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171 · Jul 2017
Letter 103
Pitch Hiker Jul 2017
I hope you're listening tonight and in case this is the first time you're hearing me I talk to you almost every night I've been trying to picture heaven I'm trying to picture it's skies and it's rivers I bet the scene is fulfilling  it leaves me restless not knowing I did well this year in soccer not so much in school but I know you see why I feel your presence when I'm on the field or in the circle or in the court when I'm sitting in my room as my world resets itself from all I have had to take and I feel your arms around me and a hug when I Feel defeated I feel you with me when I try to run out the sadness of you not being here I feel your full breath in the wind and I feel you catch me when I let go it's not easy for me to go on like the world is still round and moving in full orbit  it feels pretty flat and still from where I'm standing in a series of twists and turns it becomes a whirlwind a breathless whirlwind all my paper letters burn because I have never known what to say  and on the day you left I was 7:50 instead of getting to tell you what you were or who you were I hope your cold still hand and I told the shell of you that you are truly my best friend it's not often when you look at someone on the complete opposite end of the spectrum from you that instantly connect in those days I will never forget because you taught me beautiful simplicity Anyway no other Ever would or could I always expected you to be around I expected to see you at my graduation it was a long lasting exaggeration and a dead hope now buried so deep in the ground I can't believe it ever lived I hadn't known down that first hand until I met life and you are the one who shaped me not by lecturing me or by trying to give me all of your lessons before you left but with your  watery blue eyes  and your enlightened smile as if there were thousands of reasons you were doing so you've taught me to try to do the same but what you had was effortless it's with years of practice and work and trust and faith but now to show people happiness it's effortless  and that will last me forever I'm just glad I got to spend a little bit of my time with you even if it were the end of yours
171 · Aug 2017
Sun In The Circles
Pitch Hiker Aug 2017
Like a machine I draw circles
On my ceiling
Pretending each one is a sun
Suns of different ages and sizes
Suns that help to show me the light
They are my way of letting the light in
Because all there is behind my
Curtains is a walk
A blank empty
Teasing wall
That speaks of my desires
To break out from the dark
The dark best described
By trying to climb up a steep
Mountain of loose sand
Every step you fall further
Down till you've hit the quick sand
That drown the hopeful hikers
Drowning out their sound full dreams
And kills their fighting chance
Have you ever looked for the sun
In drawn circles on your ceiling?
169 · Sep 2017
Hey Brain
Pitch Hiker Sep 2017
Hey brain
Can you tell my heart
That I'm so proud of it
Can you tell it thank you
That I'm amazed by everything it can do
I'm alive because of what it can do
Thank it for beating always
Thank it for pumping blood through my body constantly
Thank you for the love you fill yourself with
When I feel cold and hate scratching at my skin
Hey can you tell it to take it easy
That it doesn't need to race every time
My nerves go up
Let it know that it doesn't need to love
So much
That it's ok to love a lot but not too much
Save some for itself
Let it know I'm thankful it hasn't given up
On me yet
Thank you for the ability to recognize
My heart
167 · Mar 2021
Chief Crazy Horse
Pitch Hiker Mar 2021
Chief Crazy Horse fought for his people.

He fought for the land that had been stolen from him,

The wildlife killed simply so that they could not have it,

And for accessory.

He explained how they didn't want or need their civilization,

That their great spirit intended them to live by the hunt.

They wished to live as their fathers before them lived,

To make the most out of life

To live and love.

To hunt and gather.

To create and build.

Crazy Horse now stands above the blood-stained land.

His words fall on ears that are glued to the sound of money,

He in unrewarded for his honor and left without a home.

