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Viola Feb 2016
I am just trying to tell myself
That you're no good for mental health
But I cant seem to make up my mind
If you'll hurt me or I'll be fine
Buying time trying for peace of mind
Who is we, who are you? Who the **** am I and what should I do? I can not decide!
I am trying to say something, at least I tried.
Viola Nov 2015
When you were just a babe,
They took you far away,
They cut your hair and sent you there
with boots much too big for your feet.
I still remember the november you returned with the title you had earned
You were so young, full of life and pride.
That was before the strife began
Before Iraq, Iran, or Afghanistan.
You were different then.
When the day came that I finally saw your face, I rejoiced that you had came back from that awful place.
But in your eyes I could see that a part of you would always be so very far away.
I would have told you not to go if I had anyway to know that though you would stay alive a part of you would never survive.
Viola Feb 2016
Give yourself what you want or suffer for not
Viola Aug 2015
Our educational system is not serving our disadvantaged communities.

Public schools are funded by their respective communities' income because the taxpayers are responsible for helping provide money for schools.

This means that areas with low income are receiving less funding.

Without this funding, the schools are unable to hire more educators resulting in larger class sizes. The educators are also left with less funding for educational resources such as text books and supplemental materials. Extra curricular activities get cut completely.

These schools in disenfranchised low income communities are performing worse across the board and because of this their funding is being cut drastically.

We need educatiomal reform.
Viola Apr 2020
I know you’re swimming in the black pools of your dilated pupils deep down

Where the forest met the ocean tides in your irises in which I would drown

My bloodshot brown eyes must have looked like Martian terrain in an astral plane
Always in outer space

Now I look in the mirror and remember the pain and anger of your face

But I see amber and sienna orbs
clear as day as I was molded in the clay you once prayed to take shape

I couldn’t sympathize in my disheveled state
But now I relate on another level and it’s something I hate to know all to well how you felt

But if your eyes can recognize mine
I want you to recover
Please get help my lover
Addiction and codependency are awful. Trauma needs to be addressed and healed otherwise you can create a toxic environment for your partner and vise versa. If you or someone you love need help with addiction please reach out. Half of the battle is breaking the silence. The shame is isolating and can be a great deterrent in a world that stigmatizes those who use. However addiction isn’t a choice and at the end of the day we are all susceptible to the disease regardless of race, religion, or socio economical factors. Please know there is hope and a fulfilling future ahead. You can recover.
Viola Jan 2016
It is not as though you don't love me anymore,
I know you never did.
But who am I to blame you?
As if we have ever known what love is.
You say I am yours and you are mine,
But the truth is that we are only wasting time.
So take my body, take my mind.
But I don't belong to you
And I never will
Quite honestly that is just how I feel.
Viola Oct 2018
I have a wandering mind
It goes asunder at times
I pine over pitiless thoughts
I ought not to think
I become distraught
And I begin to sink
Deeper and deeper
Plummeting down
In the darkest muddiest murkiest
Of waters I begin to drown
But I realize that I am only in a puddle
And I begin my ascension
You see my anxiety transports me to another dimension
Where puddles are lakes and oceans
And I am incapable of controlling my emotions
Viola Nov 2015
To type black ideas onto a white screen,
Not hoping for a single word to be seen or heard,
But wanting to fill in the voids where my knowledge may lack,
With the intention to give what I will learn back.

Perhaps it is no good trying to be understood
So it is my plan to try and understand.
I will face this cold world with stoic grace
And I will make my spirit a warm place
To share with those who may have lost thier ways.
Viola Dec 2015
Be kind today,
Make life the way
It ought to be,
for you and me.
We are here
We are free.
As long as you will be you,
and I will be me.
We are free!
Viola Oct 2017
One August day
I took your ring
You took mine
We lit a candle
We stopped time
Tear filled eyes
stares of disbelief
I still can't believe
that you chose me
Viola Nov 2018
To be myself
Without a care
Of who will judge
Or who will stare
To love my skin
When it's bare
Just to be free
And acutely aware
Letting go
Of others perceptions
But opening up
To all connections
Viola Feb 2018
It is not pressure
it is a vibration
It is a sensation
It is a conscience
Tension and elasticity
Protons and electricity
of the nerves
Vibrations rhythm emitting impulse
Just a heart beating to the pulse
And my mind finding words
It is thinking
It is feeling
It is living
It is life
Living itself
Is God
By having life
The breath of conciousness
The multiverse
All that is infinitely unfathomable
The unknown
We are one with the waves of the infinite because we are a frequency we are static we are a whisper of what is to be created with divinity through glory and I am simply living my own choose your own adventure story
Viola May 2020
With war there is no peace
With peace there is no war
With fear there is no hope
With hope there is no fear
With evil there is no good
With good there is no evil
With hate there is no love
With love there is no hate
Viola Dec 2018
There are times I certainly don't feel good enough.
But my lap is optimal for my cat or my husband's legs to drape over.
I keep a store functional and performing adequately.
I answer the phone and provide reassurance to whomever may need it.
I am someone who is thought of in merriment.
My family has vested me with keys to their homes just in case.
Strangers can count on me to hold the door for them.
I know that I can handle whatever is asked of me.
I am good enough for them, so I should be good enough for me.
Viola Aug 2018
I sat down with my pen and pad
Imagining the life I wish I could have had
Funny thing is the details were all the same
And a smile spread across my face
And you were to blame
Viola Jun 2018
I don't always write right
Sometimes I write wrong
It helps me right wrong
Viola Aug 2017
It is cold outside
Most hearts are frozen
We are the ones left
The others have chosen
There is a wall being built
To keep them out
But we are here inside without
Where there was a torch
Now there are pitchforks
And people who shout
Get out get out
People once devout
Saying love thy neighbor
Are saying they can't take our labor
Never have I seen my country
Rally with such hate
All the voices I hear
And I can't relate
I am not afraid
I am not angry
But I haven't heard
A single word that makes sense
When his supporters
Give defense
Build walls on the border
Order them home
But an America without different cultures
Is an America alone
United we stand
Divided we fall
But this division
Is leaving no one at all
Let the immigrants be
Help the refugees
For we were once
Searching for liberty
But there's no justice
Just us
Watching America get sold
It is exactly like a time of old
Where it mattered if your eyes were brown or blue
I look around and say no it can't be true
But yes, yes, it could be you.

— The End —