you move by my side I find
myself feeling electricity accrue,
my fingers wishing to coil, enshrined
in a loving eternal prayer. Breaths
leave your lips, condensation incites quick
steps, eclipsing the patterns of thought left
to lovingly crumble in your wake. Trick-
-les of fire burn each time you pause to think,
or rhetort, or shift your tongue, I am caught
between the need to stay true to our brink,
or to fall into you; lost forever. Naught
seems comparable to your divine form,
and left am I living a life left shorn.
166 · Jan 2019
A Beautiful Flower
Giuseppe Stokes Jan 2019
Each solitary breath falls wasted.
A lost wisp of a second spent without;
Each intake lacking the sublime. Basted
in the fact of your non-being, and doubt.
Fears of missing you rise and fall. A bind,
to taste sweet heaven in your presence,
but be without you, would leave the god's blind.
My dreams are shadowed by your sleek essence,
you, the Ferdinand to my heart's tempest.
Each step you take fractures my vision, bliss
ripples carry across my anxious breaths,
to reside in your pooling beauty. Wishes
of an eternity with you are all
I hope for before the universe's fall.
157 · Jan 2018
Giuseppe Stokes Jan 2018
I remember my dreams
they bleed through the walls,
with alarming speed and gall,

crimson criticism; they wilt and sag
dragging bio-cycle bands to the floor
wall paper tapering between me

and my dreams,

and a spark,

the troubled trickle trail blazed meets its maker

I remember my dreams
and they my mistakes

Either way a dead fish gutted in the see,

I remember my dreams
and they me.
138 · Dec 2020
Morning Song
Giuseppe Stokes Dec 2020
Your voice is the light of my morning
I wait for you love without warning
to feel your warmth
like the star guiding north
is the course of the universe dawning.
138 · Dec 2020
Sonnet 141
Giuseppe Stokes Dec 2020
Coincidence makes sense only with you:
Each time your vision beholds my mind falls
eschewed. Grounded as cascades of the new
intensify shadows surrounding gall.
Wight wrought thoughts call, haunted emblems intrude;
fractured gleams of beamed brilliance retreat
to beats of swallows and groans. Sighs accrued
collide with entombed chaos in demise;
searing bright flashes amidst seascapes dark,
burn wounds cauterise heart murmers. Aris-
ing proffers perplex vexed-descending arc;
Sweating palms, butterfly flutters, deplete,
or so it's wished, sketched by movements sublime;
shimmering waterfall pooling divine.
128 · Dec 2020
Derived Sonnet
Giuseppe Stokes Dec 2020
Soft footsteps catch stones touch.
First to death: cold clammy crutches
flow underneath. Lent support sundered;
sowing last few breaths. Deafening thunders
storm from heaven's sent.

Lost last shrugs of heart's pace,
pursed lips rock hard, bending to face
throes of ******; bleeding heart beckons
growing perjured shock. Reckoning threatens
dorment gods heeding.

Blue river out of sight
carries shorn west, leading sapped might
to calmer nest. Broken vestments rinsed,
cleaned by a pricked thorn, form adorned by glimpse
of sublime's spoken.

Crystal streams twinkling
Dazzled dreams bring tears;
Blissful moods sprinkling
soulful's dance through spheres.
A - - - - - E
B - G - - - - E
C - - - H - - - F
C - - - G - - - - F
D - - - H
A - - - - - I
B - K - - - - I
C - - - L - - - J
C - - - K - - - - J
D - - - L
- - - - - - M
- - O - - - - N
- - - - P - - - M
- - - - O - - - - N
- - - - P
Q - - - R
- - - - S
Q - - - R
- - - - S
127 · Dec 2020
Lazy Daze
Giuseppe Stokes Dec 2020
warm presence entwined in slow movements
hair brushing in idle amusement,
a breath tracing time
as it rolls put sublime,
and enshrines in divinely formed fusions.
126 · Dec 2020
Last Leaf Tango
Giuseppe Stokes Dec 2020
Beneath blue swept skies,
where the sunset dies,
and the black flocks score winds fall,

Where the orange red wings
of the dead birds singe,
and the gem stones scorch and call,

Mustered hoofbeats rise,
Scuttled whims devise,
banded battles broker ball,

Tiny steps
clipping skips of stones,
final breaths stripping
souls from thrones.
the one that's a riff on Ikue Azasaki OBOKORI

— The End —