He can only hope the white man will change their ways,

That they might hear his people cry, and they cry too.
167 · Jan 2018
The Book Known As Me
Pitch Hiker Jan 2018
Oh so you know me
All because I told you I
Was an open book
Sorry pal
You don’t know me
You haven’t yet read me
You can’t skip pages
Because I don’t make sense
Ever so skipping is like
Never reading me
You don’t know me
Because I have no ending yet
If you can’t start and continue
Put me on the shelf
Never take a second look
Because when you let me open
I will read in to you
I will read the words written
In your eyes
I’ll connect  with you
I will discover your habits
And listen to what your body posture
Tells me
I may not have the best introduction
But my story is not meant to be
It is no routine
It’s everything about me and the people
Who formed me
So come open me up
Come and read my lonely pages
167 · Jul 2017
Dancing Eyes
Pitch Hiker Jul 2017
We aren't taught to see
The pain behind someone smile
Or taught to realize that their smile is fake
We are not taught to read between the lines
And read someone's tear dampened eyes
I was not taught to drive someone's dampened eyes
I was taught hate
And to be the cause of ones dampened
But I dream not of the days that I make
Someone's eyes damp
I rather dream of making them dance
166 · Mar 2018
Time to Open
Pitch Hiker Mar 2018
I’m tired of closing myself off to the world
I’m tired of saying bye before I’ve
Even said hi
I’m tired of shaking hands with people I’ll never make eye contact with again
So welcome in
If you like
I would like you to be apart of my life
It may not be an amusement park
But I’m a big clown for you to laugh at
When you need to laugh
It rains and it snows here
But not all the time
Welcome, this is my life
So predictable but I’ll always take you by surprise
I’m a contradiction within a contradiction
You don’t have to figure me out
I’m not a math problem
And my value does not need to be found
I’m not a poem
I don’t rhyme or fit right
Don’t use metaphors to describe me
Because a metaphor can’t explain me
So welcome to my life
Watch your step
And always be kind
My doors are open for a short amount of time
The only problem you will face is how to keep them open
When I’m ready for closing
166 · Mar 2021
How To Be A Human
Pitch Hiker Mar 2021
One, do not fear to make mistakes. Mistakes are lessons, and in every lesson, there is something worth learning.

Two, live for yourself. Do not simply live to be the pleaser of all people but live to be the person you know to be the best version of you, no fake smile or white lie will suffice.

Three, Remain open. Open to new ideas, to new religions, to no religions, to all people and to all people of all backgrounds, the worst thing you can do is to sabotage yourself of wonder and strong connections simply because you believe in one thing and one thing only, because people who are different are bad, and because new ideas are wrong.

