I prayed before I went to sleep and as I lay down I began to dream. I was taken from my bed to another world. I stood before the heavenly gates and I saw light streaming in. I looked and I could see each word and deed that was being said and done. Then I saw God on his throne and I was not able to speak, he simply smiled at me. I saw the streams of light coming before him, then I saw you sitting with your family. I saw darkness waiting outside your door, but you were safe inside. I then saw myself kneeling by my bedside. I looked around you and angels were all about. My heart broke with joy you see. Though you didn't know who I was, because I saw you had a need. I remembered you in my prayers and God showed me that he heard. As I woke from my sleep, I fell back on my knees and in the quiet hour of the night, I prayed for you again.