Four, know that you won’t always be pretty, remember that beauty comes internally and as a human good days come and they go, just as we can count on the sun to return in the morning after it has set for the night. Accidents happen and when they do, we only need to get up, brush off the dirt, and move forward. Our scars will heal, and we will become stronger from our ordeals.
Imitation Poetry "How To Be A Person" Shane Koyczan
166 · Jun 2018
Pitch Hiker Jun 2018
This is it
I understand now
Its conformity
I'm conforming
Emptiness is filling me
Because I'm forming to the con
I'm doing the con of forming
For what reason am I throwing
Away all that's unique about me
Is it that I no longer realize
The importance of the things
That make me unique
Is it because its easier than trying
To fight the conformist
Than to hold on to my beliefs
And my values
Ctrl z
Undo what's been done to me
Undo this doing that's been
Welcomed in by me
I wish to no longer behold the curse
Of conformity
For this I will look to
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I'll look to Henry Davis Thereou
And their transindentalist beliefs
This is how I will make myself
164 · May 2018
Things I Need To Say
Pitch Hiker May 2018
Turn your face to me
These are things
You can't say over the phone
You can't comprehend my courage
Through a text
I refuse to say this while looking away
Because every word I say
Are things my heart wants you to know
Are true
We met like two movie characters do
All it took was you to feel confident
Where would we be
If you never called me pretty
If I chose not to dance
Or you didn't like the way I danced
Cliché's are beautiful when you mean them
So know your words are beautiful if you mean them
You have made these monsters
That I have been fighting
Disperse and become oblivion
Things that scare me
Don't seem so scary
I trust you to make these fears
Apart of my history
And die with the past
My thinking is over thought
But I think the world of you
And all your idiosyncrasy's
Because their something phenomenal
And perpetual
Hypnotizing and promising
Tackling life with you
Sounds like a good plan to me
If your in we can really feel free
That is what you and you alone
Mean to me
So when I hold your hand
Give you a hug
Im doing it to express
The feelings my heart feels
When I neglect to do these its not because
I don't feel those things
I just need to think
Clear and clean my thoughts
So my feelings are not contaminated
With negative ones
You are radical and I have become
Your biggest fan
162 · Apr 2018
Writing Someone a Poem
Pitch Hiker Apr 2018
Writing someone a poem
Isn’t just telling them how you feel
Writing them a poem
Is giving them your feelings
To inspect and admire
To comprehend what’s going on
In your head when you look at them
Your not simly sharing
What’s on your mind
Your sharing the things
Your heart sees and
The things your brain is trying to process
Writing a poem for someone
Isn’t just a little thing
It’s a big thing
Because it’s taking the time
To decipher the messages your
Heart beat sends out
And put it into words
Sometime this isn’t always possible
Sometimes there are no words that
Describe your feelings
That is beautiful
Don’t get frustrated
Writing a poem for someone
Really special is hard
Your not only giving them the keys
To all the doors you keep
But your trusting they will value
What they find when they open
Your doors
So when I write you a poem
It’s not something from the bottom
Of my heart
It’s something that tingles
In my finger tips
Something that dances in my belly
And makes it hard to breathe
Poetry is not always accepted
But it’s always a beautiful language
That comes from the things that make you
The desire to confess the things within
That explain the things you do
Is a beauty that can never be stolen
From you
161 · Jul 2017
Encouraged My Fears
Pitch Hiker Jul 2017
Do I really rest in his heart
he speaks the words that I do
But does he just want something out of me
Can I not please him without being physical
Or is that to little
Is he like every other guy
Or is he different
I cry to the stars that he wants me for my heart
But I have learned that not much comes from hope
He doesn’t believe in it either
Or at least thats what he told me
I see love in his eyes
And I feel the pain in mine
Falling down my face
He knows Im scared
And wants to do what ever he can
To rid me of that fear.
But nothing works
His methods make my fears worse
His hands make me feel secure
Until he becomes inpatient
And I cry and he leaves
He wanted to "fix" me
But I think Im to far broken
161 · Jul 2017
Fishing For My Monsters
Pitch Hiker Jul 2017
When I was so sad
I couldn't be alone
It was late
And you had to leave
My part of our home
You live up stairs
2 floors
But you said you would
On the fifth floor in the stair way
We sat
You casted your fishing line
Down my throat trying to catch the
Hungry monsters eating at my heart
One by one they bit
Some took longer than others
Some stayed and camouflaged
So you wouldn't know they were
Still there
A pile of flippery mess
Slips down your throat
Your hook ******
You got sad secrets out of me
Just to indanger your own heart
My monsters are scared of you
Every time I think your name they
Are willing to stop eating at my heart
Ending up on the third floor
Laying on the floor my head on your chest
You told me it was okay
I felt it I felt the words you were saying
The instant you said them
And our monsters fled us
Your the peace I've needed
In a chaotic way
160 · Feb 2018
Self Destruct
Pitch Hiker Feb 2018
I always think this when I sit
Next to you in class
But I never say anything other than
Thanks or no problem
Something you would say to a stranger
But your not a stranger
No one in this room is a stranger to me
But still I exchange no words
The girl behind me to the left
Used to play jump rope with me
Way back in elementary
Her new best friend was in my
Gymnastics class when
The coolest thing we learned to do
Was to walk across a balance beam
And not fall a skill us 6 year olds
Had down to a science
Despite our time spent together
We could never have a conversation
I witnessed people growing up around me
When I already understood
When adults say you will wish you were
At 10 I already did
At 16 I know the different worlds
I have no experience in
But already understand their concepts
And I see where’d there’s meaning
Stitched between fabrics
But I will never know why these worlds
Function the way they do
Why is a humans best invention
The self destruct button
Why does it work so well
My answer
Because when all attempts at our goal
Fail we wish for not anyone to see
What our failure has made of us
So we make a fancy red button
Label it “warning, self destruct button.”
“Do not push”
Suddenly people are enchanted
By the dare
And seeing the destruction
Causes pleasure to their innmost
Desire for complete collapse
Because that looks like something
Has been accomplished
159 · Jan 2018
New Year New Lesson
Pitch Hiker Jan 2018
This year ******!
Nothing good came of 2017
That’s what their saying
And it’s said with every passing year
Yes bad things happened
Worlds were built to collapse
And be built again
Not abandoned and left to rot
Think of everything your
Ending the year with
Like walking into an arcade
Experiencing all the different obstacles
To get each prize your starting 2018 with
Maybe you fought
But you were taught
A lot
You will continue to learn
Even when you refuse to accept
You will and have made friends
That walk with you
Hand in had
For better or for worse
2017 is just a year all it does is
Measure time
Not your life with in that amount of time
You have about 100 of them
Don’t make every year something bad
When so much good was done
In each one
159 · Jan 2019
Pitch Hiker Jan 2019
The worst part
Is that
I break
My own heart
When I fear
Someone else will
159 · Aug 2018
In My Head
Pitch Hiker Aug 2018
I don't know how to understand my thoughts
So maybe if I write them in a funny way
They may start to make sense
Maybe they will paint a crooked picture
At least its a picture
I just need something to comprehend
I must make a list
I don't have the time to keep track of all my thoughts
Nor the memory span to remember to think
Of a thought I thought I would think of later
And the moments past
I don't know what I was going to think of next
I need a thought calendar
Because this will waste me away to nothingness
And I will become nothing
In a matter of seconds
See I'm already nothing
When you look at me
You are seeing an empty shell
Hollow like words you say
I lack meaning
I lack purpose
I think of all the things
I could be
And I'm best at being nobody
I'm best at not existing
I wish that were an option
I'm not happy
I don't know how to be
It's making me crazy
I thought I was starting to fit into peoples puzzles
But they were just bending me
Till I was no longer meant to create a bigger picture
159 · Jul 2017
Pitch Hiker Jul 2017
Dear journal
If traveling has taught me anything
It's that no matter where you go
People won't accept you
People don't tend to change
State to state
I guess I figured that out to late
But it's ok
We are having a great time
But my mind won't stop from blurry windows
To closed eye lids
My mind won't stop moving
But it's ok I like it that way
It keeps bad things off my mind
And I need that from time to time
We climbed a hill today
It was pretty big
It was pretty fun
I learned a lot about limits
And how people bestow you with them
Miles of mounains and hills
The gold mine and more
It was everything meant to be amazing
Acccept me standing in the middle of it all
155 · Oct 2017
Pitch Hiker Oct 2017
I will bite my tongue
Rather than explaining
Your flaws
Because you would continue
To look through me
And ignore my attempts to better the team
I will take a bullet to the heart
Before ever mentioning your ignorance
Or revealing your arrogance
You have shown me my goal was pointless
You have taught me that to meet your standards
I was never going to be good enough
Well I have had the opportunity to be coached
By real coaches
And taught to play real soccer
Im sorry to say you have taught me Childs play
And forgery of the most cultural sport in the world
You disgrace the term soccer coach
Im quite disappointed in you all
But despite my pure dislike of you
I will sign your thank you cards
With a thank you for the lesson and
155 · Jan 2018
Pitch Hiker Jan 2018
Stepping through some
Amazing portal
That takes you to some
Completely amazing place
Where you are someone completely
Your name stays the same
But you become invincible
A place where you are granted super
Powers like no other
Adrenaline rushing nonstop
With 4 other people against 5
And you guys are ready to face
The world
Your ready to take on any opponent
Who threatens your world
Only because you love the battle
By stepping on the court
I’m stepping through my portal
Sometimes we walk away defeated
But always walk away champions
The game of futsal
154 · Jan 2018
Sin Masks
Pitch Hiker Jan 2018
As I ran toward the dark
It was nothing but a void
As I entered I could see
Like I was granted with night vision
Objects took form
I saw there were no monsters
It wasn’t so scary
As my time drew to an end  
I reentered the light
And saw everyone was wearing mask
Scary mask
With words across the forehead
And more
I hurried home to find my family
To see what became of their faces
The house looked normal
Though the air felt heavy
I entered into my house of 12 years
Instantly wanting to retreat
First entering my room
Finding my brothers
Flat on their backs on the floor
Trying to remove the mask to look at them
I couldn’t pull them off
The evil smiles mocked me
As if I were hoping to see the person I thought I knew
The way I knew them
They were not who they appeared
Their faces masked what really lie inside
I looked to my mirror
What I saw was who I really was
This side of me that now cover my face
Is who I really am
The word across my forehead
Stabbed my heart and forced against all of my morals
This word read....
Pitch Hiker Oct 2017
Dear Cancer,
I would like to start
By telling you,
That you are evil.
I hope your full of self hate,
Because you are ugly.
You are ruthless and mean.
The perfect killing machine.
You took my best friend
And tried to take my mother
Your eating away another
And I am mad.
I am tired of crying every night
Or getting mad at others because I am constantly
Reminded of what you have done
You have taken many people
And species
I don't want you to take any more.
Im guessing you've never had a friend
Because you have only ever forced your way into having a relationship.
No one ever asked for your presence
Not even your existence
So I am telling you now
Stop living as a monster under the skin
And show your self clearly.
Stop infecting hearts!
And lungs! And breast! And tongues!
Bones!  And brains!
Stop playing these games!
Because tho I have never had you myself
I feel your pry I ask myself why
Do you **** and leave others to die
Why do we deserve you?
We may be beast but you are a monster
And continue to do them
But you honestly teach us nothing.
154 · Oct 2017
Written In Blood #542
Pitch Hiker Oct 2017
The blood stained story
Is written in ones lonely tears
It speaks of all her engrossed fears
Over her lost years
That fell to her sorrow
She was scared of people
Not strangers or men with guns
But people as their everyday self
The people that hide behind elephant hide
That use me like a guide
They have lied
As if a lie were written in black and white
As if truth were so bright
Then maybe she might
Find a new way to take flight
And soar upon the night
As if she were that light
She is weighed down by good intentions
Train stations filled with the drought of love
And way
So many have lost their way
Just as she has
A sad blood written story
But stabbed with truth
It seems more satisfying
Than terrifying
She doesn't know what she is saying
In this sick game we've been playing
153 · Mar 2021
War Of The Brave
Pitch Hiker Mar 2021
It was a calm, quiet day,

However, the tribe knew

It was one of their last.

It was the last sunrise they watched,

Before their tribe was pillaged.

The last time they would smile and laugh together,

Before they were ***** and slaughtered.

Peace was far from an option with the white man.

They pleaded and fought for the right to exist,

But it was not enough.

Now they must fight like the white men.

They must take up the ways of torture done to them,

In efforts to end the raids, the pillaging, the ******.

They fought for their families, their freedom.

Their children, their culture. They fought for love,

And honor and peace. They were denied all of these things.

This man losing his family fights for them.

He gives his life in the hope others can live on.

His horse bound to him and weak,

He witnesses friends die,

And soon he himself will perish,

In the name of progress.
another for class
153 · Jul 2017
Hand Held Heart
Pitch Hiker Jul 2017
There's pieces of me
Lost just about everywhere
I go
And in everyone
I meet
They might not know it
But I'm there
My room is full of broken glass
From all the times I brought home
Broken hearts that were poured into
My hands like lava
Burning through
But they were only decoys
People only wanted attention
They kept their feelings aside
And now this is where I reside
Because  amongst all these
Broken heart pieces
Lay mine
My decoy hearts all used up
All emotion forced into my single
Real heart
Which imploded
Since the things I felt weren't
Visible enough to make an explosion
They were growing
But just like the stars
They couldn't handle the mass
And  collapsed
And that was that
The end of my hand held heart
152 · Jul 2017
Pitch Hiker Jul 2017
The rain it's falling like all my hopeless
Attempts  to be happy
Each drop is a dissembled dream
By the time it splashes n the ground
I've been trying to take in as many as I can
Thinking that catching them
On my tongue
Will save the ones I can catch
Though my attempts are true
Third journeys are still felt leaving me
Each drop rolling down my face
Crashing on to my skin
Like cold glass
So many so fast their gone
None last
They remind me that it's good to feel
That negligence comes from ignorance
And that there's no way to be happy
If I let my sense of feel go
151 · Mar 2021
If We Were Planets
Pitch Hiker Mar 2021
If we were all planets,

You would be the sun,

And I would be Mercury.

Cycling around you 360 degrees,

Eager to exemplify my

Dedication to your gravity.

I would say one thousand good mornings,

And one thousand good nights,

In the time it takes the earth to make,

One full rotation around your flame.


We are not all planets.

And you are not the sun.

I am not Mercury.

And I cannot tell you

One thousand good mornings,

And one thousand good nights,

In the time it takes earth to make

One full trip around the sun

With a gravity, we are too small to even notice


If we were all planets

You would be the sun.
149 · Oct 2017
Failed Attempt #505
Pitch Hiker Oct 2017
I would love to show the world
All my thoughts
Hopes and dreams
I would love to show people the world
But everything becomes invisible
And my voice silent
As I get criticized
And written over as a failed attempt
Not even being remembered by history
But the people I want to reach out to most
Are the ones with the most cement in their heads
And have the wrong kind of ears
I thought maybe in a couple years
But I have waited to long
To even care
149 · May 2018
Can't Be Honest Sometimes
Pitch Hiker May 2018
I just planned on quitting
I readied myself to give up
I thought about killing myself
I was ready 
With each step climbing down the tree
I begged to slip
Or a branch to break
Stepping on all the thin and dead ones
But non broke
So I climbed it again and jumped 
I thought I was dead
I wanted to be dead
I didn’t feel anything
Not even cold
I think I was asleep because it was getting
Dark when I awoke
I left in the a.m.
I wasn’t dead
It wasn’t my time to die
Other wise I would be
I couldn’t get up for awhile
My back sore with little sticks stuck in me
My head started to pound
I couldn’t keep my eyes open
Sound started to come back
But all I could hear was the soft water
The world maintaining its grace
During my act of ungracefulness
My hands looked bleached
I couldn’t feel
I got to my feet
Started my walk home
Recollected what I had done
What happened
And laughed
Its not my time to die
So Im no longer quitting
I don’t wish to give up
And Ive got to make up a hella good story
When I walk through the door
I know it would ****
If I were honest
So I will speak only of my
That always works
147 · Apr 2018
Hills and Tomorrow
Pitch Hiker Apr 2018
Driving by the same rolling hills
Everyday I wonder what’s on
The other side
Are there just more hills
Or is there something hiding
That’s how I feel about tomorrow’s
Their like rolling hills
You don’t see the end of
Until you get there
147 · Feb 2018
The Course of Our Lives
Pitch Hiker Feb 2018
Life is influenced very easily
Everyday is a series of intersections
Interactions with new people
Change your course within seconds
Simply by smiling at you
My life was changed by a strangers tears
That inevitably led to the flood of mine
Just by having met someone for an hour
Led me to take new roads
Teaching me to make my own
With no signs to guide you
You seem to always be lost
Its scary
No turn feels right
When you think your lost
But whatever turn you take
May it lead you to greater things
Or worse
It was still the right choice
Sometimes you will have accidents
Thats ok because it just means your human
There will be times where we are going too fast
All you have to do is take your foot off the gas
Slow down
Even stop if you need to
There are times we run out of gas
It will be alright
Someone will have extra to carry you
To the nearest station
There are also times when our cars don't start
This is when it is ok
To say your not ok
It won't last very long
Someone will give you a jumpstart
They'll need your help
So don't lose hope
Your heart will start running again
And it will know where to go
Whether your brain knows it or not
You will never have a single set destination
Always you will keep moving
And changing directions
This is the course of our lives
146 · May 2018
The Thoughts I Think
Pitch Hiker May 2018
I wish I had a type writer
Or scribe in my head
Something to document all the thinks
I thought
I mean all the thoughts I think
So I would never have to remember
A think that once was thought
So many things I wish I could say
With no way to organize them
I need filing cabinets for each thought
I ever think
With the click of a search button
I will visualize my thoughts and feelings
Checking over for spelling mistakes
Making sure everything is the way its suppose to be
I wish I had a type writer
Or scribe in my brain
To keep track of all the silly things
That I think I thought
So when Im old, lonesome, and
Half the soul I am today
I will have those documents
To keep me full
145 · Oct 2017
2:30 In The Morning
Pitch Hiker Oct 2017
She loves the world at 2:30 in
The morning
One thing people have yet to ruin
For her
Wandering streets she cannot recognize
Without the decoding powers from daylight
Sometimes she walks
Sometimes she runs
Sometimes she bikes
Other times she does her dance
Because it is dark
And eyes can not locate her
Never resting figure
And judge her inability to dance
At 2:30 in the morning she's high in a tree
Nearly asleep watching the stars
Begging for a star to follow her stare
And fall
Finally watching the sun rise around 4
Through 5
But 2:30 is when the world holds her hand
And tells her she is not alone
144 · Aug 2019
Just be Nice
Pitch Hiker Aug 2019
Yesterday I told my eight-year-old niece
To be a flower
If someone knocks you down
Grow back stronger
If someone calls you ugly
Call them beautiful
As you shine in your own
Beauty and self-worth
You will continue to bloom
And you may help them grow
I told her to smile at those who taunt her
They will be defeated by your bright eyes
Just always remember to be nice
Because nice is what everyone is looking for
When they aren't pretending anymore
143 · May 2018
Think Again
Pitch Hiker May 2018
Don't think That Im just some sad story
Sitting in the second seat
From the front of the bus
Im not a tortured artist
Expelling beauty from my mind
Or in graceful actions
That is a life style I wasn't destined for
Greatness is something I strive for
I have goals
However sometimes
I convince myself how impossible
They are to accomplish
When I get ****** into this
Tornado madness
I lock into my safe house
In that safe house
Is memories of me
Breaking through all the goals I set
Achieving the things most people
Thought I could and would never do
I stop the storm from tearing apart my hopes
And from destroying my dreams
I find a drop of faith
I use it to water my tree
That tree grows and grows
It blossoms
It becomes what others thought it would never be
It was called a ****
It became the tallest tree that the world
Has ever seen
Never forgetting its roots
141 · Aug 2017
Sleeping Sharp Edges
Pitch Hiker Aug 2017
Sitting in my room
It's kinda hard not to notice the words
On the walls
Surrounding your every glance
Singing around your head
Though they are there
I cant bring myself to read many of them
I started the journalism of the things
Inside of me that stabbed through my
Skin tearing apart my body
Just to get out
I know how I felt
In those times when I never thought
That they would fully leave me
That I'd be stuck with these
Sharp ridged edges inside me
For as long as eternity
I just can't look back at them
Like opening the door to the darkness
That  awaits just outside
Except that my violent shadows
Aren't on the outside trying to get in
They exist on the inside
Nesting and occasionally festering
I dare not wake them
So I turn off my light
So I risk not accidentally reading
Covering my window so sunlight
Won't betray me
I sit in dark silence
Singing my sharp edges to rest
I cannot welcome them
To breakfast in bed
I will not let myself feel that way
Ever again
141 · Sep 2017
Did I Write?
Pitch Hiker Sep 2017
You were wondering if I wrote a poem
In which I did
But I'll choose to hide
Until you least expect it
I've written a few
But I will keep them kept from you
Until I know they apply
When you read them you will know why
You being 1000 miles away
Means I can speak my mind
And not suffer consequence
Still I fear of judgement
You yourself a writer
You yourself a poet
Who has his struggles
Who meets dead ends
Knows of the journey made by words
So let that be the journey
And see where it goes
140 · Sep 2017
Little Lady Bug
Pitch Hiker Sep 2017
Hi little lady bug
Sitting on my shoulder
Your presence brings me joy
And luck follows your stride
I hope your enjoying the ride
Little lady bug
Sitting on my shoulder
What is life worth to you?
How do you live out your moments?
Do you laugh?
Do you know how to cry
When nothing is alright?
Little lady bug
Do you know your songs
Little lady bug do you know what you symbolize?
Little lady bug
Sitting on the babies shoulder
Do you know the land your standing on
Do you know why the sun rises and sets?
Do you know why it rains
And why it pours
Do you know why the seasons change?
And how we are involved?
How have you evolved?
How will you change?
To continue living hour little lady bug life
137 · Jul 2017
The Team We Once Were
Pitch Hiker Jul 2017
Scrolling has never been
Something I do
Blanking out is also new
I've always been aware
Always making good use of my time
Now I've lost myself
Losing my sense of wonder
Has left my hands holding on
To nothing but sand
Every grain pouring through my fingures
My goals are just figures
In the distance that's accelerates
Away from me and my main stream
My determination
Passion will and I were once
A dream team
Covered the most ground in the least
Amount of time
We left our opponents in the dust
But at the end of every game
No matter what went down
Shook hands with them
Our pride left on the field
Our palms connect as a thank you
For the challenge
That was a great thing to be
But my members left me
One by one till it was just me
And passion
137 · Jul 2017
On Top Of It
Pitch Hiker Jul 2017
Though we have never stood
On the highest point on earth
I feel like we've climbed to the top
And back down again
More times than I can count
We find these places
That we want to keep to ourselves
But have the need to share the experience
I never needed company till now
Emptiness burrows through my
Flesh and bones
In and out of my veins
Till I bleed out in hundreds of
Different places
Loniness catches my gazes
And fills my eyes with sights
That burn through to my mind
Leaving an imprint that takes up my Memory card
But I still remember
Smiling faces in slow motion laughing
Never remembering why
We are laughing in the first place
But it's ok as long as I remember your
Face it's ok
You will be missed
135 · Aug 2017
Journal Entry 1
Pitch Hiker Aug 2017
Jeez I'm a sad story
Not really
But maybe
One of many
Maybe similar to others
But you haven't seen
A story like mine
(End of journal entry)
134 · Mar 2021
You Still Don't Know
Pitch Hiker Mar 2021
You didn’t know this.

But I wanted to quit

Every single day

That your attempts

At making me uncomfortable,

They worked.

That your gearing


And angry yelling

Scared me.

That every time

I was bodied to the ground,

I wanted to give up.

That every time

I failed to keep up

It was just another reason.

You didn’t know this,

Because I never wanted

You to know

You were winning.


I didn’t let you.

And now,

We can stand

Side by side,

And call each other.

134 · Jan 2019
To Be Held
Pitch Hiker Jan 2019
I feel less kind
I care but I can't show it
Because I am angry all the time
This anger isolates
As I close my gates
I have been trying to reach out
But you just play that song
"I still wanna break your heart and make you cry"
You don't know why
And I don't know why I want so badly
To be held
I want to be your protector
But will you be mine
I want to be your lover
But will you love me
I want to hold your hand
But will you hold mine
I'm not into this whole love scene
But I have given you the stage
Because you mean something
To me
Please don't go on to steal the show
Don't break the pieces of my heart that
I have given you
Just to make a point
Please just hold me in a hug
So I will no longer be an island lost
Beneath the sea
131 · Oct 2020
I Want
Pitch Hiker Oct 2020
I want you to love me
The way that you loved me
When we first met
I want you to be as interested in me
The way you were when you were chasing me
I want you to see me the way you did when you
Would call me beautiful
I want you to walk me to class the way you used to
And the way that you'd walk all the way over
Just to walk me back
I want us to be together in the way we used
To be together
130 · Mar 2019
Pitch Hiker Mar 2019
I do not have pockets full of sunshine
To counter the rain and thunder you throw at me
I do not have a place to hide when you summon
The tears from a dark place I tried to keep hidden
Emotionless was the shell you spoke to me with
When I spoke of my sadness you responded
With okay
Leaving me with the puddles of pain
And the headache of heartbreak
As I remind myself I allowed myself
To let you make a fool of the love I have for you
128 · Jan 2019
Don't Cry
Pitch Hiker Jan 2019
Like a dam my pride holds back my tears
Until the pressure builds
And I am forced to cry
My pride is not strong enough
To hold back my feelings
123 · Sep 2017
Real Coach
Pitch Hiker Sep 2017
I've got big ideas
I've got elaborate plans
I've got determination
For an entire team
I've got things to work on
I've got skills to improve
I've got passion that ignited years ago
Has never gone out and burns brighter
I've got game smarts
I've got strategy
I've got fire
Maximum desire
And you take your hose
And contain all that I have
You deprive the team
Of the development they could have
You deprive me of leadership
You deprive yourself of a chance
To become soccer smart
Your not real soccer coaches
There's a difference between
Soccer coaches and school soccer coaches
Soccer coaches know the sport
They live and breath the sport
It's just your second job
All you care about is the win
Your selfish and unkind
I hope you learn what it's like to
Be a real coach one day
But your chances are slim
And it's very unlikely
122 · Sep 2017
Not Who You See
Pitch Hiker Sep 2017
I am not who you see
Or you would describe me
As passionate
Or limit breaking
I am not who you see
Im undeserving
Or embarrassing
So why am I on your team
I am not who you see
Or you would notice my drive
I am not who you see
Or you would feel the intensity
I carry with me like a backpack
But when I put on my red jacket
You will be seeing me
When I put on my red jacket
You will awe at my passion
You will watch me break limits
Over and over again till the limits are
When I put on my red jacket
You will see Im more than deserving
That by underestimating me you are only
Embarrassing yourself
Want to know why Im playing for your team
Because I love what I do
I love it to the point where I let arrogance speak at me
And scuffle past me
When I put on my red jacket
You will notice my drive for the game
You will feel my intensity to its full capacity
Because that red jacket is a symbol
Of what I can accomplish
Its a symbol that someone sees my ability as
That jacket will tell you that I have learned a lot
It will show you that I belong to a greater team
Who you could never compare to
Sorry that thats not who you see
121 · Aug 2017
You Don't Live In My Memory
Pitch Hiker Aug 2017
I don't remember you
Faces leave my memory
Just as they leave my sight
I don't think I know you
I probably did but the past only
Counts as that
If I knew you I don't know you
I don't archive conversation well
So I didn't know we already covered
Those topics
Hey I'm gonna go
I don't know you
Or what your talking about
And I won't remember this
So bye stranger in the past
Sorry that that's all you will be
120 · Dec 2018
Pitch Hiker Dec 2018
My mind goes unguided
It follows my heart blindly
Accepting the consequences later
My body, when I allow it
Will follow my heart as well
When it does
I come face to face with a potential
That hides below my surface
Mostly going untouched
As it watches me go about passionately
But lacking
As if I were a puzzle whose pieces
Became an afternoon snack to a begging
Or lost to the unknown just beneath the furniture
And when found, thrown away
Because who knows where it goes?
My heart doesn’t speak to me
It just acts
It aches over nearly everything
From this I only find anger
The messages sent to my brain
Are in a foreign language
I haven’t been taught to decipher
I listen to waterfalls
And watch trees dance
And hills roll
I developed this feeling
From somewhere deep
In my rabbit hole
I sense all of my emotions
But I cannot locate where they are
Nor what decisions they are making
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